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MR. NON-PC: Still Supporting The UNIPARTY??? My Message To You!
Nothing more than a full on, black-pilled rant about those who support the UNIPARTY.
This is my message to them....
MR. NON-PC: They Just Haven't Had Enough Pain!!!
The PC-Peepz just looooooooooooooooove their satanic U.S GUBAMINT and the Helter-Skelter-Race-Baiting/White/Straight and Christian-Hating Media SO MUCH, that they're just gonna keep participating, cheering on and propping up the fraud FOREVER!
They just haven't had enough pain!!!
MR. NON-PC: Time To Bring Your "Give A F*CK Level" To ZERO!
Everybody has a "give a f*ck level" about things they value in the M🤮PEYW🌍RLD. But there's too many lame things foisted upon the PC-Peepz by the satanic U.S Government and The Helter-Skelter-Race-Baiting/White/Straight and Christian-Hating Media that we SHOULDN'T GIVE A F*CK ABOUT!! 🤣🤣🤣
In this video I'm gonna explain why it's time to bring your "give a f*ck level" down to ZERO!!!
MR. NON-PC : Stop Being A Weakass White TURD!!!
Now this video is definitely not for my Deceit Denial and Delusion crew, we're the strong, intelligent and based whites!
This video is intended for all the pussified, wussified and WEAKASS WHITES who would probably cringe if they even watched 5 minutes of Jack and Officer John's show!! 🤣🤣🤣
This video is calling out the self-hating, ethnomasochistic WEAK WHITE TURDS that have been bogging down our entire society.
MR. NON-PC: Ignore All Of Their Invisible Rules
Now you and I know that here in the M🤡PEYW🌍RLD that there are these "invisible rules" that they expect everyone to abide by.
And "they" are:
-the Helter-Skelter-Race-Baiting/White/Straight and Christian-Hating Media
-the satanic U.S GUBAMINT
-Corporate Jobs
-big tech
-all of the PC-Peepz who gobble their PC-Poop
Now what are these invisible rules you may ask?
Here are a few:
Invisible Rules:
1.) You can't criticize Israel/Jewish People.
2.) You can't criticize Black People/Black Ultra-Violence.
3.) You can't criticize The satanic U.S "GUBAMINT"
4.) You can't criticize the climate change boondoggle.
5.) You can't criticize the sky high taxation.
6.) You can't criticize the illegal U.S invasion since 1950.
And if I missed any, then comment below!
MR. NON-PC: We Need To Lead By Example!
Now if you're a regular viewer of my channel then you'll notice I'm pretty "black-pilled" about The M🤡peyW🌍rld, the satanic U.S "GUBAMINT", the Helter-Skelter-Race-Baiting/White/Straight and Christian-Hating Media, PC-PEEPZ and everything else in our society 🤣🤣🤣
But you'll also probably catch on to the usual saying about how I regularly point out how every form of leadership HAS FAILED US!!!
From the Priests to the Politicans, Police, Teachers, Doctors and everything in between, there is NO GOOD LEADERSHIP ANYMORE!
But that's why I believe it's up to US to lead by example more than ever.
Tune in and I'll give you my take on a few simple things we can do to lead by example in The M🤮peyW🌍rld.
MR. NON-PC: Get On My Level...Or GET OUT OF MY WAY!!!
Now let me lead off this video by stating for the record (and probably the 500th time 😆) that I'm a POLITICAL ATHIEST!
I'M DONE....I've BEEN DONE with it ALL!
I'm beyond sickened with the massive amount of naked corruption that the satanic U.S "GUBAMINT" has been purveying on the entire world.
I'm DONE with the "right" and the "left" even though they're one GIGANTIC UNIPARTY AND ALWAYS AGREE ON WEDGE ISSUES!!!
And more importantly I came up with a great new mantra lately: Get on my level....OR GET OUT OF MY WAY!!!
I'm not playing "mental gymnastics" with either "side" anymore....nope.....I'm done!
They either get on my level...or get out of my way!
And this video is a pretty big rant for the most part, but I believe it's well warranted.
Also too, I will be at Gerald Celente's "Peace and Freedom Rally" up in Kingston New York on Saturday September 28th. And I'll definitely be looking forward to being around the like-minded and well informed crowd he has each and every year. Also too, maybe I'll see some of my NON-PC Peepz up there too?
