Dr. Carl Baugh
15 videos
Updated 3 months ago
Creation In Symphony The Model Part 1 (Dr. Carl Baugh)
Creation Answers that Point to our Creator God.Our creation model begins, not with the space-time dimension, but with the Creator Himself. George Ellis, co-author of The Large Scale Structure of Time Space stated, "The construction of nature points to a purposeful designer". Can we identify the God of creation? We believe we can identify Him both Biblically and scientifically. In studying the man-made religions of the world, ancient creation myths, and pagan deities, there are found common tenets that express the characteristics of their gods. These include: Man leaving Earth and becoming a deity Plural deities in conflict with each other Sensuous preoccupation Creation by naturalistic means Exploration of the creation by the gods Sacrifice by murder Only one creation concept is unique in not sharing these characteristics, which is the account of creation as told in the Holy Bible. The God of the Bible is the only God that satisfies man's own observation of what life teaches him. Knowledge shows that the "First Cause of Creation" or "The Creator." The great philosophic questions of life that have been asked by all cultures are as follows: Who Am I? Where Did I Come From? What Is My Purpose Here? Where Am I Going? These can be addressed by the study of the "First Cause of creation"-The Creator Himself. Is it possible that the Creator originally designed the earth to benefit the one He would ultimately create on the final sixth day of the literal week of creation? We say yes, it is possible. This one - MAN - would be created in the image of his Creator, to fulfill His purpose, and to be in charge of the creation. This original creation with its protective firmamental canopy, supporting internal infrastructure, and myriad life forms would be an environment in which man could flourish. Protective Firmamental Canopy Receiving the short wave energy from stellar bodies Amplifying the mid-spectral light Filtering out harmful ultraviolet radiation Causing increased atmospheric pressure Causing increased oxygen ratio Supporting Internal Infrastructure Core keeping the electromagnetic field oriented Radioactive elements giving off nuclear radiation and thermal energy Band of asphalt hydrocarbons moderating and sustaining the constant temperature of the energy Great waters transporting that energy through aqueducts to the earth's surface Myriad Life Forms Plants: Fruit on the vine and seed in the fruit Animals: All creatures, including dinosaurs, coexisting with man Man: Superior intelligence immediate youth and functional maturity We find the Creator the "First Cause of creation" described in Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning God" Video Credit: Creation Evidence Museum http://www.creationevidence.org/evidence/creation_model_session_1.php372 views -
Creation In Symphony The Model Part 2 (Dr. Carl Baugh)
Creation Answers that Point to our Creator God.In the beginning God created the heavens (space-time dimension) and the earth. And the earth was without form and void. When first created, the earth was simply a mass of water. By calling it earth, the inference is that the Creator had futuristic intentions with design and purpose. Beginning with water, we have the basic elements of earth's reactions, and the essential ingredient of life's processes. In water you have the integration of hydrogen and oxygen. The problem of transmutation of elements is solved with water. Between elements no. 6 and elements no. 7 on the periodic chart there cannot be a transmutation. By creating elements no. 1 and no. 8 first, there is the futuristic possibility for the energy and elements to be transmutated to whatever the Creator would like to create in His design and purpose. The earth was void and without form; there was just water. It did not have a surface form. That would be created on day three of creation. On day one of creation the Spirit of God would move on the watery mass and thus generate a sphere. Current thoughts on the physical sciences indicate with a small structure of the earth and with lines of space being curved, you actually have an integration of phenomena -time, space, and energy. In the creation model, there is the space/time dimension, called the heavens (plural) and a sphere of water. That is plausible according to our current understanding of the physical sciences. When the spirit of God moved over the body of water, energy was expressed for a specific purpose. The water molecule, H2O, is a unique combination of elements, which include: - A negative and positive pole - A charge - Its own tiny electromagnetic field - In random tendency - Be solid, liquid, or gas By adding energy and specific motion to a watery mass, it takes on a spherical shape. The