TheDimNews LIVE: The Many Assassination Attempts of Donald Trump | Overtime Pay Tax Elimination

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Pretend this is a $50 superchat.

Qriist Supporter Consider the H to be silent and give them a hAsian accent.
OakPoke Supporter+ Hello ladies. Hello chat.

Qriist Supporter @OakPoke WAIT, which one am I?
OakPoke Supporter+ No way you're both?
OakPoke Supporter+ They're just demonic. God cursed them.

Qriist Supporter @OakPoke how dare you assume my chatness 😡
The cannibal does not discriminate on the meat menu, what a 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒅 revelation. 😛

JQuickDraw Supporter The problem is that if you move to another country, it's your responsibility to assimilate. Oh and hello hello :)
OakPoke Supporter+ just don't let them in and deport them all
OakPoke Supporter+ lol qriist

Qriist Supporter The normal immigration process does have you go through a lot of assimilation prep.

JQuickDraw Supporter "Welcome to our small island nation. All animals are sacred and you may not eat any of them. However, you may eat other humans as you please." Beverly smiles: "Hello my new family."
I identify as a grain of rice. Hello Qriist!
OakPoke Supporter+ normal country we would have zero Somalis or Haitians. zero Africans. we're just in hell

Qriist Supporter @JQuickDraw pls no violate

JQuickDraw Supporter Long grain wild PTSD

Qriist Supporter Beverly got visited by the Grapist lol

JQuickDraw Supporter "My boyfriend graped me. We made jam afterwards. So yummy!"

Qriist Supporter @JQuickDraw

JQuickDraw Supporter I forgot about that one lol. Trevor Moore was so fucking good.

Qriist Supporter 💯

Qriist Supporter Fucking legend.

Qriist Supporter yay WKUK

JQuickDraw Supporter Founding Fathers rap and Guillotine song, so good and still very appropriate for today's politics.

Qriist Supporter ya it was two women in the article

JQuickDraw Supporter Hey she's a lucky woman. If I ever get jammed into a blender, I can only hope it's done by a loved one.

Qriist Supporter Swiss Miss is the hot chocolate brand

JQuickDraw Supporter He just wanted some Swiss chocolate in his smoothie.

Qriist Supporter all my homies blender their babes

thrasybulus Swiss Miss instructions Do Not include this in your mixing of their hot chocolate.


JQuickDraw Supporter The blender wasn't big enough. The cops caught him trying to force her head into it.

Qriist Supporter wtaf is "criminal energy"?

Qriist Supporter she's really invested in this blender aspect lmao

thrasybulus Try cleaning the blender afterwards to avoid forensics.

JQuickDraw Supporter @Qriist I think that's something Lex Luthor created in an issue of Superman in the 1970s. He infused people with a criminal energy ray to keep Supes busy while he tried for world domination.

thrasybulus Maybe it had to do with the Ginger's new job as a blender salesman.

Qriist Supporter criminal energy = "Look at the size of my crowbar!"

JQuickDraw Supporter Salad anyone?

JQuickDraw Supporter He tossed his own salad. Hey-yo!

thrasybulus Crowbars are for amateurs. Breaching tools have advanced in the last hundred years.

thrasybulus Isn't salad tossing oral and not penetrative?

JQuickDraw Supporter @thrasybulus If you way so. You're the expert. :r+rickroll:

JQuickDraw Supporter vegetable grape

thrasybulus @JQuickDraw I remember a Chris Rock album where he talks about prison.

JQuickDraw Supporter I sense a theme on tonight's show.

Qriist Supporter Beverly's the expert on anal sex, apparently.

JQuickDraw Supporter @thrasybulus Yeah I remember it too. And yes it's oral. I was just stretching into the joke.

thrasybulus Athena birth story?

Qriist Supporter the child died a couple seeks after

Qriist Supporter weeks*

Qriist Supporter lmfao

Qriist Supporter okay you win the abortion argument lmao

JQuickDraw Supporter @Qriist Do better, okay?

JQuickDraw Supporter Anal Alcove

Qriist Supporter Dick Dock

JQuickDraw Supporter Penis Promenade

Qriist Supporter Ball Berth

Qriist Supporter Phallus Palace

Qriist Supporter Groin Grotto

thrasybulus Testicla Table Talk

Qriist Supporter Schlong Station

thrasybulus AKs tend not to be accurate beyond 300 meters.

