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Omar Samson Speeches and Talks
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Omar’s view: 16/08/2024

Free Humanity
Omar’s view: 16/08/2024, unity is strenght, divide et impera, omar samson, free humanity, scripture, revolution, make earth great again, jews, cabal, repsect, satanism, zionism, bolshevism, communism, agenda 21/30, rebellion, history , mystery, truth, filosofie, speech, motivation, future, God is the greatest
🫡Omar’s view 12 August 2024

Free Humanity
Talking on politics , elites , deception , trump , the bible and more…
At your service, not going to be silenced, life throws hurdles at every corner, we have to get over them and grow, i do my best to keep everybody happy, but sadly you can never make everybody happy, but that does not stop me from trying :),Had 2 days of back log , sow i added some extra videos today, Omar’s view ,12 August 2024, Trump, Bible, King James, billionaire’s, politicians, control system, monetary system, deep state, zionism, satanism, bible translations, heresy, blasphemy, council of nycea, council of rome, changing of the bible, anti christ, false messiah, false savior, idol worship, celebraties are called idols for a reason, keep worshipping your false idol Trump, repent now, God is the only savior! , only God and God alone! , nothing and nobody else, no living man , no man , no prophet no magician that ever walked this planet can save you , you alone can save yourself, trough the will of God, and by his blessing, omar samson, truth , mystery , history, conspiracy, Free Humanity, make earth great again, almost reached 200 sub’s , racism is an issue, but racism works all ways, racism is not a white only fenomena, it is present in every single ethnic group, black and jewish people are the worst racists , hypocrites,apocrypha ,bible translations, king james version , geneva bible, jesus pbuh as God, evil, corruption,
God is the greatest
Pistis sophia:
The gospel of Mary Magdalene:
Christian text’s collection from early and eastern to orthodox and apocrypha:
Online bible:
The holy Quran and islamic texts:
Omar Samson: in the name of justice, in the name of freedom!

Free Humanity
Omar Samson: in the name of justice, in the name of freedom!
Free Humanity,
Omar Samson
Omar Samson : ⚔️ Join the battle against evil! let us be the generation to save mother earth! 🌍

Free Humanity
Omar Samson : ⚔️ Join the battle against evil! let us be the generation to save mother earth! 🌍 , Omar Samson , Free Humanity, Speech, Jews, Global cabal, Humanity , Animals, Nature, wef, satanists , zionists, bolsheviks, communists, nihilists, love , ❤️ not hate! , Free the world, Free Palestine, brothers, sisters, God is the greatest!
Unite and Fight! , Resist and bite! Stop Genocide ✋

Free Humanity
Unite and Fight! , Resist and bite! Stop Genocide ✋ ,Free Palestine!,
Zionist, evil , occupation, colonization , fake jews, satanists, Falastina Arabia!,
Omar Samson , Free Humanity, war , genocide, crimes against humanity, crimes against nature , crimes against God, jews , evil, jews, jews, jews,
End the cabal, Viva la revolucion!, the great awakening!
Wake up and fight for your FREEDOM!

Free Humanity
Wake up and fight for your FREEDOM!, Humanity is under attack, we have to act, come together , work together!,unite against genocide and injustice!,
Unite for the children , for the mothers! , the farmers, for the animals for nature,
For everything we love!, freedom is not free, freedom cost the blood of man 🩸,
Stand up and fight ! , do your duty as a man!, protect that which you love!
Real strong people lift others up, not push them down!,
Allahu akbar, Deuz volt!
there is only one God/Allah and he is the greatest!
Omar’s view 01/08/2024

Free Humanity
Your daily dose of Omar Samson, Maduro, Trump, Rugby, Cia , Mossad, Palestine, Free Humanity, Unity is power, divide et impera, work together, end the globalist cabal, the great awakening is here, jews, zionists, communists, bolsheviks, genocide, lucifer, satan , evil , jews
❤️ zionist trolls 🧌 will not silence the truth! ❤️

Free Humanity
Like and subscribe! 👍, ❤️ I am under vicious attack by zionist trolls and i need your support! ❤️ , zionists, trols, targeted individual , resistance , love, i will not be discouraged, i will not be silenced, i will continue speaking my truth, no amount of hate or racism that will stop me, never give up, never capitulate!, Omar Samson, Free Humanity, Make Earth Great Again 🌍,yes we can , unite, against, genocide, jews, hisbara , israeli online paid trols, controlled by, possesed by, evil, satan , lucifer, stand against evil!, stand up , rise up! , We the people!
Omar's view: Animal Rights!

