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Pope's Audience Hall Is A Snake Head Revelation 20:2 Satan Is Bound Thousand Years

1 year ago

Every Single Catholic Worships Satan That old serpent, and dragon, and don't even realize it. The large hall is purported by conspiracy theorists to have been built to look like the head of a snake. A central feature of the hall is the sculpture The Resurrection, an extremely large bronze depicting Jesus Christ facing the consequences of a nuclear blast. The room was constructed in 1971 and named after Pope Paul VI. Some say the Pope's Audience Hall was deliberately designed to look like the head of a snake.

What does Revelation 20:2 mean?
According to this verse, the angel with the key to the bottomless pit and a huge chain captures the Devil, Satan, and binds him for a thousand years. Three schools of thought differ on the interpretation of the thousand years.

What does Revelation 20:2 mean?

ESV: And he seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years,

NIV: He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years.

NASB: And he took hold of the dragon, the serpent of old, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years;

CSB: He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years.

NLT: He seized the dragon — that old serpent, who is the devil, Satan — and bound him in chains for a thousand years.

KJV: And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,

Verse Commentary:
According to this verse, the angel with the key to the bottomless pit and a huge chain captures the Devil, Satan, and binds him for a thousand years. Three schools of thought differ on the interpretation of the thousand years.

Postmillennialism believes this is a utopian period brought about by the preaching of the gospel. They see the world as getting better in preparation for the thousand years and anticipate Christ's arrival to the earth at the end of the thousand years.

Amillennialism believes the thousand years are entirely figurative. They deny a literal reign of Christ on earth for a thousand years and regard His reign as taking place in the hearts of His people. Generally, they refer to the church as the kingdom.

Premillennialism believes the thousand years is a literal period in which Christ rules the world after He returns to earth and judges the Antichrist, the False Prophet, and the nations.

The fact that Satan is bound, rather than immediately destroyed, seems to be part of God's message in the end times. No matter how much evidence humanity is given, those who seek to reject God will always find an excuse. After a thousand years of peace and righteousness, humans will still choose to defy God. After this final demonstration of God's justice, Satan will be permanently and utterly defeated.

Verse Context:
Revelation 20:1–3 describes the Devil's punishment, following the doom of the Antichrist and the False Prophet we read about in Revelation 19:20–21. Satan is enclosed in the bottomless pit, to be released at the end of a thousand years. Matthew 24:29–31 reports the coming of Christ at the end of the tribulation, and Matthew 25:31–46 describes the judgment of the nations that takes place when Jesus inaugurates His kingdom on earth.

Chapter Summary:
Revelation chapter 20 represents the final lesson, final judgment, and final victory of the end times. Satan is bound, but not destroyed, and released after a thousand years of peace and righteousness. Proving that no evidence or reason to believe in and follow Jesus is enough for those determined to rebel, some follow Satan and are destroyed in a rebellion. Those who died without faith in Christ, through all of history, are resurrected to face the great white throne judgment. There, they are sentenced for sin and consigned eternally to the lake of fire.

Chapter Context:
This chapter comes between the account of our Lord's decisive victory at Armageddon and the descent of the New Jerusalem from heaven to earth. It focuses on the beginning of Jesus' reign on the earth and the great white throne judgment when unbelievers from all periods of history are judged and sentenced to eternal suffering in the lake of fire. Daniel 7:18, Isaiah 11, Joel 3:16–21, Obadiah 1:21, and Micah 4:2 are just a few of the Old Testament references to the reign of Jesus on the earth. After this point in the end times, evil has been entirely and completely defeated.

Book Summary:
The word ''revelation'' means ''an unveiling or disclosure.'' This writing unveils future events such as the rapture, three series of judgments that will fall on the earth during the tribulation, the emergence of the Antichrist, the persecution of Israel and her amazing revival, as well as Jesus' second coming with His saints to the earth, the judgment of Satan and his followers, and finally, the eternal state. This content, combined with the original Greek term apokalypsis, is why we now refer to an end-of-the-world scenario as ''an apocalypse.''

The fact that Satan is bound, rather than immediately destroyed, seems to be part of God's message in the end times. No matter how much evidence humanity is given, those who seek to reject God will always find an excuse. After a thousand years of peace and righteousness, humans will still choose to defy God. After this final demonstration of God's justice, Satan will be permanently and utterly defeated.

Pope Paul VI's Audience Hall was built in 1971, but its bizarre design has just caught the attention of conspiracy theorists in 2017. There has always been a strange curiosity surrounding the hall, but when internet sleuths realized what the Pope's stage looks like from the back of the room, all Hell broke loose. Not only does the Audience Hall contain absolutely no traditional Catholic symbols, the design has people wondering whether the Catholic Church is even run by Catholics anymore.

Before we get to the stunning and bizarre architectural design that everyone is talking about, let's look at the sculpture that rests behind the Pope on the stage where he addresses his audience.

That, according to the artist Pericle Fazzini, is Jesus Christ rising up from a nuclear crater following a holocaust. The sculpture was commissioned in 1965 by Count Galeassi and was meant to depict the threat of nuclear war in the 20th Century. The problem for a lot of conspiracy theorists is that the sculpture, like the entire hall, contains no crucifixes or Catholic symbolism.

Now, if we zoom out to see the stage from the back of the room, this is what we see...

The Pope addresses the audience from a chair that situates him smack-dab in between what clearly appears to be two fangs. The two stained glass windows on each side give the appearance of eyes.

Of course, the hall only takes on the appearance of a massive reptilian, snake-like head from certain angles, but looking directly on from the back of the room, where much of the audience enters, it's difficult to miss the architectural design.

A part of the building stretches outside the Vatican and into Italy. The Hall seats nearly 6,500 people. Conspiracy theorists have made claims that range from the Vatican being overthrown by Satanists, to the Church being the victim of a coup d'etat in the 1960s in which Paul VI was killed and replaced by a doppelganger. Some have even suggested that the Catholic Church is being run by Reptilians.

Not much is known about the reasons or intent for the Audience Hall's design, but what we do know is that our eyes aren't deceiving us. Not this time. But, maybe the whole thing is just an accident rather than a deliberate message or symbol embedded into a design.

Commissioned by Pope Paul VI and designed by Pier Luigi Nervi in Rome in 1971. The building surfaces are made of a special white concrete resulting from research projects at the Italcementi’s laboratories.

