Azure Monitor _ Alerts

3 years ago

Time is money and money is time. We want to manage our environment proactively. In our on-premises environment we have SCOM (System Center Operations Manager) to help us to do this. But, what about the cloud? In the Azure Monitor we have an alerting system that is similar to SCOM. Alerts proactively notify you when important conditions are found in your monitoring data. They allow you to identify and address issues before the users of your system notice them. There are some components that make up an alert. First, we can create alerts that monitor our Azure environment and also the on-premises environment. The notification system is done through Action groups which we look at shortly. These are comprised of different notifications which include Webhooks, Runbooks, Azure Functions and also Logic Apps. This is all about automation and being ahead of the failures before they happen. If they do happen getting the right set of eyes on the problem to find a solution.

We will cover this and more in this video.

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