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Occasional Levity LIVE: Daniel Perry Conviction
Join Alex and me for a live stream, tonight at 9:30 ET!
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ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+100 FOLLOWERIZZERS!
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+#WheresJulia
RonGreen1BREAKING NEWS: They found Jimmy Hoffa. But Juliet is still missing.😂
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+late and ghey
sIB8YPSycbVOFHenlo 👋
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+one of her cats, with cheese
jbsxNo Beer???Why are you here???
sIB8YPSycbVOF💯 🎉
jbsxMeat and potatoes are good
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+Lorne sausage, try it, love it
RonGreen1Pork ribs with Mac & cheese. The breakfast of champions.
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+bev leaks everywhere
jbsxbuy paper towels!!!
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+they frozen
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+no-one eats pizza with a fork ffs
TunedToKeyDeep dish is with a fork and knife, Winky
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+american pizza is shite, european pizza, so much better
JQuickDrawOh you started early today 🙄
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+The doctor told me that I have to switch to all-grain flour. So, I'm slowly working that into my baking and cooking. It's not bad.
JQuickDrawEuropean pizza? That's an oxymoron
TunedToKeyAlex - "I felt like my jaw was going to fall off!" giggity
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+Concrete
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+Asphalt
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+Cement
jbsxblack top is asphalt
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+ASS FAULT
sIB8YPSycbVOFConcrete has aggregate
JQuickDrawRebar, which makes it last not nearly as long as pure
Bev's ass has a fault
Rumble Premium UserSupporter+
Bev's town:
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+VIBRATIONS
TunedToKeyHave you had cashew yogurt, Alex?
RonGreen1Was that you Alex, that blew up the dairy farm in Texas?
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+TTK, you handsome bastard
AlexofAllTradesCan't have cashews, @TunedToKey
pbeavrRumble Premium UserSubSupporter++Hello Rumblers
jbsxthey did chickens to screw up eggs, now they're doing cows to screw up milk
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+I dread to think how she mystery meat cooks them, and frankly, I do not wish to know.
sIB8YPSycbVOFHi pbeavr!
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+have you tried deez nuts yet alex?
JQuickDrawThat salad sounds like something a couple of baked pot heads would create at 3am, then forget they did it the next morning.
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+I win making alex laugh onstream
TunedToKeyDid you give your family diabetes for Easter, Bev?
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+jesus, it looks like mould
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+spikey mould
jbsxdid you wimp out and use a fork or just dig in all handsy and stuff?
sIB8YPSycbVOFStructural strawberries
JQuickDrawload bearing fruit
TunedToKeyIs that the Ginger with the amazing beard?
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+what animals will bev abuse next?
jbsxpossum's are your friend
RonGreen1Ghost rats are real.
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+they never read out our chats
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+Fun Fact: Possums' gestation period is only two weeks.
jbsxit was hissin at you cause you kept pokin it with a stick
sIB8YPSycbVOFTo be fair, our comments suck.
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+but we paid for them
sIB8YPSycbVOFPay moar
TunedToKeyLast time I was on stream I tried to highlight everyone. The neglect is real lol
AlexofAllTradesShe's telling a story!
sIB8YPSycbVOFTips hat to TunedToKey
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+they all make their way to you Bev
sIB8YPSycbVOFBeverly has critters.
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+Missy is such a wee bleather tonight
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+Hit the thumbs up! Touch all the bells and buttons!
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+BALL GREEN
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+no, it was an ass phault joke
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+no hips
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+ass fault
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+It's your town because you get very excited about a new burger franchise coming to town.
RonGreen1The best pistachios come from Iran. I have a connection.
sIB8YPSycbVOFTunedToKey Get on Gab
TunedToKeyWhat is the plus of GAB?
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+do you wash the meat?
TunedToKeyI rinse off my steaks and dab them dry before I cook them
JQuickDrawDo you wash you chicken? lol
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+Join the Guilded group here:
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+my father worked in a meat market, never wash your meat7
JQuickDrawDo they punch the meat like in Rocky?
