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History and mystery
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Why is the Islamic Golden age hidden from history?

Free Humanity
Why is the Islamic Golden age hidden from history?, cultural theft, cultural genocide, semetic builders of earth , Who saved western civilization from total collapse?, lecture, history, truth, christianity , islam, golden age, dark age, renaissance , art, inventions, science, politics, ethics , war, prosperity, fall of Rome, plague, famine, economy, medicine, trade, Arabic, Latin , Phoenicien , Omar Samson, Free Humanity, wisdom of the ages, cradle of civilization
Renaissance influenced by Arabic knowledge

Free Humanity
Renaissance influenced by Arabic knowledge, Who saved western civilization from total collapse?, lecture, history, truth, christianity , islam, golden age, dark age, renaissance , art, inventions, science, politics, ethics , war, prosperity, fall of Rome, plague, famine, economy, medicine, trade, Arabic, Latin , Phoenicien , Omar Samson, Free Humanity, al andalus, toledo
Innana/Ishtar and Babylon, lecture, the whore of babylon that rides the beast, qeeun of demons

Free Humanity
Goddess of the fearsome divine powers, clad in terror, riding on the great divine powers, Inana, made complete by the strength of the holy ankar weapon, drenched in blood, rushing around in great battles, with shield resting on the ground (?), covered in storm and flood, great lady Inana, knowing well how to plan conflicts, you destroy mighty lands with arrow and strength and overpower lands.
In heaven and on earth you roar like a lion and devastate the people. Like a huge wild bull you triumph over lands which are hostile. Like a fearsome lion you pacify the insubordinate and unsubmissive with your gall.” – Inana and Ebih: translation 1-9
Enki created 2 creatures, the kurgarru and the kalaturru, from the dirt of his fingernails & instructed them to carry the food and water of life to Inanna in order to revive her. Their mission suceeded, but the Anunnaki demanded a substitute for her if she was to leave. A legion of demons accompanied her from the netherworld to search for her replacement. Inanna refused to allow the demons to take anyone who had wept for her during her confinement as a replacement.
When Inanna came upon her husband, Dumuzi, she found him adorned in a magnificent robe instead of mourning clothing. She told the demons to take him as her substitute. Dumuzi quickly used his magic to change himself into a reptile, & escaped to his sister, Gestinanna. She took pity on him & agreed to take his position in the underworld for half the year, while he would spend the other half the year in the underworld.
Innana/Ishtar and Babylon, lecture, finaly found this lecture again, very well told, good narration, worth the watch, mystery , history, conspiracy, truth , theology, mythology, spirituality, history, wisdom , ancients, sumeria, mesopotamia, akkadia, assyria, babylon, kabalah, jews, babylon talmud, deities, lucifer, satanists, lucifer is a woman?, lucifer is both male and female?, lucifer is a woman!, omar samson, free humanity, the light bearer, the light bringer, angel of light, luciferi, false light, false gnosis, corrupt teachings, jewish corrupters
According to the "first Eve" story Lilith was created by God from dust and placed to live in the garden with Adam until problems arose between Adam and Lilith when Adam tried to exercise dominance over Lilith. One story tells that Lilith refused to lay beneath Adam during sex. She believed they were created equal, both from the dust of the earth, thus she should not have to lay beneath him. After Adam disagreed, Lilith fled the Garden of Eden to gain her independence. Adam told God that Lilith had left and God sent three angels, Senoi, Sansenoi, and Sammangelof, to retrieve her. The three angels found Lilith in a cave bearing children but Lilith refused to come back to the garden. The angels told her they would kill 100 of her children every day for her disobedience. In revenge, she is said to rob children of life and is responsible for the deaths of still-born infants and crib deaths (SIDS). Male children are at risk of Lilith's wrath for 8 days after birth (until circumcision) and girls are at risk for 20 days. Although Lilith stole children's lives in the night, she agreed not to kill the children who had amulets of either of the three angels.
After the angels' departure, Lilith tried to return to the garden but upon her arrival she discovered that Adam already had another mate, Eve. Out of revenge, Lilith had sex with Adam while he was sleeping and "stole his seed." With his seed she bears 'lilium,' earth-bound demons to replace her children killed by the angels. Lilith is also said to be responsible for males' erotic dreams and night emissions. Another theory says that Lilith is impregnated, thus creating more demons by masturbation and erotic dreams.
Minds unveiled, Jesus/Isa ﷺ pbuh spoke Arabic

Free Humanity
Minds unveiled, Jesus/Isa ﷺ pbuh spoke Arabic , in this video minds unveiled presents an incredibly interesting thesis on the History of Europe and Jesus/Isa ﷺ pbuh , i do not fully agree with his views as i will lay out, my believe is that Arabic history is destroyed and supressed, the entire western world uses Arabic numerology, i believe as the phoenicien is the base language of all European alphabets , that Rome was in fact semetic, and that most of Romes history was altered and fabricated, phantom time, semites are the true builders of earth, they violently conquered and ruled over Europe, merovingians, dananites, and after a great reset, cataclysm , and decline of the semetic empire, the caucas invaders revised history for their benefit and claim over the roman empire, i do not believe Jesus/Isa ﷺ pbuh came from Europa, but i am convinced he did not die on the cross and might have ended up in southern france, overal it is all about the supression and knowledge of the greatnes of semetic people, true semetic people, Arabs, Omar Samson, Free Humanity, mystery, history, research, arabic, latin , hebrew, rome , jews, banks, money, art , language , culture , Ireland, and most important the theory that culture slread from west to east is another attempt to diminish and destroy semetic heritage, Ireland is a phoenicien colony, tuatat du danan ,Eire

Free Humanity
WERE HIROSHIMA AND NAGASAKI A HOAX ARE NUKES REAL? YOU DECIDE!., american propaganda, a bomb, flying fortres bomber, Japan , Hiroshima, Nagasaki, allies, ww2, truth, fear mongering, fear porn, show of force, show!, hollywood, fake , Omar Samson ,Free Humanity
Dresden Valentines day Memorial-درسدن يوم عيد الحب التذكاري

Free Humanity
Dresden Valentines day Memorial
79 years since the allied war crime on the most beautiful city of Europe
God rest they're souls.
درسدن يوم عيد الحب التذكاري
79 عامًا على جريمة الحرب التي ارتكبها الحلفاء في المدينة الأكثر جمالًا في أوروبا
رحم الله أرواحهم.

