Omar Samson Speeches and Talks
60 videos
Updated 6 months ago
Omar Samson personal videos
Omar’s view: 16/08/2024
Free HumanityOmar’s view: 16/08/2024, unity is strenght, divide et impera, omar samson, free humanity, scripture, revolution, make earth great again, jews, cabal, repsect, satanism, zionism, bolshevism, communism, agenda 21/30, rebellion, history , mystery, truth, filosofie, speech, motivation, future, God is the greatest144 views -
🫡Omar’s view 12 August 2024
Free HumanityTalking on politics , elites , deception , trump , the bible and more… At your service, not going to be silenced, life throws hurdles at every corner, we have to get over them and grow, i do my best to keep everybody happy, but sadly you can never make everybody happy, but that does not stop me from trying :),Had 2 days of back log , sow i added some extra videos today, Omar’s view ,12 August 2024, Trump, Bible, King James, billionaire’s, politicians, control system, monetary system, deep state, zionism, satanism, bible translations, heresy, blasphemy, council of nycea, council of rome, changing of the bible, anti christ, false messiah, false savior, idol worship, celebraties are called idols for a reason, keep worshipping your false idol Trump, repent now, God is the only savior! , only God and God alone! , nothing and nobody else, no living man , no man , no prophet no magician that ever walked this planet can save you , you alone can save yourself, trough the will of God, and by his blessing, omar samson, truth , mystery , history, conspiracy, Free Humanity, make earth great again, almost reached 200 sub’s , racism is an issue, but racism works all ways, racism is not a white only fenomena, it is present in every single ethnic group, black and jewish people are the worst racists , hypocrites,apocrypha ,bible translations, king james version , geneva bible, jesus pbuh as God, evil, corruption, God is the greatest Apocrypha: https://archive.sacred-texts.com/chr/apo/index.htm Pistis sophia: https://sacred-texts.com/chr/ps/index.htm The gospel of Mary Magdalene: http://www.gnosis.org/library/marygosp.htm Christian text’s collection from early and eastern to orthodox and apocrypha: https://archive.sacred-texts.com/chr/index.htm Online bible: https://www.biblegateway.com/ The holy Quran and islamic texts: https://archive.sacred-texts.com/isl/index.htm125 views -
Omar Samson: in the name of justice, in the name of freedom!
Free HumanityOmar Samson: in the name of justice, in the name of freedom! Speech, Free Humanity, Omar Samson116 views 1 comment -
Omar Samson : ⚔️ Join the battle against evil! let us be the generation to save mother earth! 🌍
Free HumanityOmar Samson : ⚔️ Join the battle against evil! let us be the generation to save mother earth! 🌍 , Omar Samson , Free Humanity, Speech, Jews, Global cabal, Humanity , Animals, Nature, wef, satanists , zionists, bolsheviks, communists, nihilists, love , ❤️ not hate! , Free the world, Free Palestine, brothers, sisters, God is the greatest!155 views -
Unite and Fight! , Resist and bite! Stop Genocide ✋
Free HumanityUnite and Fight! , Resist and bite! Stop Genocide ✋ ,Free Palestine!, Zionist, evil , occupation, colonization , fake jews, satanists, Falastina Arabia!, Omar Samson , Free Humanity, war , genocide, crimes against humanity, crimes against nature , crimes against God, jews , evil, jews, jews, jews, End the cabal, Viva la revolucion!, the great awakening!69 views -
Wake up and fight for your FREEDOM!