water molecules align, and a global electromagnetic field is formed. There is super charged water in the lines of electromagnetic energy. At the surface where the greatest concentration of energy is located, normal electrolysis would occur, breaking the H2O bond and allowing for free hydrogen and free oxygen. (Electromagnetic energy around bodies of water produces free hydrogen.) The moving of the Spirit of God would have caused free hydrogen, free oxygen, and an electromagnetic field. This first day of creation is a literal solar day, yet it accounts for the deep penetration of matter and energy into space, the interpretation of vast amounts of light years in space, and the arrival of information in light waves sent back to earth. The entire creation took place about 6000 years ago. (More information on the space/time dimension and "what is a day" in further lessons) In the space/time dimension, we recognize that throughout the universe, there is a trinity. In space, you have height, length, and width. In time, you have past, present, and future. In matter, you have energy, motion, and phenomena. Yet, the cosmos is intrastructured. God said, "Let there be light". Although we disagree with the old-age timeline even evolutionary astrophysicists state that, "all physical phenomena could have come from light". UCLA laboratory experiments have demonstrated that under certain conditions, light is formed when sound is broadcast through water. God would stretch out the heavens during the first week of creation and again during the time of Noah's Flood. The earth was still experiencing six literal solar days. Video Credit: Creation Evidence Museum http://www.creationevidence.org/evidence/creation_model_session_2.php References 1 Genesis 1: 1-2 2 Fowler, William A.; The Origins of the Elements: Scientific American, Sept. 1956, Vol. 195, p.82 3 Ross, Hugh; A Super Theory of Superstrings Reveals a Super Creator: Reasons to Believe, Vol. 9 no. 4, 1995, p.3 4 Humphreys, Russel D.; The Creation of the Earth's Magnetic Field : Creation Research Society Quarterly, San Diego, Vol. 20, p.89 5 Humphreys, Russel D.; The Creation of the Earth's Magnetic Field: Creation Research Society Quarterly, San Diego, Vol. 20, p.89 6 Linsky, Jeffery; CU Researchers Discover Wall Around Solar System: Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics, Daily Camera, Boulder CO, Jan. 17, 1996 7 Genesis 1:3 8 Weisskopf, Victor F.; The origin of the Universe: American Scientist, Vol. 71, 1983, p.480 9 Space Between Stars Contains Atoms & Molecules of all the Elements: Discover, Sept. 1993, p.24 10 Weinberg, Stephen; Life in the Universe : Scientific American, Oct. 1994, p.44 11Putterman, Seth; Sonoluminesence: Sound into Light: Scientific American, Feb. 1995, p.46 12 Kennedy, James D.; Is God Trying to Tell Us Something?: Charisma & Christian Life, Nov. 1988, p.83 13 Humphreys, D. Russel; Starlight & Time: Master Books, Colorado Springs, Co. 1994339 views -
Creation In Symphony The Model Part 3 (Dr. Carl Baugh)
Creation Answers that Point to our Creator God.In response to the Creator's expression of energy, the concentrated hydrogen in the magnetic canopy bonded into crystalline lattice among the water molecules. A thin, solid firmament was thus created, suspended by its own superconductivity as a canopy over the watery Earth.Its natural physical properties permitted mid-spectral and long-wave radiation to be transmitted and photo-multiplied. Shorter wavelengths of radiation were assimilated into the magnetic field, providing a mechanism of re-supply for use by living systems yet to be created. Radio wavelengths were intermittently audibilized, and areas of the watery mass danced in activating response. Video Credit: Creation Evidence Museum http://www.creationevidence.org/evidence/creation_model_session_3.php305 views -
Creation In Symphony The Model Part 4 "Let There Be Light" (Dr. Carl Baugh)
Creation Answers that Point to our Creator God.On day three the dry land and all its attendant elements appeared. A solid granite crust provided form for the surface of the young planet. The ferromagnetic core maintained alignment of the magnetic field. Radioactive elements with adjacent moderating units formed foundations and a controlled nuclear reactor within earth's interior. Masses of hydrocarbon assumed their role as a swaddling band" to moderate temperatures in the adjacent water reservoirs. These warm waters fountained up through granite, clays, and sands to re-circulate back into the subterranean reservoir and form a dynamic hydrocycle. A great supercontinent was outlined on the planet's surface. Luxuriant plants were created with their fruit and seeds fully formed, thus incorporating "immediate youth" and "functional maturity." On day four stellar heavens were formed from the mass and energy inherent in the universal flood of light registered on day one. As the microcosmic structure of the atoms would permit seven "shells" of particles above its nucleus, the macrocosmic structure of the heavens above would cluster seven distinct "spheres" of star bodies on a universal scale. Designed in harmony with the biorhythms of Earth's living systems, these stellar instruments provided functional time and energy to the universe as a whole. Video Credit: Creation Evidence Museum with Dr. Carl Baugh http://www.creationevidence.org/evidence/creation_model_session_4.php236 views -
