AIMD S02E01 Uh... You Missed A Spot
AIMD S02E02 And The Hits Keep Comin'
AIMD S02E03 Swingin' The Big 15 Incher
AIMD S02E04 Well, This Hunt Has Gone To The Dogs...
AIMD S02E05 A Coin A Minute

AIMD S02E05 A Coin A Minute

7 months ago

I was talking to somebody the other day, who said you know these metal detecting videos aren't really realistic. They get edited so that all you see is the coins and jewelry that everybody finds. Not the 3 hours I'm swinging the coil hitting pull tabs and pop tops and junk. So I said about this video to show you that metal detecting hunt was not what you saw in most videos. It didn't quite work out that way. At one point I was able to hit a coin a minute. But I did still get more than my fair share of trash.

Additionally, it occurs to me... On most videos these guys that are making them are rambling on talking along with this hunt. well I don't have either a face for video or voice for radio, I wonder if you guys wouldn't be happier with my videos if I narrated them instead of just putting a soundtrack in them. Please leave me a comment and let me know which way you guys would prefer. would you prefer me incorporating The Sounds the detector makes and narration as I detect, or just the Musical soundtrack, or little bit of both...

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