TheDimNews LIVE! Daniel Penny Found Not Guilty | UnitedHealthcare CEO Killed

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Join Alex and me for a live stream, tonight at 9ish ET! Covering this week's news and other junk.


wesley1924 Supporter+ first

Qriist Supporter+ It's a Dec bug, obvi.

Qriist Supporter+ Is this what the feminists meant by "free the nipple"?

Qriist Supporter+ 68 nipples

JQuickDraw Supporter cat nipple counters, the new oppressed class

JQuickDraw Supporter "Her nipples are very prominent. You can't help touching them." - Beverly for President 2028

Qriist Supporter+ I'm sorry Beverly, I wasn't able to find the bathroom in time, 17 times in a row.

JQuickDraw Supporter lol you have to be able to tell people you have jury duty, because employers and family need to know if you won't be around.

thrasybulus Here, caught up.

Qriist Supporter+ Jordan was still breathing when the police arrived.

thrasybulus Anarcho-Tyranny: Govt won't protect you, but will try to punish you for defending yourself/others.

thrasybulus Bodega owner stabbed the guy with a cheap folding knife used to open boxes.

thrasybulus Bodega owners protested and charges were dropped.

JQuickDraw Supporter There was also a case where the guard at a parking garage took the gun away from a car thief and shot him, and the guard was charged.

Qriist Supporter+ As far as I'm concerned, pretty much anything is justified in self defense until the threat is neutralized.

thrasybulus I like the line that "the enemy forfeits the right to surrender when I am in their kill zone."

Qriist Supporter+ I can help you jump off a roof. First class is free!

JQuickDraw Supporter There are a large number of DAs around the country who won their spots with Soros money, and their marching orders are to cause chaos and demoralization.

thrasybulus "I'm fragile and sensitive." - Murdergoose 2028

thrasybulus There's an old saying that you can indict a ham sandwich. Doesn't say much for the use of grand juries.

Qriist Supporter+ I was just typing the interesting times quote

Qriist Supporter+ lol

JQuickDraw Supporter "I'm fragile and sensitive. Would you like some long pig?"

Qriist Supporter+ Yes. Indict the bacon. It knows what it did.

Guyinroom83 Indict canadian bacon, it's not bacon, and it's a lie.

thrasybulus Adventure is boredom, terror, and suffering that happens to someone else.
Can I offer you a baked potato in these trying times?

thrasybulus Congrats @BeverlyWannabeHillbilly, your shoe is the father!

JQuickDraw Supporter Door powers? Opening doors must require a huge amount of skill points.

Guyinroom83 ...

thrasybulus Have trust in your instincts. When you do the opposite, you will be doing the right thing.

Qriist Supporter+ there's a whole discord conversation behind that super chat lol

Guyinroom83 maybe he meant jerkin it

Qriist Supporter+ bed that dude's potato drawer is hella crunchy

Qriist Supporter+ bed=bet

thrasybulus Marriages can be annulled for not consumating them.

TunedToKey Supporter Howdy

TunedToKey Supporter r+trumpyes

Guyinroom83 ironically, raw potatoes are a well known aphrodisiac

JQuickDraw Supporter You reminded me of this old gem:

Qriist Supporter+ I actually do quite like raw potatoes

Guyinroom83 i think that's one of the early signs of a serial killer @Qriist

thrasybulus Wait until they find out about the washer and dryer.

TunedToKey Supporter I dont want to be a music nazi, but those broads were rushing that go kart masturbating song. and they were singing the same vocal melody

Qriist Supporter+ that's also old, so youtube codecs sucked

Guyinroom83 good ol' 320 p videos were the days

thrasybulus They had a show on IFC or Sundance channel for a season or two.

TunedToKey Supporter I meant rushing as it kept speeding up

TunedToKey Supporter r+mariahchristmas r+trumpfloss r+turkey r+santatwerk

TunedToKey Supporter r+mariahchristmas r+trumpfloss r+turkey r+santatwerk

Guyinroom83 i couldn't make out the lyrics

TunedToKey Supporter It was bc Alex was right, the mic was AAASSSSSS

Guyinroom83 filmed on a nokia phone

Qriist Supporter+ I'm telling you, that's a codec issue.

Guyinroom83 winAmp. remember those days

Guyinroom83 and realplayer

TunedToKey Supporter RIP Old YouTube

TunedToKey Supporter I know someone that still uses Winamp

thrasybulus I remember when I could just download internet videos using realplayer.