Creation In Symphony The Model Part 5 (Dr. Carl Baugh)
Creation Answers that Point to our Creator God.Crystalline Canopy Theory © By Carl E. Baugh, Creation Evidence Museum “He hath made the earth by his power, he hath established the world by his wisdom, and hath stretched out the heavens by his discretion” (Jeremiah 10:12). Abstract: In this paper the firmament (raqiya) that was divinely made on Day Two is held to extend throughout space as a universal macrocosm expanse of lattice structure consisting of charged subatomic particles. These particles formed the structure that would later stabilize the universal arrangement of stellar bodies and various atomic elements. Recent analysis of astronomical polarization data demonstrates that the universe has an optical axis, and the universe appears to behave in a similar way as a crystal with optical activity. Simultaneously, in order to focus the benefit of universal radiation, the firmament is held to be localized as a thin microcosm complex of crystalline structure suspended directly above Earth; this structure consisted of strong magnetic flux lines holding silicate sugilite, hydrogen, water molecules and possibly various metallic colloids in its force field. Water in Earth’s spherical mass was utilized in its solid form in making the localized crystalline firmament, and was simultaneously distributed throughout space in its various molecular forms in the establishing of the firmament as a universal expanse. Earth’s local crystalline canopy in its physical design would uniquely absorb and transfer the radiation of the stellar bodies that were later placed in the universal expanse. These stellar bodies were made to be an orchestrated symphony of mass, energy and radiation, specifically designed to benefit planet Earth and its inhabitants. The firmament as a universal expanse, and its localized crystalline structure suspended above the Earth in the original pre-Flood creation, are viewed as one seamless whole in the concept and usage of the Hebrew word raqiya. Video Credit: Creation Evidence Museum See full documentation Here: http://www.creationevidence.org/evidence/crystillane_canopy_theory.php293 views -
Creation In Symphony The Model Part 7 (Dr. Carl Baugh)
Creation Answers that Point to our Creator God.Creation Days 5 thru 7: Creation Model Crystalline Canopy Theory Enhancement of signals from Starlight. The physical features of the crystalline canopy would give the structure potential as a photomultiplier. In the photomultiplier, dopants or impurities are denser than ordinary IR-sensitive material. More impurities mean electrons move more freely from ion to ion. The higher the field, the higher the probability of an electron ionizing another pair, setting off an avalanche until a single electron has set in motion 50,000 or more additional electrons. Using this effect in exploring the heavens, astronomers have detected galaxies in the deepest regions of space.[78] Since the crystalline canopy would have a rather rigid structure, a problem of lens focusing has been anticipated. However, the eye of the trilobite created on Day Five possessed a fixed internal crystalline “optical-doublet” structure that corrected focusing problems, both near and far.[79] One can readily reflect on the visual effects in viewing the night sky under the crystalline structure. The canopy would be dominated with a magenta hue, due to the chemical makeup of the sugilite and the energizing of hydrogen in the adjacent water. This magenta filter would render the stars, and other heavenly bodies, viewable in their myriad colors. The stretched-out heavens were actually somewhat closer to Earth from creation to the time of the Flood, and they were expanded further out in space during the year-long deluge.[80] So, in the original creation the galaxies and their motions in the deepest heavens would be seen and appreciated. Closer to Earth, planets in their orbits could be seen as “waltzes” against the starry background.[81] Influence of Magenta Light on Plants. The spectrum of magenta light produced by the energizing of hydrogen has a significant effect on plants and switching of their growth genes.[82] The use of a magenta cover over greenhouses often induces more than 30% additional growth for various plants. (Pink [magenta] Light Benefits Plant Growth: “Earth Almanac” National Geographic, May 1991) (Influence of Magenta Light: Phyllis B. Moses and Nam-Hai Chua, “Light Switches for Plant Genes,” Scientific American, April, 1988, p. 88) Video Credit: Creation Evidence Museum Crystalline Canopy Theory Paper: http://www.creationevidence.org/evidence/crystillane_canopy_theory.php358 views -