JQuickDrawThey should
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+that would damage it
TunedToKeyYou get a better sear in the steaks when you rinse and pat them dry
sIB8YPSycbVOFYou can't beat washed meat.
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+never wash meat,'s so wrong
JQuickDrawI think people beat washed meat every day. Wait, what are we talking about again?
jbsxyou can't have your puddin til you've eaten your meat
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+that is the greatest scots accent
JQuickDrawI like Robin Williams' Scottish accent, talking about golf.
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+half bevs stories is about something trying to mate with her
sIB8YPSycbVOFDaniel Perry did nothing wrong.
TunedToKeyHas Perry officially been released?
TunedToKeyTravis County is screwed
jbsxwhat he did wrong was not hittin the gas after shootin the guy and runnin over a bunch of those clowns
RonGreen1Travis county is the commie capital of Texas.
TunedToKeyThe thing that is weird to me is that jury found him guilty of murdering the guy. but not for hitting the rioters that surrounded his car
TunedToKeyThere were also around 24 sets of fingerprints in his car, that's a lot of people who surrounded him
TunedToKeyThe guy who aimlessly shot the car wasn't charged either
RonGreen1Most cops, prosecutors and judges are not 2nd amendment friendly.
sIB8YPSycbVOFAbbot is a clown.
jbsxdont forget, Alex, the Judge refused to allow the detectives evidence in
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+Rittenhouse shot 3 people, and 2 were pedos lol
TunedToKeyYep, they tampered with evidence and purposefully omitted pertinent evidence
sIB8YPSycbVOFTexas has stand your ground laws right?
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+you love to falunt your 'pertinent evidence TTK
jbsxtexas has castle law
jbsxyour car is your castle
TunedToKeyCastle and stand your ground
RonGreen1Every prosecutor wants to be attorney general or governor someday.
JQuickDrawYour person is your castle - 4th amendment - person and papers
jbsxplus, stand your ground doesn't apply. when a firearm is pointed at you , you can defend yourself
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+they just want re-elected
JQuickDrawThe adversarial theory of justice sounds good on paper, but even more than the need to win is when, as in this case, the officials are ideologues and put their cause first.
sIB8YPSycbVOFTexans should riot.
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+Democracy is devoured by capitalism
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+it's still worth it though
RonGreen1Those darn journalists muck up everything.😂
sIB8YPSycbVOFThe United States is not a Democracy.
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+The US is two favours of the same dogshit
jbsxhe's gonna be the da of rikers
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+It is wasn't for Taft, Bragg would be the fattest president ever.
JQuickDrawCapitalism is a flawed system, but it's also the best one we have, and it's not the boogeyman the media and universities make it out to be.
TunedToKeyCapitalism has saved billions of lives
JQuickDraw@TunedToKey Indeed, but it's still flawed.
sIB8YPSycbVOFThe word democracy appears nowhere in the constitution.
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+No-one has managed to put forward anything better than capitalism
TunedToKeySurely, I wasn't disagreeing with you. JQD
RonGreen1No system is perfect, unless you're at the top of the food chain.
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+we should run all the countries.
JQuickDraw@TunedToKey Duly noted 😀 I just notice that the modern trend is to take a side and push it to the extreme, one way or the other, so I try to pull it back to a more realistic position.
sIB8YPSycbVOFIs there a goose ordnance?
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+realism and logic is all that matters
jbsxwhat's the C stand for???
RonGreen1There were no women screaming about empowerment when the Titanic was sinking.
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+it's a gay thing
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+I BET Bev worked with young men.
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+on a long enough time line, even good things become corrupt
Guyinroom83wow, i never heard of the YWCA until now
sIB8YPSycbVOFTrans people don't exist.
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+There is a group of LGBT gamers that sometimes bumps into the gaming groups that I'm a part of, and they assign more letters to the "mtf" to...
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+it's only fair
JQuickDrawMTF(g) Male to Female (gender)
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+...describe exactly where in the process they are. Like adding "t" refers to testosterone. Etoc.