Free Humanity
My view on animal rights,
Omar Samson,
Free Humanity,
Free Mother Earth!,
Make Earth Great Again,
According to Islam, animals are conscious of God. According to the Quran, they praise Him, even if this praise is not expressed in human language.[1][2] Baiting animals for entertainment or gambling is prohibited.[3][4] It is forbidden to kill any animal except for food or to prevent it from harming people.
The Quran explicitly allows the consumption of the meat of certain halal (lawful) animals.[2][5] Although some Sufis have practised vegetarianism, there has been no serious discourse on the possibility of interpretations of scripture that require vegetarianism.[2] Certain animals can be eaten under the condition that they are slaughtered in a specified way.[6]
Human duties in utilizing animals
According to Islam, human beings are allowed to use animals, but only if the rights of the animals are respected. The owner of an animal must do everything to benefit the animal. If the owner fails to perform their duties for the animal, the animal goes to someone else. The duties humans have to animals in Islam are based in the Quran, Sunnah and traditions.[9]
Protection of animals' physical health
Harming, disabling, injuring, or cutting out the organs from any animal is strongly prohibited.[9] Muslims may not cut the forelock, mane, or tail of a horse, because it is believed there is goodness in its forelock; its mane provides it warmth and it swats insects away with its tail.[10]
Protection of animals' sexual health
Muslims are not allowed to perform acts such as the interbreeding (as in inbreeding) of animals.[9] Muhammad forbade people from castrating animals.[11]
Preventing cruelty and maltreatment to animals
Muslims are not allowed to harass and misuse animals, which includes snatching a leaf from an ant's mouth.[12] Muslims have no right to brand animals,[13] hamstring or crucify animals before killing,[14] or burn animals even if they cause harm to humans.[15][16] Humans should obtain animal meat by a swift slaughter[17] and avoid cutting lengthwise.[18] In Islamic slaughter, the spinal cord cannot be broken. [19][9]
Avoiding punishment of animals
Muslims cannot use any equipment that injures an animal, (i.e., beating them in a circus show, forcing them to carry heavy loads, or running at extreme speeds in races) even to train them.[20] Exposure to sound is also regulated.[21][9]
Providing food
Muslims are obliged to provide food and water for any animal they see, even if the animal does not belong to them.[22] In providing food and water considerations are the quality of the provisions[23][24] and the amount of the provision based on the animal's condition and location.[25][9]
Providing sanitation
Animals' health must be respected,[26] along with food, water,[27] and shelter.[9]
Providing medication
In the event of illness, Muslims are expected to pay for the care and medication.[28][9]
Providing dwelling
From an Islamic view, the appropriate shelter for an animal has three characteristics:
Fits the animal's needs and[29] they should not be placed in an unsanitary condition on the pretext that they do not understand.
Fits the physical needs of the animal and its health and protect it from cold and heat.[30]
The dwelling of animals should not pollute the environment or spread disease to other organisms.[9][31]
Respecting animal of status
In Islam, the rights of animals are respected in both life[32] and death. Animal bodies may never be used for malicious purposes.[9]
Save The Bees!

Free Humanity
Save the bees speech,
explanation on how to,
capturing bees,
Save the bees , save the trees!
Follow me, Free Humanity!
Omar Samson,
Free Humanity
Traitors everywhere!