Qriist Supporter people have been saying it in a way that rhymes with mouth

Qriist Supporter these days pagers are WMD

thrasybulus His WMD was a full auto rifle.

Qriist Supporter @thrasybulus (real question) are you joking?

thrasybulus Secret Service shot at the unwounded suspect. Doesn't make me feel better about their marksmanship.

Qriist Supporter ^


thrasybulus @Qriist Not kidding. His WMD under NC state law was a full auto rifle.

Qriist Supporter @thrasybulus that's so fucking stupid

thrasybulus There is no such thing as bulletproof. Just bullet resistant.

JQuickDraw Supporter The window barrier in the hotel may have been a remnant of the covid years.

JQuickDraw Supporter Makes sense. I can't tell you how many times I've jumped up out of a sound sleep and needed an immediate dip in the hot tub.

thrasybulus Eyes makes me think possibly laser.

thrasybulus If Trump is a cat, no wonder he wants to deport the Haitians.

thrasybulus Overtime is for people on hourly wages. Salaried employees get no extra pay for working more than 40 hours a week.
Repeal the 16th, you pussy.

Qriist Supporter Oh good, that lady's husband won't have his overtime killed in taxes.

Hooka Supporter That’s why it well written contract is important

Qriist Supporter ya 16th = 1913

Qriist Supporter awww I feel seen 🥰

thrasybulus There was that one constitutional amendment that almost passed, but didn't get enough states to ratify in time. It forbade Americans from accepting titles of nobility with congressional approval.

thrasybulus In the defence of the Seattle Times, the intern running their twitter likely wasn't around in 2020.


JQuickDraw Supporter He did the ERB call at the end there lol

Qriist Supporter I noticed that too lol

Qriist Supporter I'll officiate your wedding lmao

thrasybulus The failed amendment was to prevent foreign govts from bribing Americans to turn traitor with titles. It's a consequence of the War of 1812.

JQuickDraw Supporter That's an impressive genuine imitation gold guido necklace she's wearing.

thrasybulus "Maybe we could..." have babies together is not something a married woman to say to a random dude.

Qriist Supporter I don't understand that one

thrasybulus Husband needs a new blender... for no particular reason.

JQuickDraw Supporter If she had shut him down fast and rude, then they would have said she was a man-hating feminist.

Qriist Supporter "She's having a normal healthy conversation, get the stoning party together!"

JQuickDraw Supporter @Qriist Life of Brian lol

thrasybulus Mandatory paternity tests for everyone

Qriist Supporter @JQuickDraw What do you mean?

JQuickDraw Supporter There's a stoning scene in Life of Brian

Qriist Supporter Epic Rap Battles of history

JQuickDraw Supporter "Who won? Who's next?"

Qriist Supporter Beverly here's a sample:

Qriist Supporter @JQuickDraw is that a show?

TunedToKey Supporter Howdy

JQuickDraw Supporter @Qriist Sorry showing my age I think lol. Life of Brian was Monty Python's second movie after Holy Grail.

Qriist Supporter ERB = Epic Rap Battles

TunedToKey Supporter Keep da twats rolling

Qriist Supporter oh neat

TunedToKey Supporter "You expect me to use my gun?!?" - Katt Williams

Qriist Supporter Yes, both.

JQuickDraw Supporter A single punch can kill you. Or it can knock you out and when you fall you hit your head and die. It's a life and death situation.

JQuickDraw Supporter Well, rights SHOULD be recognized by the state. But more and more there has formed a rift between what is written as legal recognition of such and what is enforced.

thrasybulus Cat ownership mandated for all jurors.

thrasybulus Life, Liberty, Property.

Qriist Supporter Life, Liberty, Pussy.

thrasybulus Vocab quiz tomorrow class.

JQuickDraw Supporter I like doing a Democracy while Scooby-Dooing.

JQuickDraw Supporter Lips, Leggings, Pussy

JQuickDraw Supporter Well he did make This is Spinal Tap. It would give me hope for humans if Reiner was trolling.

Qriist Supporter If everything is local, nothing is national.

thrasybulus If it happens outside our area code it isn't newsworthy.

thrasybulus Aristotle's line about all politics being local should be thought of in terms of a society where city-states were the primary form of governance.

Qriist Supporter Brandenberg v. Ohio... JD Vance has the hometeam advantage on this topic lol

thrasybulus Colonies are where you send your excess population using your excess wealth.