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+thanks for explaining that for us bev
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+BevSpaining is a thing
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+I mean only by a woman
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+where do they hide them?
sIB8YPSycbVOFpbeavr come bak!
pbeavrRumble Premium UserSubSupporter++I'm here
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+Alex had her tubes tied, Alex is safe to have sex with *public announcement*
AlexofAllTradesI have vagina dentata.
sIB8YPSycbVOFAlex would be a great mother tho
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+it's a lovely smile
pbeavrRumble Premium UserSubSupporter++Some would appreciate the challenge a vagina dentata poses
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+If men could abort, omg, that would be messy
pbeavrRumble Premium UserSubSupporter++FYI, You can change your chat name color now if you like. Just go here and click on the word Default and choose a color
sIB8YPSycbVOFbased Alex
pbeavrRumble Premium UserSubSupporter++Idiocracy was correct
Guyinroom83@pbeavr was just gonna say that
AlexofAllTradesHa! Thank you, @pbeavr!
Guyinroom83@winky hey wait a minute, men can abort too maybe. men can also chestfeed.
jbsxthat's red red Alex. Matches your shirt
JQuickDraw*removable vagina not included
TunedToKeyThank you PB!
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+Never have children
Guyinroom83lol. taking out your vagina, how does one remove a hole. are they gonna 'remove' buttholes next
pbeavrRumble Premium UserSubSupporter++Lurkers you can chat for FREE - NO verification needed. Likes and Comments actually mean something on Rumble. Click LIKE and a comment too. Join the conversation.
pbeavrRumble Premium UserSubSupporter++You can also use the $ sign to send a paid Rant to support the channel. And there is a check mark option further down to become a monthly subscriber.
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+"Have less sex." Check. Got that covered.
pbeavrRumble Premium UserSubSupporter++Be sure to support your favorite content creators. Thumbs UP the video and follow @TheDimSide
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+I have friends, I'm 47, no-one becomes more happy with kids
pbeavrRumble Premium UserSubSupporter++And you are all welcome if you were waiting for the change to change that color
pbeavrRumble Premium UserSubSupporter++I know many were
sIB8YPSycbVOFWe're lucky to have pbeavr.
Guyinroom83@pbeavr. no thanks. I only downvote this channel.
pbeavrRumble Premium UserSubSupporter++aw
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+Wait, Beaver, how do we change our color?
JQuickDraw@pbeavr Thank you, although I like my color so I will be keeping it.
pbeavrRumble Premium UserSubSupporter++go here and click on the word Default and choose a color
pbeavrRumble Premium UserSubSupporter++I kept mine too
Guyinroom83@chicago the same way we change our gender. surgery.
pbeavrRumble Premium UserSubSupporter++Not my favorite but it's fine
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+Nice.
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+no period chat, none
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+Oh, wait.
sIB8YPSycbVOFWinkyWankyWoo still salmon?
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+no periods
pbeavrRumble Premium UserSubSupporter++It may not take effect immediately and may not work on Apps
pbeavrRumble Premium UserSubSupporter++I use PC
pbeavrRumble Premium UserSubSupporter++pharmaceuticals are generally bad
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+I cannot trust a creature that bleeds for 5 days and does NOT DIE
pbeavrRumble Premium UserSubSupporter++Interesting point @WinkyWankyWoo
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+why is it red
pbeavrRumble Premium UserSubSupporter++red is very popular
sIB8YPSycbVOFTunedToKey looks good in red.
pbeavrRumble Premium UserSubSupporter++I am also an insomniac
pbeavrRumble Premium UserSubSupporter++I just run with it
pbeavrRumble Premium UserSubSupporter++Until I pass out
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+passing out is the best part
Guyinroom83oh hell yeah alex. save those up for a party night, or maybe for a game stream
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+omg root canal, worth pain ever
pbeavrRumble Premium UserSubSupporter++sometimes. Depend on where you are. I tend to stay in my lodge though
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+Bev has squeaky joints, arserighteuous.
pbeavrRumble Premium UserSubSupporter++Capitalism is more of a monetary philosophy
pbeavrRumble Premium UserSubSupporter++Communism is the opposite philosophy
JQuickDrawit's an economic system
sIB8YPSycbVOFJuliete TruthSeeker proof of life?