Free Humanity
Make Earth Great Again!
look humuz was not made by zionists, but some people know how to.
react, reaction ,create problem offer solution.
if you put a lion in a cage it becomes aggressive.
if I throw fire on fuel it burns.
if I r@pe bomb and kill your family, you will become a murderer as well.
Free Palastina ! جمعة مباركة

Free Humanity
Free Palastina ! جمعة مباركة
Surah AL-Fatiha , Surah An-Nisa , Surah Al-Anfal.
سورة الفاتحة، سورة النساء، سورة الأنفال.
FREE Online Scripture كتاب مقدس مجاني على الإنترنت

Free Humanity
Omar's view 04/03/24

Free Humanity
Jesus(Isa) pbuh not God
F-35 sales and bunker buster2000 pound bomb biden.
wahabis and arab traitors
donmeh jew's
lgbtq millitants
and race
Free Energy meens 0$, not energy from nothing , Energy is everywhere

Free Humanity
Free Energy meens 0$, not energy from nothing , Energy is everywhere
zionist trolls not going to get us down
i chose not the show the idiot i will be talking about, that will be the next video somewhere.
Omar's view 04/09/2024

Free Humanity
Eid Mubarak,
Free Palestine,
International jew,
Ephesians 6:10-18,
Higgs boson,
peter boson dies
Free church of chrIslam !

Free Humanity
I hereby declare a new church!
we need to be smart and we need to follow the scripture.
this is a fight between good and evil.
satan v.s. God and the people of the book
God did not create institutions, man did.
a church/mosque that combines the gospel and the holy Quran
might be more islamic and more christian,
than any current denomination
I am father Omar Samson here to lead the sheeple of the book.
Omar for president!
Omar the new pope!
Omar for khalif!
Chrislam to the future.
Open for questions , discussions , confessions ,exorcism , baptism and for reverts and converts
I hereby declare a new church!
the Free Humanity church of chrIslam
this new church will further study and investigate all wrong doing's of Rome and current churches that are leading the christian flok astray,
and to the devotion of the learning of the holy scripture.
the holy Quran.
and rectification and investigation of Wahhabism etc.
it's disciples must be beacons of light and knowledge anywhere they go.
we will have a department actively hunting witches and black magic practitioners and kabbalists.
Never Capitulate!

Free Humanity
watch my videos before you judge .
genocidal zionists it is over,
we are revising history
No Surrender!
1 Ummah!
Make Earth Great Again!
We will never capitulate!

Free Humanity
I have some time now to make videos.
I will be taking up a new job in a new country since i had an amazing offer.
If there is anything you want to see in Bulgaria for example let me know.
Humans have great potentials to be unlocked.

Free Humanity
Q&A MONDAY: no we are not and can not become like God.
but we are created in his image and we can find God within.
now we have great potential to be unlocked.
this is scientific fact.
you only use 10% of your brain.
and your eyes only decode 6% of the available light spectrum(you only see 6% of the world around you)
Project blue book/beam

Free Humanity
My reply: Project blue book/beam
Aliens do not exist because of project blue beam = the sea does not exist because we can create artificial lakes.
people are criminaly stupid sadly, let me help you.
Quick reply to haters.

Free Humanity
Q&A MONDAY: the Vatican is corrupt, grand institutions are corrupt.
that is why we have to do it our self.
4.3 billion people on earth are riligious, i RATHER WORK WITH THEM THAN ATHEISTS! better indoctrinated believers, than indoctrinated satanists and atheists.
The world is going back to the stone age without religion.
spirituality, idiots, why people need a sort of guidance.
why anu does not meen God and meens came form heaven.
Zakaria Sitchen debunkers never translated a text in their life, yet they know best how to translate.
i am right and you are wrong.
Long Live Palestine!

