Rene Marsh: Two of Trump’s Cabinet Secretaries Are ‘Echoing’ Him Around Potomac Air Collision Cause

1 month ago

SCIUTTO: “And to that point, Rene Marsh, you noted that one demonstration of that independence is that the NTSB is going to be speaking to an experienced black hawk helicopter pilot, separate from whatever pilots that, for instance, the Pentagon talks to, as it does its own inquiry. And that‘s, I imagine, deliberate because the NTSB, by design operates independently.”
MARSH: “Absolutely. So we know that they stated that they brought in one of their team members, NTSB team members from Alaska, to fly here to Washington, D.C., simply because he is a black hawk or was a black hawk helicopter pilot. And that did stand out to me because you juxtapose this comment about being independent and the NTSB being independent. You put that next to, like you said, the president of the United States already saying what the cause is of the crash, but not only the president. You also have two of his cabinet secretaries, the Department of Transportation, echoing the president in that press conference yesterday around this issue of DEI, and also the Department of Defense secretary. But the problem with that is that the Department of Transportation is a party to this investigation. So you see how very quickly that a narrative that is being crafted before the investigation even begins could certainly present a problem of influence. And you see right now that the NTSB is fighting for their independence by making these statements about how they operate and what the process is. And honestly, I really haven‘t seen the NTSB have to stress their independence so much during the course of an investigation until now.”

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