Free HumanityWake up and fight for your FREEDOM!, Humanity is under attack, we have to act, come together , work together!,unite against genocide and injustice!, Unite for the children , for the mothers! , the farmers, for the animals for nature, For everything we love!, freedom is not free, freedom cost the blood of man 🩸, Stand up and fight ! , do your duty as a man!, protect that which you love! Real strong people lift others up, not push them down!, Allahu akbar, Deuz volt! there is only one God/Allah and he is the greatest!81 views -
Omar’s view 01/08/2024
Free HumanityYour daily dose of Omar Samson, Maduro, Trump, Rugby, Cia , Mossad, Palestine, Free Humanity, Unity is power, divide et impera, work together, end the globalist cabal, the great awakening is here, jews, zionists, communists, bolsheviks, genocide, lucifer, satan , evil , jews176 views -
❤️ zionist trolls 🧌 will not silence the truth! ❤️
Free HumanityLike and subscribe! 👍, ❤️ I am under vicious attack by zionist trolls and i need your support! ❤️ , zionists, trols, targeted individual , resistance , love, i will not be discouraged, i will not be silenced, i will continue speaking my truth, no amount of hate or racism that will stop me, never give up, never capitulate!, Omar Samson, Free Humanity, Make Earth Great Again 🌍,yes we can , unite, against, genocide, jews, hisbara , israeli online paid trols, controlled by, possesed by, evil, satan , lucifer, stand against evil!, stand up , rise up! , We the people!95 views 2 comments -
Omar's view: Animal Rights!
Free HumanityMy view on animal rights, Omar Samson, Free Humanity, Free Mother Earth!, Make Earth Great Again, According to Islam, animals are conscious of God. According to the Quran, they praise Him, even if this praise is not expressed in human language.[1][2] Baiting animals for entertainment or gambling is prohibited.[3][4] It is forbidden to kill any animal except for food or to prevent it from harming people. The Quran explicitly allows the consumption of the meat of certain halal (lawful) animals.[2][5] Although some Sufis have practised vegetarianism, there has been no serious discourse on the possibility of interpretations of scripture that require vegetarianism.[2] Certain animals can be eaten under the condition that they are slaughtered in a specified way.[6] Human duties in utilizing animals According to Islam, human beings are allowed to use animals, but only if the rights of the animals are respected. The owner of an animal must do everything to benefit the animal. If the owner fails to perform their duties for the animal, the animal goes to someone else. The duties humans have to animals in Islam are based in the Quran, Sunnah and traditions.[9] Protection of animals' physical health Harming, disabling, injuring, or cutting out the organs from any animal is strongly prohibited.[9] Muslims may not cut the forelock, mane, or tail of a horse, because it is believed there is goodness in its forelock; its mane provides it warmth and it swats insects away with its tail.[10] Protection of animals' sexual health Muslims are not allowed to perform acts such as the interbreeding (as in inbreeding) of animals.[9] Muhammad forbade people from castrating animals.[11] Preventing cruelty and maltreatment to animals Muslims are not allowed to harass and misuse animals, which includes snatching a leaf from an ant's mouth.[12] Muslims have no right to brand animals,[13] hamstring or crucify animals before killing,[14] or burn animals even if they cause harm to humans.[15][16] Humans should obtain animal meat by a swift slaughter[17] and avoid cutting lengthwise.[18] In Islamic slaughter, the spinal cord cannot be broken. [19][9] Avoiding punishment of animals Muslims cannot use any equipment that injures an animal, (i.e., beating them in a circus show, forcing them to carry heavy loads, or running at extreme speeds in races) even to train them.[20] Exposure to sound is also regulated.[21][9] Providing food Muslims are obliged to provide food and water for any animal they see, even if the animal does not belong to them.[22] In providing food and water considerations are the quality of the provisions[23][24] and the amount of the provision based on the animal's condition and location.[25][9] Providing sanitation Animals' health must be respected,[26] along with food, water,[27] and shelter.[9] Providing medication In the event of illness, Muslims are expected to pay for the care and medication.[28][9] Providing dwelling From an Islamic view, the appropriate shelter for an animal has three characteristics: Fits the animal's needs and[29] they should not be placed in an unsanitary condition on the pretext that they do not understand. Fits the physical needs of the animal and its health and protect it from cold and heat.[30] The dwelling of animals should not pollute the environment or spread disease to other organisms.[9][31] Respecting animal of status In Islam, the rights of animals are respected in both life[32] and death. Animal bodies may never be used for malicious purposes.[9]150 views 11 comments -
Save The Bees!
Free Humanityfacts.net/bee-facts/ Save the bees speech, explanation on how to, Diy, capturing bees, beekeeping, Save the bees , save the trees! Follow me, Free Humanity! Omar Samson, Free Humanity123 views