Free Humanity
I call upon the international community to stand with us in our fight for freedom, justice, and equality. I call upon people of conscience everywhere to raise their voices in solidarity with the Palestinian people, to demand an end to the occupation, and to hold the perpetrators of violence and injustice accountable for their crimes.
But let us not be misled by the false promises of peace and diplomacy. The only way to achieve true peace is through justice, and justice will only be achieved when the occupation ends, when the refugees are allowed to return to their homes, and when the Palestinian people are granted their full rights and freedoms.
So I say to you, my brothers and sisters, let us rise up in revolution against this looming invasion of Rafah. Let us show the world that we will not be broken, that we will not be divided, and that we will not rest until justice is served.
Let us march forward into battle!
Omar Samson, Free Humanity, Palestine, Rafah , Invasion , Genocide, ethnic cleansing, 2024, islamocaust
Divide et impera

Free Humanity
Divide and rule.
Viktor orban, nigel farage, islamophobia, immigration, cabal actors,
Herding society, trauma based mind control.
Omar samson, free humanity,
Europa is sacred and we must defend her , because Europa is in danger.
Watch out for online Zionist trolls!

Free Humanity
3 dislikes , 3 muted , 3 familiair ,zionist trolls,never share personal information online like me, watch out who you talk with online,trust nobody,fat people,
Furries,lgbtq, genocidal maniacs, hisbara trolls,paid by israel to attack me,zion,vaultboy,and steve.
I am not your entertainer, i am your teacher.

Free Humanity
being on the sidelines you get depressed, in the field i found my confidence, i know myself, who am i, who are you?
i am who i am or are you not?
are you what you are ? or are you not being at all.
what is being?
to be or not to be.
im not the idiot, you are just to stupid to understand.
most people are 99% of all people are , stupid.
everything you know is wrong, you have compartmentalised your brain to much, your locked up in a spiritual box called the matrix, you have been indoctrinated, you are constantly bombarded with subliminal attack’s, ultra frequency sound waves, micro wave weapons, gmo foods, and sow much more, i have spent a life time making mistakes and learning from some of the wisest people to walk this planet, and i am ready to fill my role, which i feel is my destiny, i am not a prophet or messiah, i am not God nor close to being God, i am a human like you, but i am a teacher, not a follower.
And all the sow called light workers and guru’s are all satanist charlatans.
world upside down
genius people are dumb
good people are evil
truth is lies
heroes are criminals
leaders are followers
handsome seem ugly
beauty seen as filth
goodnes seen as stupidity
criminals in power
decievers have the stages
it is all upside down
may God lead you to the truth! Amen!

Free Humanity
May you be guided to the truth,
May your harts be filled with love instead of hatred,
And may God forgive you for your sins,
If Jesus peace and blessings be upon him would start preaching his teachings in today’s world.
He would be called a looser and heretic.
The devil has dominion on this earth until the end if time to fight the people of God.
i confess there is no God but the one true God and Mohammed was his final messenger, until the coming of the mahdi and the return of Jesus, peace and blessing be upon them
with God on our side , we will be victorious !

Free Humanity
Omar Samson , Free Humanity, beard gone, end of the world
Peace for Palestine ,Peace for the world!

Free Humanity
Motivational speech, Palestine, resistance,
Omar Samson, Free Humanity
Paz para Palestina, Paz para el Mundo

Free Humanity
Viva la revolution,
Gracias a Mexico y Espana!
Speech for the spanish speaking world.
Omar’s view , Sunday 06-09-2024 ,Your body is your temple,Tattoos

Free Humanity
Omar’s view , Sunday 06-09-2024 ,Your body is your temple,Tattoos,God is the greatest, the kingdom of heaven is found within, personal opinion on tattoos,
Take good care of your body, do not remove tattoos unless if you really want to.
You can not silence me!

Free Humanity
God is the greatest,
Nothing is over aslong as there is one soul still fighting for it,
The war continues,
Free Palestine!
Make Earth Great Again,
Yes we Can,
Omar Samson,
Free Humanity,
Jesus son of Marry pbuh,
Unite against Genocide,
Omar’s view 06/14/2024

Free Humanity
Omar’s view 06/14/2024, China,Palestine,Communism,Education,Amerika, war,traitors,ccp,retarded people,truth,politics
Europa is called Europa ,stop calling it europe it is called EUROPA

