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Magic wands or wands! It doesn't matter! do 7 exercises.

Magic sticks! 7 exercises in the air. It doesn't matter what stick and how long! The main thing is desire! 7 simple exercises that you can do even at work (during a break)! Buy a small stick. Good for your back and neck! Do it thoughtfully and don't rush!
Want to be sane and healthy? Breathe and exhale!

Do as I do! To relaxing music or just quiet music! To the singing of birds! Anywhere! At home, in the park! Do it thoughtfully! Think about the good and positive! Want to be sane and healthy? Breathe and exhale! Learn to relax and meditate (in your own way), at your own pace.
Breathe calmly - inhale/exhale/ do as we do and live long.

Breathe calmly - inhale/exhale/ do as we do! My great-grandmother is 88, my grandmother is 1-54 years old!))
Do you like yoga qigong?

There should always be some easy exercises for your lungs in stock! My great-grandmother and grandmother will show you a couple, three cool, understandable and useful ones!! wait for useful and necessary videos!!! coming soon.
Activity will change your life, do it yourself.

From the sofa to the dream, from the dream to the goal - Both the dream and the goal are aimed at the future. But the difference between is significant. If a dream implies thoughts, including abstract ones, then the goal is always associated with actions. A goal is a formulated image of the desired result. Goal setting takes into account the search for resources to achieve and the construction of a step-by-step algorithm of tasks. Where to begin! ?
Back pain? Beat it with these 10 tips.

Back pain? Follow these 10 tips.
A healthy back is:
1. Morning exercise
2. Comfortable, quality shoes
3. an orthopedic mattress and orthopedic pillow for sleeping.
4. orthopedic insoles.
5. Healthy teeth.
6. No heavy lifting.
7. Getting massages.
8. Walk at least 7 km a day.
9. Weight loss.
10. Eating right and drinking water.
Do you want to live long? Watch our videos.

Hello . I'm Lola's grandmother. Lola our love is a corgi dog. I love alpine skiing and different sports. Because it's still winter. Sports and proper nutrition are important not only for athletes, but also for us people who want to be beautiful, young and slim. Watch our videos, they are good for your health and life. Experience of doctors, massage therapists and our life experience too. You’ll find out, a lot of useful and interesting things.
Healing rolls! Not Japanese delicious rolls!)

Do you have got a back pain?
Do you have got a sedentary work?
Do you feel a back pain after sleeping?
Look this video attentively and follow our advice.
Foot pain, heel pain, heel spur- the magic stick is you friend

Friends ! Let's share some advice! We ourselves treat in this way feet that are pinched by different shoes, heels that hurt and heel spurs, which an ultrasound suddenly showed. These are really cool and simple 5 exercises. But they must be done!!!!
Exercises for the joints of the hands. Do they hurt? Numb? Crunchy?

Do you spend a lot of time on the computer, on the phone, or while driving? Not enough hand movements? Do these exercises. Part 1
Magical and easy exercises for hands. Your best friend in pain is you

Gymnastics for fingers - universal. It helps to increase the strength of the muscles of the hands, which is important for people involved in heavy physical labor. Also, doing finger exercises develops fine motor skills, which are responsible for coordinated brain function, concentration, good memory and speech. Finger training helps normalize the functioning of the entire body, develop immunity to diseases, and protect yourself from injuries.
5 exercises . Hand health is in your hands. Do it, don’t be lazy.

Hands are important in the human body, but few people pay enough attention to training them. The wrist, palm, and fingers are involved in almost every movement a person makes throughout the day. This part of the body receives a lot of stress, which leads to pain, numbness in the fingers and poor mobility. Exercises for the hands: gymnastics to strengthen muscles.
Exercises for the hands of patients with rheumatoid arthritis for those over 50

To do for children and elderly people! What do you need? Peas and a wide plate. Exercises help develop motor skills, reduce pain, do them as slowly as possible! ! Part 1
Important and simple exercises for sore hands.

Part 2.
But really, why do we experience unearthly pleasure when we dip our hands into rice or other grains?
It turns out there is a scientific explanation for this, from a psychological point of view: a large pile of rice is like a high-density liquid that puts a lot of pressure on a person's hand. This pressure, like blood circulation, makes people feel physiologically comfortable.
relief from the pain of carpal tunnel syndrome and rheumatoid arthritis! do it!

