Historic Amnesia: When We Don't Teach Our Children History

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Michael Levine, Author of Broken Windows, Broken Business Joins Jerry and Rose
Historic Amnesia
What happens when young people are not equipped with accurate historical knowledge?
Historical events fade from living memory, especially as the survivors and witnesses pass away.

Millennials raising pets not children.
Young people have been indoctrinated from kindergarten through college.
Indoctrination has been baked into impressionable brains
After 20 years of social experiment we are now seeing the results.
For example: A little less that 20% of Gen Z’rs believe Hitler had some good ideas
How do we respond to this? Where does the blame fall?

Why is it important that we pay attention to these numbers?
How did we get here? Who is responsible for fixing this? Parents, teachers? Will they?

Regarding buliding your business: Little issues matter a lot where your business is concerned. Michael also encourages us to change the way we think and do business. His book; “ Broken Windows, Broken Business”. Management theories that can alter the destiny of countless companies striving to stay ahead of their competition.

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