History and mystery
86 videos
Updated 7 months ago
History and mystery
Why is the Islamic Golden age hidden from history?
Free HumanityWhy is the Islamic Golden age hidden from history?, cultural theft, cultural genocide, semetic builders of earth , Who saved western civilization from total collapse?, lecture, history, truth, christianity , islam, golden age, dark age, renaissance , art, inventions, science, politics, ethics , war, prosperity, fall of Rome, plague, famine, economy, medicine, trade, Arabic, Latin , Phoenicien , Omar Samson, Free Humanity, wisdom of the ages, cradle of civilization106 views -
Renaissance influenced by Arabic knowledge
Free HumanityRenaissance influenced by Arabic knowledge, Who saved western civilization from total collapse?, lecture, history, truth, christianity , islam, golden age, dark age, renaissance , art, inventions, science, politics, ethics , war, prosperity, fall of Rome, plague, famine, economy, medicine, trade, Arabic, Latin , Phoenicien , Omar Samson, Free Humanity, al andalus, toledo81 views -
Innana/Ishtar and Babylon, lecture, the whore of babylon that rides the beast, qeeun of demons
Free HumanityGoddess of the fearsome divine powers, clad in terror, riding on the great divine powers, Inana, made complete by the strength of the holy ankar weapon, drenched in blood, rushing around in great battles, with shield resting on the ground (?), covered in storm and flood, great lady Inana, knowing well how to plan conflicts, you destroy mighty lands with arrow and strength and overpower lands. In heaven and on earth you roar like a lion and devastate the people. Like a huge wild bull you triumph over lands which are hostile. Like a fearsome lion you pacify the insubordinate and unsubmissive with your gall.” – Inana and Ebih: translation 1-9 Enki created 2 creatures, the kurgarru and the kalaturru, from the dirt of his fingernails & instructed them to carry the food and water of life to Inanna in order to revive her. Their mission suceeded, but the Anunnaki demanded a substitute for her if she was to leave. A legion of demons accompanied her from the netherworld to search for her replacement. Inanna refused to allow the demons to take anyone who had wept for her during her confinement as a replacement. When Inanna came upon her husband, Dumuzi, she found him adorned in a magnificent robe instead of mourning clothing. She told the demons to take him as her substitute. Dumuzi quickly used his magic to change himself into a reptile, & escaped to his sister, Gestinanna. She took pity on him & agreed to take his position in the underworld for half the year, while he would spend the other half the year in the underworld. Innana/Ishtar and Babylon, lecture, finaly found this lecture again, very well told, good narration, worth the watch, mystery , history, conspiracy, truth , theology, mythology, spirituality, history, wisdom , ancients, sumeria, mesopotamia, akkadia, assyria, babylon, kabalah, jews, babylon talmud, deities, lucifer, satanists, lucifer is a woman?, lucifer is both male and female?, lucifer is a woman!, omar samson, free humanity, the light bearer, the light bringer, angel of light, luciferi, false light, false gnosis, corrupt teachings, jewish corrupters According to the "first Eve" story Lilith was created by God from dust and placed to live in the garden with Adam until problems arose between Adam and Lilith when Adam tried to exercise dominance over Lilith. One story tells that Lilith refused to lay beneath Adam during sex. She believed they were created equal, both from the dust of the earth, thus she should not have to lay beneath him. After Adam disagreed, Lilith fled the Garden of Eden to gain her independence. Adam told God that Lilith had left and God sent three angels, Senoi, Sansenoi, and Sammangelof, to retrieve her. The three angels found Lilith in a cave bearing children but Lilith refused to come back to the garden. The angels told her they would kill 100 of her children every day for her disobedience. In revenge, she is said to rob children of life and is responsible for the deaths of still-born infants and crib deaths (SIDS). Male children are at risk of Lilith's wrath for 8 days after birth (until circumcision) and girls are at risk for 20 days. Although Lilith stole children's lives in the night, she agreed not to kill the children who had amulets of either of the three angels. After the angels' departure, Lilith tried to return to the garden but upon her arrival she discovered that Adam already had another mate, Eve. Out of revenge, Lilith had sex with Adam while he was sleeping and "stole his seed." With his seed she bears 'lilium,' earth-bound demons to replace her children killed by the angels. Lilith is also said to be responsible for males' erotic dreams and night emissions. Another theory says that Lilith is impregnated, thus creating more demons by masturbation and erotic dreams.260 views -
Minds unveiled, Jesus/Isa ﷺ pbuh spoke Arabic
Free HumanityMinds unveiled, Jesus/Isa ﷺ pbuh spoke Arabic , in this video minds unveiled presents an incredibly interesting thesis on the History of Europe and Jesus/Isa ﷺ pbuh , i do not fully agree with his views as i will lay out, my believe is that Arabic history is destroyed and supressed, the entire western world uses Arabic numerology, i believe as the phoenicien is the base language of all European alphabets , that Rome was in fact semetic, and that most of Romes history was altered and fabricated, phantom time, semites are the true builders of earth, they violently conquered and ruled over Europe, merovingians, dananites, and after a great reset, cataclysm , and decline of the semetic empire, the caucas invaders revised history for their benefit and claim over the roman empire, i do not believe Jesus/Isa ﷺ pbuh came from Europa, but i am convinced he did not die on the cross and might have ended up in southern france, overal it is all about the supression and knowledge of the greatnes of semetic people, true semetic people, Arabs, Omar Samson, Free Humanity, mystery, history, research, arabic, latin , hebrew, rome , jews, banks, money, art , language , culture , Ireland, and most important the theory that culture slread from west to east is another attempt to diminish and destroy semetic heritage, Ireland is a phoenicien colony, tuatat du danan ,Eire150 views -
Free HumanityWERE HIROSHIMA AND NAGASAKI A HOAX ARE NUKES REAL? YOU DECIDE!., american propaganda, a bomb, flying fortres bomber, Japan , Hiroshima, Nagasaki, allies, ww2, truth, fear mongering, fear porn, show of force, show!, hollywood, fake , Omar Samson ,Free Humanity358 views -
Dresden Valentines day Memorial-درسدن يوم عيد الحب التذكاري
Free HumanityDresden Valentines day Memorial 79 years since the allied war crime on the most beautiful city of Europe God rest they're souls. درسدن يوم عيد الحب التذكاري 79 عامًا على جريمة الحرب التي ارتكبها الحلفاء في المدينة الأكثر جمالًا في أوروبا رحم الله أرواحهم.25 views -
Free HumanityTHE GENOCIDE OF THE GERMANS IN issuu.com/tjprc/docs/2-42-1652854406-12ijhrjun20221246 views -
Jew's , Wallstreet and the bolshevik revolution part1
Free HumanityJew's from wall-street are the biggest criminals on the planet,togheter with their cousins occupying's Palestine66 views -
Jew's , Wallstreet and the bolshevik revolution part2
Free HumanityJew's , Wallstreet and the bolshevik revolution part2147 views