RFK Jr. On Who’s More of a ‘Threat to Democracy,’ Trump or Biden?: ‘President Biden Is’

6 months ago

Difference prince between Mr. Gorham, Mr. Bush is irresponsible. A moment ago, you said you essentially see Trump and Biden is saying different different issues,
>> But do you really believe that
>> When people talk about the threat to democracy that Trump poses, do you really think that that is an equal yeah, mole to Biden I listen, I can make the argument President Biden is much worse threat to democracy and the reason for that is President Biden is the first candidate in history, the first president history that it has used the federal agencies to censor political speech. So sensors. Opponent. I can say that because I just want to case federal court of appeals now before the Supreme Court it shows he started censoring not just made are 37 hours after he took office. He was censoring me know, president, the country has ever done that the greatest threat emoc is not somebody who questions election returns, but a president United States will use the power of his office to force a social media companies, Facebook, Instagram Twitter, to open a portal and give the access to that portal to the FBI. CIA the IRS, the size to NIH, the censor his political critics. As Biden for the first president in history to use the secret that his power over the Secret Service, an eye Secret Service protection to one of his political opponents for political reasons is weaponizing a federal agencies. Those are really critical threats of force tried to overturn a free and fair election he tried to overturn one, right? He‘s he‘s still find any how is that? Not a threat to democracy?
>> Well, I think that is a threat to democracy. If him over are trying to overthrow the election clearly as threat to democracy. But the question was who is it worse threat to democracy? And what I would say as I am not going to answer that question, but I can argue that President Biden is because the First Amendment Aaron, is the most important but Adams and Hamilton and Madison said we put a guarantee of freedom expression in the First Amendment because all of her other constitutes depend on it. If you ever government can silence it‘s opponent. It has license for any atrocity.

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