TheDimNews LIVE: Wildfires Continue | American Airlines Violates Federal Law

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Join Alex and me for a live stream, tonight at 9-ish ET!


The cake tastings will continue until diabetes improves.

My favorite part of TheDimNews is when Beverly is suddenly confronted with her mortality. 🥰

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ 4 or 6 or 8 in AD&D

Qriist Supporter+ 12 or 14 or 18 in ADHD

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ I only need to hear alex's laugh to get harder....

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ nicely done bev lol

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ a keytar moment

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ Alex got kicked out of college for taking a fulll party

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ hehe

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ @beverly play the fuckingkeytar bitch

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ alex is not a fire hazard, but she is high voltage

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ alex has so much pron on HD

JQuickDraw Supporter I'm so late I think I'm a cannibal. What did I miss?

thrasybulus Silent kittens are either a good sound or a terrifying one.

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ bev loves poo

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ can I steal ALex away and not talk to her about fucking poo

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ fuck you bev

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ play ot or lose it bitch

Qriist Supporter+ missed animal humping

JQuickDraw Supporter Apparently I also missed Winky's return.

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ ok, fuck this, am stealing alex away

Qriist Supporter+ solution: bigger bed

Qriist Supporter+ solution: RENOVATE FOR BIGGER BED

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ so, going for a pee, hold it steady for me alex baby


Qriist Supporter+ not American Airlines, but still topical:

Qriist Supporter+ Environmental, social, and governance

JQuickDraw Supporter Extra Saucy Governess

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ yep

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ smart and cute....and dancing

thrasybulus Was it the CEO of Black Rock, State Street, or Vanguard who said ESG was too loaded a term and so they were going to use a new one instead.

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ tales of the unexpected

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ gooooogle tales of the unexpected

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ the flames lol

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ I can hear the theme tune

JQuickDraw Supporter Tales from the Dark Side?

JQuickDraw Supporter Ducktales?

JQuickDraw Supporter wooooohoo

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ tis

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ this

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ piss

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ fizz

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ Alex has promised no more missiles launched from her percky tits and missile nipples

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ pew pew

JQuickDraw Supporter Trump sent some real estate guy he knew to talk with Netanyahu, and they tried to tell him it was the sabbath, and he was like "I don't care, you're talking with me now."

thrasybulus Disrupting an official proceeding in the halls of congress days after J6, sounds like insurrection to MSNBC.

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ pew pew

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ control your nips alex

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ pew pew

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ MOOSECOW

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ argentina

JQuickDraw Supporter Hear me out. Elon buys Russia and changes the city to Musk-ow.

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ Bev, there is a devil beind you

thrasybulus Venezuela's socialist tyrant counted the votes and claimed to win regardless of the votes.

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ Alex is sitting on my face

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly's first presidential ad should just show her at a table, explaining how to butcher a fresh "kill" without actually naming the animal. Then fade out to black and "Beverly for President - 2028"

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ she is

thrasybulus zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzmdjvg/7hl - Cat typing

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ the songs she makes me sing would make a nun blush

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ her laugh omg

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ I love alex's laugh

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ Alex has the most wonderful laugh

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ it's perfect

JQuickDraw Supporter Vance grew up poor.

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ I grew up poor I like him

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ Alex is rich, when her thighs straddle my face

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ she is rich in orgasms from my tongue

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ alex hasnt seen this yet lol

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ lmao

thrasybulus @WinkyWankyWoo Does it include a snort?

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ a snort costs extra

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ ask bev

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ see, they never rrad this shit lol

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ *read

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ we and this chat is invisible to these bitches

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ I'd nakedwrestle alex though

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ if she asked nicely

JQuickDraw Supporter Did you pronounce it "rassling"?

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ bev has a big face these days

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ no wesselingwing

thrasybulus @JQuickDraw Why did you add an extra g on the end?
OakPoke Supporter+ Libertarians used to call for this in order to deal with congestion
OakPoke Supporter+ Thrasy, it's Upgrayedd, to G's for his double dose of pimpin'
OakPoke Supporter+ Like higher pricing during the day kinda thing, yeah, as alex is describing
OakPoke Supporter+ They're having to pay just to cross whatever spot, like a toll
OakPoke Supporter+ "Rich" people were saying how cool it was, going into town on a friday night for dinner and a show or whatever
OakPoke Supporter+ how fast it was

MudderFetcher never realized Alex was close enough to CA to see the fires outside her window
OakPoke Supporter+ Just like Sarah Palin

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ When AI listen and my penis does a little bzzzt thing

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ bzzzt

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ eek no stop

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ alex bzzzt bzzzt

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ oh my.

