5 years agoBeehive and Varroa Inspection - PT 1 of 2 : Deciding whether to treat for Varroa mites or not.Bug Farmer Beekeeping
5 years agoBeehive and Varroa Inspection - PT 2 of 2 looking for Varroa. Robbing #varroa #beehiveinspectionBug Farmer Beekeeping
4 years agoANT WARS | Queen Evacuates! Keep ants from NUC - Resource Hive under attack! - Ants in BeehiveBug Farmer Beekeeping
5 years agoRobbed Out - Orange hive is in crisis. Continual robbing since the split. Hanging by a thread.Bug Farmer Beekeeping
5 years agoRED DAWN - Bees Attack. Following a string of bad decisions the RED hive delivers a warning.Bug Farmer Beekeeping
9 months agoMen Are The Workers Of The Species - A Psychopath's Guide To Enlightenment with Blair BlackA Psychopath's Guide To Enlightenment
4 years agoRED DAWN - Bees Attack. Following a string of bad decisions the RED hive delivers a warning.Bug Farmer Beekeeping
4 years agoHow-To Fix A Weak Hive - Bee Infusion -- Adding bees to the Orange hive and hoping they stay.Bug Farmer Beekeeping
5 years agoBeehive Feeding: Comparing Sugar Syrup, Honey, and sugar with anise. Feeding and robbing.Bug Farmer Beekeeping
4 years agoFAMINE: The Cupboards Are Bare : Feeding beehives for winter preparation. Feed bees sugar syrup.Bug Farmer Beekeeping
5 years agoFind The Queen - Complete hive inspection of all four hives and a fresh bucket of syrup for each.Bug Farmer Beekeeping