Commissioned by Pope Paul VI in 1963, the Papal Audience Hall in Vatican City was inaugurated in 1971. Shortly thereafter both the hall and the architect achieved such a worldwide fame that the auditorium came to be called familiarly Aula Nervi. It is one of the last great works of Pier Luigi Nervi, an engineer by training as well as a skilled entrepreneur and unsurpassed interpreter of cement as form and structure for architectural and infrastructural works where it is impossible to distinguish the design project from structural computation.

The complex is located near St. Peter’s Basilica in an area between Italy and Vatican City. The large auditorium, which can accommodate up to twelve thousands people is covered by a double curving parabolic vault that, thanks to its slender bearing structures, makes the big vault as suspended in air and powered by invisible antigravity forces.

In order to facilitate the view of the papal throne, even the floor has a double convex curvature. A refined and innovative system for air circulation was installed, consisting of nine channels and placed under the floor, to dissipate the intense heat output of the communication equipment like the lighting systems of TV cameras. The auditorium was built with extensive use of reinforced concrete and a special concrete mix with white marble dust and grit provided by Italcementi. It is characterized by special brightness, both for the ellipsoidal glass wall (built by John Hajnal) and for the vault consisting of variable length corrugated structures and large openings creating an extraordinary luminescent plot.

The realization of the auditorium has seen the involvement of architect Vittorio Nervi who was responsible for the work site on behalf of his father Pier Luigi with the mandate to check step-by-step the whole construction process of a work among the most important of the twentieth century for structural complexity and high symbolic value. The Aula Nervi, which is perfectly preserved, underwent a change in 2008 when the fiber reinforced cement roof, still in excellent conditions, was substituted by photovoltaic panels intended to create a space for ventilation.

DESCRIPTION SHEET – Paul VI Audience Hall - Client: Vatican
Location: Petriano Square, Vatican City, Rome, Italy
Architect: Pier Luigi Nervi

Site characteristics: Area behind the Vatican walls at the door Cavalleggeri, including the Institute of Santa Marta, St. Peter’s Rectory and Sacristy of, the Teutonic Cemetery , the Museo Petriano and the Palace of the Holy Office.

Program: Large and modern meeting place intended to be a place of welcome for pilgrims and tourists. The intention of the Pope Paul VI was, on the one hand, to move the general audiences from St. Peter’s Basilica, given the ever-growing influx of visitors and the need to preserve the sanctity of the place, and on the other to offer the usual multitudes attending the pala audiences a more comfortable and organized welcome.

Construction system: a large volume with a trapezoidal plan (approximately 80 meters wide by 100 meters long, with a maximum height of 18 meters). The large double curving parabolic vault, the inclined columns with fan-ribs, the lighting system and arrangement of the doorways making the eyes converge to the papal throne.

Materials: The building surfaces are made of white exposed concrete, hammered or sandblasted with the exception of the ribs of the vault where the grit exposure was obtained with a set-retarder. Research and testing to develop the adequate concrete mix design were carried out at the Research Laboratory of Italcementi in Bergamo.

Job assignment: 1963 - Construction specifications: completed in 1965 - Start of works: 1966 - End of works: Sept. 11 1971 and also at same time The Gates of Hell Open Up Crater was created in 1971 when a Soviet drilling rig accidentally punched into a massive underground natural gas cavern, causing the ground to collapse and the entire drilling rig to fall in. Having punctured a pocket of gas, poisonous fumes began leaking at an alarming rate.

A fiery crater open up day work is done at the Pope's Audience Hall Is A Snake Head Revelation 20:2 Satan Is Bound Thousand Years has been burning in the Karakum Desert since 1971. 

IN THE HOT, EXPANSIVE KARAKUM desert in Turkmenistan, near the 350-person village of Darvaza, is a hole 230 feet wide that has been on fire for over 50 years. Though technically called the Darvaza gas crater, locals know the crater as “The Gates of Hell.” Its fiery glow can be seen for miles around.
The Gates of Hell crater was created in 1971 when a Soviet drilling rig accidentally punched into a massive underground natural gas cavern, causing the ground to collapse and the entire drilling rig to fall in. Having punctured a pocket of gas, poisonous fumes began leaking at an alarming rate.
To head off a potential environmental catastrophe, the Soviets set the hole alight, figuring it would stop burning within a few weeks. Decades later, and the fiery pit is still going strong. The Soviet drilling rig is believed to still be down there somewhere, on the other side of the “Gates of Hell.”
Amazingly, despite the crater’s foreboding name and ever-present flames, people still trek into the desert to witness the site in all its blazing glory. The nearby desert has become a popular place for wild camping.
But the fate of the burning crater may be in limbo. In January 2022, President Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov ordered the government of Turkmenistan to begin researching how to put the fire out.

Notes: Conceived by the designer as a “machine to see and hear.” The Main Hall features 6,900 people seated, or 14,000 people standing, and excellent visibility and acoustics thanks to the special shape of the auditorium and the double curvature of the undulating roof converging to the papal throne, which is meant to be the unique visual focus of the enormous interior space.

33 Million Americans Believe Lizard People Run Our Country
About 90 million Americans believe aliens exist. Some 66 million of us think aliens landed at Roswell in 1948. These are the things you learn when there's a lull in political news and pollsters get to ask whatever questions they want.

Updated Sept. 11: We've figured out who the government reptilians are, using science.
Public Policy Polling has raised weird polls to an art form. During last year's presidential campaign, the firm earned a bit of a reputation for its unorthodox questions; for example, "If God exists, do you approve of its handling of natural disasters?"
Today PPP released the results of a national survey looking at common conspiracy theories. Broken down by topic and cross-referenced by political preference, the results will not inspire a lot of patriotism. If you need to defend your fellow countrymen, be sure to note that the margin of error is 2.8 percent.
We took the findings and arranged them from most- to least-believed. And, just to inspire additional shame, figured out how many actual Americans that meant must believe in things like the danger of fluoride in water. (28 million, if you're wondering.)
View the full question asked for each conspiracy.