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ bzzzt

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ alex ffs bzztbzzt

JQuickDraw Supporter Just to be safe, the government should just stop printing money and handing it out to anyone, including other countries, universities, corporations, or people. Also no more taxation. Just to be safe.

JQuickDraw Supporter The Dept of Education is retarding American children's development. Standardization is a one-size-fits-all solution to a multi-faceted problem.

thrasybulus DoEd is more reason to think less of Jimmy Carter.
OakPoke Supporter+ I had no clue he pardoned all draft dodgers....what a terrible mistake.
OakPoke Supporter+ made me really hate him

MudderFetcher I always give coleslaw a second chance...still hate it
OakPoke Supporter+ Mmm, coleslaw
OakPoke Supporter+ I do hope project 2025 or whatever destroys the Dept. of education.

MudderFetcher it'd be easier to start a list of departments to keep for me lol

JQuickDraw Supporter They need to change the Dept of Defense back to the Dept of War. It's fucking ridiculous to call what we've been doing for the last century as defensive.
OakPoke Supporter+ true

JQuickDraw Supporter We're an empire with military bases in almost every nation on earth, we topple regimes, assassinate democratically elected leaders, bomb countries for their resources, but it's all defensive. Honest.

JQuickDraw Supporter Don't you mean the mink-o-system?

JQuickDraw Supporter She could hook up with the people who literally BOMBED the capitol, because Obama pardoned them.

Qriist Supporter+ "I'm lazy." -Jo

JQuickDraw Supporter Someone tell her about the Declaration of Independence.

thrasybulus Sleep. Night.

JQuickDraw Supporter later

MudderFetcher Joe Biden is the greatest incestuous pedophile eva!

JQuickDraw Supporter Biden is the greatest potato to sit in the whitehouse and be confused.

JQuickDraw Supporter Brianna Wu has been doing the "I was wrong and I'm not part of the crazy left anymore" thing lately.

Qriist Supporter+ the one you just read

Qriist Supporter+ his husband is Asian

JQuickDraw Supporter Qriist droppin da facts

MudderFetcher seems like a lot of meds and surgery for just coming back around to being into buttstuff

JQuickDraw Supporter Buttstuff, as in "Stuff my butt, please."

MudderFetcher Beverly sorts White people by Gingers and the rest of us who all look the same

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly groups people by their body fat composition.

MudderFetcher not a lot of 85/15 Americans at this point

JQuickDraw Supporter Batya Ungar-Sargon? Is she a Klingon?

Qriist Supporter+ Ongoing issue, and the UK ~recently released a report that said "we've fucked up in allll of these ways"

MudderFetcher and turned into kebabs

Qriist Supporter+ I think Cenk has been getting pegged into being redpilled by Ana during her ongoing based arc.

Qriist Supporter+ there was the midget gallows at J6

MudderFetcher taking a "vaccine" for something with a 99.98% survival rate seems kinda cultish

JQuickDraw Supporter The only proper response to these kind of posts is "popular vote" then walk away.

JQuickDraw Supporter @MudderFetcher 99.98% survival and preferentially attacks the very old and weak.

MudderFetcher SIDS..wonder what causes that

JQuickDraw Supporter Well the Spanish Flu killed mostly people in their prime (20-50 I think).

Qriist Supporter+ yeah that's called murder

MudderFetcher they invented SADS to cover the "vaccine"

MudderFetcher Spanish Flu has better dance moves so it's more deadly

JQuickDraw Supporter Spanish Flu had like a 20% kill rate and was taking out people in their prime, because a generation earlier they had the same type of flu and the survivors were old around 1918 during the Spanish Flu.