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+watch her face when she reaches that one
TunedToKeyBev was queen of the dorks!
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+Alex is very sensible
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+Bev;s imaginery children now, ffs
pbeavrRumble Premium UserSubSupporter++It shows you how it looks as an example after you use it
pbeavrRumble Premium UserSubSupporter++in the sample box
Guyinroom83lol, came in half hour ago or so
pbeavrRumble Premium UserSubSupporter++I think you both sell yourselves short. If you are good with animals you would be good with children
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+worst hosts ever
pbeavrRumble Premium UserSubSupporter++usually they the ones who are bad with one are bad with the other
pbeavrRumble Premium UserSubSupporter++But as lifestyle choices go animals are easier to deal with
Guyinroom83yeah, my siblings and best friend have kids. at first when they had them, I was like, hm maybe I'd want kids. The more time that goes by, the more I take that back
TunedToKeyCarnivore diet sounds amazing
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+alex has bas genes, best not passed on
TunedToKeyI mostly do keto. but occasionally do only meat
Guyinroom83don't you have tinnitus though 'Erly?
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+@alex playing the smallest violin in the world for you...
Guyinroom83AND arthritis??
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+Yeah, I love baking and baked goods, but I have to work flour and carbohydrates out of my diet. I'm working creative solutions into my patterns.
Guyinroom83ever since the movie alien, pregnancy has freaked me out also
JQuickDrawIf you don't like the issues with childbirth, Beverly, then maybe Eve shouldn't have eaten that apple in the Garden. just saying.
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+you can always have the little bastard cut out
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+you bitches follow discord rules!!!!!
sIB8YPSycbVOFA failed ball joint can hurt others.
Guyinroom83i mean, in the disaffected discord, people say the n word, and just about any slur and no one's been banned
TunedToKeyDiscord asshoe
TunedToKeyI have been banned before
Guyinroom83good point. disaffected have been removed from patreon, and twitter before
sIB8YPSycbVOFYou can say words on Gab
TunedToKeyI wasn't even a mod and I got banned
Guyinroom83yeah true. well, we all know Winky is a woke infiltrator spy at least
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+Guilded:
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+I banned ALex and Bev for being lesbians
TunedToKeyAnd I never said anything bad
JQuickDrawIsn't Guilded centralized like Discord though? Element is decentralized, no authority beyond the server owner.
TunedToKeyTwitch is also asshoe
TunedToKeyBut their user interface is top notch
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+Guilded is similar to Discord in pathways only. Guilded was made by the folks who made Roblox, who made the platform for the game, and then just opened it wide up...
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+...They have said that they have no plans to do any moderation at all.
Guyinroom83twitch banned the term 'simp' I think didn't they. not surprised
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+nonowords are the funniest words though
TunedToKeyI've used simp before in Twitch chat and haven't been banned nor thr streamer
JQuickDraw@ChicagoFaucet That's good, but people change and companies are sold. Decentralization and federation are the future, they have to be.
TunedToKeyit was before I knew it was a banned word
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+Quick, true dat. It's just that of all options, I think it's the best. It's also higher quality.
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+we are the cool older people in the kid's lives
RonGreen1Just get a barn for the children and keep them on there.
Guyinroom83lol honestly yeah that's my attitude about having kids, all the thing syou have to do. no thanks
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+kids you see 3 or 4 times a year are great
Guyinroom83i need noise at night also. but i just am used to it. i have gotten used to no fan, but just prefer white noise
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+never encourage a woman to list her physical ailments
TunedToKeyBev of the creaky knees lolol
TunedToKeyYour patella does what, Alex?
JQuickDrawcollagen helps with cartilage and skin
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+alex was such a little tart lol
TunedToKeytry to touch your elbows behind your back to relieve upper back and shoulder pain, Bev
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+(youtube slut needs shoulder rubs...send money now)
Guyinroom83i wonder if you guys would qualify for a senior citizens discount for all this talk
sIB8YPSycbVOFWinkyWankeyWoo Scotch Whiskey. Which one?