Free Humanity
Jew's , Wallstreet and the bolshevik revolution part1

Free Humanity
Jew's from wall-street are the biggest criminals on the planet,togheter with their cousins occupying's Palestine
Jew's , Wallstreet and the bolshevik revolution part2

Free Humanity
Jew's , Wallstreet and the bolshevik revolution part2
1938 Palestine mentioned as independent country

Free Humanity
1938 Palestine mentioned as independent country
Austrian painter
Jew's , Wallstreet and the bolshevik revolution part3

Free Humanity
Jew's , Wallstreet and the bolshevik revolution part3
by A.Sutton
Code of Chivalry

Free Humanity
Code of Chivalry and it's Arabic origin
Omar Samson,
Free Humanity,
Order of the New Dawn.
The different codes of chivalry and their origin. Become a Knight in this world of satanic heathens!,code%20of%20conduct%20and%20honor.
THIS is what real-life Communism looks like (rare footage of the Chinese Reign of Terror in Tibet)

Free Humanity
Certain people seem to think that China is going to "save the world" from the West. This is BS. Communist China and its army of PLA thugs have destroyed more lives in Tibet alone since the 1950s than were lost over the course of the four centuries long conquest of North America (as a result of violence). Moreover, the deplorable state of the West of today is almost entirely due to Communist infiltration and subversion -- and now these commentators want the very perpetrators of our present misery to come and "save" us from the mess THEY created?
Copy of our response to a completely nonsensical rant by Communist sympathizer Mitch Henderson:
I am perfectly willing to listen to a well-articulated and well-argued perspective, but Henderson's narrative is far too one-sided and simplistic. Henderson almost talks as if he has never even heard of the rather recent, decades-long and extremely brutal and bloody Marxist-Leninist, Communist history of Russia/the Russian Federation! It is only around 40 or 50 years since masses of "dissidents" and "class enemies" were still being kidnapped from their homes and imprisoned in the Gulag slave labor and death camp system of the Soviet Union, and, as far as I can see, none of the criminal responsible for that system have been prosecuted by the allegedly post-Communist Russia of today.
Moreover, as I have said before, Vladimir Putin was "groomed" by the Jewish oligarch Roman Abramovich, and likely has a Jewish mother (a fact which makes him racially Jewish in the eyes of most Jewish leaders), is a former KGB agent (which means that he was taught acting and lying and all kinds of devious tactics), and, most disturbingly of all, has been pushing "vaccines" against "covid", and allowing the erection of statues of Communist mass murderers like Lenin and Felix Dzerzhinsky (one of the leaders of the Bolshevik "death squads" back long ago).
As for the main Russian Orthodox Church, is is the same fake "church" that Marxist-Leninist leaders allowed to come into existence in the post-WW2 era (after the murders of tens of thousands of real priests and monks and nuns) because it was led by people who were willing to covertly cooperate with the Communist state.
Finally, let it not be forgotten that Stalin's Russia was one of the worst "imperialist" powers in history. Soviet Russia grabbed much of Eastern Europe, engaged in horrific wars of Communist "expansionism" (for the sake of World Revolution) in Finland and -- much later -- in Afghanistan, fomented destructive Marxist revolutions all over the world, including in Africa and South America, was plotting to invade Western Europe in 1941, and meddled massively in internal European and American affairs through infiltration and subversion.
In fact, the whole complex of "clown world" and queer nonsense and degeneracy comes from, and was deliberately pushed by, Communist, Marxist-Leninist infiltrators.
Priest exposing more WW2 truth , exposing the holohoax!

Free Humanity
Follow the great guy on youtube!
Ww2,truth,preist,meidanic,maidan,death camps,black ops,propaganda, lies,soviet,bolshevik,jews,lies,lies,lies,jews,lies,ugly soviet people, mongols, huns, red terror, communism, extrimism,zionism, satanism, Germany,redemption,hitler,nazi,great,thank God there are wisdom keepers, Great resets are of all times, Riligion has been corrupted, But wisdom has been preserved, Is humanity ready? No we are not God , no we will never be as God’s, This is not the false teachings, but the genuine one, God is not man and no man ever was God, there is no God but the one true God, and Marry Magdelene the wife of Jesus pbuh, was a great teacher, Peace and blessings be upon here, Omar Samson, Free Humanity

Free Humanity
Engineering hunger- The Irish potato famine

Free Humanity
There are no shortages of anything at any time in any place.
Only shortages om earth are created by humans.
The world is not over populated.
There is no shortage of food or water.
Engineering genocide , speciality of jews.
Jews are evil,
Pure evil the jew,
Horror deamons , jews
Amsterdam called the Jerusalem of the west ,Mokum Aleph, safe haven(save harbor for jews)

Free Humanity
Amsterdam called the Jerusalem of the west ,Mokum Aleph, safe haven(save harbor for jews)
History of jews in netherlands,
Pentagon is the millitary command centre, Netherlands Bilderberg is the real shadow gouvernment.
Mossad chief 2001, Efraim Halevy , admits:WE DID IT (Mossad/Isrealhell) did 911

Free Humanity
Efraim Halevy, former Director of Mossad on Israel and the 9/11 bombings:
Mossad chief 2001, Efraim Halevy , admits Mossad/Isrealhell did 911,
Truth, war on terror, jews, dancing jews, inside job, 911, twin towers, israeli attack on the united states, using the American people as their weapon to destroy the middle east , and grab more power internally , fake passports found, jet fuel does not melt steel beams, israel,mossad,cia
Italian intelligence worldwide knew 911 was an Israeli Mossad operation

