Millennial's Advise On Success & Overcoming Adversity

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Jerry and Rose are joined by Commissioner Electra Janis, the youngest ever female commissioner in the state of Pennsylvania. Be inspired by this young lady!
Electra encourages others to go after what they want and to stand up to adversity. Others used her age against her, but Electra shares how she shut out the criticisms and pushed on.
She discusses how sacrifices she made along the way paid off. Growing up in a tight-knit Greek-American family, where hard work and candor were mixed with compassion and loyalty, Electra Janis is a young woman in a hurry.
Her family life, she says, taught her values, while working in the family’s restaurant taught her to stay humble.
 “Both of these have taught me how to treat people,” she says. “Family and community are important to me,” she says.
Her combined life experience and youthful drive have helped to shape her agenda for Washington County.
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