Free Humanity
Omar samson,Free Humanity,Europa,patriot,
The myth of Europa. This myth is about a beautiful girl that was abducted and then seduced by Zeus, the chief of the Gods. This concept is pretty usual in the Greek mythology. The remarkable thing is that this girl gave her name to the whole continent of Europe.
"The Rape of Europa" In Greek mythology, Europa (/jʊəˈroʊpə, jə-/; Ancient Greek: Εὐρώπη, Eurṓpē, Attic Greek pronunciation: [eu̯.rɔ̌ː.pɛː]) was a Phoenician princess from Tyre and the mother of King Minos of Crete. The continent of Europe is named after her. The story of her abduction by Zeus in the form of a bull was a Cretan story; as classicist Károly Kerényi points out, "most of the love-stories concerning Zeus originated from more ancient tales describing his marriages with goddesses. This can especially be said of the story of Europa."[1]
Europa's earliest literary reference is in the Iliad, which is commonly dated to the 8th century BC.[2] Another early reference to her is in a fragment of the Hesiodic Catalogue of Women, discovered at Oxyrhynchus.[3] The earliest vase-painting securely identifiable as Europa dates from the mid-7th century BC.[4]
i am the soeverein leader of Egypt, shame on Egypt! Onward into battle!

Free Humanity
Onward into battle you egoistical cowards,
I am your khalif you need to follow me!
Shame on Egypt!
Shame on Egypt!
Shame on Egypt!
Onward to redemtion!
Onward into battle!
Death to israel!
Omar’s view- Turks and Anatolia(Turkiye)

Free Humanity
Turkiye is amazing country to visit , be sure to make a trip to Turkiye atleast once in your life, i never been there but i know a lot about it,
Turks are lovely people, lovely food and amazing cultural apropriation lovely arabic semetic culture theft, living on semetic land , theft, occupation, turky,israel,
Omar is not Umer,
Turky is not turkiye,
Anatolia was never turkish,
Turks come from the chinese steps,
Ancient anatolians where semetic,
Archelogy the heritage sites etc, not turkish but semetic,
Turks have no roots and no connection to the land they call home today,
Just like israel, they occupied the country apropriated the culture and the food,
They colonized and enslaved other muslims and arabs, they never attack israel, but they kill and attack muslims in Syria and Kurdistan and in Iraq and even further.
,please show us that i am wrong about my idea of you being cowards,i know you can,
Turkish people you are amazing !
Please stand with me!
Get rid of Erdogan! It is over he fucked up, he has not acted!
Omar for president!
Omar for President!

Free Humanity
Omar for president,
I have written some text,
I have a message to tell the public,
I am not here for power and fame,
Analyzing the situation , i feel no other choice,
We need drastic change of course and we need it now,
I feel 100% confident i am up to the task,
People give me a chance!
Petra is the real Mecca, horns of Satan, fake holy man! Fake Hajj!

Free Humanity
The real Mecca is in Petra , the house of Saud colonizers etc, have changed the qiblah , and they have later changed the kaba aswell to make it s black cube.
The black cube in Mecca is pure evil,
Hundred death during hajj,
Human sacrifice to ball,
They are all burning in hell
Hzbllh and more, traitors ?

Free Humanity
Second try, find the deleted video on my locals,
Hzbllh, traitors,ummah,Palestine,war,Egypt,horns of satan,truth,
Hzbllh was created to liberate Palestine, i suggest they are traitors,
Hzbllh not created as a private army for Lebannon, but to liberate the holy land,
Hzbllh should have commited to full war on 7 oktober,
Hzbllh is controlled oposition?
Why give away your plans and let the enemy know what you will do?
Sow they can prepare?
I have seen it now,
I theorize that they are traitors,
I can be wrong.
tell Egypt, war is inevitable

Free Humanity
Be sure to check out pt 2, improved version with evidence,
Egypt shame on you!,
Please act and save yourself,
Now is the moment,
Finish this once and for all,
You could stop this war any day,
You inaction will lead you to hell,
Omar for President!
tell Egypt war is inevitable , pt2