Free Humanity
Italian intelligence ,worldwide ,knew ,911, was an ,Israeli ,Mossad ,operation.. with US agencies headed by dual US/Israeli citizens in key government positions.. 911 was a US inside job executed by Jews.. It was a Jewish attack as was the attack on the USS Liberty..
History is nothing but lies agreed upon, Germany never wanted and never started ,WW2

Free Humanity
History is nothing but lies agreed upon, Germany never wanted and never started ,WW2,
Hitler,Churchill, WW2 , zionists, bolsheviks, bankers, jews, europa,Deutchland.
Omar Samson,Free Humanity
How to change history, how to make the villain the hero and the hero the villain

Free Humanity
Adolfus hitler, ww2 , David Irving , Omar Samsom , Free Humanity, Truth ,
History revision, holohoax , real butchers of world war 2
How Negros sold other Negros in slavery and started the slave trade ,part 2

Free Humanity
Truth about slave trade, afrocentrism, we wuz kangz,negro dols negro, stone age war tribes, animals, uncivilized blacks , killing and enslaving other blacks,jew’s profited wel from the slave trade , and it is the jew who brought slave trade to a global scale, but it was niggers that started it,Omar Samson,Free Humanity
1945 The Savage Peace - The Atrocities Against Germans

Free Humanity
This is an old BBC documentary. Being a mainstream production there are some inaccuracies of course. But even then they admitted how horribly wronged the people of Germany were... and there's more...
Truth will prevail , Jesse Owens , 1936 olympics Berlin and the Fuhrer

Free Humanity
Truth will prevail , Jesse Owens , 1936 ,olympics, Berlin, Fuhrer, Adolf Hilter, truth does not fear investigation, Germany, Nazi , niggers, racism, debunked, United states was and is more racist than Germany ever was, Omar Samson , Free Humanity , ww1, ww2 , zionists , jews, propaganda , lies, truth shall prevail!
The British Spy Who Divided the Muslim Ummah, Lawrence of Arabia 🕵️♂️

Free Humanity
Lawrence of Arabia helped overthrow the Ottoman Empire through deception and broken promises. This is the real story. The British Spy Who Divided the Muslim Ummah, Lawrence of Arabia 🕵️♂️ , ottomans, arabs, revolution, rotchild, brittish empire, Franse, spies, lies, betrayal , conspiracy , mystery , history , sices picot, free arab legion , hussein of mekka, war, omar samson, free humanity, false promises
Audio book:Cristero war, ⚔️ Mexican war against Jewish talmudic Elite and the origins of jews in Mexico 🇲🇽

Free Humanity
Cristero war, ⚔️ Mexican war against Jewish talmudic Elite and the origins of jews in Mexico 🇲🇽 , jews, Talmud, Genocide of Catholics, Jews in history have genocided over 200 million christians , from the Holy land to Russia, China and all the way to Mexico, the trail of blood and money is unsurmountable, 🩸blood magic, ritual magic, holocaust is the word for blood sacrifice in yiddish, ashkenaz, eastern european identity stealers, khazars, revolution, mexican war for independence, omar samson, free humanity, colonization president of mexico, history, conspiracy , mystery, forbidden history
The Germanic Liberation of Roman occupied britton and the role of the Frissii

Free Humanity
The Germanic Liberation of Roman occupied britton and the role of the Frissii,
History, mystery , angles, saxons, jutes, frissians, conquest, liberation, revising history , truth, omar samson, free humanity
Manly .P Hall , Talks about Islam

Free Humanity
"Islam's Contribution to Man's Spiritual Security" started out as Manly Hall's comments on a (then) recent Life Magazine series on world religions.
The Islamic world in Arabia and Near East in 1955 was years behind the rapid technological developments of the 20th century. Nation states were being carved out of what had been vast areas of European colonialism. The entire region and their way of life was under great social change and internal pressure..
In this lecture, Mr. Hall points out the challenges of the Islamic people at the time, and how their faith, outlined in the Quran, can be a great help in guiding and empowering and entire people through this great transformation. Even though this lecture is 66 years old, the wisdom is timeless, and in many ways, timely to this moment as we face it today.
Forbidden History: the knights of the temple of Solomon ,part 1

Free Humanity
Forbidden History: the knights of the temple of Solomon,
the knights templar are devil worshippers, and they still exist.
They want to rebuild the temple of Solomon to summon and control demons.
Baphomet,seals of solomon,black magic,treasure hunting,old world cia,modern israel,third temple,temple of solomon,jews,money lenders,Jaques de Molay,friday 13th, satan worship,jinn,demons,dark angels,Jerusalem,poor knights of christ,knights templar,catholic,crusades,murder,genocide,pillaging,pilgrims,warrior,monk,satanic,evil,middle ages,pope,papacy,econimic crisis,loosing empire,invasion,colonization,semetic magic,semetic wisdom,Palestine,ancient widsom,demonology
Britain in Palestine 1917-1948

Free Humanity
Britain in Palestine 1917-1948 investigates the contradictory promises and actions which defined British Mandatory rule in Palestine and laid the groundwork for the Nakba (the catastrophe) and the creation of the state of Israel in 1948. The roots of the contemporary social, political, economic, and environmental landscape of Palestine and Israel can be traced back to this period, making it essential viewing for understanding Britain’s legacy in the region and the situation on the ground today.
To access English, Arabic and Hebrew subtitles click on the CC link on the video. For further analysis of the events outlined in the film see the Companion Guide to Britain in Palestine 1917-1948.
“A very useful explanation of how we got to where we are today. Fascinating photos I had not seen before. A great resource to show in any classroom or forum to people who want to learn more about this region, and specifically, Britain’s involvement. Afif Safieh, Former Palestinian Ambassador
“…This film brilliantly puts into perspective the role the United Kingdom played in Mandate Palestine from 1917-1948.” Rabbi Howard Finkelstein, Ontario, Canada
“This is an excellent short 18-min video from @BalfourProject explaining briefly but super-clearly how British colonialism has caused a century of war in Palestine.” Matthew Teller, Journalist and author of Nine Quarters of Jerusalem: A New Biography of the Old City (2022)
“Britain in Palestine 1917 – 1948 is a clear, precise and factual explanation of the historical origins of the Arab-Israeli conflict. For anyone who wants to develop a real understanding of the issue but is intimidated by it’s complexity, this film is the place to start.” Judah Passow, Photojournalist
Syces picot and Balfour declaration( by Khan academy)