Qriist Supporter+ @Guyinroom83 @TunedToKey I have WinAmp open rn lol

Guyinroom83 do they still update it? wow @TunedToKey

TunedToKey Supporter @Qriist is a real OG

Qriist Supporter+ There's quite a few different recordings of that song

JQuickDraw Supporter I said you reminded me of that song. I am okay. 😎

TunedToKey Supporter Mostly harmonies

Qriist Supporter+ they've performed it on stage and what not

TunedToKey Supporter @JQuickDraw Nooo, Make them feel bad for what they did to you

Guyinroom83 im watching this stream in RealPlayer.

JQuickDraw Supporter @TunedToKey That would be manipula-- oh right. *wink*

Qriist Supporter+ @Guyinroom83 there's a fork that I'll be switching to whenever I get around to converting my music to flac from from other obscure lossless formats

TunedToKey Supporter Daniel Penny, never heard of him

JQuickDraw Supporter Real Bad Player, amirite?

Qriist Supporter+ @Guyinroom83 this one

TunedToKey Supporter UHC ceo died? I didn't know he was sick

TunedToKey Supporter Did you know that Altoona, PA is known for their pizza?

JQuickDraw Supporter The CEO's ravenous greed was a preexisting condition, so he couldn't be saved.

Guyinroom83 a-luigi a what did you do-ahh

JQuickDraw Supporter @TunedToKey Altoona's "pizza" is really bad.

Qriist Supporter+ Beverly asking the big questions.


thrasybulus Was the "plan" to put monopoly money on the victim?

Guyinroom83 smart of him to go into, and sit and eat at, a mcdonalds while being hunted by FBI

JQuickDraw Supporter He also pulled his mask down to flirt with a hot woman. I think that's the now famous photo of him smiling.

thrasybulus Weird that a high profile killing using a suppressor happens not long after a court decision about them happens to go against gun control.

Guyinroom83 ive been seeing endless comments saying this is all fake and a psyop, on mainstream sites even.

Qriist Supporter+ He was calmly sitting at McDonald's, on his laptop, with thousands of dollars in cash, with a 3d printed gun, with a fake ID, and with a 3 page handwritten manifesto.

Qriist Supporter+ Calmly pulled down his mask to talk to the cops.

JQuickDraw Supporter Yeah, the same people who complain about the cops being racist and evil also want only the cops to have guns. It's honestly astonishing.

Qriist Supporter+ In extradition court he claims the materials were planted. He was not immediately provided a lawyer.

Qriist Supporter+ None of this makes sense.

Guyinroom83 theres a lot of claimss about him, that arent even confirmed yet

Guyinroom83 im taking it all not seriously yet

Guyinroom83 yeah his behavior makes no sense. a public mcdonalds, public starbucks

Qriist Supporter+ @Guyinroom83 everything I've rattled off was from news reports supposedly quoting the police/courts. So idk.

TunedToKey Supporter Luigi is the patsy

Guyinroom83 i think its annoying everyone acting like they were this upset at healthcare this whole time, when it's just bc of this mainly

TunedToKey Supporter The shooter in the video was wearing a different coat and backpack

JQuickDraw Supporter They more than nudged the FIRST WTC bomber in the early 90s.

Qriist Supporter+ and that same FBI director got assigned to oversee the Capitol, several months before J6.

TunedToKey Supporter Suppressor, not silencer

TunedToKey Supporter Raw potato - potahto

Guyinroom83 how do you ban 3d printed guns

TunedToKey Supporter You dont

JQuickDraw Supporter @Guyinroom83 By banning 3D printers

TunedToKey Supporter You can lift fingerprints and place them on other things

thrasybulus No one under pressure to get a conviction would manufacture or plant evidence...

Qriist Supporter+ I get that sometimes good cops/etc make genuine mistakes. My issue is that courts get to concoct massive webs of clearly fake logic justify their prosecutions.

Qriist Supporter+ to justify*

Guyinroom83 its not pizza at that point. that would just be a pizza shaped grilled cheese

Qriist Supporter+ We don't know yet.

Qriist Supporter+ The manifesto was reported.

Guyinroom83 luigi alfredo manicotti

Guyinroom83 he's a rich kid, he would've just got whatever he needed anyway without 3d printing

Guyinroom83 yeah this is really ironic. the left now loves guns, more hypocrisy, im shocked

Guyinroom83 you have one erl? ok, noted and flagged for the feds.