Just to further inspire conversation, PPP broke down belief in each theory by whom the respondent supported in the 2012 election. This yielded some genuinely interesting results.
For example, only three conspiracies were more commonly believed by Obama supporters: that Bush intentionally misled America about Iraq's WMDs (a massive 69 percent of his supporters believe that one), that the CIA launched the crack epidemic, and that the moon landing was faked. There are two theories with equal support among Obama and Romney supporters: that aliens exist and the one about fluoridation. Everything else, from lizard people to vaccines and autism to global warming being a hoax? Believed by more Romney supporters.
No conspiracy was less commonly believed than one suggesting that the government is populated by lizard people. But that's mostly because only 2 percent of Obama supporters believe the theory while 5 percent of Romney supporters do.
8 facts about Catholics and politics in the U.S.

Every U.S. presidential election since 2004 has featured at least one Catholic candidate on one of the major party tickets. But if Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden wins this November, he will be only the second Catholic ever to assume the land’s highest office – John F. Kennedy was the first with a groundbreaking win in 1960.

Biden talks openly about his personal beliefs on the campaign trail, and his faith was a central theme at the recent Democratic National Convention. Having a Catholic candidate on a party ticket, however, does not guarantee support from Catholic voters. U.S. Catholics, who make up roughly one-fifth of the population, have a diverse range of political opinions, even on topics the Catholic Church has taken a clear stance on.

Here are eight facts about Catholics and politics in the United States, based on previously published Pew Research Center studies.

See also: Like Americans overall, U.S. Catholics are sharply divided by party

U.S. Catholics have long been divided politically
U.S. Catholics are split down the middle politically. Around half of Catholic registered voters (48%) describe themselves as Republicans or say they lean toward the Republican Party, while roughly the same share (47%) identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party, according to Pew Research Center polls in 2018 and 2019.

In recent presidential elections, Catholic voters have swung back and forth between the Republican and Democratic candidates. In 2016, 52% of Catholics backed Republican Donald Trump while 44% voted for Democrat Hillary Clinton, according to a Pew Research Center survey of validated voters (that is, members of the Center’s nationally representative American Trends Panel who were matched to voter files). Catholics also narrowly backed Republican George W. Bush over Democrat John Kerry in 2004, according to exit polls.

Catholics chose Democrat Barack Obama over Republican John McCain in 2008 by a margin of 54% to 45%, and divided their votes almost exactly in half in 2012 (when Obama defeated Republican Mitt Romney) and 2000 (when Bush defeated Democrat Al Gore).

White Catholics are trending toward the Republican Party, while Hispanic Catholics have remained solidly Democratic
White and Hispanic Catholics are very different politically. Nearly six-in-ten White Catholic registered voters (57%) identify with or lean toward the Republican Party, marking a big shift since 2008, when four-in-ten (41%) supported the GOP. Most Hispanic Catholic voters (68%), meanwhile, identify as Democrats or lean Democratic, a share that has remained fairly stable in the past decade. (Two-thirds of Catholic registered voters are White, while a quarter are Hispanic, according to data collected in 2018 and 2019.)

Around six-in-ten White Catholics plan to vote for Trump, while about two-thirds of Hispanic Catholics back Biden
Catholics’ views of Trump are clearly divided by race and ethnicity. In a poll conducted in late July and early August – amid a surge in U.S. coronavirus cases – 54% of White Catholics overall said they approve of Trump’s performance as president, but 69% of Hispanic Catholics said they disapprove of the way he is handling his job. And 59% of White Catholic registered voters said they would vote for Trump, or lean that way, if the election were held today; among Hispanic Catholic registered voters, 65% said they would vote for Biden today. There was a similar divide in the last presidential election: 64% of White Catholics voted for Trump in 2016, according to a Pew Research Center survey of validated voters conducted at the time, while 78% of Hispanic Catholics voted for Clinton.

When it comes to specific policy issues, Catholics are often more aligned with their political party than with the teachings of their church. On abortion, for example, 77% of Democratic and Democratic-leaning Catholic adults say they think abortion should be legal in all or most cases, while 63% of Republican and Republican-leaning Catholics say abortion should be illegal in all or most cases, according to a 2019 survey. This divide exists despite the Catholic Church’s formal opposition to abortion.

Catholics, much like U.S. public, are deeply polarized along partisan lines
On immigration, 91% of Catholic Democrats oppose expanding the wall along the border between the U.S. and Mexico, while 81% of Catholic Republicans favor expanding the wall, according to a separate 2019 survey. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has condemned Trump’s plan to build such a wall, and Pope Francis described the desire to build a border wall as “not Christian.”

These differences reflect a general political polarization among the U.S. public.

Catholics, like members of many other religious groups, don’t necessarily seek a president who shares their religious beliefs, but they want a president who lives a moral and ethical life. About six-in-ten Catholics (62%) say it is very important to them to have a president who personally lives a moral and ethical life, and this view is shared by similar shares of White and Hispanic Catholics, according to a February 2020 survey. Just 14% of Catholics say it is very important to them to have a president who shares their own religious beliefs, though Hispanic Catholics are about twice as likely as White Catholics to say this (22% vs. 9%).

Catholics view religious organizations as forces for good in society, but a clear majority say churches and other religious organizations should keep out of politics. About six-in-ten Catholics (62%) say U.S. churches and other houses of worship should keep out of politics, while 37% say churches should express their views on day-to-day social and political matters, according to a 2019 survey. Around three-quarters of U.S. Catholics (76%) say churches should not endorse candidates seeking elected office.

Among Republican Catholics, 46% say Biden is at least somewhat religious, 63% say the same about Trump
Partisanship colors Catholics’ perceptions of how religious Trump and Biden are. Overall, around six-in-ten Catholics (59%) say they think Biden is “very” or “somewhat” religious, according to a February 2020 survey. White and Hispanic Catholics express similar views of Biden’s religiousness, but Democratic Catholics (72%) are far more likely than Republican Catholics (46%) to say that he is at least somewhat religious.

Far fewer Catholics overall (37%) say Trump is at least somewhat religious, though the gap between Republicans and Democrats on this question is huge (63% vs. 10%).

17 Places That Are Actual Gates of Hell on Earth

Many cultures believe in a frightening underworld that can be accessed from Earth. If these devilish tales are to be believed, then here are 17 places around the world where you can visit the gates of Hell.

The idea of Satan ruling over a fiery inferno has long captured our imaginations. During the Middle Ages, European artists popularized this Christian worldview by painting humans tumbling through Hell’s gateways into a realm of eternal torture. If their art were to be taken at face value, then where are the gates of Hell located, and how many Hell gates are there?