Details below:
MR. NON-PC: Stop Playing Mental Gymnastics With Mental Midgets!
You see it everyday here in the MopeyWorld, (somewhat) intelligent people getting dragged into ridiculous conversations with LOW iQ PC-PEEPZ or as I like to call them MENTAL MIDGETS!
And let's be honest, it's mainly on the LibTurd side that we see a lot of these mental midgets...but you definitely see a lot on the Cuckservative side as well.
And the NON-PC people like you and I are beyond annoyed watching these lame factions (try) to battle it out intellectually to prove "who's right" when in reality MOST OF THEM ARE WRONG!!!
I've said it many times before, the intelligent, NON-PC, based in reality people need to STOP PLAYING MENTAL GYMNASTICS WITH MENTAL MIDGETS!!! You're never gonna "win" and they're low iq minds will never be convinced of the truth of things.
Focus instead on the few like-minded people that you are close to, trust and know you can count on.
Let the mental midgets continue to act trashy, fight with each other, name call and continue their constant drama.
MR NON-PC - PC Peepz Who Eat That PC-Poop Explained
Now if you're a regular viewer of yours truly MR. NON-PC then I don't really need to explain the whole "PC-Peepz who eat their PC-POOP" analogy.
But just in case you forgot...or if you're new here (and thanks to all the new subscribers and viewers!) I'll break down and explain it for ya in this video.
MR NON-PC - They Go Gay Out Of Laziness
I've had this theory for over 10 years now, and I should have made this video a lot sooner...but better late than never right??
Now I'm nearly certain that you or anyone else that has been paying attention the past few years has noticed the skyrocketing amount of gay and transvestite people in the fallen U.S
What is causing all of this you're probably wondering?? Well it's definitely the rotten and evil pop culture, the satanic U.S Government and of course the Helter-Skelter-Race-Baiting/White/Straight and Christian-Hating Media that is driving this dystopic and fallen "trend" of "being gay" that we are seeing.
But I have a much different theory on why men and women decide to "go gay" and it's out of pure laziness! Lol
In this video I'll explain why I believe this is the case, and I'll also tell you a story from a mutual acquaintance that got me thinking this.
It's beyond obvious once you really start thinking about it...they "go gay" out of laziness!!!
MR. NON-PC: Only Their View
Who in their right mind actually is a regular viewer of that pure Leftist PC-POOP pile known as "The View"???
And week after week you always see the most absurd Leftist talking points straight outta the Democratic Donkey's Asses haha!!
This is just me ranting about how much "The View" sucks...and how they should just rename it to "Only Their View" 🤣🤣🤣
MR. NON-PC - Hate Speech = Speech The Governments Don't Like!
Everywhere you go within the past few years all you seem to hear about is "hate speech" right??
And how ironic how FREE SPEECH is deemed "hate speech" when its merely criticism of corrupt governments or protected classes of people? Even funnier how "hate speech" is completely SUBJECTIVE instead of being OBJECTIVE! hahaha
And if you've been geopolitically engaged, then I'm sure you've seen the clown world Canadian "hate speech" laws they're trying to pass along with the UK as's beyond dystopic!!
Look at most recently the whole Tik Tok debacle and how the satanic U.S Government is trying to ban it. But what's the bigger reason WHY they want it banned? Because of the anti-Israel rhetoric....and the ADL is frustrated they can't control it. So what does that criticism become.....well "hate speech" of course!
Now if they can ban Tik Tok, then what's stopping them from banning any other website or App that they deem "hate speech" and shut it down??
We MUST say NO and KEEP pushing back!
We also MUST force them to give concrete OBJECTIVE examples of "hate speech" and point out the pure hypocrisy of the SUBJECTIVE examples they love to paint with a broad brush.
It's long past time to quit running away from these cowards....don't run towards them and stand your ground!
MR. NON-PC - How The Right And Left Is Holding Everyone Else Hostage
If you're a regular viewer of yours truly MR. NON-PC then you definitely know that I'm not "right" or "left" by any means!
And the sick, sad and disgusting part is that if you're politically homeless like myself then you're completely fed up with the UNIPARTY!!!