Free Humanity
Great text and explination on how the modern middle east has been setup for for ever colonization by western powers.
Omar's Old World Sofia عالم عمر القديم صوفيا

Free Humanity
Omar's Old World Sofia عالم عمر القديم صوفيا
Phrygian Revolution Cap pt1

Free Humanity
Part 2.0 , improved video coming soon.
Phrygian cap,
this is the name given to a brimless, limp, conical cap fitting snugly around the head. It is supposed to have been worn by the inhabitants of Phrygia, a region of central Anatolia in antiquity.
It was used by a series of revolutionaries - who seem to have picked up the symbol one from another. There is some doubt as to whether the French Revolutionaries got it from the American Revolutionaries, or whether the American Revolutionaries had got it from pre-revolutionary French ideologues. Since the American Revolution came a few years before the French, American iconography can be used as a sort of introduction.
Phrygian Revolution cap pt 2.0

Free Humanity
Phrygian cap , old world, revolution , conspiracy , mithras , the merovingians , jews , communism and more.
(Russian docu)2006 -operation high jump and nazi ufo's

Free Humanity
(Russian docu)2006 -operation high jump and nazi ufo's
(وثائق روسية) 2006 - عملية الوثب العالي والأجسام الغريبة النازية
History and Conspiracy -Russia and Prussia pt2

Free Humanity
Royal family and more check it out!
History & Conspiracy pt 1 Russia & Prussia

Free Humanity
History & Conspiracy pt 1 Russia & Prussia
Dan Gibson , Documentaire , Petra is Mecca, evidence

Free Humanity
Petra is Mecca,
Dan Gibson
false hajj,
false believers,
false Mecca,
false pillars,
false islam,
Corrupted, changed, sold, betrayed, neglected,
Omar samson,
Free Humanity
Europa still occupied, occupied since 1945

Free Humanity
78 years after WW2 ,Europa is still occupied, Truth, WW2,Europa,Germany,SS,history,Omar Samson,Free Humanity,
Loyal to the end.
House of Saud, puppets of the west, traitors of Islam, scourge of the Ummah

Free Humanity
Placed there by brittish colonizers to destroy the muslim Ummah from the inside out,
Free Hejaz, Hejaz is mot saudie arabis, mekka and medina belong to hejaz,
House of saud are traitors to the Ummah, they destroy seculaire islam and created wahabism, which in turn was created by brittain, the house of saud was installed by the brittish empire, to make sure the middle east will always be divided .
Wahabism In Arab & Its B Team In Subcontinent Deobandism/Tablighi Jamaat Are Colonial Era's British Planted Traitors Among Muslims, These Both Deviant Cults Emerged Only After The British Arrival On Muslim Lands With Infamous Policy Of "Divide & Rule". Wahhabism Or Fake Salafism With Backing Of British Mind, Money & Arms & Collaboration Of Ancestral Desert Bandits & Looters Of Past Al-Saud & Their Traditional Nature Of Brutality & Betray Played Leading Role In Fall Of Islamic Ottoman Empire & As A War Booty Or Reward For Licking Their British Master's Shoes Awarded By British What It Is Today's Saudi Arabia The Breeding Ground For Its Byproduct The Wahhabi Terrorism.
In Shape Of Terrorism Threat Western Societies Are "Cutting" What Some Minority Idiots From Among Themselves "Sowed" In Past.
Globalists created Wahhabi Terrorism to Destroy Islam and Justify a Global State
Britain and the Rise of Wahhabism and the House of Saud
The British, the Middle East, and Radical Islam
Confessions Of A British Spy[jump!3A!27!2814!29!27]/doc/%7B@13900%7D?
Jewish Banking Exposed!

Free Humanity
1 A good name is to be chosen above great riches, and [a]loving favor is above silver and above gold.
2 The rich and poor [b]meet together, the Lord is the maker of them all.
3 A prudent man [c]seeth the plague, and hideth himself: but the foolish go on still, and are punished.
4 The reward of humility, and the fear of God is riches, and glory, and life.
5 Thorns and snares are in the way of the froward: but he that regardeth his soul, will depart far from them.
6 Teach a child [d]in the trade of his way, and when he is old he shall not depart from it.
7 The rich ruleth the poor, and the borrower is servant to the man that lendeth.
8 He that soweth iniquity, shall reap affliction, and the [e]rod of his anger shall fail.
9 He that hath a good [f]eye, he shall be blessed: for he giveth of his bread unto the poor.
10 Cast out the scorner, and strife shall go out: so contention and reproach shall cease.
11 He that loveth pureness of heart for the grace of his lips, the [g]king shall be his friend.
12 The eyes of the Lord preserve [h]knowledge: but he overthroweth the words of the transgressor.
13 The slothful man saith, [i]A lion is without, I shall be slain in the street.
14 The mouth of strange women is as a deep pit: he with whom the Lord is angry, [j]shall fall therein.
15 Foolishness is bound [k]in the heart of a child: but the rod of correction shall drive it away from him.
16 He that oppresseth the poor to increase himself, and giveth unto the rich, shall surely come to poverty.
17 ¶ Incline thine ear, and hear the words of the wise, and apply thine heart unto my knowledge.
18 For it shall be pleasant, if thou keep them in thy belly, and if they be directed together in thy lips.
19 That thy confidence may be in [l]the Lord, I have showed thee this day: thou therefore take heed.
20 Have not I written unto thee [m]three times in counsels and knowledge,
21 That I might show thee the assurance of the words of truth, to answer the words of truth to them that send to thee?
22 Rob not the poor, because he is poor, neither oppress the afflicted [n]in judgment.
23 For the Lord will defend their cause, and spoil the soul of those that spoil them.
24 Make [o]no friendship with an angry man, neither go with the furious man,
25 Lest thou learn his ways, and receive destruction to thy soul.
26 Be not thou of them that [p]tough the hand, nor among them that are surety for debts.
27 If thou hast nothing to pay, why causest thou that he should take thy bed from under thee?
28 Thou shalt not remove the ancient bounds which thy fathers have made.
29 Thou seest that a diligent man in his business standeth before Kings, and standeth not before the base sort.
Bankers are mass murderers and jewish aswell.
Forbidden history: Halbmond und Kreuz (crescent and cross)