Local legends suggest Satan has several hellholes on Earth, including a blazing gas crater in Turkmenistan and a skull-littered cave in Belize. Some locations, such as the unassuming town of Hellam, Pennsylvania, supposedly contain seven gates of Hell that one must pass through in the correct order to pay the Devil a visit.

As I discuss in my book The Little Book of Satanism: A Guide to Satanic History, Culture, and Wisdom, many non-Christian cultures have conceived of fierce underworld rulers that share similarities with Satan. If you’re brave enough to pass through the doors to Hell in Mexico, China, or Turkey, then this demonic-inspired travel guide is for you.

Darvaza Gas Crater
WHERE: Derweze, Turkmenistan
Turkmenistan’s Karakum Desert contains what looks like a CGI rendering of a gate to Hell—a 230-foot wide pit glowing red with flames and surrounded by miles of sand. The fiery hole is Darvaza, a gas crater that has been in conflagration since 1971. Researchers remain puzzled by how the deep crater turned into an inferno. Perhaps the site collapsed during oil drilling and was set ablaze to burn off the escaping natural gas? Or maybe Satan drilled a hole in the desert to give us a glimpse of Hell down below?

Guimen Gate
WHERE: Fengdu, China
Chongqing’s Ming Mountain is haunted by Fengdu Ghost City, a temple site dedicated to tales of the underworld influenced by Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism. Visitors can find the entrance to Hell at Guimen Gate, which is also known as the Ghost Torturing Pass. According to Chinese mythology, the newly dead must present themselves here to Yanluo Wang, the King of Hell, for his final judgment. Those deemed evil are banished to one of the many torturous realms of Diyu, or Chinese Hell. Fengdu’s gate to Hell has a suitably ominous appearance: it’s black and red with peaked roofs and flanked by 18 sculptures of demons enacting gruesome punishments (the worst level involves being boiled forever in a wok).

WHERE: Waipio Valley, Hawaii
If you visited Hawaii’s Waipio Valley, a paradise of waterfalls and black sand beaches surrounded by cliffs, it’s doubtful you would think, “Ah, this must be a gate to Hell.” However, according to ancient Hawaiian folklore, Waipio is the access point to Lua-o-Milu, or the land of the dead. As the story goes, the souls of the deceased leaped from the tall sea cliffs to enter an underworld ruled by the death god Milu. As for the precise location of this Hell-gate, you won’t find it on Google Maps—the portal is now allegedly hidden by black sand.

WHERE: Mount Osore, Japan
If Hell were a place on earth, it might be Japan’s Mount Osore, a pilgrimage site that translates to the Mountain of Dread. This active volcano was believed to be a gate to Buddhist Hell for centuries. Osore’s dreadful appearance adds credence to the story: the barren stone landscape looks like an endless graveyard broken up by foul-smelling pits of bubbling yellow sulfur. Tread carefully, as there are also pit-dwelling vipers lurking about.

Cape Matapan Caves
WHERE: Taenarum, Greece
The ancient Greeks believed the dead descended into a realm below the surface ruled by the god Hades. When Orpheus and Hercules made heroic journeys into Hades’ underworld, they supposedly entered through Cape Matapan Caves. These caverns open into a cliff face at sea level and lead to a deep network of tunnels that have yet to be fully explored. To find the entry point to Cape Matapan Caves, seek out the ruins of a Spartan temple above the Greek gates to Hell.

Seven Gates of Hell
WHERE: Hellam Township, Pennsylvania
If you’re wondering where the gates of Hell are, you’ll find seven options in Hellam, Pennsylvania. After nightfall, look for a rusting metal gate in a wooded area of the township. As the urban legend goes, this was once the entrance to an insane asylum, leading to six more gates visible only after dark. Pass through all seven portals to Hell in the right order, and you’ll wind up at the Devil’s doorstep.

Hekla Volcano
WHERE: Southern Iceland
Hekla is an active Icelandic volcano with an imposing appearance and fiery pools of lava, making it one of the world’s most dramatic portals to Hell. Medieval Christian monks wrote that the volcano was a doorway to the Inferno as well as the “eternal prison of Judas.” Hekla has erupted more than 20 times, and witnesses have claimed to see the souls of the damned flying out along with hot ash and smoke. (It’s more likely that they spotted escaping birds rather than evil spirits.)

Actun Tunichil Muknal Cave
WHERE: Tapir Mountain Nature Reserve, Belize
The ancient Maya had their own “heavy metal” version of Hell called Xibalba, ruled by twelve Lords of Death. Xibalba is described as a terrifying labyrinth filled with rivers of blood and scorpions, with demonic beings lurking about. The entrance to the Mayan underworld is said to be a cavern in Belize’s Tapir Mountain named Actun Tunichil Muknal, or Cave of the Crystal Sepulchre. Creeping inside feels like a scene from Indiana Jones’ Raiders of the Lost Ark: the dark, tight passages are littered with the skulls and bones of human sacrifices.

St. Patrick’s Purgatory
WHERE: Station Island, Ireland
Pilgrims to St. Patrick’s Purgatory, a small 15th-century monastery on Station Island, risk getting stuck in limbo—possibly a fate worse than Hell. According to old Irish tales, St. Patrick visited the island, and Jesus appeared to him. The Lord showed him horrifying visions of Satan’s lair and pin-dropped a location to a cave that served as the entrance to purgatory. Soon after, a monastery was built to plug the narrow descending hole into Hell.

Stull Cemetery
WHERE: Stull, Kansas
One of Earth’s many gateways to Hell purportedly lies in the tiny Kansas town of Stull. Since the 1970s, rumors have swirled that the local cemetery is one of the world’s seven gates to Hell. Witnesses insist that every year on Halloween, Satan opens a portal among the tombstones. Some swear that they have seen an endless staircase leading down into a pit of flames. In 2002, the adjacent stone church was mysteriously knocked down, resulting in more gossip of the Devil’s doings in Stull.

Hell’s Gate National Park
WHERE: Rift Valley Province, Kenya
A national park near Nairobi proudly calls itself Hell’s Gate after the nickname given to a break in the cliffs by British explorers in 1880. Fittingly for Satan’s lair, the park is a hotbed of geothermic activity. Volcanoes belch out plumes of steam, and the grounds are marked by ash and sulfuric hot springs. Vultures and buzzards whizz around the towering red cliffs and Hell’s Gate gap, adding to the park’s Satanic atmosphere.