Helpful Tips TIP #1 Keep your hand joints healthy through regular exercise and stretching. This will help strengthen muscles and tendons, improve blood circulation and reduce the risk of disease.
TIP #2 Maintain a healthy lifestyle, including proper nutrition, weight control and giving up bad habits such as smoking. This will help prevent the development of diseases of the joints of the hands. TIP #3 If you experience pain or discomfort in the joints of your hands, consult a doctor for professional advice and diagnosis. Early seeking medical help will help prevent progression of the disease and prescribe effective treatment. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a disease typical for office workers, teenagers, gamers of all ages and people who enthusiastically use their mobile phones to communicate on the Internet.
Art therapy, sand therapy! Treatment of neuralgic conditions (nerves)! Hand motor skills.

Part1. Video for adults over 55 years old and children over 3.5 years old.
Art therapy is one of the areas of psychotherapy that is currently actively developing, and thanks to a number of its advantages, it is finding more and more supporters.
Translated from English, art therapy means treatment with art (art - “art, skill” and therapy - “treatment, therapy”). The term was first used by artist Adrian Hill in 1938. Working in a sanatorium with patients with tuberculosis, he noticed that creativity has a beneficial effect on well-being and allows one to better cope with the disease. Describing his work, he began to use this term, which remains relevant today. Later in its development, art therapy found support from S. Freud and K.G. Jung because it allowed access to the unconscious part of the psyche, which contains the source of internal conflict with its neurotic symptoms. And in 1960, the American Art Therapy Association was created in America.
Currently, art therapy is developing widely, thanks to the opportunities that it opens up for any person who wants to find new ways to understand themselves, regulate their psycho-emotional state, adapt to the world around them (which is becoming more and more complex and makes new demands), and of course, art therapy promotes the development of the ability for closer and deeper relationships with other people, especially its group options.
Most often, this type of psychotherapy is associated with drawing (isotherapy), but this is only one of the areas. Art therapy is, first of all, a creative process of self-expression and therefore everything that, in one form or another, allows us to accomplish this task can be attributed to it. These include music, dance and sand therapy, creating collages, bibliotherapy, color therapy, fairy tale therapy, play therapy, modeling from clay and other materials, creating dolls, working with metaphorical associative cards, as well as many other types.
Art therapy differs from ordinary classes of the corresponding types of art in that it does not require any skills, only desire is important! Here all the work is aimed not at the result, but at the process itself. What is important is spontaneity and openness to creativity, the ability to give up control and evaluation of what is happening and one’s results. As Pablo Picasso wrote: “I would like to draw the way children do - for them there are no laws or proportions, so their drawings are full of expression and life...”
Anyone can practice art therapy, find their own ways of creative self-expression in order to develop their sensitivity to their own needs, better recognize and understand themselves, influence their psycho-emotional state and thereby live a more fulfilling, harmonious and happy life, develop themselves, solve various life problems. difficulties and find resources to overcome them. Art therapy is appropriate at any age and good for any period of life. But it is especially relevant in a neurotic state. Kinetic sand and relaxation sounds. To your health!
Do you know how to relieve stress? How to treat nerves easily? How to be able to relax?

Part2. Video for adults over 55 old and children over 3.5 years old. See Part 1. Art therapy, color therapy, kinetic sand. Art therapy is one of the ways to treat all our problems of different nature. The advantage of this method of psychotherapy, in my opinion, lies primarily in the caring attitude towards a person who is quite vulnerable and has suffered while in a neurotic state and has exhausted his resources. This type of psychotherapy allows you to open the door to a person’s inner world quite gently and unobtrusively, avoiding directiveness, and thus allows you to overcome the resistance that is always present in therapy. At first glance it may seem that a frivolous game is being played, but in fact, very deep therapeutic work is happening behind it. Those who have tried art therapy are often surprised to notice the deep and intense feelings that arise in the process. In this way, one can gain access to repressed feelings, to their awareness and understanding of what conflicts they represent. Due to the fact that art therapy develops symbolic thinking, it allows internal conflicts and associated feelings to find figurative expression, contributing to their resolution and release. It is very important that this process occurs to a large extent thanks to the internal work of the patient; the psychotherapist is an accompaniment in the creative process. Art therapy is an insight-oriented technique aimed at experiencing insight (from the English insight - illumination, epiphany) - this is a state in which a person suddenly comes to a solution to an urgent problem or a new vision of a situation, which is very valuable and opens up rich opportunities on his own healing.
Every person has a need and ability for self-actualization, creative expression and art therapy, allowing us to gain access to our inner world, contributes to these processes that make us more harmonious and integral individuals, establishing connections and introducing us to different sides of our own personality.
And I would like to end with the words of O. Wilde: “The benefit that art gives us is not in what we learn, but in what we become thanks to it.”
Green color treats the nervous system, headaches, fatigue, irritability, and lowers blood pressure.