Free Humanity
Forbidden history: Halbmond und Kreuz (crescent and cross
Imam Al-Husseini and the furor.
Non white ss soldier.
Debunking communist/allied propaganda of white supremacy.
Only white people in ss?
Rockefeller his war against natural cures and the creation of big pharma

Free Humanity
Rockefeller his war against natural cures and the creation of big pharma,
The health industrie is not about health, it is about making money, by making people sick and managing the decease, cures are suppressed, you are injected with illnesses, the world around you is created to make you unhealthy, sow people can make money, robber barons, destruction,old world reset,omar samson,free humanity
DNA evidence definitive prove Modern Egyptians are like the ancient Egyptians

Free Humanity
The ancient Egyptian individuals in their own dataset possessed highly similar mtDNA haplogroup profiles, and cluster together, supporting genetic continuity across the 1,300-year transect. Modern Egyptians shared this mtDNA haplogroup profile
All you racists must shut the fuck up, Egypt was not black, it was not white european, it was semetic, closest related to Arabic! ,just like in the modern day!,
Stop stealing our heritage, 200 years a Macedonian dynastie ruled, this is where you get european dna in mummies.,omar samson, free humanity,
The real butchers of WW2 pt 1 (Irrefutable evidence)

Free Humanity
Irrefutable proof ,evidence and eye witness testimony of the Jewish criminal lies about the Second World War.
testimony of survivors and veterans of world war 2, in their own words.
Compare Auschwitz or Gulag yourself.
Modern day Palestine ruled by descendant's of jewish bolsheviks, using same tactics of starvation etc. cultural genocide.
Redemption for all the victims of Jewish crimes
German 5 star hotel's v.s. cannibal gulag System
Judge yourself!
Germany’s War Against Freemasonry - Banned in 40+ Countries

Free Humanity
Hitler's War Against Freemasonry - Banned in 40+ Countries,
Truth does not fear investigation,
A Freemason of the highest rank, in all likelihood by birth, Kalergi had friends and admirers amongst the most powerful people in the world. He would need them as Hitler knew what he was and outlawed Freemasonry because he chased him out of Austria to Czechoslovakia, then to France and when France fell, to the United States.,WW2,jew,freemason,national socialism,Germany,bank,economy,war against globalism,WW1,Omar Samson,
Free Humanity
National Socialism: Hitler's 25 Points
Holger Strohm- Germany occupied since 1945 , Europa is still occupied(german with dutch translation)

Free Humanity
Holger Strohm- Germany occupied since 1945 , Europa is still occupied(german with dutch translation),truth on Ukraine, truth on Libia and the creation of deash isis,
Germany ,netherlands, not soevereine countries,
Direct commands from pentagon, illegaal gouvernment,occupation gouvernment,
American Occupied Europa since 1945.
Forbidden history: Freikorps v.s. Jewish bolshevik terror

Free Humanity
Forbidden history: Freikorps v.s. Jewish bolshevik terror
ww2,zionists,jewish bolshevik in germany, veterans,volunteers,history,spartacist league,freikorps,national socialism
David Cole in Auschwitz - David Cole Interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper (1992)

Free Humanity
Historical ww2 documentary,
gas chambers
Priest with WW2 evidence and eyewitness testimony of the holohoax

Free Humanity
Biggest hoax in human history,
Holocaust, lies, gaschambers, final solution, ww2 , hitler,nazi,germany,bolshevik, communism,lies,truth,omar samson,
Free humanity, jews are evil,
What a miracle it is not gas but water came out the shower
Germany’s war against the global banking kartel

Free Humanity
Germany’s war against globalism, truth, banking kartels, communism, bolshivism,national socialism,economic reforms, economic miracle,ww1,
WW2,international jew, khazars, corruption,infiltration,resistance,truth will
Prevail, gott is mit uns,not racist,holohoax lies exposed,Omar Samson,Free Humanity
(الكلام العربي)"الساميون المقدسون: بناة الأرض"

Free Humanity
وبينما نسافر عبر سجلات الزمن، دعونا نشيد بالساميين المقدسين - حماة التراث الإلهي للأرض ومهندسي التطور الروحي للإنسانية.
"انضم إلينا في رحلة إلى قلب الأسطورة والأسطورة، حيث يلتقي المقدس بالمدنس، ويتردد صدى أصداء الساميين عبر العصور. الساميون المقدسون: بناة الأرض - شهادة على الإرث الدائم لشعب تم لمسه بيد القدر."
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"The Sacred Semites: Builders of Earth"