Lactus Curtius
WHERE: Rome, Italy
The Roman Forum is one of the Italian capital’s most popular attractions, yet the majority of sightseers have no clue that they are treading near a gate to Hell. Look for a pit called Lacus Curtius: a tablet surrounded by rubble surreptitiously marks this entrance to the netherworld. The ancient historian Livy wrote that an oracle foretold Rome’s doom unless citizens sacrificed what was dearest to the city. A chasm to Hell opened up, and soldier Marcus Curtius charged in because he realized the Roman legion was of greatest value to the city. Curtius’ sacrifice saved the people, and a carved stone of his armored figure now sits at the mouth to Hell.

Cave of the Sibyl
WHERE: Cumae, Naples
Naples, Italy, also has a gateway to Hell called the Cave of the Sibyl, which was described by Virgil over 2000 years ago in The Aeneid: “The gates of Hell are open night and day. Smooth the descent, and easy is the way…” According to the poet, the Trojan hero Aeneas met the oracle Sibyl here, and she guided him through the cave into Hell. In 1932, after centuries of searching, explorers finally uncovered this entrance to the netherworld. Today, visitors to Cumae Archaeological Site can go inside Sibyl’s cave and walk through her coffin-shaped rock-cut passageways.

WHERE: Mitla, Mexico
For the Aztecs, Mictlan is the “place of the dead” that consists of nine levels ruled by two skull-faced death gods. You can get a glimpse of the Aztec underworld at Mitla, an archaeological ruin formerly called Mictlan and located near Oaxaca, a city known for its vivacious Day of the Dead celebrations. With bright red painted walls and dozens of tombs beneath the rubble, Mitla certainly looks like a gateway to Hell.

Houska Castle
WHERE: Blatce, Czech Republic
Located north of Prague, Houska Castle is a 13th-century Gothic masterpiece that purportedly sits atop Hell’s Gate. According to local lore, the castle’s chapel was built to cover an enormous hole in the ground that served as a Satanic threshold. The defensive walls also prevented demons and other ghastly creatures from crawling out of the hellhole. Houska Castle is still considered haunted, and tourists have reported seeing headless horses and demonic winged beasts lurking in the halls.

Gates of Guinee
WHERE: New Orleans, Louisiana
Voodoo mythology says that the dead are sent to a purgatory called Guinee before continuing to travel to the “deep waters” of their ancestors. Some believe that powerful voodoo masters can open the seven gates to the spirit world and reclaim the souls of the dead or turn them into zombie-like creatures for nefarious purposes. The Gates of Guinee is said to be found in the graveyards of New Orleans, perhaps at the tomb of voodoo queen Marie Laveau in the St. Louis Cemetery. Those making the journey to Guinee must open all seven gates in sequence and appease the loa or spirit guarding each one.

Pluto’s Gate
WHERE: Denizli Province, Turkey
According to storytellers, Turkey has an opening to Greco-Roman Hell called Pluto’s Gate. Toxic mists waft out from the pit, sending priests into hallucinations and causing some to die. Pluto’s Gate was written off as a fable until it was unexpectedly discovered in 2013. Archaeologists uncovered a carved arch opening in the Temple of Pluto, with fumes spewing from the thermal springs deep below. These carbon dioxide vapors can kill birds and other small animals that get too close to this “Satanic temple,” making it one of the scariest gates of Hell on Earth.

Reptilians (also called reptoids, reptiloids, saurians or draconians) are purported reptilian humanoids that play a prominent role in fantasy, as well as modern . The Reptilians are the creation of the Carians, their parent race. They evolved on a planet in the Alpha Draconi star system of the Orion Constellation. The royal . Oct 31, 2013 . As 12 million Americans "know," the United States government is run by lizard people (or, to be scientifically accurate, reptilians). But they never . Description: Typically, Reptilians are described as 6 to 8 feet tall, bipedal, having scaly green skin, have a bad odor, have large eyes usually yellow or gold with . Jul 9, 2010 . Apparently all Reptilians are also white. Unreal, this is utter bullshit this along with many other videos like this, complete and utter drivel. Mar 18, 2013 . I didnt know people actually believe these reptilians exist. I just found out about a reptilian about 15 mins ago and I just keep watching videos of . I'm not claiming these people weren't 100% human at one time, what I am saying is that they invited the control and bodily takeover of Reptilians through blood . The Grand Strategy of the reptilians has been to divide and conquer the human race by exploiting inherent vulnerabilities and weaknesses within us. I know this.

By David Icke. I witnessed a "channeling" session this week in England, performed by a channel/medium I was very impressed with. As readers of my books will . Reptilians or Reptoids are a race of lizzard or snake like alien humanoids that inhabit the Earth Underground, can shapeshift, and are part of a large conspiracy . Who are the Reptilians and where are these Reptilians from. Reptilians are known as Reptoids and Reptilian Aliens. I witnessed a "channeling" session this week in England, performed by a channel /medium I was very impressed with. As readers of my books will know, I am . Jan 5, 2015 . Red wine is symbolic of the blood ingested by the Reptilians. The wine can become sanctified as it did in the Roman Catholic Church, a patsy . The psychology of reptilians is Psychopathy (see also Authoritarian leaders). Best overview article: New (Reptilian) World Order By Uri Dowbenko and the book . Aug 6, 2014 . The question here is about the origin of Eastern European Ashkenazi Jews, who comprise around three-quarters of the global Jewish . It also gives the Reptilians control of human bodies to work out of, from, and through. Human one minute, a Reptilian the next. A tall, scaled, lizard-type being.

