✈️#911Truth Part 7: How Controlled Opposition Works: Alex Jones, Cali DEW Fires, Flat Earth + MORE
✈️#911Truth Part 8: North Tower Literally Turning to Dust (Fast Forward 45X Speed)
✈️#911Truth Part 9: North & South Towers Literally Turning to Dust (Fast Forward 45X Speed)
✈️#911Truth Part 10: War Criminal George Bush Jokes about WMDs while Pure Evil ‘Journalists’ Laugh
✈️#911Truth Part 11: Feature Documentary: 9/11 Alchemy – Facing Reality by Wolf Clan Media
✈️#911Truth Part 12: Gen. Wesley Clark Reveals Middle East Invasion Was Pre-Planned & Iran is NEXT
✈️#911Truth Part 13: Helicopter Footage of the Twin Towers Turning to Dust (Fast Forward 45X Speed)
✈️#911Truth Part 14: Building 7 Turning to Dust for Over 7 Hours (Fast Forward 45X Speed)
✈️#911Truth Part 15: Feature Presentation: The Dawn of a New Age by Dr. Judy Wood
✈️#911Truth Part 16: Bill Cooper’s 9/11 Prediction During June 28, 2001 Radio Broadcast
✈️#911Truth Part 17: Dustification of the World Trade Center Complex (Fast Forward 45X Speed)
✈️#911Truth Part 18: Feature Documentary: 9/11 Alchemy - Free Energy & Free Thinking by WCM
✈️#911Truth Part 19: Feature Series: IRREFUTABLE: Free-Energy Technology Revealed to the World
✈️#911Truth Part 20: Feature Trailer: 9/11 The Essential Guide
✈️#911Truth Part 21: Feature Documentary: 9/11 Liars for Truth
✈️#911Truth Part 22: Feature Documentary: Observable Evidence
✈️#911Truth Part 23: North Tower Core Columns Spire Literally Turning to Dust
✈️#911Truth Part 24: LET ME KNOW WHEN YOU SEE FIRE by RealityAXIS
✈️#911Truth Part 25: Melissa Doi 911 Call from the 83rd Floor of the South Tower
✈️#911Truth Part 26: 9/11 WTC Vehicle Massacre by xdesmond
✈️#911Truth Part 27: Compilation of North Tower 900 ft Spire Turning to Dust

✈️#911Truth Part 25: Melissa Doi 911 Call from the 83rd Floor of the South Tower

1 year ago

In #911Truth Part 25, I have uploaded the full 9-1-1 phone call from Melissa Doi inside the impact zone at the 83rd floor of the South Tower on 9/11. The phone call shows a frantic Melissa saying "she can't breathe" and she is feeling intense heat but with very little indication of actual conventional thermal heat. She says she is "burning up" but she does not appear burned. She says there is smoke blocking out all the air, yet she hardly coughs and her voice is never hindered. She says she can't see fire but only that she can "feel" fire. The New York Police Department (NYPD) 9-1-1 emergency dispatcher tries to console her for over 20 minutes, and finally Melissa ends up "unconscious and snoring"; literally 18 minutes before the South Tower's fall.

The World Trade Center 2 (WTC 2) or the South Tower was struck by an alleged plane 14 minutes before Melissa's phone call and between the 77th and 85th floors. Melissa was quite literally in the middle of the impact zone on the 83rd floor. She was with 5 other people trapped on the floor and even says she heard other people walking around, which may have been the Firefighters that quite literally walked up all the way up the alleged "flaming inferno". From the phone call, it is clear that Melissa did not experience heat from a fire, but rather something more subtle, such as possible microwave directed energy. This is inline with what the "jumpers" may have experienced as they took their clothes off while on the window edge before either throwing themselves or being launched against their wills.

Here are some important links for reference:

- Melissa Doi Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melissa_Doi
- I downloaded the phone call from NPR: https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5658516
- I found portions of the beeped out audio from Metro.co.uk: https://metro.co.uk/2022/09/11/9-11-the-haunting-last-calls-from-victims-of-the-september-11-attacks-2-17345144/
- I used most of this phone call transcript: https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/9/11_Dispatcher_transcript
- Articles about Melissa Doi:
- 2006 New York The Sun: https://web.archive.org/web/20080907020542/http://www.nysun.com/editorials/melissa-doi/38055/
- 2006 Daily News: https://www.nydailynews.com/2006/08/17/i-feel-like-im-dying/
- 2006 The Washington Post: https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/2006/08/17/more-voices-from-911-im-going-to-die-arent-i/d99eba25-43df-4ae6-82c4-f3268a603123/

The timestamps of key parts of the video are listed below:

- WTC 2 impact at 9:03:02 AM between the 77th and 85th floors: 0:00
- Melissa Doi calls 911 at 9:17 AM from the 83rd floor, she was with 5 other people: 0:36
- "We can't breathe", "it's very hot": 1:18
- "but no fire, right?" 2:25
- "I think there is fire" 2:44
- "you see no fire": 2:49
- "I don't see any air anymore": 2:58
- "I'm burning up": 3:30
- "We hear voices! HELLO! HELP!: 3:50
- "I feel like I'm dying": 4:39
- Court order removed civilians and Melissa Doi's voice from the remainder of the call: 5:02
- "I feel fire": 7:18
- Melissa Doi requests a note to her mother Evelyne Alderete: 7:59
- "Tell her that she's the best mom in the world... I love her with all my heart and soul": 8:54
- "Tell her I love her so much. I love her. She's the best mother a person could ever have": 9:13
- "Melissa, Melissa, Melissa..." 12:08
- "They sound like they might be unconscious": 22:23
- "Everybody's snoring": 24:15
- It's not dead there. They're snoring": 24:22
- "sounds like they were unconscious and snoring": 24:56
- "The line is now dead.... oh my Lord": 25:06
- MES Note: Melissa Doi experienced a different mechanism other than a conventional fire: 25:31
- WTC 2 South Tower falls at 9:59:00
- WTC 1 North Tower turning to dust (45X speed): 26:21

Stay tuned for #911Truth Part 26...

- HIVE video screenshots: https://peakd.com/hive-113182/@mes/911truth-part-25-melissa-doi-911-call-from-the-83rd-floor-of-the-south-tower

Related Videos:

- #911Truth video series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLai3U8-WIK0EzqTamtIXtgX8QudQSxuxh and https://peakd.com/truth/@mes/911
- 9/11 Observable Evidence video sections playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLai3U8-WIK0G_HHWt33moIqEeUBP3cgCh .


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