Free Humanity
"The Sacred Semites: Builders of Earth"
"The Sacred Semites: Builders of Earth"
"In the vast expanse of space, our moon has always held secrets beyond our comprehension. But what if I told you that behind its tranquil facade lies a realm teeming with life from distant worlds?"
For decades, whispers of extraterrestrial encounters on the moon have circulated among conspiracy theorists and secret government files. But now, we delve deeper into the shadows to uncover the truth."
we are the Order of the New Dawn : prepared to unveil the secrets hidden beneath the lunar surface and reveal the truth about the alien presence."
"As they journey deeper into the moon's mysterious caverns, they encounter enigmatic artifacts, ancient structures, and evidence of extraterrestrial activity."
"But our mission is jeopardized by powerful forces determined to keep the truth hidden. Government agencies, secret societies, and alien entities all converge in a battle for control."
"In the ultimate struggle for truth and survival, the fate of humanity hangs in the balance. Will the secrets of the moon be revealed, or will they remain buried in the shadows forever?"
"Join us on this epic journey into the unknown. Moon Chronicles: The Secret Encounters
"Galactic Odyssey: Unveiling the Federation"
"In the vast reaches of space, humanity has gazed upon the moon with wonder and awe. But what if I told you that beyond its tranquil surface lies a cosmic tapestry woven with the threads of 189 diverse alien civilizations?"
"For millennia, the moon has served as a meeting ground for the Galactic Federation - an alliance of 189 sentient species from across the cosmos. United by a shared vision of peace and cooperation, they gather beneath the lunar glow to exchange knowledge, forge alliances, and chart the course of the universe."
"But their existence has remained shrouded in secrecy, hidden from the eyes of humanity by a veil of cosmic mystery. Until now."
"Join the brave souls of Expedition New Dawn as weembark on a journey to unveil the truth about the Galactic Federation and humanity's place among the stars."
"But our quest is not without peril. Dark forces seek to disrupt the delicate balance of the cosmos, threatening the harmony of the Galactic Federation and the future of all life in the galaxy."
"In the ultimate battle between light and darkness, the fate of the galaxy hangs in the balance. Will humanity rise to join the ranks of the Galactic Federation, or will they succumb to the forces that seek to divide and conquer?"
"Prepare for the adventure of a lifetime. Galactic Guardians of the New Dawn: Unveiling the Federation
- coming soon to a galaxy near you."
"Cosmic Alliance: Guardians of the Moon"
"In the vast expanse of the cosmos, where the moon reigns as a silent sentinel, an extraordinary alliance has flourished among the stars. Behold the Galactic Council - a coalition of 189 alien races, bound together by a sacred oath to protect the cosmic balance and safeguard the universe from threats unknown."
For eons, the moon has served as the celestial nexus of this cosmic alliance - a place where diplomacy, unity, and cooperation transcend the boundaries of time and space."
Join the courageous crew of Expedition New Dawn as we venture into the unknown, braving the perils of interstellar travel to unlock the secrets of the moon and forge alliances with beings from distant galaxies."
But our quest is not without challenges. Dark forces lurk in the shadows, plotting to unravel the delicate fabric of cosmic harmony and plunge the universe into chaos."
"In a race against time, the fate of the galaxy hangs in the balance. Will the heroes of Expedition New Dawn succeed in our mission to unite the cosmic alliance and preserve the light of hope in the darkest reaches of space?"
"Prepare to embark on a journey beyond the stars. Cosmic Alliance: Guardians of the Moon - an epic tale of courage, friendship, and the enduring power of unity that is our legacy"
"Cosmic Convergence: The Moon-Saturn Nexus"
"In the vast expanse of our solar system, two celestial giants dance in an eternal cosmic ballet - the Moon and Saturn. While separated by millions of miles, their connection runs deep, weaving a tapestry of mystery and wonder across the cosmos."
"For centuries, astronomers have marveled at the enchanting allure of Saturn's rings and the serene beauty of the moon. But what if I told you that their connection goes beyond mere proximity, touching the very essence of our universe?"
"Throughout history, cultures around the world have revered these celestial bodies as symbols of divine wisdom, cosmic balance, and spiritual enlightenment. But perhaps their significance runs deeper than we ever imagined."
"Some believe that the moon and Saturn share a profound energetic connection, influencing the ebb and flow of tides, emotions, and even consciousness on Earth. Others suggest that they serve as celestial gateways, portals to other dimensions and realms beyond our understanding."
"As we gaze upon the moon and Saturn in the night sky, let us ponder the mysteries they hold and the profound connection that binds them together. For in their cosmic dance lies the key to unlocking the secrets of the universe and our place within it."
"Cosmic Convergence: The Moon-Saturn Nexus - a journey into the heart of cosmic mystery and the boundless wonders of the universe."
"Serpents of the Stars: Unveiling the Draco Reptilians"
"In the shadowy depths of conspiracy lore, whispers abound of a sinister force lurking among the stars - the Draco Reptilians. Descendants of an ancient lineage, these enigmatic beings are said to wield immense power and influence, manipulating the course of human history from the shadows."
"According to ancient myths and modern conspiracy theories alike, the Draco Reptilians hail from the constellation Draco, where they rule over a vast empire with an iron fist. Their motives are shrouded in mystery, their actions driven by a thirst for domination and control."
"But why do these alleged extraterrestrial beings harbor such animosity towards humanity? Some theorists believe that the Draco Reptilians view humans as nothing more than cattle - to be enslaved, exploited, or even devoured for their own nefarious purposes."
"As the shadows deepen and the lines between fact and fiction blur, one question remains: are the Draco Reptilians truly the enemy of humanity, or merely misunderstood beings caught in the crossfire of cosmic intrigue?"
"Join us on a journey into the heart of darkness, where ancient myths collide with modern mysteries, and the truth may be stranger than fiction. Serpents of the Stars: Unveiling the Draco Reptilians - a chilling exploration of the unknown forces that lurk beyond the veil of reality."
"Echoes of Eternity: The Saga of Ancient Cosmic Wars"
"In the annals of time, beyond the grasp of human memory, lies a chapter of cosmic history steeped in myth and legend - the era of ancient cosmic wars. Across the vast expanse of the universe, beings of unimaginable power clashed in titanic battles that shaped the destiny of worlds and civilizations."
"From the fabled realms of ancient mythology to the esoteric teachings of secret societies, tales of cosmic conflict have echoed through the ages, hinting at a time when gods and titans waged war among the stars."
"But what sparked these celestial conflicts, and what were their consequences for the cosmos? Some believe that they were battles for dominion over the fabric of reality itself, fought by beings of unfathomable power who sought to control the very essence of existence."
"Others suggest that these ancient cosmic wars were waged by rival civilizations vying for control of precious resources, strategic territories, or ancient technologies that lay hidden within the cosmic tapestry."
"As we gaze upon the stars in wonder and awe, let us ponder the mysteries of the distant past and the echoes of eternity that reverberate through the cosmos. For in the shadows of ancient myths lie the keys to unlocking the secrets of the universe and our place within it."
"Echoes of Eternity: The Saga of Ancient Cosmic Wars - a journey into the heart of cosmic legend and the timeless struggles that define the fabric of reality."
"Noah's Ark: The Cosmic Odyssey"
In the annals of history, the tale of Noah's Ark stands as a testament to faith, survival, and the enduring power of the human spirit. But what if this ancient story holds secrets beyond our wildest imagination - secrets that reach beyond the bounds of Earth and into the cosmos itself?"
"According to ancient legends and esoteric teachings, Noah's Ark was not merely a vessel of wood and pitch, but a cosmic ark - a spacecraft crafted by advanced beings from distant stars."
"Some theorists believe that Noah's Ark was a refuge for humanity during a cataclysmic event - a journey through space and time to a new world where life could begin anew."
"But where did Noah's Ark land after its cosmic odyssey? According to ancient texts and oral traditions, the ark came to rest in the mountains of Yemen, nestled among the rugged terrain of the Arabian Peninsula."
"Today, the ancient land of Yemen holds clues to this cosmic mystery, from ancient ruins and sacred sites to stories passed down through generations."
"Join us on a voyage into the heart of legend and lore, where the cosmic meets the terrestrial, and the echoes of Noah's Ark reverberate through the ages. Noah's Ark: The Cosmic Odyssey - a journey beyond the stars and into the realms of myth and mystery."
"In the cradle of civilization, nestled among the rugged mountains of Yemen, lies the sacred homeland of the Semites - a people shrouded in myth and mystery, whose legacy as the great builders of Earth spans the depths of time itself."
"According to ancient legends and esoteric teachings, the Semites were not merely a tribe or ethnic group, but the chosen stewards of divine knowledge and cosmic wisdom."
From the towering ziggurats of Mesopotamia to the majestic pyramids of Egypt, the fingerprints of the Semites can be found etched into the very fabric of civilization."
"But what drove the Semites to embark on their monumental quest for enlightenment and transcendence? Some believe that they were guided by celestial beings - extraterrestrial mentors who bestowed upon them the keys to unlock the secrets of the universe."
"As we journey through the annals of time, let us pay homage to the sacred Semites - the custodians of Earth's divine heritage and the architects of humanity's spiritual evolution."
"Join us on a voyage into the heart of myth and legend, where the sacred meets the profane, and the echoes of the Semites resonate through the ages. The Sacred Semites: Builders of Earth - a testament to the enduring legacy of a people touched by the hand of destiny."
Written by
please don't copy
Omar Sam Abdel-wahed
Joris and The Dragon (re-upload)

