Jasmine Crockett: ‘I’d Be Hard-Pressed to Find Someone Dumber’ than MTG in Congress

3 months ago

KIMMELK: “Now that was funny.”
Crockett: “(Laughs) Yeah.”
KIMMEL: “Yeah. Can you tell us what led up to that? Was there anything that we didn’t see that precipitated that?”
Crockett: “No, it’s just that Marjorie is a little slow.
No, yeah, so — you know, what most people don’t know is that on this particular day, we were supposed to have our hearing at 11:00 A.M. Instead, it wasn’t until like 8:00 P.M. Like, they were trying to compete with you for ratings, I guess.”
KIMMEL: “Why?”
Crockett: “C-SPAN. C-SPAN tried to get the — but nevertheless, what it was is that they had gone to New York because they wanted to be by Trump’s side as he was in trial.”
KIMMEL: “Oh. So you had to wait for them?”
Crockett: “So we had to wait for them to come back.”
Crockett: “So then — the hearing was supposed to be about the A.G., right? So we’re supposed to be talking about A.G. Merrick Garland. And she starts talking about Judge Merchan. So now I’m upset because it’s already late at night, I’ve been here all day, ready to work, y’all aren’t here, and you’re still talking about that failed trial. So I had to ask her if she understood, because she’s not the brightest.”
KIMMEL: “Right. Oh, yeah.”
Crockett: “And ultimately she, you know — “
KIMMEL: “She attacked you, personally.”
Crockett: “She did.”
KIMMEL: “She started it.”
Crockett: “She did.”
KIMMEL: “Did you have that phrase? What was it again? A bleach-blond — “
Crockett: “ — bad-built — “
KIMMEL: “ — bad-built — “
Crockett: “ — butch body.”
KIMMEL: “Butch body.”
Crockett: “That’s right.”
(Cheering and Applause)
KIMMEL: “That — it’s so good. Was that floating around in your head before this?”
Crockett: “No, no, no.”
KIMMEL: “Holy cow, you just — that just came out?
Crockett: “Not really. So, like, when you clip it up — I mean, it looked like it was really fast, but it wasn’t. There was a lot of time that passed.”
KIMMEL: “Okay.”
Crockett: “So they were supposed to either kick her out or she was supposed to apologize. Ultimately, Comer, who y’all saw was very confused — “
KIMMEL: “Yeah. He seems perpetually confused.”
Crockett: “Absolutely. He then also revealed in that hearing that he has two hearing aids. So he was like, ‘If y’all didn’t realize, I got two hearing aids, I can’t hear.’”
KIMMEL: “That’s convenient.”
Crockett: “So we were like, ‘Oh, so we’re having a hearing about the fact that you don’t have the audio recordings from the A.G. got it. Because you can’t hear him anyway. So what do you need it for?’
But nevertheless, so there was a lot of time that passed. But it was clear that he was about to rule the wrong way.”
Crockett: “So when he did that, I looked over, and I dressed her from head to toe and I wrote it down.”
KIMMEL: “I see. Interesting. Well, that was impressive, I have to tell you. Did you hear from everybody then, afterwards, in your life? Because I sort of was like, okay, we have to put this on the show right now.”
Crockett: So, very interesting, my pastor was the first person I heard from.”
(Moans and laughter)
KIMMEL: “Oh. Was he upset with you?”
Crockett: “He wasn’t. He wasn’t. You’d have to know my pastor to know that he’s about this life.
So my pastor actually called me while we were in the hearing, and so I sent him the voicemail and I was like, ‘I’m in a hearing.’ He was like, ‘I know. The next time you say bleach-blond, bad-built, butch body, please let me know so I don’t have water in my mouth and spit it out.’
(Laughter and Applause)
KIMMEL: “That’s how you found out it went viral?”
Crockett: “Well, no. I thought my team put it up. You know, my pastor, he follows me on social.”
KIMMEL: “Gotcha.”
Crockett: “So I did not know. And there was some other people from home, they were like texting me, like, ‘Oh my gosh,’ and I was like, ‘Okay, they follow me, so my team put it up.’ No, it was going viral.”
KIMMEL: “Yeah.”
Crockett: “Like, instantaneous.”
KIMMEL: “Yeah, yeah. I mean, yeah, it was funny.
Have you seen her, Marjorie, since the incident?”
Crockett: “Yeah.”
KIMMEL: “You have.”
Crockett: “Finally.”
KIMMEL: “And is it civil or no?”
Crockett: “Uh — we don’t talk.”
KIMMEL: “You don’t talk, yeah. Is she the dumbest person in the House of Representatives?”
Crockett: “I’d be hard-pressed to find someone dumber.”
(Cheering and Applause)
KIMMEL: “I get the sense that it’s not just Democrats that don’t like her.”
Crockett: “Oh, no, no, no. Like, her people don’t like her either.”
KIMMEL: “Her people don’t like her either.”
Crockett: “No.”

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