Mr. Non-PC | Exposing the Fagnostics, Gaythiests and Rainbow Haired Harpies
25 videos
Updated 2 months ago
Just a Sampling of his Amazing and Epic work. Please Like his Video's & Follow his Channel!
MR. NON-PC: Still Supporting The UNIPARTY??? My Message To You!
MrNonPCNothing more than a full on, black-pilled rant about those who support the UNIPARTY. This is my message to them....187 views 5 comments -
MR. NON-PC: They Just Haven't Had Enough Pain!!!
MrNonPCThe PC-Peepz just looooooooooooooooove their satanic U.S GUBAMINT and the Helter-Skelter-Race-Baiting/White/Straight and Christian-Hating Media SO MUCH, that they're just gonna keep participating, cheering on and propping up the fraud FOREVER! They just haven't had enough pain!!!152 views 5 comments -
MR. NON-PC: Time To Bring Your "Give A F*CK Level" To ZERO!
MrNonPCEverybody has a "give a f*ck level" about things they value in the M🤮PEYW🌍RLD. But there's too many lame things foisted upon the PC-Peepz by the satanic U.S Government and The Helter-Skelter-Race-Baiting/White/Straight and Christian-Hating Media that we SHOULDN'T GIVE A F*CK ABOUT!! 🤣🤣🤣 In this video I'm gonna explain why it's time to bring your "give a f*ck level" down to ZERO!!!129 views 3 comments -
MR. NON-PC : Stop Being A Weakass White TURD!!!
MrNonPCNow this video is definitely not for my Deceit Denial and Delusion crew, we're the strong, intelligent and based whites! This video is intended for all the pussified, wussified and WEAKASS WHITES who would probably cringe if they even watched 5 minutes of Jack and Officer John's show!! 🤣🤣🤣 This video is calling out the self-hating, ethnomasochistic WEAK WHITE TURDS that have been bogging down our entire society.154 views 10 comments -
MR. NON-PC: Ignore All Of Their Invisible Rules
MrNonPCNow you and I know that here in the M🤡PEYW🌍RLD that there are these "invisible rules" that they expect everyone to abide by. And "they" are: -the Helter-Skelter-Race-Baiting/White/Straight and Christian-Hating Media -the satanic U.S GUBAMINT -Corporate Jobs -big tech -all of the PC-Peepz who gobble their PC-Poop Now what are these invisible rules you may ask? Here are a few: Invisible Rules: 1.) You can't criticize Israel/Jewish People. 2.) You can't criticize Black People/Black Ultra-Violence. 3.) You can't criticize The satanic U.S "GUBAMINT" 4.) You can't criticize the climate change boondoggle. 5.) You can't criticize the sky high taxation. 6.) You can't criticize the illegal U.S invasion since 1950. It's time to IGNORE ALL OF THEIR INVISIBLE RULES!!! And if I missed any, then comment below! ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️85 views -
MR. NON-PC: We Need To Lead By Example!
MrNonPCNow if you're a regular viewer of my channel then you'll notice I'm pretty "black-pilled" about The M🤡peyW🌍rld, the satanic U.S "GUBAMINT", the Helter-Skelter-Race-Baiting/White/Straight and Christian-Hating Media, PC-PEEPZ and everything else in our society 🤣🤣🤣 But you'll also probably catch on to the usual saying about how I regularly point out how every form of leadership HAS FAILED US!!! From the Priests to the Politicans, Police, Teachers, Doctors and everything in between, there is NO GOOD LEADERSHIP ANYMORE! But that's why I believe it's up to US to lead by example more than ever. Tune in and I'll give you my take on a few simple things we can do to lead by example in The M🤮peyW🌍rld.147 views 5 comments -
MR. NON-PC: Get On My Level...Or GET OUT OF MY WAY!!!
MrNonPCNow let me lead off this video by stating for the record (and probably the 500th time 😆) that I'm a POLITICAL ATHIEST! I'M DONE....I've BEEN DONE with it ALL! I'm beyond sickened with the massive amount of naked corruption that the satanic U.S "GUBAMINT" has been purveying on the entire world. I'm DONE with the "right" and the "left" even though they're one GIGANTIC UNIPARTY AND ALWAYS AGREE ON WEDGE ISSUES!!! And more importantly I came up with a great new mantra lately: Get on my level....OR GET OUT OF MY WAY!!! I'm not playing "mental gymnastics" with either "side" anymore....nope.....I'm done! They either get on my level...or get out of my way! And this video is a pretty big rant for the most part, but I believe it's well warranted. Also too, I will be at Gerald Celente's "Peace and Freedom Rally" up in Kingston New York on Saturday September 28th. And I'll definitely be looking forward to being around the like-minded and well informed crowd he has each and every year. Also too, maybe I'll see some of my NON-PC Peepz up there too? Details below: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ views 8 comments -
MR. NON-PC: Stop Playing Mental Gymnastics With Mental Midgets!
MrNonPCYou see it everyday here in the MopeyWorld, (somewhat) intelligent people getting dragged into ridiculous conversations with LOW iQ PC-PEEPZ or as I like to call them MENTAL MIDGETS! And let's be honest, it's mainly on the LibTurd side that we see a lot of these mental midgets...but you definitely see a lot on the Cuckservative side as well. And the NON-PC people like you and I are beyond annoyed watching these lame factions (try) to battle it out intellectually to prove "who's right" when in reality MOST OF THEM ARE WRONG!!! I've said it many times before, the intelligent, NON-PC, based in reality people need to STOP PLAYING MENTAL GYMNASTICS WITH MENTAL MIDGETS!!! You're never gonna "win" and they're low iq minds will never be convinced of the truth of things. Focus instead on the few like-minded people that you are close to, trust and know you can count on. Let the mental midgets continue to act trashy, fight with each other, name call and continue their constant drama.115 views -
MR NON-PC - PC Peepz Who Eat That PC-Poop Explained
MrNonPCNow if you're a regular viewer of yours truly MR. NON-PC then I don't really need to explain the whole "PC-Peepz who eat their PC-POOP" analogy. But just in case you forgot...or if you're new here (and thanks to all the new subscribers and viewers!) I'll break down and explain it for ya in this video.97 views 1 comment -
MR NON-PC - They Go Gay Out Of Laziness
MrNonPCI've had this theory for over 10 years now, and I should have made this video a lot sooner...but better late than never right?? Now I'm nearly certain that you or anyone else that has been paying attention the past few years has noticed the skyrocketing amount of gay and transvestite people in the fallen U.S What is causing all of this you're probably wondering?? Well it's definitely the rotten and evil pop culture, the satanic U.S Government and of course the Helter-Skelter-Race-Baiting/White/Straight and Christian-Hating Media that is driving this dystopic and fallen "trend" of "being gay" that we are seeing. But I have a much different theory on why men and women decide to "go gay" and it's out of pure laziness! Lol In this video I'll explain why I believe this is the case, and I'll also tell you a story from a mutual acquaintance that got me thinking this. It's beyond obvious once you really start thinking about it...they "go gay" out of laziness!!!69 views