Free Humanity
Time to introduce back the humanity to humanity.
we must correct all the damage done to society by bringing back chivalry and romance.
Joris(George) and the Dragon.
Ai art,
Animated pictures,
Rumble becoming a very bad platform to work with, uploading sometimes bugged.
Forbidden History: Churchill pt1

Free Humanity
Forbidden History: Churchill the racist war criminal turned into hero
,ww2,boerwars,bengal famine,palestine, zionism,iran,shah,Iraq bombing,bengal famine, irish occupation, black and tans,genocide,famine,opression,rasism,jew,kenya,concentration camps,aleister crowley,satanism, afghanistan,pashtun,south-afrika,civilians,mustard gas, geneva concention violations, human rights violations, crimes against humanity, terror bombing, terrorism, germany,Omar Samson,Free Humanity,ww1,ww2,truth,history,conspiracy,khazars,maffia,globalists,communism,russia,
Speech David Irving, Churchill Drunken , warmongering bum.

Free Humanity
Truth, history, ww2, winston churchill ,war, famine, drunk, aleister humanity, Omar Samson

Free Humanity
Omar Samson,
Free Humanity
Dialogue between Solon and an Egyptian Priest

Free Humanity
Dialogue between Solon and an Egyptian Priest
The Truth about A true hero: Gadaffi

Free Humanity
Colonel Gadaffi, kadafi, truth, war,lybia,docu,gold dinar,amerika,israel,zionism,europe,nato,bombing,immigration
Agenda 21/30 , plan going according to schedule. Politics are a charade.

Free Humanity
Agenda 21, Nancy Pelosi, congress , 1992
Henry Lamb warning the world about Agenda 21 in 1992

Free Humanity
Henry Lamb on the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Wildlands Project at the Granada Forum in 1992.
Without question, Henry Lamb was the foremost expert in the nation on the subject of the U.N.'s drive for global governance and its blueprint called Agenda 21.
Most of what Henry warned about, is now taking place.
Henry Lamb warning the world about Agenda 21 in 1992, agenda 21/30, satanists, zionists, u.s.a. , new world order, global warming hoax, global sustainabillity plans,de-population, shadow gouvernment, truth, 2024, war, economy, reiligion, tradition, bolshevik revolution 2.0
U.S.A Eisenhower death camps, WW2 American concentration camps

Free Humanity
9 million German victims, ww2 , truth, holohoax, real butchers of ww2, zionism, jews, americans and soviets, jews, deathcamps, eisenhower,
Documentary: Masters of Mind Control Propaganda. Edward Bernays

