Rubio Defends Trump’s Handling of the Ukraine War: Negotiations Are the Only Way Forward

11 hours ago

Rubio: “This has been a horrible war. It’s time for it to end. The job of the U.N. Is to bring about peace in the world. I thought that’s what the U.N. Was created to do, to stop wars and to prevent them, and that’s what the resolution did. Was it antagonistic towards the Russians? No. Back to the point. But it also didn’t praise the Russians. All it said is, this is a bad war. It needs to end, and by the way, at the Security Council, which has not been widely reported, the first resolution on Ukraine that has passed the Security Council in three years, passed this week because of the leadership of President Trump and it’s a resolution that says, bad war, needs to end, let’s bring the two sides together. That’s what the resolution is. Again, what is the United Nations for? Isn’t it not a forum to promote peace in the world? And shouldn’t our president — shouldn’t we all be happy that we have a president who’s trying to stop wars and prevent them instead of start them? And I just don’t get it. I really don’t, other than the fact it’s Donald J. Trump. If this was a Democrat that was doing this, people would be saying he’s on his way to the Nobel peace prize. This is about surtd surd. You cannot end the war unless both sides come to the table starting with the Russians and that is the point the president has made and we have to do whatever we can to try to bring them to the table to see if it’s even possible. I’m not promising you it’s possible. I’m not telling you it’s 90% likely. I’m saying it’s 0% likely if we don’t get them to a negotiating table, and the sooner everybody grows up around here, and says we’re heading in a bad direction with ded death and destruction, the sooner people grow up and realize that, I think the more progress we’re going to be able to make, but the president’s crystal clear. He campaigned on it, and he’s going to govern on it, and that is he is going to be a president that tries to achieve peace, and he has been very clear. This is a war that would have never happened had Donald Trump been in the White House, and it needs to end, and we’re going to do everything we can to end it,”

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