Reptilians is Starfucker's second full-length and first with Polyvinyl. Lyrically, the album focuses primarily on death and the end of the world, two intertwined . Amazon. com: Starfucker: Reptilians: Music. . Reptilians. Starfucker Format: Audio CD. 18 customer reviews. See all 5 formats and editions Hide other formats . Nov 5, 2013 . stories about this theory of reptilians, we got an email that shifted our perspective. "I'm 'UFOchick' from your article," its subject read, and with . Create Page. Recent; 2014; 2013; 2012; Born. The Reptilians is on Facebook. To connect with The Reptilians, sign up for Facebook today. Sign UpLog In. The Xindi-Reptilians were a member of the multi-species Xindi race. They were easily the most. The Reptilians Premium Pragueressive Applecore Cow Sludge Djenk Meatal The Breakers, released 11 June 2013 1. To Break Is Divine And Inspirational 2. Sign up for SoundCloud. Sign in. 7th track off "Reptilians" released by Polyvinyl 3 /7/11. Order CD/LP/cassette here: www. polyvinylrecords. com/reptiliansJul 1, 2014 . The Reptilians. Idaho's Finest Pragueressive Applecore Djenk Meatal. The Reptilians. The Breakers. To Break Is Divine And Inspirational.

Feb 21, 2015 . Alex Abad-Santos at Vox explores one of the more interesting conspiracy theories: reptilians. "The idea of shape-shifting lizards taking human . Reptilians regularly and increasingly possess humans. They have no right to legitimate incarnation on this planet, so they oust sacred human souls and steal. Reptilians is the second full-length album and first on indie label Polyvinyl by Portland, Oregon quartet Starfucker. It was released March 6th, 2011. Since, the . Reptilians are an ancient extraterrestrial species that originate from another universe. Because of the junction of two universes, they also ended up in ours. The Reptilians are one of the stock Humanoid Aliens, sporting reptile-like features and popping up frequently in Science Fiction and abduction stories. Reptilians - The Young Inquisitive Anu - Part 4 Free. Interview. Tile reptilians sex and. Reptilians - Sex and Relationships in Existence - Part 5 Free. Interview. 22 People Who Definitely Aren't Reptilians. (Sponsored by Unicorp Alliance for Definitely Humans™. ) posted on Sept. 12, 2014, at 2:38 p. m. Katie Notopoulos. Oct 30, 2014 . In the below video, Dan Flynn presents evidence to prove reptilians are among us. Flynn is not telling us to believe whatever is in his video, but .

An RR Lyrae is a special type of star that changes in brightness with a regular period of a few days. They are called RR Lyraes because a type of variable star is . Threads in Forum : Reptilians, Forum Tools. Are reptilians cold blooded? mushroombump. 09-03-2015 04:11 PM by reptilianhybrid · Go to last post · 10, 447. Nov 6, 2014 . Reptilian society allegedly has a hierarchical structure; with powerful, tall white- winged reptilians, working down seven levels to small, scaly . Grand Strategy of the Reptilians. This paper is meant to acquaint the reader with the tools they will need to raise their level of awareness about the abduction . Beings that have remained out of focus for quite some time and who in general are looked upon as intimidating or imposing are the Reptilians or Draco. Endless material on the subject of Reptilians. . never the less. Partial Shapeshifting. Bill Maloney is one example of good reptilians that are helping mankind . Reptilians Breeding Facility which supply our pet shops with 80 percent of its reptiles. Reptilians Pet Shop which is an outlet to our customers providing you with . The Draconian Reptilians are a race of extraterrestrials from the Draco star system. They are big imposing lizards and they work to conquer all other races that.

Extraterrestrials and the Roman Catholic Church Conspiracy theories twisting a simple message. Over the last two months or so, I’ve seen several articles and social media posts concerning a dubious Wikileak from this October concerning extraterrestrial conspiracy theories and the Roman Catholic Church. Due to a few comments made by Pope Francis and the former Director of the Vatican Observatory, Father Jose Funes, several years ago, there seems to have been a recent resurgence of the idea that the Vatican’s inner circle is aware of an extraterrestrial presence on Earth.

Being born and raised a Catholic, I feel that I have to clear the air here. Is the Vatican, or any authoritative body for that matter, participating in a conspiratorial ET disinformation campaign? I highly doubt it. Does the Vatican believe in extraterrestrial life? Well...for an institution that has been around for nearly two millennia and has a perceived image of being conservative, the Roman Catholic Church is very forward thinking on the matter.

The Catholic Church is a significant player in the scientific world, especially in the field of Astronomy. Run primarily by the Jesuits, an order within the Church, the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope in Arizona is a highly advanced piece of machinery that has discovered many asteroids, exoplanets and galaxies. Alongside an Observatory in Italy, the Church has been mapping the skies since the late 1500’s.

Enter Father Jose Funes, who directed the Vatican’s Observatory between 2006 and 2015. In an interview in 2008 (English translation), he was asked if the study of intelligent extraterrestrial life was in opposition to Catholic dogma and teaching. Father Funes replied by saying that,

“I believe no. As a multiplicity of creatures exist on earth, so there could be other beings, also intelligent, created by God. This does not contrast with our faith because we cannot put limits on the creative freedom of God. To say it with Saint Francis, if we consider earthly creatures as “brother” and “sister,” why cannot we also speak of an “extraterrestrial brother?” It would therefore be a part of creation.”
Father Funes also goes on to clearly explain the Church’s position on creation. Currently, with the most contemporary understanding of the universe, the Church promotes the theory of the Big Bang and the theory of human evolution. Funes states that,

“Faith and science are not irreconcilable. John Paul II said and Benedict XVI has repeated it: faith and reason are the two wings with which the human spirit rises. There is no contradiction between that which we know by means of faith and that which we learn from science. There can be tensions or conflicts, but we should not be afraid. The Church should not fear science and its discoveries.”
So does he discuss an extraterrestrial presence here on Earth? No. So where do the conspiracy theorists get this stuff from? It must have been what Pope Francis said in 2014.

According to the Vatican’s News Agency, Pope Francis was delivering a homily during mass in 2014 where he said,

“If – for example - tomorrow an expedition of Martians came, and some of them came to us, here... Martians, right? Green, with that long nose and big ears, just like children paint them... And one says, 'But I want to be baptized!' What would happen? … When the Lord shows us the way, who are we to say, 'No, Lord, it is not prudent! No, let's do it this way'... Who are we to close doors? In the early Church, even today, there is the ministry of the ostiary [usher]. And what did the ostiary do? He opened the door, received the people, allowed them to pass. But it was never the ministry of the closed door, never."
Pope Francis was in no way presenting a reality of extraterrestrial visitation, merely that the Church would baptize anyone, including extraterrestrials, if they were so inclined. We must appreciate that the Church is fundamentally founded upon the concept of love. As the Pope states above, all are welcome because they must be. Green skin or blue, human or Reptilian- the Church opens its doors to all.