Free Humanity
Documentary: Masters of Mind Control Propaganda. Edward Bernays, BBC Century of the Self Part 1
The Original Influencer
An uncanny ability to mould public desire made Edward Bernays one of the 20th century’s most influential – yet invisible – characters, the architect of modern mass manipulation.
Bernays’ methods, however, opened a new chapter in public relations, a profession that he and others pioneered in the 1920s. Bernays was not the first man in the field. There were a handful of others before and beside him, notably his great rival Ivy Lee. Bernays, however, may have had the greatest impact. He bolstered the new profession with theory, gave it a philosophical framework and processed the findings of the blossoming psychological disciplines by coming up with new methods of manipulating the public. Although practically invisible to the outside world, Bernays became an influential architect of modern mass persuasion techniques, which continue to inspire the PR industry. Harold Burson, CEO of Burson-Marsteller, one of the world’s largest PR enterprises, was quoted in the 1990s as saying: ‘We’re still singing off the hymn book that Bernays gave us.’
Minds of man full 3 hour plus docu,
Germany must perish, the plan to destroy Germany(Europa)

Free Humanity
Germany must perish, the plan to destroy Germany(Europa),
Jews,zionists,evil,kalergi plan,bolsheviks, communists,wall street,united states,brittain,ww1,ww2,Omar Samson,Free Humanity
Levitation trough vibration, the old world levitation technique

Free Humanity
Levitation trough vibration,
Frequency is the key,369,
The "Jarl" Tibetan Stone Levitation account is perhaps one of the most popular accounts of sonic levitation in metaphysics. It is also the most analyzed because of the exacting and descriptive details of measurement. What were the mechanics of this levitation? Was it a large-scale version of NASA's well-known container-less processing process? Was the actual weight of the stones actually influenced and reduced causing the multi-stones to literally become buoyant? Or was the levitation the result of an acoustically induced vortex?
How the west was taken over by Communism, the west is marxist-bolshevik-communist.

Free Humanity
Short part of the interview with Yuri Bezemov , KGB agent, subversion, communism,marxism,bolshevik,jews,america communist,immigration,destruction of fanily,destruction of riligion,communism is the anti-christ system,
Omar samson, free humanity
Petra is the real Mecca, horns of Satan, fake holy man! Fake Hajj!

Free Humanity
The real Mecca is in Petra , the house of Saud colonizers etc, have changed the qiblah , and they have later changed the kaba aswell to make it s black cube.
The black cube in Mecca is pure evil,
Hundred death during hajj,
Human sacrifice to ball,
They are all burning in hell
THE WORMWOOD CATACLYSM: Nibiru, The Unseen Planet (2016) Documentary

Free Humanity
PLANET 7X: The Destroyer
THE EARTH is heading for some rough days. Predictions of a cataclysmic encounter with a mysterious, unseen planetary body variously called Nibiru, Nemesis, Planet X, or Planet 9 have been in the news repeatedly in recent months.
Amateur astronomer and researcher Gill Broussard shares some of the information he's collected through years of research into what he calls Planet 7X and what it's impact might be on us in the very near future.
Seargent Rober Horton, Warcastles.

Free Humanity
Post master general, post office, colonial empire, deep state, masonry, finance, city of london, maritime law, born dead, modern slavery,system of control, hidden empires, hidden colonies.
Ernst Zündel (1939 -2017) – Interviewed by an Israeli journalist (1996) – Best Interview of all Time

Free Humanity
Ernst Zündel (1939 -2017) – Interviewed by an Israeli journalist (1996) – Best Interview of all Time, ww2, truth, holohoax, great furor Adolfus Hitler,
Israel,communism,bolshevik butchers, ww2 lies exposed, Ernst Zundel, legendary, truth about world war Germany, jewish people, jew’s, juden, juda,
Omar Samson, Free Humanity
The Jewish/Bolshevik Revolution/Terrorist take over

Free Humanity
The Jewish/Bolshevik Revolution/terrorist take over,jew,bolshevikk,communism,extremism,genocide,famine,satanism,evil,askhenaz,khazaria,Russia,tartaria,destruction of the old world,WW1,WW2,tsar,Ukaine,holodomor,truth
Revelation 3:9
King James Version
9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
Saturnday 05/04/2024

Free Humanity
Saturnday 05/04/2024
Omar Samson, Free Humanity,
Aliens in Judaism,
Star of moloch,
The fallacy of Greek inventions and inventors part 1

Free Humanity
The fallacy of Greek inventions and inventors,
Lost world,
Great reset,
Omar Samson,
Free Humanity
The real Butchers of WW2 pt2(irrefutable evidence)

Free Humanity
The real Butchers of WW2 pt2(irrefutable evidence)
Witness testimony, and veteran recount's.
WW2, zionists, soviet,jew,marocco,morocains,goumiers,pentagram is evil,genocide,war,money,bankers,conspiracy,history,mystery,truth,Free Humanity,Omar Samson,OmarSam

Free Humanity
by Michael Abraham ,thank you!
Forbidden history: Amerika more rasist than nazi Germany

Free Humanity
Forbidden history: Amerika more rasist than nazi Germany,
1936 Olympics, Jesse Owens, SS,Hajj Amin al-Husseini,
Free arab legion, ss handschar, history revisited.
nazi racial policy myth
Forbidden history: Non white SS?

Free Humanity
What happend to blond people only in SS story when it get's debunked?
Debunking allied propaganda.
White German muslim pray namaz with his muslim waffen ss.
Imam Al-Husseini.
Jewish Bolshevik Butchers (jewish bolshevik revolution)

Free Humanity
Genocide, forbidden history, truth, real butchers of ww2,
introduction to my coming 3 part series,the real butchers of ww2
Full Gotthard tunnel opening ceremony (satanic summoning ritual/portal opening)

Free Humanity
Full Gotthard tunnel opening ceremony (satanic summoning ritual/portal opening)
FREE Online Scripture كتاب مقدس مجاني على الإنترنت

Free Humanity
Eternal forest(1939)
11 months ago
Eternal forest(1939)
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