The WORST Cost Per Lead Mistakes Are Costing You BIG

2 hours ago

Your Google Ad quality score might just be the culprit for your high cost per lead mistakes, but to be honest, throwing money at big Ads only makes them worse. Google scores your Ad on three parameters: the quality of your Ad, the quality of your Ad copy, and the quality of your landing page.

Now, if your landing page is not related to your ads, then Google will give you a low quality score, and you will end up paying a fortune per click. Why? Well, Google wants to show the best Ads and penalises low quality ones to keep users happy. To check your quality score, select search keywords in the overview section. As you can see, our Ads quality score is eight out of ten, which is considered very good.

Once you get over five, the majority of the time you'll be outperforming the competitors. So focus on getting the quality score above five for better performance of your Ads.

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