JQuickDraw Supporter It was essentially airborne ebola, not actually a "flu"

Qriist Supporter+ "🎵I'll be your Johnny on the net" -@JQuickDraw

JQuickDraw Supporter I'm not sure where the age cutoff was in young people.

MudderFetcher Spain's Queen was named Ebola at the time so they called it a Flu

JQuickDraw Supporter Kinda like Zeppelin had to change their name to The Knobs for a short time in Europe because the Eva Von Zeppelin did not want them using her family name.

JQuickDraw Supporter Lol dealing with Beverly on thei Spanish Flu thing and her inner tiger mom is coming out.

JQuickDraw Supporter "You knew more than anyone and almost everything I wanted to know. Fail."

MudderFetcher that is NOT my attention span level lmao

JQuickDraw Supporter You have to read it in her oldlady voice.

MudderFetcher this is Beverly's second sexiest voice
"We have to open the twat to know what's in it." -Nancy Pelosi

JQuickDraw Supporter "Temple of Democracy" - back around 1800 when Jefferson won the presidency, he would answer a late night knock on the door at the White House, in his night clothes and cap. Just a little juxtaposition

Qriist Supporter+ Pelosi famously said "We have to pass the bill to know what's in it"

Qriist Supporter+ on a massive omnibus bill, iirc

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ 6 score and ten

MudderFetcher Southern Belleverly is my fave

JQuickDraw Supporter Atlantic accent Beverly and cockney accent Beverly are my favorites, but that rich haughty lady voice and foghorn leghorn is good too.

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ that is a pretty epic accent

MudderFetcher I'm a big fan of things so awful that they wrap back around to awesome lmao

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ SLING SHONGS

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ mudder is a jew

MudderFetcher just because I'm circumcised? that's anti-schlongmetic

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ *bends over and gasses mudderf*

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ *PARP*

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ you just missed kamala

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ he cant

JQuickDraw Supporter I think we can come to a compromise here. He should have thrashed her with the cane.

Qriist Supporter+ that has happened in Congress before

MudderFetcher that husband was lionized and demonized for hours and then someone noticed the cane lol

Qriist Supporter+

Qriist Supporter+ he pops up about as often as Jo

Qriist Supporter+ that LOTT tweet got 83k likes

MudderFetcher don't think Victor understands that +50 million is even WORSE

Qriist Supporter+ There is one point of discussion that I want to caution people from blindly accepting: budget cuts. The left and right are both guilty of ragebaiting about this without context.

Qriist Supporter+ When the government discusses budget cuts they are almost always discussing a decrease of FUTURE expenditures in the NEXT annual budget, and it's usually in the context of shrinking an increase that's

Qriist Supporter+ already planned to go into effect. Think of it more along the lines of maintaining the status quo, rather than decreasing dollars spent.

Qriist Supporter+ Very rarely do budget cuts actually cut into CURRENT expenditures.

Qriist Supporter+ gonna put "Vws my un" in my bio to spite Beverly

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ Clean comment

JQuickDraw Supporter There is a negative value for the cumulative testosterone levels in that photo.

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ you both voted trump

Qriist Supporter+ The l-l-l-l-l-of-lib of tik tok

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ she laughs like a democrat

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ hashtag

Qriist Supporter+ I know what you're saying, but that fire department is actually VERY well funded. The issue is it's all going to bullshit expenditures.

Qriist Supporter+ Throwing more money at that FD would just be paying for another diversity course.

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ I love you girls lol

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ fucking freezing here

Qriist Supporter+ "It's not the people setting shit on fire, nope."

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ it's not

MudderFetcher maybe disasters should auto-trigger a State census to incentivize the government keeping people alive

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ it's always fucking nigges

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ filters mean nothing to us
OakPoke Supporter+ Diversity is our greatest strength, or should i say "strengff"

Qriist Supporter+ climate change (and definitely NOT arson) was hitting chicken farms really hard a couple years ago.

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ I'm against bush clearing

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ I like a woman au snatchural

MudderFetcher I call it a Power Muff

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ have anyone addressed why alex is on fire yet?