TunedToKey Supporter LOOOOL

JQuickDraw Supporter Why would a ghost need a gun?

Qriist Supporter+ no it's a gun used BY ghosts

Guyinroom83 its a gun that says boo

TunedToKey Supporter New fear unlocked

Guyinroom83 would a ghost gun BE solid? probably not.

Guyinroom83 is the gun itself a ghost

Guyinroom83 my house is haunted guns

Guyinroom83 yeah, im conflicted about it. healthcare, esp that company is gross

Guyinroom83 yeah, and medicaid covers everything

Qriist Supporter+ Luna wants so much to be a lap dog lol

TunedToKey Supporter He wasn't a rich kid, he was a wealthy kid

Guyinroom83 fuck i just sat on a ghost shotgun

Qriist Supporter+ I remember that the TV show version of Honey I Shrunk the Kids had an episode featuring ghosts with guns having a mostly invisible shootout in the family's dining room.

Guyinroom83 end the stream! -luna

TunedToKey Supporter I would say that rich would be upper middle class, & wealthy would mean coming from generational wealth

Guyinroom83 yeah

Qriist Supporter+ TunedToRich

Guyinroom83 i guess i think of upper middle is 'kinda rich'

TunedToKey Supporter r+rumblerocket

TunedToKey Supporter r+rumblerocket

TunedToKey Supporter WELL THEN

TunedToKey Supporter We got a Snortgasm

Qriist Supporter+ the semi-colon stands for snortgasm

Guyinroom83 sexy isn't above hot

TunedToKey Supporter r+mariahchristmas

Guyinroom83 i think of hot as the whole package

Guyinroom83 'sexy' could be not a great face

Qriist Supporter+ hot flashes usually include the face

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator lol

Guyinroom83 beautiful and hot kinda the same idk. its all subjective

TunedToKey Supporter Gorgeous

TunedToKey Supporter Gorgeous

TunedToKey Supporter A dime piece

Guyinroom83 beautiful ; gorgeous.

Qriist Supporter+ black velvet

JQuickDraw Supporter After you figure out this cute/beautiful/gorgeous riddle, can we work out how many angels can dance on the head of a pin?

TunedToKey Supporter An itty bitty waist and a round thing in your face

Guyinroom83 its like the spinal tap 'going to 11' joke

TunedToKey Supporter there are no 10s

TunedToKey Supporter 1-9 is the scale

Guyinroom83 'just make it go to 10, and make 10 louder then'

TunedToKey Supporter 1-3 is low 4-6 is mid 7-9 is high

Guyinroom83 no, solve Pi next. its easier than this beauty scale

Qriist Supporter+ rebel yell

Guyinroom83 Question: Is there a 0?

Qriist Supporter+ where do "black velvet" and "rebel yell" rank on the hot/sexy/beautiful/etc scale?

JQuickDraw Supporter Now do it in the Atlantic accent. :)

Guyinroom83 Erl, this is way too autistic. never do that again

JQuickDraw Supporter You could see someone and rate them a 10, and the next day you see them in a different way and they are no longer a 10. They are still in shape and well dressed, but maybe you are different.

Guyinroom83 lmao

Guyinroom83 im now picturing Erl in a padded room reciting Pi over and over

Guyinroom83 rocking back and forth

Qriist Supporter+ I completely trust the CIA with the the ability to do glowie things.

Qriist Supporter+ I do not trust glowie things.

Guyinroom83 are you talking about men or women? gorgeous seems too feminine, same with beautiful

Guyinroom83 idk if i ever hear women say beautiful for men. just handsome or hot

Qriist Supporter+ I don't think I've ever heard men be called beautiful

Qriist Supporter+ I identify as gorgeous.

Guyinroom83 i think i have heard the emphasis of beautiful, but not often

Guyinroom83 from women.

Guyinroom83 what game is this? or nightmare?

Guyinroom83 they usually do sales like week before a holiday

Qriist Supporter+ Free another nip!

Guyinroom83 dont cross the platform streams

Guyinroom83 r+rumblerocket

TheDimSide VerifiedAdmin r+mariahchristmas

TheDimSide VerifiedAdmin r+rumblerocket

TheDimSide VerifiedAdmin r+turkey

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator r+santatwerk r+candycane

TheDimSide VerifiedAdmin r+santatwerk r+excuseme

JQuickDraw Supporter 🎅

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