AIMD S02E01 Uh... You Missed A Spot
AIMDThis was my first hunt of the year with my 'tecting buddy Kurt. We hit a new section (to us) of beach way further West of our usual stomping grounds. Unfortunately this stretch of beach was really quiet, hardly any trash targets, not to mention good targets. Met some neat people, as usual they were loaded with questions.26 views 1 comment -
AIMD S02E02 And The Hits Keep Comin'
AIMDKurt and I went out to a new area that we hadn't done recently. It was a bit disappointing, but not a bust for either of us... Kurt did quite a bit better than I this time out. I managed to forget my 2nd SD card for my camera so I didn't get much "B Roll" footage this hunt. Hope you enjoy it, hit that LIKE Subscribe and Notification Bell if you did enjoy it please! Hammock Fight by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100213 Artist: http://incompetech.com/18 views -
AIMD S02E03 Swingin' The Big 15 Incher
AIMDWell, the targets on the beach have been getting fewer and farther between, and deeper... Now I'm not much of a fan of big coils but I finally broke down and got the 15-inch Minelab coil for my new Equinox 800. This is the first hunt for it on the beach. I took it out a couple of days ago when I got it and tried it in the field back of the RV Park and while there's not much out there but trash I did manage to get a penny at almost 16 inches! I was just astonished at how deep this thing sees. Needless to say, on the beach it didn't disappoint either!14 views -
AIMD S02E04 Well, This Hunt Has Gone To The Dogs...
AIMDIt had been looking more and more like the beaches were "hunted out" around here, between the low number of tourists that we had here and the added pressure from having more locals hunting the beaches regularly, targets were getting slim. So I decided to get the 15 inch coil from Minelab to see if I could get deeper targets. After 8 hours across two hunts, I can say that you certainly do get deeper targets! I used Beach 1 mode for this hunt and was able to run with 23 for my sensitivity for the majority of the hunt (there's one section of beach where a new 5G cell tower has been erected across the street and you have to run 17 in that area) as I do with the 11 inch coil. Most of the targets I dug today were 10 inches or deeper, with one target being 20 INCHES!! In the video, look at my scoop, it's 15 inches long and in one instance I stick it straight down into the hole and the back of the scoop is at least 5 inches below the surface. Hero In Peril by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Artist: http://audionautix.com/26 views -
AIMD S02E05 A Coin A Minute
AIMDI was talking to somebody the other day, who said you know these metal detecting videos aren't really realistic. They get edited so that all you see is the coins and jewelry that everybody finds. Not the 3 hours I'm swinging the coil hitting pull tabs and pop tops and junk. So I said about this video to show you that metal detecting hunt was not what you saw in most videos. It didn't quite work out that way. At one point I was able to hit a coin a minute. But I did still get more than my fair share of trash. Additionally, it occurs to me... On most videos these guys that are making them are rambling on talking along with this hunt. well I don't have either a face for video or voice for radio, I wonder if you guys wouldn't be happier with my videos if I narrated them instead of just putting a soundtrack in them. Please leave me a comment and let me know which way you guys would prefer. would you prefer me incorporating The Sounds the detector makes and narration as I detect, or just the Musical soundtrack, or little bit of both...34 views