Free Humanity
Greater israel,Palestine,Egypt,Iraq,Syria,Lybia,Arabia,war,truth,settlers, colonial terrorism, white khazars, fake jews, bible cursed the jews ,dueteronomy 28,
Omar Samson,Free Humanity,middle-east,islam,judaism,zionism,israel,idf,ummah,arab,pride,resistance,world powers,netanyahu,abdel-fatah al sisi,puppets,united states of america,
Free Palastina!
Make Earth Great Again,
Yes we can!
Omar for president!
I am not racist, but i believe in different races

Free Humanity
Disclaimer: i am a historian not a nazi, nazi is insult for national socialist,
Welcome new subscribers!
I am half Dutch and half Egyptian born and raised in Netherlands Europa.
I love diversity!
Trough study i do support historical revision, trough the finds of new evidence , and evidence of propaganda altering our history, history is written by the victors,
Redemption for Germany almost 100 years later, holohoax, Germany,Omar Samson,Free Humanity,
Please support the channel!
Thank you!
Teacher , not entertainer 2

Free Humanity
Everything you can find on my channel is to inform the public,
Like or dislike it is not important,
The message’s are important,
The truth is all that counts,
The truth does not fear investigation,
Do your own research!,
Truth will prevail!
Nothing will stop me!
No amount of hatred , trolling , jews , zionists or americans-communists are going to stop me!,
Truth will prevail!,
Got is mitt uns!, God is with us!,
Omar Samson, Free Humanity
The Fight Against injustice and oppression is a holy duty!

Free Humanity
Speech,Omar Samson, The Fight Against injustice and oppression is a holy duty!,
Free Palestine,Free Humanity,Make Earth Great Again, emphaty,soul,Quran, surah 5,Bible,proberbs,31:8-9,conscious,body,mind,soul,2023,2024,Genocide,Gaza,Palestine,Zionist,occupiers,colonizers,fake white semites,fake jews,satanic,u.s.a.,history,
Many ordinary man and woman have changed the course of history,
I call on you to be part of this legacy,
Let our Generation be the Generation that stood up!
Be a man , play Rugby! 🏉

Free Humanity
Be a man , play Rugby! 🏉
,rugby, Slovakia, Bratislava, rugby club, sport, motivation, health, fitness, strength, vitesse, everybody welcome, all ages , all levels of fitness, fun,
Omar Samson, Free Humanity,
Unite against Genocide!, Make Earth Great Again 🌍

Free Humanity
Unite against Genocide!, Make Earth Great Again 🌍 Unite against, genocide, oppression, injustice, colonization, occupation, zionism, evil, jews, yes we can!,
Unite the people of God, Micah pbuh, bible, Quran, Allahu akbar, God is great, Deuz volt, heaven on earth, hell on earth, good vs evil, alliance, interfaith, solidarity, coorperation, resistance, fight against the devil, evil, jewish , satanists, pedophiles , reptillians, omar samson, free humanity, jinn, demons, angels, aliens,
Free Palestine!
¡Que viva Palestina libre! ¡Que viva la justicia! ¡Y que viva nuestra fe en Dios!

