Ann Coulter Stuns Bill Maher, Van Jones with Super Bowl Parade Shooting ‘White Male’ Theory

10 months ago

MAHER: “We don’t know who did this shooting, by the way, the Super Bowl shooting.”
COULTER: “We have some idea.”
MAHER: “What?”
COULTER: “If it were a white man shooting, we’d know.”
MAHER: “Well, we don’t know. I mean they haven’t — “
COULTER: “That’s how we know it’s not a white man. I can tell you that much.”
MAHER: “You think they were repressing that reporting?”
COULTER: “They wouldn’t tell us about the transgender woman who shot up the Christian school for, what, like a year? Oh, San Bernardino out here. Remember the crazy terrorist Muslims? That’s when I first noticed. Hmm, they’re not telling us who it is. It’s not a white male. The longer they go without telling you, it’s not a white male.”
MAHER: “Okay. Well, for this one, for right now, as of Friday night, February 16th — “
COULTER: “We know.”
MAHER: “We don’t officially know. Okay, you know, you have special powers.”
COULTER: “We’ll see.”

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