Men Are The Workers Of The Species - A Psychopath's Guide To Enlightenment with Blair Black

8 months ago

The original social order is a completely natural phenomenon and what people refer to as “the patriarchy” is nothing more than an organic expression of nature. Do you really think we’re doing this? Do you really think we want to live this way? working ourselves to death for ungreatfull women? No? Who, if given the opportunity would choose to put themselves in that position? This is gods plan, not ours.
Men don't want to work, men have to work…it's our purpose. Men have been chosen by nature to carry out the collective vision of our species just like the worker ants and the worker bees have been for their respective species and I don’t think you would accuse the bees of creating a patriarchal (or in their case matriarchal) society for embodying the roles god gave them or call them toxic for following their instincts.
The problem is, is that ever since we escaped nature our arrogance and hubris have grown to the point that we now believe that we know better than nature and that we’re fucking smart enough to over rule the natural order that has been handed down to us from time immemorial.
Think about the worker bee, because we’re not so different from them, we’re both animals in nature and like men, the worker humans, the worker bee has been chosen by nature to provide for its species.
Now, you can take the worker out of the hive and say, “Hey, good news, the struggle’s over; we’ve got machines and a bunch of Mexican bee’s that are gonna do all the shit that you’re supposed to do.
They’ll do do all the pollinating, gather all the nectar, builds the hive, make the honey, fuck your wife, all that shit. So, you’re free to just sit on your ass, play video games, let your girl work whatever. However benevolent the intention behind that might be, the result is no less destructive because in trying to free the worker from its responsibility, you’ve actually robbed it of its purpose. A purpose that was given to it by nature, passed down and honed over millions and millions of years and thats not something that can just be replaced in an instant because of some technological advancement or shift in public opinion or whatever. You’re gonna have a depressed, anxious, emo little bee who searches in vain for some greater purpose in life when there isn’t one.
Men were meant to do, not to have things done for us. So, If yore looking for your purpose, working is your purpose…if you’re trying to find yourself, thats it. The natural order is good for us, its not here to suppress us its here to guide us but in our rush to grow and modernize, have decided to subcontract out the work that nature has assigned us to the government, the police, automation, factory farms, China, Mexico, etc and while thats certainly convenient, it’s also leaving entire generations of men completely useless, depressed and anxious with no real purpose here in the modern world.
A huge part of your depression is that you’re wife is working and emasculating you and thats because she wants things and security and if you’re not giving them to her then she’s going to go out and get them for herself and then be fucking miserable about it because that’s not her purpose, that’s your purpose. Her purpose is something different. You are the worker, live your purpose and be fulfilled.

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