Qriist Supporter Silly Beverly, girls can't learn about space because their heads are already empty.

JQuickDraw Supporter "When my girlfriend says she's a virgo, what she means is that she has the virgo cluster in her head."

JQuickDraw Supporter It's not an exaggeration to say that the size of the universe is literally incomprehensible to many people.

Qriist Supporter "That astrophysicist is so hot I had to put an extender on Orion's Belt."

Qriist Supporter brb, smashing some widows


JQuickDraw Supporter "Those Haitians are eating our cats. What can we do? Oh I know, gonna give their women a damn good time."

Qriist Supporter Most people survive until they die, Beverly.

JQuickDraw Supporter I think he's just exercising his debating skills. That's his hook, or gimmick - blood sports debating. So he throws out wild statements and tried to defend them against the idiot hordes.

Egerog hi

Qriist Supporter hiya

JQuickDraw Supporter Lindsay Graham, fanning himself and sipping a lemonade, "Well I do declare, it's the end of the world. My goodness, look at all us handsome, strapping "survivors."

Qriist Supporter I bet she has more practical authority than Biden.

Egerog dark stalker is a Rooster

Egerog buffy is a Hen and Angel we are not sure

Qriist Supporter Can confirm, I'm a miserable bitch baby when I'm sick.

Egerog but we decided to keep the rooster. he doesn't crow till i let him out of roost

JQuickDraw Supporter I'm not a baby when I'm sick. More like a vampire. I retire to my chamber and go into hibernation.

Qriist Supporter I also make fun of your typos.

Egerog we recently moved closer to the mountians with more coyotes hawks and owls hope Dark stalker will frighten them away. My dog is useless. she dont like to be outside without a human.

JQuickDraw Supporter Asians and Cubans are white adjacent, Beverly. You're the new white meat.

Egerog My kids named Him for the main character in the Wings of fire Prequals.

JQuickDraw Supporter The video about the white guy at the black barbecue is on youtube I am pretty sure, along with a thousand reactions to it. You can find it.

Qriist Supporter Beverly, I made a screenshot of the spelltable one

JQuickDraw Supporter A lot of people have this weird idea that between somewhere in the somewhat recent past and the present, the government transformed into a morally upright entity, and can no longer do wrong.

Egerog San Diego might as well be Tijuana

Qriist Supporter so what you're saying is, women are the problem

Egerog Hair club for men is a safe space for men

Qriist Supporter "I'm afraid for my life because someone is saying naughty words online"

Qriist Supporter Magic players are *notoriously* thin skinned

Qriist Supporter yes it's real

Qriist Supporter Changing your username is an easy way to stop the troll from following you around in public lobbies.

Qriist Supporter He didn't mention that at all.

Qriist Supporter I understand that. Some troll following you around in public lobbies is not "stalking".

Qriist Supporter He didn't mention phishing. All he said was insults.

Qriist Supporter That's Xbox Live banter

Qriist Supporter Respectfully, you don't know how SJW-infested Magic is.

Qriist Supporter There's also the question of if the spelltable user was randomly talking about gay or trans stuff, or had it in his username. This is a thing that MTG players do a ton of. It's fucking weird.

Qriist Supporter The call to "terminate the constitution" is them twisting his words

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator I still wouldn't follow around a player and insult them. D2 had tons of people with trans and pride banners and I just block them.

Qriist Supporter he said that phrase, but the context is entirely different

JQuickDraw Supporter It's funny because the government stopped caring about the constitution a long, long time ago.

Qriist Supporter here's the termination post

JQuickDraw Supporter If someone asks you if you've voted yet, tell them "Three times this week! What about you?"

JQuickDraw Supporter And smile while you say it.

JQuickDraw Supporter Why is she wearing a spread open disco ball?

Qriist Supporter it's an oooold video

Qriist Supporter they edited that

Qriist Supporter Peter Position

JQuickDraw Supporter Cottontail

JQuickDraw Supporter Peter Cottontail

JQuickDraw Supporter Peter Human

JQuickDraw Supporter How many grapists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

JQuickDraw Supporter No I was asking a question.

JQuickDraw Supporter You said any final questions.

JQuickDraw Supporter Okay, 3. Two to hold the lightbulb down and one to screw it.

JQuickDraw Supporter The pirates in The Fog don't talk.

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