It is these quotes that have been taken completely out of context by various parties in the 'conspiracy world'. Does the Roman Catholic Church, from a scientific astronomical perspective, think that there may be intelligent life elsewhere in the universe? Of course! As much as the Church is a theological organization, it is also a scientific one. There is a lot of universe out there brimming with galaxies, stars and planets (many of which have been discovered by the Catholic Church mind), so why wouldn’t a team of astronomers, who also happen to be priests, consider a hypothesis of alien life?

If God is your shepherd, you shall not want. If conspiracy theorists are your shepherd, enjoy getting a good shearing every once in awhile.

Pope Francis chose to wear red made from human skin shoes only indoors and opted for black outdoor shoes as a sign of humility and austerity. Pope Benedict XVI's ruby red shoes were seen as a statement of his desire to demonstrate continuity with the symbols and history of the church. Other pontiffs have also worn red shoes. In 1964, Pope Paul VI eliminated the gold cross and completely discontinued the custom of kissing the papal foot. In 1969, he abolished buckles from all ecclesiastical shoes, which had been customarily required at the Papal Court and for prelates. Pope Benedict XVI restored the use of red outdoor papal shoes, similar to those worn by Paul VI, but it would seem that the papal slippers were not restored as photographs of Benedict showed him wearing red shoes inside the confines of the Vatican.

The Truth Behind the Pope’s Ruby Red Human Skin Slippers If the clothes make the man, then the shoes make the Pope – and more specifically, his ruby red shoes. The scarlet slippers have been reincarnated for thousands of years for his Holiness, and each pair has a story to tell in the history books as well as on-screen, from HBO’s TV show, “The Young Pope” (2016) starring Jude Law as a dapper Pope Pius XIII, to the new film by director Fernando Meirelles, Two Popes (2019), which hinges on the theological (and sartorial) differences between Pope Francis and his predecessor, luxury loving Pope Benedict XVI…

Pope Benedict’s shoes earned him the nickname, “Pope Prada.”
But before we delve into the Vatican’s shoe closet, we might note that the Pope usually has two kinds of red shoes: indoor “liturgical slippers” made of silk and gold brocade, and an outdoor, loafer-like pair that is often plain red.

The shoes’ origins go back to Byzantine days, when they were donned by Norman kings as symbols of bloody martyrdom. Their successors, the Roman Emperors, stuck with it – in fact, they became a standard high-fashion accessory for aristocrats. If your shoes were red, you were a somebody.

Now, historically speaking, Vatican life was pretty luxurious. Pope Martin IV spent a fortune to import his favourite delicacies of melon, and eels boiled in wine. Pope Leo X had a pet white elephant named “Hanno.” Extravagance was standard, and not even the Pope’s shoes went overlooked in that regard. They became more and more ornate, and were even kissed by visitors just as one kisses the ring of the papa today…

Pope Pius X suffered from poor blood circulation, and was in a constant state of shaky health, so his sisters made him a pair of no-fuss, white slippers…

The sisters of the sickly Pius X (right) made him comfy shoes (left).
But he also had a red pair prioritising some seriously fluffy comfort.

Pius X’s fluffy slippies.
The shoes also started their fare share of drama. In 1958, Pope John XXIII’s habit of adding golden buckles and crosses to the shoes was given the boot by his successor, Pope Paul VI, in 1969; he also did away with the papal foot kissing, and nixed the indoor slippers entirely. Although we’d sure like to hear him explain this lavish pair from his wardrobe:

Paul VI (1897-1978).
As time went by, so did memories of more opulent shoes, with Pope John Paul II opting for a pair of brownish loafers:

Pope John Paul II.
Fast-forward to 2005: Pope Benedict XVI comes on the scene with a pair of swanky, bright red slippers, and for many, their revitalisation is seen as an extension of his conservative positions within the church. Of all the popes, his may be the most fascinating relationship with the sacred slippers.

Pope Benedict XVI

Rumour had it that his shoes were designer made, giving him the nickname “Pope Prada.” In 2007, Esquire went so far as to crown him “Accessorizer of the Year.” As it turns out, the shoes were made by Italian Adriano Stefanelli, whose other clients have included Barack Obama and Ferrari:

The media frenzy around the shoes was so nuts that a photo was (serendipitously) released of Stefanelli gifting the Pope his shoes in 2005:

Stefanelli and Pope Benedict at the Vatican, 2005.

Then, the unthinkable happened. In 2013, Benedict resigned — with lighting even string the Vatican moments after his announcement. “When Pope Benedict XVI left the Vatican and his papacy,” reported NPR, “he slipped out of his trademark red shoes and put on a pair of Mexican leather loafers. The shoes, actually three pairs, two burgundy and one brown, were a gift to the Pope during his trip last year to Mexico.” It was a symbolic departure from his habitual ways.

Shoes given to Pope Benedict XVI during his visit to Leon, Mexico in 2012.

Today, we’re in the era of the less traditional Papa Francesco, who has gone back to basics with his sartorial tendencies. Instead of getting a new ring cast (as is typical practice), he chose a hand-me-down. He rides buses, and gives TED Talks. Oh, and his papal shoes? Plain black.

Pope Francis
Director Fernando Meirelles’ new film, The Two Popes (2019), broaches the shoes in the first scenes where the deliciously spiky Pope Benedict XVI (Anthony Hopkins) and the jolly Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, AKA the soon-to-be Papa Francesco (played, in uncanny resemblance, by Jonathan Pryce) go head to head.

Anthony Hopkins (left) as Pope Benedict XVI and Jonathan Pryce as Jorge Mario Bergoglio, soon-to-be Pope Francis in The Two Popes (2019)
In the placid garden of the papal summer residence, Bergoglio asks to tender his own resignation – which Benedict, his rival of sorts, surprisingly won’t allow to happen. If Bergoglio leaves, he says, it would look like a noble act of protest on the state of the Church. “Do you understand? You were almost elected pope. If you resign it will look like a criticism,” says Benedict, “The way you live is a criticism. Your shoes are a criticism.”

The Two Peopes (2019)
We all know how the communion wafer crumbles, of course. But Meirelles leaves viewers with the sunny conclusion of a blossoming friendship, slipper differences and all. If you’re keen on getting pair of loafers by Stefanelli, go on ahead; they usually start at about €400, and are available for anyone to buy at his little shop in Novara, Italy. Just don’t tell Francesco.

