Depression Tip #18: Self-Forgivenessđź’™

5 months ago

In depression we can be incredibly hard on ourselves for incidents that happened in the past and we can ruminate on them and go over them again, and again, and again. The way out of this is threefold.đź’™

The first thing to do is to actually see whether we are entirely responsible and you may need some external help to be dispassionate about this, so that may be a therapist, it may be a counsellor someone like that who can look at a situation Impartially and dispassionately.đź’™

The second thing to do is then to take responsibility for your role in whatever the incident was and to try to make amends and try to work on why the situation happened and prevent it from happening again in the future.đź’™

The third thing to do is to self forgive. It's important to give yourself forgiveness for making mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes. You accept the responsibility for that mistake, you make amends for that mistake to the best you can and then you forgive yourself. Then you can move on.đź’™

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