The CovidCult exposed the naked tyranny of the Uniparty, and not to mention the standing ovation for Zelensky and the newest neverending war of the satanic U.S Government.
It's long beyond time to realize that D.C is nothing more than Rome on the Potomac...and they're a bunch of evil grifters!!!
MR NON-PC - The Right And Left Have More In Common Than They Think!
The UniParty is on complete display right now in May of 2024, and if you can't see it yet mannnnn I feel bad for ya.
Now if you're like me...MR. NON-PC, a bonafide "political atheist" and you are completely disgusted with both "sides" then you already know of a lot of the commonalities between the right and the left.
Tune in and let me explain just a few of the things that the right and left have in common.
And if I forgot anything....don't hesitate to comment below!!
MR. NON-PC: No Matter Who "Wins" WE ALL LOSE!!!
It doesn't matter if it's "Q'a'Don" or if it's "Mamala"
No matter who "wins" WE ALL LOSE!!!!!!!
MR. NON-PC: Time To Admit You're Evil!
I'm calling out all the PC-Peepz who gobble their PC-Poop💩's TIME TO ADMIT YOU'RE EVIL!
MR. NON-PC: Good Cannot Unite With Evil!
Ever since the failed Trump assassination you are probably hearing a lot of calls for "Unity" on the LibTurd Left and Cuckservative Right.
Well you all know I can't stand the Uniparty, and I wholeheartedly REJECT their virtue signaling, disingenuous and deceitful rotten asses 100%
Andrew Torba (CEO of Gab) wrote an excellent piece on why good men and women CANNOT unite with evil.
And after reading his excellent article I felt inspired to make this video and drive his point home even further.
If you're an honest, God-fearing, hardworking, family oriented man or woman, then you already realize that the satanic U.S Government is the opposite of what you value.
We must ignore these calls for false unity, and continue to reject their evil evil ways!!!
MR. NON-PC - Eliminate The Double Standards And Bring Back A Single Standard
Mannn ohhh mannnn the double standards here in MopeyWorld are out of control!
And the little PC-Peepz who gobble their PC-Poop just LOOOOVVVEEE living in their little fantasy land, not reality. They want to live in their ridiculous virtue signaling TURD WORLD know as THE MOPEYWORLD!
And once you start noticing all the double standards, you get to a point where nearly EVERYTHING is a double standard. Even worse now is how there's not even double, but triple and quadruple standards now!
Look at a few simple examples of prevalent double standards here in the fallen United States:
-The Average American Citizen needs identification and a passport to travel......but every kind of person from Timbuktu to South America can stroll right across the southern entrance with no id at all.
-How the average working class American has to work a job, provide for themselves, pay sky high taxes.....but entire groups of people (mainly black and hispanic) have been completely subsidized from birth until death with welfare and EBT cards and are never asked to provide for themselves.
-How the satanic U.S Government claims they have a "budget".....but in reality they print out endless amounts of worthless fiat currency with no real monetary value.
-The fact that the satanic U.S Government can declare anyone or anything a "terrorist" and declare endless wars.....but they expect the average person to "get along" with each other and "play nice"
You see false calls for "Unity" when you know these evil disingenuous pricks know NOTHING about REAL UNITY!
Nobody even wants to talk about the double standards because:
-They contribute to the problem
-They make money off the problem
-They're too weak to admit the problem
It's long past time to get rid of the double standards and bring back a single standard!
MR. NON-PC: Stop Being Nice, And Start Being Real!
Can some of you remember MTV's original "The Real World" show? I'm talking the 1990's like o-r-i-g-i-n-a-l first and second seasons of the show. And if you do remember the show, then of course you remember the tagline:
"This is the true story...of seven strangers... picked to live in a house... (work together) and have their lives find out what happens... when people stop being polite...and start getting real..."
Well I think it's about time that the average person starts taking the final part of the tagline and instead we need to stop being nice...and start being real!!
We live in the MopeyWorld where the satanic U.S Government is constantly blaming the average white person for the majority of black and illegal ultra-violence. And then the Helter-Skelter-Race-Baiting / White/Straight and Christian-Hating Media only further fuels the rage and lunacy by continuing the lies, and running cover for all the black and illegal ultra-violence.
