Depression Tip #4: Eliminate These...💙

5 months ago

Depression tip number four, I'm likely to take a lot of flack for this, but I don't mind. I'm happy to do that. When people give you tips for healing from depression, they're often extra things that you can do, such as get up and go outside, get up and go and exercise, get up and go and meet friends, get up and go and do something, pull your socks up, pull yourself together.💙

You know, it's always activities that you can add to your plate, but when you're depressed, you just want to lose things from your plate. You can't be adding anything else. It's generally a lot of work to even think about taking a shower.💙

So how about you start by taking things off your plate? The catch is these are the things that you might not want to take off your plate. So I'm talking about cutting back or eliminating smoking, drinking, drugs, and junk food.💙

The reason that I'm saying to take those off your plate is that they are all negative for your health, both your body health and your mental health.💙

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