TDS LIVE! The Last Wagon (1956) | No Name on the Bullet (1959) | Support Your Local Sheriff! (1969)

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thrasybulus Judging by the number waiting, not 1st.

Qriist Supporter+ I dub thee 1st, @thrasybulus

Qriist Supporter+ Birds of a feather arrive late together

JQuickDraw Supporter I would feel bad for being late, but I know you were at least 15 minutes late starting the stream, so really I am just following your example.

thrasybulus Images required. Other than Ryan Reynolds from 2 Guys, a Girl, and a Pizza Place, I'm not sure who these people are.

thrasybulus Ryan's mom has aged well.

thrasybulus Why'd they crop out Hugh Jackman.

thrasybulus Method Acting.

thrasybulus Accepy=ted: the unauthorized sequel to Camp Nowhere.

Qriist Supporter+ Us fat dudes don't all look the same, Beverly. Stop being racist.

Qriist Supporter+ almost as old as you

Qriist Supporter+ I can gingerly accept the existence of a Comanche Todd.

thrasybulus Glitter shall henceforth be referred to as Craft Herpes.

Qriist Supporter+ speaking of craft herpes:

thrasybulus They shall smile until they see the registry.

Qriist Supporter+ (topical I swear)

thrasybulus A sinister ginger.

thrasybulus Just scratching out the Y in your.

JQuickDraw Supporter @thrasybulus When you find it stuck on your body, then it's craft smegma.

thrasybulus That cat is going to poop glitter forever.

Qriist Supporter+ you'll no trouble cleaning the litter box

Qriist Supporter+ every turd will have bling

thrasybulus It's pronounced Indjun.

thrasybulus Young indjun males needed conflict to move up the tribal ladder, sort of like junior gang members.

thrasybulus You murdered my family, enslaved, and sold me, but IATA for being "culturally insensitive".

thrasybulus Is she doing "Red Face"?

JQuickDraw Supporter He was Todd, the trust fund Indian.

JQuickDraw Supporter And They're not all the same, they just LOOK all the same.

thrasybulus Life was cheap back then.

thrasybulus If I don't know the retaliation is in retaliation, is it immoral to reretaliate?

JQuickDraw Supporter Don't reretaliate. Be the bigger man and deretaliate.

thrasybulus Gotta keep the whupersnappers in line.

Qriist Supporter+ Don't deretaliate. Be the quantamly smaller man and then become big again once you get yourself eaten by the other guy without him knowing.

thrasybulus A woman in every trading post.

Qriist Supporter+ "I'm not racist anymore." -Beverly's 2028 campaign slogan

JQuickDraw Supporter Old West pick-up lines: "Well you sure don't stink like a horse."

thrasybulus Your hair smells good. - alaways spoken immappropriately by Joe Biden

thrasybulus I needed an ebonics translator. - DimOne 2028

JQuickDraw Supporter "Could you de-black your language please? I'm getting like every third word and it's really annoying."

JQuickDraw Supporter "I speak like a white person. You can trust me." - Beverly 2028

thrasybulus Hey, but Asian don't raisin.

JQuickDraw Supporter White don't blight.

thrasybulus 8 kids, land for 1 farm in the East. More land in the West.

Qriist Supporter+ My veins pump Pepsi.

thrasybulus Hot blood, crime of passion.

JQuickDraw Supporter If you cut me, do I not bleed beef gravy?

JQuickDraw Supporter "Oh no! Run! It's Madam Bukkake. She'll melt her jizz flesh onto us."

thrasybulus There's a scene in a 90s movie where Hugh Grant is an ER doc who is deciding who gets the open surgical suite, the wounded cop, or the guy who shot him.

thrasybulus No one wants a deathbed confession.

thrasybulus Women often tell me they forgot they didn't finish.

thrasybulus I want the food I paid for.

thrasybulus The cop isn't as severe a case, but another suite may not open in time.

thrasybulus I'm just on my way to Australia.

thrasybulus Spoilers galore.

thrasybulus Madam Orr's House is the best house.

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator \\\\

thrasybulus Sounds mature.

thrasybulus It's name is Mutton Chop

thrasybulus If it grows up it will be Muttton Chops

thrasybulus Ankle cuffs

thrasybulus I can occasionally pick movies.

thrasybulus I am opposed to Valentine's Day because Valentine was undermining the discipline of the Roman Legions. The execution was just.

thrasybulus Two romances with novel concepts:



JQuickDraw Supporter The St. Valentine's Day Massacre - so romantic.

JQuickDraw Supporter Why not criminal couples movies - Bonnie and Clyde, Natural Born Killers

thrasybulus Does he always tell the truth or is he immune to her ability? That is the qiestion.

thrasybulus SciFi channel Dune miniseries is the best Dune.

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator Yes.

thrasybulus Book would have been better if Velma had edited it.

thrasybulus Instead Daphne had Shaggy edit.

thrasybulus I owe L an apology.

thrasybulus RRRRRRRRebecca.

thrasybulus Can't make fun of people with stutters.

JQuickDraw Supporter Stutterers are popular with the ladies because their mouths move fast and randomly.

TheDimSide VerifiedAdmin Wink.

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