Creation In Symphony The Model Part 9 The Days of Peleg (Dr. Carl Baugh)
Creation Answers that Point to our Creator God.Early in the Flood sequence subterranean waters erupted and ruptured the great Pangean supercontinent into continental divisions, but the continental divisions were still in place adjacent to each other. During the year of that great Flood the global floodwaters laid down sedimentary layers of rock laced with fossils. These sedimentary layers were placed directly over many of the fracture lines. The Pangean supercontinent was still in place, but was "fractured at the seams." Approximately five hundred years after the Flood a "runaway" nuclear reaction took place in Earth's interior under the South Pacific basin. This reaction was initiated originally as a result of the disruption which caused the Flood. This "runaway" nuclear reaction took place at the time of Peleg, and during his lifetime the diameter of the earth expanded - separating the continents and thrusting great masses of land into new configurations. http://www.creationevidence.org/evidence/creation_model_session_11.php Enhancement of Atmospheric Pressure. After the Flood the Earth expanded in diameter during the days of Peleg.[99] This expansion was due to the continued disruption of radioactive elements in the planet’s structured interior.[100] In an attempt to determine Earth’s original size, our environmental engineers have approximated the planet’s original radius to be 95% of its current measurement.[101] Using these parameters the total mass would remain the same; however, the planet’s volume was originally 5% less. This would render greater gravitational attraction of the atmospheric gases at sea level, and would increase the absolute atmospheric pressure to approximately 22 psi, compared to today’s 14.7 psi.[102] Higher ratios of oxygen[103] and carbon dioxide[104] in the enhanced atmospheric pressure further multiplied the benefits under these optimal conditions. Hyperbaric oxygen specialist William Fife (Texas A & M University, A.P. Beutel Health Center) has run extensive laboratory experiments using enhanced atmospheric pressure. Applying appropriate oxygen under these conditions, the entire blood plasma is quickly saturated with oxygen.[105] [106] National Geographic reports the phenomenal overnight healing of an aquanaut who cut his hand during long-term exposure to elevated atmospheric pressure and elevated oxygen.[107] Living under these conditions human beings would receive adequate oxygen supply to the fetal brain, providing retention of all 200 billion brain cells that are genetically produced during fetal development. Normal humans would thus be provided with optimal functioning abilities, as well as the phenomenal gifts of the savant. Elevation of oxygen ratio, and its saturation in a fluid medium, explains the large size of some insects in the fossil record.[108] This further solves the long-standing dinosaur mystery of their small lungs being able to sustain tremendous bulk sizes.[109] Due to the effects of Boyles Law, the water table was saturated with free oxygen. Anaerobic bacteria would not thrive under these conditions, and marine life could grow to gargantuan sizes, such as those found in the fossil record. Research physicist Sherwood Idso has found that plants, when enriched with more CO2, “grow bigger and better, much like the plants of past geological epochs of biological prominence...[T]he efficiency with which plants use water to produce organic matter, essentially doubles with a doubling of the atmospheric CO2 concentration. Moreover, for a tripling of the amount of CO2 in the air, it nearly triples!”[110] Researcher Suan-Chin Wong grew cotton plants under normal ambient partial pressure of CO2, and under enriched partial pressure of CO2. Thirty-five days after planting, the total dry weights of high CO2-grown plants were 2 to 3.5 fold greater than plants grown in normal ambient CO2.[111] We are only now beginning to realize a measure of the orchestration involved in the universal creation event. Interdependence among all forms of life is now recognized as common in nature.[112] One contextual benefit would be the natural healing of the human body.[113] Global traditions of a primordial paradise persist to this day.[114] Video Credit: Creation Evidence Museum http://www.creationevidence.org/evidence/crystillane_canopy_theory.php349 views 1 comment -
