Doug Burgum: There’s Been a Real Effort by the Biden Team to Lower Expectations for the Debate

3 months ago

Months effectively lowering expectations for Biden. Trump also said yesterday that he does expect his upcoming vice presidential pick to be with him in Atlanta on Thursday. It‘s been a who‘s who of vp contenders that are going to be tuning in together at a debate watch party in Atlanta that includes my next guest, one of Trump‘s top contenders to be his vice president Republican governor of North Dakota, Doug Burgum and Doug governor, it‘s great to have you here. Obviously, this debate is going to be huge. It‘s in four days from now, how critical do believe it is for Donald Trump to have a strong performance?
>> Something that America is very excited to look forward to. And I‘m sure it‘s gonna be very good debate and congratulation to CNN for having this historic debate.
>> There has been a real effort on the Biden team to try to lower expectations, but I think we have to look at the guys, run for office more than a dozen times.
>> Times. Imc has been campaigning since the president Nixon was in office. This guy has got the ability and we‘ve seen it. We‘ve seen him in debate of four years ago. We‘ve seen them in the state of that the State of the Union this year, that when he needs two, he can step up, but I think this is a real opportunity for CNN most trusted name in news to ask some tough questions, including the one because this is a rematch. And when we add this debate just before the election four years ago, Joe Biden looked into the camera and said that Hunter Biden‘s laptop was a smear campaign, Russian disinformation called it garbage. And now we know that None of that is true. And I think this does an opportunity that America is waiting. I mean, CNN‘s got an opportunity to ask the tough questions of both these candidates.
>> Safe to say there‘ll be tough questions for everybody, but it‘s interesting that you say Biden is lowering expectations because it, Trump has also been doing that you yourself have called Biden and firm. I mean, you‘ve been setting the bar pretty low for President Biden. Is that a mistake?
>> Mistake or not. I mean, I think there‘s a I think America is it looks at the state of the state. He stood up and he spoke strongly for over an hour and then when we‘re with a group of governors with him at the back in February, we were limited to two questions. One Republican governor, one Democrat, each got to ask a question. 40 governors we get to questions. Were the president of questions had to be submitted two days in advance? That‘s a far cry from from standing in a debate for 90 minutes. So I think we‘re all anxious to see which Joe Biden is going to show up. But you think that Biden will be formidable? Well, I think he really knows how to do this. And like I said, he‘s he convinced America that that laptop was fake so strongly at that last debate that then the news agencies and social media then started shutting down even the ability to post about that story. And if he‘s that if he was that good, that about lying about that for years ago, I guess the question be when did he know that the laptop was real? And what might he do this dialogue convincing.
>> From the intelligence officials. I mean, we‘ve asked them about that sense and obviously the whole issue of social media was before the debate, but I want to ask you about something that you‘ve been saying repeatedly about President Biden. Take a listen to this talk about being a

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