Part 3. When looking at green, the eyes relax and the brain calms down. That is why green is perceived as one of the most comfortable colors; it is able to extinguish emotions and create a peaceful atmosphere. Being in a room where the walls are painted green makes a person feel more rested and safer. Green is the color of immortality, the color of nature itself, it is a symbol of renewal, a symbol of youth and flowering. Green is the most life-affirming color. It symbolizes the growth and development of not only plants, but also people and animals.
The green spectrum is the most harmonious and balanced. For the human eye, this is the most natural, natural and harmonious color. Green color has a calming effect on the nervous system, relieves headaches, fatigue, irritability, and lowers blood pressure.
Activation of energy points. The benefits of salt and water temperatures. Meditation. Stone therapy

Light the candles. Meditation. Candlelight is calming and relaxing. While relaxing your hands, it is recommended to move your hands slightly, performing “treading” in the water, moving your fingers, fingering objects, acting on points on your fingers and palms. By massaging acupuncture, or biologically active, points on your hand, you can activate the body's defenses and significantly improve your health!
On the palms of the hands there is a significant number of biologically active points and zones, which are projections of internal organs, as well as the beginning or end of some acupuncture meridians.
Vigor and good mood can be adjusted independently, and with the help of only your hands, it is convenient and does not require any additional costs. Having mastered a few simple methods, it is quite possible to get rid of headaches, fatigue and other ailments. Hot (38-40 degrees) is poured into one, and cold into the other.
(15-20 degrees) water. Contrast of sensations and relaxation. Salt. Add hand salt to the bath.
The most common bath additive. There are several popular types:
1. sea salt - helps relax muscles, strengthens the immune system, increases skin elasticity, promotes weight loss
2. Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) - rejuvenates the body, strengthens hair and nails, relieves tension, moisturizes the skin
3 Himalayan pink salt - normalizes blood pressure, heals wounds and cracks, supplies the skin with oxygen.
Legs are the second heart. Health is in your feet! At home and without doctors

When is it relevant?
Foot massage is effective in almost any situation, but it will be most effective when:
pain in the neck and lower back;
menstrual pain;
Foot massage can be done at home! If you don't have time, don't have money and don't want to go to the doctors! do these simple exercises!
Feeling dizzy? Do three magical exercises. Watch a video.

Hello! It's me Lola - your corgi! And this is my second grandmother Tata. She has been dizzy for 4 years and the doctors told her to do these three exercises on a massage roll and also for her back and neck. We do these 3 exercises every day. 10-15min.
11 Foot Strengthening and Stretching Exercises

Exercises for the feet: why they are needed and how to do them correctly. Correctly selected exercises will strengthen the health of the legs, make the foot stable, strong and mobile. They are needed to prevent flat feet and other diseases and injuries.
The human foot consists of 26 bones, 33 joints and over 100 ligaments, muscles and tendons. During the day she has a huge workload. Scientists believe that it is equal to several hundred tons. It is not surprising that this part of the body is so often subject to injury and disease. Specially selected exercises will help prevent their occurrence and take care of the health of your legs.
Exercises for the knee joint

Part1. Exercises for the knee joint! Are you suffering from knee pain? Helps with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
Shoulder relaxer. Natural gravity stretch.

Shoulder relaxer. Natural gravity stretch. Buy this neck relaxer! Lie down 2 times a day for 5 minutes. If your head hurts, you feel dizzy, your neck hurts and crunches! Just lie down and stretch your neck and the trigger points are massaged!
Needle massage mat .

Buy a massage mat of any size and do these 4 exercises on it every day - ideal.
Hallux valgus devises- cheap, but helps.

Hallux valgus
A static foot deformity, a term denoting a deformity at the level of the medial metatarsophalangeal joint with valgus, i.e. outwardly directed, deviation of the big toe.
Treatment of hallux valgus can be conservative (non-surgical) or surgical, depending on the degree of deformity and symptoms.
Conservative treatment is aimed at relieving symptoms and preventing the progression of the disease. It may include:
correct footwear;
orthopedic insoles;
exercises to strengthen the foot muscles and massage;
medication (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics);
orthoses and bandages.
To choose a treatment method, you must consult a doctor.
Surgical treatment may include osteotomy - removal (resection) of protruding bone tissue, correction of the position of the bones of the fingers and feet.
Marilyn Monroe method…