Creation In Symphony The Model Part 8 The Flood (Dr. Carl Baugh)
Creation Answers that Point to our Creator God.Evidince For Creation EVIDENCE FOR CREATION The Fossil Record Evolutionists have constructed the Geologic Column in order to illustrate the supposed progression of "primitive" life forms to "more complex" systems we observe today. Yet, "since only a small percentage of the earth's surface obeys even a portion of the geologic column the claim of their having taken place to form a continuum of rock/life/time over the earth is therefore a fantastic and imaginative contrivance.1" "[T]he lack of transitional series cannot be explained as being due to the scarcity of material. The deficiencies are real, they will never be filled."2 This supposed column is actually saturated with "polystrate fossils" (fossils extending from one geologic layer to another) that tie all the layers to one time-frame. "[T]o the unprejudiced, the fossil record of plants is in favor of special creation." 3 Decay of Earth's Magnetic Field Dr. Thomas Barnes, Emeritus Professor of Physics at the University of Texas at El Paso, has published the definitive work in this field.4 Scientific observations since 1829 have shown that the earth's magnetic field has been measurably decaying at an exponential rate, demonstrating its half-life to be approximately 1,400 years. In practical application its strength 20,000 years ago would approximate that of a magnetic star. Under those conditions many of the molecules necessary for life processes could not form. These data demonstrate that earth's entire history is young, within a few thousand of years. The Global Flood The Biblical record clearly describes a global Flood during Noah's day. Additionally, there are hundreds of Flood traditions handed down through cultures all over the world. 5 M.E. Clark and Henry Voss have demonstrated the scientific validity of such a Flood providing the sedimentary layering we see on every continent. 6 Secular scholars report very rapid sedimentation and periods of great carbonate deposition in earth's sedimentary layers..7 It is now possible to prove the historical reality of the Biblical Flood.8 Video Credit: Creation Evidence Museum http://www.creationevidence.org/evidence/evidence_for_creation.php338 views -
Creation In Symphony The Model Part 10 The Last Days (Dr. Carl Baugh)
Creation Answers that Point to our Creator God.The return of the Creator in His glory will produce radiant physical energy, bonding the hydrogen and water suspended above the earth. This phenomenon will reintroduce the firmament, and dinosaurs will flourish again. Elimination of ultraviolet radiation and reintroduction of magenta glow will give vegetation opportunity for optimal genetic expression. The crystalline firmament will again provide physical characteristics to receive and audibilize the harmonic radio signals from space for the musical benefit of Earth's inhabitants. This Kingdom reign will lead into the final judgment. Subsequently the new Heaven will suspend itself over the restored Earth. Symphonic righteousness will dwell in the heavens, and we will enjoy our Creator for eternity. Thou art worthy, 0 Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created," (Rev. 4:12). Since the Creator expressed His own glory and radiance in the creation of light on day one, all the physical universe, which was made from that light, is a manifestation of His power and person. As that creation was marred, His person was dishonored and marred at Calvary. But, as He arose over death on the morning of the resurrection, ultimately the universe will be restored to perfection. In that day glory, honor and power will be received by the One who gave it "in the beginning." He submitted Himself as the Lamb, and will duly reign as Lion over the universe. Video Credit: Creation Evidence Museum http://www.creationevidence.org/evidence/creation_model_session_12.php514 views -
Creation In Symphony The Evidence Part 1 with Dr. Carl Baugh
Creation Answers that Point to our Creator God.The Evidence of a Biblical Creation: A six-part series: Part 1 A tremendous pyramid of evidence for design and recent creation is available for detailed study. Romans 1:20 states: "For the invisible things of him from the creation are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead: so that they are without excuse." Scientific evidence for creation abounds in areas of objective observation. Scholars in various scientific disciplines have written about the incredible complexity in living systems and the structure of the universe. This complexity is beyond the possibility of natural development. Video Credit: Creation Evidence Museum of Texas See more, and you can download Dr. Baugh's Thesis. https://www.creationevidence.org/312 views