TheDimStream LIVE! 1940s: The Great Dictator (1940) | The Maltese Falcon (1941) | Snow White Rant

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Join Alex and me for a live stream, tonight at 9:30 ET! Chatting about "The Great Dictator" and "The Maltese Falcon."


CalebBeers HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ALEX!!!!!!!!!!!

MudderFetcher Alex's birthday is a week-long celebration
CalebBeers Hi, Beverly
CalebBeers An Alex Miceli birthday without at least 50 deaths is a dull affair
CalebBeers Beverly: Salad Devourer

MudderFetcher so who won the pizza challenge?

RonGreen1 Domino's is lab grown pizza.

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Greek Pokemon

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ The hobbit was like a snow white analogue

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Hello Rumblers

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Gandalf is snow white

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Or maybe bilbo

MudderFetcher Gandalf the White

YourFriendPawl Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Fun fact: diablo 4 does not have diablo in it

MudderFetcher if there ain't 7 actual little people = Alex ain't showing up

MudderFetcher I like to hate the female lead until she let's her hair down and puts in contacts
CalebBeers Princess and the Frog had "Friends On The Other Side"
CalebBeers Which is a masterpiece

AlexofAllTrades Moderator I love that song.

wesley1924 Supporter+ hi

wesley1924 Supporter+ What movie are we talking about?

wesley1924 Supporter+ What is "normal sized?!" Cancelled!!!

Guyinroom83 gays against groomsmen

Guyinroom83 i still dont get how midget is offensive. bill burr has an old bit about that. 'little person' awww little person you can't even reach up here can you

Guyinroom83 the new one is called lil' mermaid
Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++
No need to announce this and disrupt the stream - Double high fives. One for each birthday hat I saw this week. Happy Birthdays ladies

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Not when a beavr says it

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ haha

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ You are both genuine ladies to me

Guyinroom83 what a generous pbeavr

Guyinroom83 fyi, just finished the 1st season of 'manifest' on netflix. its actually good so far, and knock on wood no wokeness, but it's pre 2020

Guyinroom83 i actually get creeped out watching old silent movies in hd. its weird seeing it so clearly

Guyinroom83 never heard of the event. but it reminds me of the 4400 also, yeah many shows did this premise basically

Guyinroom83 do you remember matthew fox having domestic abuse allegations?

Guyinroom83 (main guy from lost)

Guyinroom83 i randomly started watching lost, i knew no one who watched it at the time

Guyinroom83 snl doing a hillary tribute on the piano was great and stood the test of time.

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TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Beverly's SubscribeStar for Donations - Beverly's Guilded - Alex's Discord -

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