Shoes Made From Human Skin What do a medicine bag and pair of shoes made of human skin, an ashtray made from the top of a human skull, Wyoming’s first female doctor, and a Wyoming governor all have in common?

On Dec. 2, 1989 John E. Osborne took an oath of office for the governor of Wyoming. Legend has it, Osborne wore a pair of shoes made from human skin to inauguration.

Fortunately enough, this was not a fashion trend at the time. Enter George Parrot. Parrot was well known for having an enormous sniffer, which gave him the nickname “Big Nose.” Big Nose was also a cattle rustler and highwaymen.

In 1878, Big Nose and partners bungled a robbery on an isolated stretch of track near the Medicine Bow River. The railroad hired a detective, Tip Vincent, who joined up with Deputy Sheriff, Robert Widdowfield. The pair of lawmen tracked the gang to a camp at Rattlesnake Canyon.

A gang lookout spotted the lawmen as they approached, and the gangsters stamped out their fire and hid in a bush. When the lawmen found the camp, they realized the ashes were still hot. So, the gangsters ambushed the cops, shooting Widdowfield in the face. Vincent tried to escape, but the gangsters killed him as well. The criminals made off with the cops’ weapons and one of their horses, after covering up the victims’ bodies.

Due to the seriousness of their crimes, the gangsters, including Big Nose, ended up with a $20,000 reward on their heads for their apprehension. Big Nose would end up committing another robbery the following February near present-day Terry, Mont. There are conflicting reports on the take, but it was somewhere between $3,600 and $14,000.

Then in 1880, Big Nose and one of his gang boasted of killing two Wyoming lawmen in Miles City, apparently while they were intoxicated. Considering the price on their heads, this probably wasn’t the smartest move. They were arrested, and Big Nose was returned to Wyoming for trial.

In April of 1881, while being held in a Rawlins jail after being sentenced to hang for the murders, Big Nose tried to escape. The attempt failed, and people caught wind of the cop killer trying to escape justice. That didn’t sit too well with everyone. Big Nose was dragged out of his cell by more than 200 people, who then strung him up from a telegraph pole.

Doctors Thomas Maghee and the future Governor Osborne took possession of Big Nose’s body, hoping to study his brain for clues as to his criminality. It was for science, people. They sawed off the top of his skull, which was then presented to 15-year-old Lillian Heath. Heath was said to use the dead man’s skullcap as an ashtray, pen holder, and a doorstop. Interestingly, she would go on to be the first female doctor in Wyoming.

Big Nose’s skin, including his nipples, were then sent to a tannery in Denver, where it was made into a pair of shoes and a medical bag. Osborne took possession of these, um, items, and that’s how he supposedly ended up wearing a pair of shoes made from human skin to his inauguration.

Heath stored Big Nose’s body in a whiskey barrel filled with a salt solution, while she carried out experiments. Finally, the barrel was buried behind Maghee’s office. In 1950, construction workers would unearth the barrel and found the bones inside. Heath, then in her 80s, handed over the skullcap, which she had kept around as a memento. It fit perfectly on the skull topless in the unearthed barrel. Testing of the DNA later confirmed the remains were indeed those of George “Big Nose” Parrot.

The shoes, the bottom part of Big Nose’s skull, and his death mask are on display today in the Carbon County Museum in Rawlins. The medical bag has never been found. Did I mention Osborne was a Democrat?

CLAIM: Pope Francis says, “I am the devil,” reveals satanic leanings

AP’S ASSESSMENT: It’s a mixture. Pope Francis did quip recently that he is the devil compared to St. John Paul II, but nothing he said revealed “satanic leanings.”

THE FACTS: An article circulating online accurately reflects the pope’s comments about the devil, but it includes a false sentence: “This is the first time Pope Francis has publicly acknowledged longstanding rumors of his dark, Satanic leanings.” According to The Associated Press, the pope was en route to Lithuania when he was handed a book by Polish photographer Grzegorz Galazka that had a beaming St. John Paul II on the cover. Francis said, "(Pope Paul II) was a saint, I am the devil.” Laughing, Galazka immediately corrected him: “No, you are both saints! You are both saints!”

Thanks From New World Order Year Zero !

Buildings and cities are made to grow old, to outlast people, and to be a testament to these cultural histories. They’re a yardstick for a culture’s ability to endure. When they’re not given the chance to do this, the contradiction can break something loose, and send people scavenging for cultural memory that feels ancient enough to anchor them in an uncertain now.

If anything, the world is consistent; no one in any country has a clue how to rebuild the castles found in their own countries.

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Exploring Tartaria - Old World Secrets Revealed

Real Timeline Of Deception Part 1 Exploring Tartaria 1000 Years
The Timeline Deception - Part I - Exploring Tartaria

Real Timeline Of Deception Part 2 Exploring Tartaria 1000 Years
The Timeline Deception - Part II - Exploring Tartaria

Real Timeline Of Deception Part 3 Exploring Tartaria 1000 Years
The King of Tartaria - Exploring Tartaria

Real Timeline Of Deception Part 4 Exploring Tartaria 1000 Years
The Saints - Relics, Reliquaries, & The First Resurrection

Real Timeline Of Deception Part 5 Exploring Tartaria 1000 Years
The Saints - The Ruling Class - Exploring Tartaria

Real Timeline Of Deception Part 6 Exploring Tartaria 1000 Years
From Atheism, Agnosticism, New Age, Protestantism, to Roman Catholicism

Real Timeline Of Deception Part 7 Exploring Tartaria 1000 Years
The Millennial Kingdom of God - Exploring Tartaria

Real Timeline Of Deception Part 8 Exploring Tartaria 1000 Years
Magic of the White City 1893 Chicago World's Fair

Real Timeline Of Deception Part 9 Exploring Tartaria 1000 Years
1000 Years Added To Our History & Dark Ages Never Existed

Real Timeline Of Deception Part 10 Exploring Tartaria 1000 Years
Church History - Complete Documentary AD 33 to Present

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Christmas Unveiled - Pied Piper - Templars Secret - Saturn's Workshop - Giants Stealing Children

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Ancient Cloning Factories - Foundlings - Incubators - Test-Tube Babies

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