Qriist Supporter+ the world has been much hotter in the past, and much colder, repeatedly

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ Alex, lass, why are you on fire

MudderFetcher that's just her window...she next to CA

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ californiaiaiaia is burning and alex is like, need me a fire avatar

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ even bev had noidea where she was going there

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ bev

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ I live on the edge of the scottish highlands

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ Alex was like, a part of my country that votes different is burning....LOL

Qriist Supporter+ ckunt

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ I'm with Alix

MudderFetcher C'nut is a character of The Last Kingdom

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ alex said pussy like a girl lol

JQuickDraw Supporter I love the Dimsied

Qriist Supporter+ more visible than Darksied

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ alex has short hair, but she is very girlie, you know what I mean

JQuickDraw Supporter Oooh that sounds like a great pretentious card game for snobby millenials - Acronym or Typo?

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ Alex, when you say fucking, my willy tingles and bev's arse contracts

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ DIM CUNTS

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ yes

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ as a white man, this time period sucks

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ I want to be invading

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ not invaded alex ffs

Qriist Supporter+ this is breaking Beverly's brain lol

Qriist Supporter+ HE IS talking about everyone. That's the point.

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ never say small to a woman

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ men, let us run now, far from these harpies

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ I love an Alex rant

Qriist Supporter+ Can confirm, no home required for phone service in the modern era.

Qriist Supporter+ r+flamingelmo

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ Girl on a roll, and very fucking correct

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ This is why we love this clinical italian girl

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ BEV

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ *waves*

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ BEV

MudderFetcher yeah eat shit Ancient Mesopotamia and you're evil slave trade!

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator lol

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ Zargon hammurahid gilgamesh

MudderFetcher *your (beer may be involved)

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ *pour

MudderFetcher well now I wanna hear Alex's rural Kansas accent

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ They Might Be Giants

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator I don't have one.

MudderFetcher I think it just sounds like tornado noises

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ community notes says alex does indeed have a bad dragon
OakPoke Supporter+ gn and god bless

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ fuck your god oakpoke

MudderFetcher night

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ Alex Soprano

MudderFetcher who knows

MudderFetcher what difference at this point does it make

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ Kwunt Kwornah

MudderFetcher Beverly just top-rope dropped the intro elbow

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ or sex

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ just saying alex

Qriist Supporter+ I don't track my period.

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ weepy from where...eyes or vagina?

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ are you leaking and dribbling?

MudderFetcher "Producing More Mucus Is Never A Good Thing For Me" is Alex's next 7 part series

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ Alex is onfire

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ disco inferno

JQuickDraw Supporter "He's a good character to insert yourself into." Beverly getting freaky with Harry.

MudderFetcher always comes back to buttstuff

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ wtf

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ bev is a sick cunt

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ Alex

MudderFetcher my wife loved the invitations pic btw

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ I always go with rectangle frames too

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ someone reboot her

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ CTRL ALT DEL

MudderFetcher A Clockwork Orange by Burgess Meredith sounds way better

JQuickDraw Supporter Anthony Burgess Meredith Baxter Birney

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ penguin

Qriist Supporter+ I'm getting sleep, I read @MudderFetcher's chat as "A Clockwork Orange by Burgess Megadeth"

Qriist Supporter+ sleepy*

MudderFetcher band name clearly lol

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ was there a batman before keaton for you poor dears

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ I said dears to see alex before she bites me

MudderFetcher I showed my wife and said: "I wish your friends were cooler." lmfao

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++'s not a wedding, it's a massive mistake

JQuickDraw Supporter My friend and I used to get each other condolences and bar mitzvah cards for our birthdays.

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ JEW

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ sorry

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ I am Hitler reborn

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ she texted me asking about gas chambers

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ is it bad I got arroused in my mind by alex flashing armpit?

MudderFetcher whenever I give my mom a card I always sign my name with (your son) under it

Qriist Supporter+ crashing out

Qriist Supporter+ night ladies and Beverly

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ nn q tip

MudderFetcher love doing homemade cards

Qriist Supporter+ 🤙

MudderFetcher night

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ alex ramming that into the ear

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ glitter is like sperm

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ always gets in the hair

MudderFetcher giving the girl who is allergic to everything something covered in glitter is just cruel lmao

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ play keytar

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ I demand an out-troiuu

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ alex doesnt need batteries

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ lol sorry

MudderFetcher night all 🍻 💜

JQuickDraw Supporter lator gators

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