The average PC-PEEP/Normie/Steeple (especially if they're white and weak) MUST realize and wake up to the constant hatred, lies and false reality that is being foisted upon them. They need to STOP BEING NICE....AND START BEING REAL!
Being NON-PC is the solution to the majority of this PC-POOP laden MopeyWorld that we're expected to accept.
If you're already in this mindset then I don't need to tell you again, you get it.
But it's long past time to let these fools realize that they're gonna get what they give!
MR. NON-PC - The Normalization Of Mediocrity
If you're intelligent, have class and morals and a memory, then you surely remember a much different society from years ago until the present. And the sad but true reality is that the general population has embraced and normalized mediocrity!
In this video I'll explain a lot of the reasons I think it became this way, and how to push back against it.
MR NON-PC - Fat, Lazy and Selfish...The New American Way
I know I'm not alone in my latest observation that the average American has become fat, lazy and selfish. Hopefully you aren't a part of this disturbing and horrible group...and thankfully neither am I.
But why and how did it get to this point??
Tune in and I'll give you my pure, unbiased non-pc truth in this matter, and the best ways to resist this problem moving into the future.
MR. NON-PC - Get Stronger In The Mind, The Body And Soul
If you're a regular viewer of my videos I'm sure you've heard me harp on this subject...being stronger in the mind, body and soul.
And too often in The MopeyWorld there seems to be distraction after distraction that sucks up one of life's most simple and fulfilling journeys.
We live in a very dangerous, corrupt and false reality...and we need every advantage possible to navigate these troubling times.
There's no better time then get stronger in the mind, the body and the soul!
MR NON-PC - Raise The Standards = Intelligent V.S Lowering The Standards = Dumb
Have any of you seen the movie Idiocracy??
Well if you have, then you've probably thought at some point within the past few years "Mannnnn ohhh mannnn...Idiocracy isn't a fictional's like a live documentary" hahahaa!! Well at least that's how I'm starting to see it now.
But regardless if you have seen Idiocracy or not, you can't deny that our society as a whole has lowered the standards significantly, and we now have a dumber population.
In this video I'll give you my opinion on how it happened, where it's going and what we can do to reject the low standards.
MR. NON-PC: The Sad Reality Of Diversity
Diversity = Anti-White
Let's just cut to the chase, ever since ol' Georgie boy died a few years back the satanic U.S Gubamint, the Helter-Skelter-Race-Baiting/White/Straight and Christian-Hating Media and Hollyweird have gone hog wild pushing diversity.
And what a miserable failure it all has been.
In this video I'll lay out how diversity has destroyed our society, and what we can do to push back against it.
MR. NON-PC: Don't Even Be Around Them!
If you're tuning in to my channel on a regular basis then you're probably in the same NON-PC mindset that I'm usually in.
And you probably have a little to NO tolerance for overly-offended, entitled and WEAK whiny PC-Peepz that have a sense of entitlement that is unparalleled!
And you know the kind of pussified, wussified and WEAKASS PC-Peepz that I'm talking about, the type that can find offense in nearly anything!
Now I had an unforturtunate experience years back with a PC-Peep that I'll talk about in this video, and it got bad....hahaha....real bad! 🤣
But from this bad experience came a silver lining, and I was able to walk away from this with a new (albeit more guarded) outlook on interacting with people.
The fact of the matter in M😩peyW🌍rld today is nearly EVERYTHING is a legality, and these pussified, wussified and weakass PC-Peepz are LOOKING to be offended and LOOKING to create problems/drama....don't give in to it AT ALL!
As a matter of fact....don't even be around them....remove the variable completely!!!
MR. NON-PC - How The Right And Left Is Holding Everyone Else Hostage
8 months ago
If you're a regular viewer of yours truly MR. NON-PC then you definitely know that I'm not "right" or "left" by any means!
And the sick, sad and disgusting part is that if you're politically homeless like myself then you're completely fed up with the UNIPARTY!!!
The CovidCult exposed the naked tyranny of the Uniparty, and not to mention the standing ovation for Zelensky and the newest neverending war of the satanic U.S Government.
It's long beyond time to realize that D.C is nothing more than Rome on the Potomac...and they're a bunch of evil grifters!!!
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