Creation In Symphony The Model Part 1 (Dr. Carl Baugh)
Creation In Symphony The Model Part 2 (Dr. Carl Baugh)
Creation In Symphony The Model Part 3 (Dr. Carl Baugh)
Creation In Symphony The Model Part 4 "Let There Be Light" (Dr. Carl Baugh)
Creation In Symphony The Model Part 5 (Dr. Carl Baugh)
Creation In Symphony The Model Part 7 (Dr. Carl Baugh)
Creation In Symphony The Model Part 9 The Days of Peleg (Dr. Carl Baugh)
Creation In Symphony The Model Part 8 The Flood (Dr. Carl Baugh)
Creation In Symphony The Model Part 10 The Last Days (Dr. Carl Baugh)
Creation In Symphony The Evidence Part 1 with Dr. Carl Baugh
Creation In Symphony The Evidence Part 2 with Dr. Carl Baugh
Creation In Symphony The Evidence Part 3 with Dr. Carl Baugh
Creation In Symphony The Evidence Part 4 with Dr. Carl Baugh
Creation In Symphony The Evidence Part 5 with Dr. Carl Baugh
Creation In Symphony The Evidence Part 6 with Dr. Carl Baugh

Creation In Symphony The Model Part 9 The Days of Peleg (Dr. Carl Baugh)

7 months ago

Early in the Flood sequence subterranean waters erupted and ruptured the great Pangean supercontinent into continental divisions, but the continental divisions were still in place adjacent to each other.

During the year of that great Flood the global floodwaters laid down sedimentary layers of rock laced with fossils. These sedimentary layers were placed directly over many of the fracture lines. The Pangean supercontinent was still in place, but was "fractured at the seams."

Approximately five hundred years after the Flood a "runaway" nuclear reaction took place in Earth's interior under the South Pacific basin. This reaction was initiated originally as a result of the disruption which caused the Flood. This "runaway" nuclear reaction took place at the time of Peleg, and during his lifetime the diameter of the earth expanded - separating the continents and thrusting great masses of land into new configurations.


Enhancement of Atmospheric Pressure. After the Flood the Earth expanded in diameter during the days of Peleg.[99] This expansion was due to the continued disruption of radioactive elements in the planet’s structured interior.[100] In an attempt to determine Earth’s original size, our environmental engineers have approximated the planet’s original radius to be 95% of its current measurement.[101] Using these parameters the total mass would remain the same; however, the planet’s volume was originally 5% less. This would render greater gravitational attraction of the atmospheric gases at sea level, and would increase the absolute atmospheric pressure to approximately 22 psi, compared to today’s 14.7 psi.[102]

Higher ratios of oxygen[103] and carbon dioxide[104] in the enhanced atmospheric pressure further multiplied the benefits under these optimal conditions. Hyperbaric oxygen specialist William Fife (Texas A & M University, A.P. Beutel Health Center) has run extensive laboratory experiments using enhanced atmospheric pressure. Applying appropriate oxygen under these conditions, the entire blood plasma is quickly saturated with oxygen.[105] [106] National Geographic reports the phenomenal overnight healing of an aquanaut who cut his hand during long-term exposure to elevated atmospheric pressure and elevated oxygen.[107] Living under these conditions human beings would receive adequate oxygen supply to the fetal brain, providing retention of all 200 billion brain cells that are genetically produced during fetal development. Normal humans would thus be provided with optimal functioning abilities, as well as the phenomenal gifts of the savant.

Elevation of oxygen ratio, and its saturation in a fluid medium, explains the large size of some insects in the fossil record.[108] This further solves the long-standing dinosaur mystery of their small lungs being able to sustain tremendous bulk sizes.[109] Due to the effects of Boyles Law, the water table was saturated with free oxygen. Anaerobic bacteria would not thrive under these conditions, and marine life could grow to gargantuan sizes, such as those found in the fossil record.

Research physicist Sherwood Idso has found that plants, when enriched with more CO2, “grow bigger and better, much like the plants of past geological epochs of biological prominence...[T]he efficiency with which plants use water to produce organic matter, essentially doubles with a doubling of the atmospheric CO2 concentration. Moreover, for a tripling of the amount of CO2 in the air, it nearly triples!”[110] Researcher Suan-Chin Wong grew cotton plants under normal ambient partial pressure of CO2, and under enriched partial pressure of CO2. Thirty-five days after planting, the total dry weights of high CO2-grown plants were 2 to 3.5 fold greater than plants grown in normal ambient CO2.[111]

We are only now beginning to realize a measure of the orchestration involved in the universal creation event. Interdependence among all forms of life is now recognized as common in nature.[112] One contextual benefit would be the natural healing of the human body.[113] Global traditions of a primordial paradise persist to this day.[114]

Video Credit: Creation Evidence Museum

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