Free Humanity
Queridos amigos y hermanos, ( i speak spanish , but i am practising my mexican , latin spanish)
Hoy nos reunimos no solo como individuos, sino como una sola voz, una sola fuerza unida en el nombre de lo sagrado y lo bueno. Nos encontramos en un momento crítico de la historia, donde el mal se manifiesta de maneras atroces, buscando destruir lo que más amamos y valoramos. En Palestina, nuestros hermanos y hermanas sufren bajo el yugo de la opresión y el genocidio. Pero hoy, decimos ¡Basta!
En nombre de todo lo que es santo y bueno, en nombre de nuestras tradiciones y valores que nos han guiado por generaciones, nos levantamos. Nos levantamos no solo por Palestina, sino por cada rincón del mundo donde el mal se atreve a mostrar su rostro. La lucha que emprendemos hoy no es solo una batalla política o territorial; es una lucha espiritual, una lucha por el alma misma de nuestra humanidad.
Nuestros valores tradicionales nos enseñan la importancia de la justicia, la dignidad y la fe. Estos principios no son meras palabras, son la base sobre la cual hemos construido nuestras vidas y nuestras comunidades. Defender estos valores es un deber sagrado, y hoy, más que nunca, debemos estar dispuestos a tomar acción. No podemos permitir que el miedo o la apatía nos paralicen. Debemos ser valientes, debemos ser decididos.
Creemos en un Dios justo y misericordioso, un Dios que nos llama a ser sus instrumentos de paz y justicia en el mundo. Con fe en nuestros corazones, debemos ser la luz en medio de la oscuridad, el refugio para los oprimidos, y la voz para los silenciados. Nuestra fe nos da la fuerza para enfrentar cualquier adversidad, y nuestra unión nos hace invencibles.
Hermanos y hermanas, hoy hacemos un llamado a la acción. No nos quedemos como espectadores pasivos ante la injusticia. Luchamos por Palestina, luchamos por nuestras familias, por nuestros hijos, por el futuro que merecemos. Luchamos en nombre de todo lo que es sagrado y bueno.
Nuestro deber es claro. Debemos unirnos, organizarnos y actuar con determinación. Cada acción, cada palabra, cada esfuerzo cuenta. No estamos solos; somos millones con un mismo objetivo, con un mismo sueño de libertad y justicia.
Alcemos nuestras voces, nuestros corazones y nuestras manos. Que el mundo escuche nuestro clamor y que nuestros enemigos sepan que no nos rendiremos. Porque nuestra causa es justa, nuestra fe es inquebrantable, y nuestra determinación es absoluta.
¡Que viva Palestina libre! ¡Que viva la justicia! ¡Y que viva nuestra fe en Dios!
¡Adelante, con valor y esperanza!
The solution 1: Team Work 🐝 🐺,Working together as the human species! 🙌

Free Humanity
Team Work 🐝 🐺,Working together as the human species! 🙌
Work together!, Come together! , Make Earth Great Again 🌍 ❤️ ,
Omar Samson, Free Humanity , Unite against genocide, Free Palestine, Yes we can, Make Earth Great Again, 2024, freedom, resistance, Humanity, humane, family , nature , animals, future, planet earth , health, power, politics, work together , team work, the Great Awakening
The Solution 1: Work together!, Come together! , Make Earth Great Again 🌍 ❤️

Free Humanity
Work together!, Come together! , Make Earth Great Again 🌍 ❤️ ,
Omar Samson, Free Humanity , Unite against genocide, Free Palestine, Yes we can, Make Earth Great Again, 2024, freedom, resistance, Humanity, humane, family , nature , animals, future, planet earth , health, power, politics, work together , team work, the Great Awakening
Real Talk 07/22/2024

Free Humanity
Omar’s View, Palestine ,lion of ishmael video in the weekend, stand up for the revolution, lets talk truth and sense, quick evening update, global outage, agenda 21/30 , ukraine , de-nazification, de-bolshevication, chabad lubavitch, azov battalion, jews, zionists, propaganda , truth talk, anti-semitism, communism, bolshevik, Omar Samson , Free Humanity, deuteronomy 18:18 , rev 3:9, rev 2:9, Jesus son of the holy mother Mary pbuh, askhenaz , khazar, end the occupation, free Palestine
Real Talk 2 22/07/2024

Free Humanity
Quick update and personal talk with Omar Samson, Arabs, Palestine, Corruption , whores of satan , Egypt traitors, middle-east, syces picot , ww1 , Lawrence of Arabia , zionists, communists , Omar Samson, Free Humanity, viva la revolution!, death to traitors, abdel-fatah al sisi sold out Egypt 🇪🇬 for his own gain!, hang him! , propaganda , silent weapons, subliminal warfare, regime change , wahabism, colonism, i will need a couple of hours to say what i want ti say, but i made already hundreds of hours worth of videos
Real Talk , Calmed Down , Let’s be cool 😎 about this and let’s talk like grown ups should