According to the Marilyn Monroe method: exercises against lymph stagnation and edema. How to facilitate lymph and blood circulation according to the method of Marilyn Monroe herself. Lymph is the most mysterious fluid in our body. It moves slowly and does not stall right away. But stagnation in the lymphatic system can lead to cellulite, leg swelling, mastopathy, bags under the eyes and facial swelling, chronic inflammation of the lymph nodes. Legs on the wall Marilyn Monroe loved this exercise, and today it is included in the arsenal of many movie and TV stars. It is simple and very effective - both for the lymph and especially for the venous system. This pose is useful because in it our body takes a position opposite to the vertical one we are used to. In addition, this is a very simple inverted pose (unlike complex yoga asanas, which are not always useful for unprepared people). In it, the adrenal glands have the opportunity to rest and recover. Improves venous return – in other words, it takes away the feeling of heaviness in your legs, which brings relief to varicose veins. Plus, your heart has to work harder to pump blood up your legs (so you’re kind of exercising while you’re lying down). What to do Find a quiet place and give yourself 10 minutes. You’ll need to be able to close your eyes and relax.
No willpower? Use this sound…

Spring is coming! Let's start thinking about our appearance! Health! This is appearance, sports, proper nutrition! But the main thing is willpower! and stability in everything! The power of sound! Do it like in the video and you will have prosperity and luck in everything!
1-5 min - healthy back, lose weight and hello waist!

This seemingly simple exercise solves many problems: we have definitely tested it on ourselves, it stretches the spine, it crunches pleasantly, it stretches the neck, a doctor friend does it honestly - she loses weight, we believe that if you do this exercise, a waist will appear!
Sport wolverine)))

We bought hooks! We need to stretch our spine! With age, our vertebrae stick together (! And hanging is so difficult! From experience: first do exercises or a light warm-up! Because it gets dark in front of your eyes! With hooks it is easier and you hang much longer))!
sciatic nerve unblocking

The sciatic nerve originates in the lumbar spine and, passing through the buttocks, stretches to the foot. Therefore, the pain when it is pinched is felt especially strongly.
As a rule, the term "pinched/pinched sciatic nerve" implies a loss of elasticity and flexibility of the muscles of the back of the leg. This is often associated with the process of age-related shortening (rigidity) of muscles, which can begin after 30-35 years.
Traditional treatment involves diagnosis and prescription of appropriate medications. But it is better not to limit yourself to just taking painkillers. Believe me, if during treatment you do simple exercises to stretch the muscles, you will soon forget about the pain.
gymnastics for the neck , effective but slow!

Part 1
A set of exercises for the head and neck is an effective and safe method of therapy. It helps to combat many neck problems, improves overall well-being and normalizes healthy sleep. Gymnastics is easy to do. The main benefit of this exercise is to strengthen and tone the neck muscles, restore blood circulation and tissue nutrition. In addition, brain function improves, muscle spasms and tension are eliminated.
With regular exercise, you can say goodbye forever to headaches, dizziness, discomfort in the cervical region, insomnia and high blood pressure. Over time, therapeutic gymnastics restores motor ability, positive mood and well-being.
Physical education is great for both treatment and prevention of various diseases and conditions in the neck. Designed for all age groups. effective exercises do each for 1-3 minutes, slowly.
Magic neck

Part 2. See part 1. Very effective exercises! But attention - fix each movement for 10-20 seconds. Take your time, think carefully. Simple, effective and useful. my head is spinning, will it help.
Who does exercise in the morning or in the evening?)

Morning exercises, evening party! A glass of wine or a mug of beer is a reward for the morning work! Day 1 . Full body workout .
Seize the moment, take a risk. Age is just a number!

Seize the moment, take a risk. Age is just a number said in jest. Fitness talent is a work of art! Legs are the second heart! Neck is grace and elegance. I am Lola's corgi grandmother.
Hemorrhoids? Haven't heard of it ))) Go away

Are you sitting on a chair? In a car? On a couch? Hemorrhoids go away. We all move little and sit a lot! That's where all the problems come from! In the video - easy exercises for hemorrhoids! Everything can be done at home or in the park!
light exercise for the lazy - then time to drink coffee).

Easy exercises for the lazy, mainly for the back and neck, and you wake up right away) , useful! But do it at your own pace and enjoy it! 16 times later, more.
Do you like yoga qigong?
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yoga qigong
There should always be some easy exercises for your lungs in stock! My great-grandmother and grandmother will show you a couple, three cool, understandable and useful ones!! wait for useful and necessary videos!!! coming soon.
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