Free Humanity
Rev 2:9 9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
Rev 3:9 9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
Deuteronomy 18:17-18 18 I will raise them(Arabs) up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him.
Dueteronomy 28: 64 64 Then the Lord will scatter you among all nations, from one end of the earth to the other. There you will worship other gods—gods of wood and stone, which neither you nor your ancestors have known. 65 Among those nations you will find no repose, no resting place for the sole of your foot. There the Lord will give you an anxious mind, eyes weary with longing, and a despairing heart. 66 You will live in constant suspense, filled with dread both night and day, never sure of your life. 67 In the morning you will say, “If only it were evening!” and in the evening, “If only it were morning!”—because of the terror that will fill your hearts and the sights that your eyes will see. 68 The Lord will send you back in ships to Egypt on a journey I said you should never make again. There you will offer yourselves for sale to your enemies as male and female slaves, but no one will buy you.
real Talk , Calmed Down , Let’s be cool 😎 about this and let’s talk like grown ups should, Rev 2, rev 3, dueteronomy 28, deuteronomy 18 ,Real talk , 💩 united states of evil 👹, Omar Samson , Free Humanity, speech, emotional, netanyahu , congres, brainless, hartles, soulles , amerikan scum, cancer, dessease , isreal hell is a tumor that comes from the cancer that is the united states of amerika, pure cancer, speechles, vocal, unbelievable, satanic, pure evil , jews, zionists, kaballah, terror, 911 , jews, dancing jews, mossad, cia, jfk, muslims, Gaza , Free Palestine
Happy Friday !, Jummah Mubarak, Christians and muslims united ! 🇵🇸

Free Humanity
Happy Friday !, Jummah Mubarak, Christians and muslims united ! 🇵🇸 , short explination , stop islamophobia, church of chrislam, omar samson, free humanity, more videos coming i the weekend , i work full time , some days at home office , some days in office, but i work fulltime monday to friday bissnis hours, and still i use my free time , to spread truth and recieve hate, some love would be nice!
100 followers reached , next goal 1000 , Free Humanity!

Free Humanity
Thanks to all the supporters of the channel!, our little community is beginning to take shape!,100 followers reached , next goal 1000 , Free Humanity!, Omar Samson, stay tuned for more, never give up, never surrender, loyal to the end!, Make Earth Great Again!
Omar Samson , Real Talk, Message of Encouragement

Free Humanity
Amerika is waking up !, that is a reason for hope! , Jesus the son or Marry peace and blessing be upon them will return with the Mahdi, we will have Gods kingdom on earth, Jesus,pbuh, bible, people uniting, waking up , to the , jewish, elite satanists, etc, people are finally seeying the truth of the pure evil zionist scum, this is reason for hope, Jesus will return this is reason for courage, Omar Samson, Real talk, Free Humanity
God is watching , only reason i need
🍀Welcome Brothers and Sisters to the Family of Free Humanity ! 🌍

Free Humanity
🍀Welcome Brothers and Sisters to the Family of Free Humanity ! 🌍, welcome to la Familia , cosa nostra , 🌲 free humanity , Omar Samson, Welcome ! , let us grow this community , let us form the community of truth and end the 🌳 enslavement of humanity! , Free the world, Make Earth Great Again, Yes We can, no divide et impera, we do not divide, we unite!, because divided we fall, united we stand tall!
❤️ 💪 Free Humanity to Victory , Unity and Faith! courage and Hope! 💪 ❤️

Free Humanity
❤️ 💪 Free Humanity to Victory , Unity and Faith! courage and Hope!,hope, faith, love , unity, respect, harmony, balance, good , Humanity, earth, resistance, Omar Samson, Free Humanity, Global push back against the satanists,
Get up stand up, stand up for your rights!
Save The Bees!
10 months ago
Save the bees speech
explanation on how to
capturing bees
Save the bees
save the trees! Follow me
Free Humanity! Omar Samson
Free Humanity
Save the bees speech,
explanation on how to,
capturing bees,
Save the bees , save the trees!
Follow me, Free Humanity!
Omar Samson,
Free Humanity
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Free Humanity
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