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+touch your shoulder blades is the best
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+umm there are like 200 scotch brands
pbeavrRumble Premium UserSubSupporter++30 watching now. Nice
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+people actually watch this shit?
sIB8YPSycbVOFDo you have a favorite?
pbeavrRumble Premium UserSubSupporter++Lurkers you can chat for FREE - NO verification needed. Likes and Comments actually mean something on Rumble. Click LIKE and a comment too. Join the conversation.
pbeavrRumble Premium UserSubSupporter++You can also use the $ sign to send a paid Rant to support the channel. And there is a check mark option further down to become a monthly subscriber.
pbeavrRumble Premium UserSubSupporter++Be sure to support your favorite content creators. Thumbs UP the video and follow @TheDimSide
JQuickDrawBeverly, you just need the vax and a few boosters, then your heart will swell several times its current size, and you will be able to love children.
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+is pbeavr the ginger?
sIB8YPSycbVOFSorry everyone.
Guyinroom83ahh. thats disturbing
Guyinroom83more like pginger
Guyinroom83peebeaver does promote the channel a suspicious amount
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+Bev enjoys a loud bang
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+it's 430am
JQuickDrawI have tinnitus. I use an app to create sounds for a couple of hours at night. But once I fall asleep, "i'm good.
Guyinroom83that twitter twat theme is in Eb, I'm pretty sure. if anyone's wondering
TunedToKey@Bev & @Alex make your stingers like 2x or 3x longer
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+yay shitter shats
TunedToKeyIndeed in Eb
Rumble Premium UserSupporter+
I would be lying if I said that I have never fallen asleep to this safe video:
Guyinroom83i saw that too. fentanyl is an ongoing thing, this trans stuff has just taken off drastically recently
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+george fenatyl flyodd
JQuickDraw@ChicagoFaucet I sometimes put on those livestreams of trains while I work. Great for background noise.
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+Alex&Bev, are wearing red&Blue
JQuickDraw"The Cannabis Patriot" - That would have been an edgy handle maybe 20 years ago.
JQuickDrawRight, Grave of the Fireflies is satanic. Walsh, like most on the right, is just an old school RINO. His kind would be not much better than the left if they were in control.
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+The best and most enjoyable violence in my life was against women
Guyinroom83man. its insane how the woke left are literally conservative christian parents in the 50s/60s
TunedToKeyWTH Winky
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+you and bev are dumcunts, the dimcunts.
Guyinroom83PLEASE UNFOLLOW. ok, will do
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+TIL: Bev is one of those sociopathic heathens that uses light mode for her applications.
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+They want it dude
RonGreen1Demon slayer, also known as a divorce attorney.
TheDimSideAdminRumble Premium UserTesting color.
TheDimSideAdminRumble Premium UserIt didn't work...
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+colour still sterile
TheDimSideAdminRumble Premium UserNow it works!
TunedToKeyPurple color Bev?
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+"Fan Service" is why I hated the Star Wars movie "Solo". It basically was just a movie to explain the things Han Solo talked about in the original triology.
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+I mean, "Solo" was okay as eye-candy, but really not to be taken seriously, in my humble opinion.
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+That's a shame, because Glover did an excellent rendition of Lando Calrissian.
Guyinroom83yeah. even in video games, i turn away or don't look at overly gory slayings
Guyinroom83there was a big article on how game developers who made a recent mortal kombat had like, ptsd from watching a ton of gory deaths and carnage during it
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+Take a shot everytime Bev mentions Carter or her D&D
Guyinroom83the dimworms? bookcunts?
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+White meat tastes better ladies
Guyinroom83hmm... beverly totally silent on the 'is pbeavr the ginger' issue
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+It angers people when I tell them that I painted the entire interior of my house with just a brush and paint can.
TunedToKeyHow big was the brush?
TheDimSideAdminRumble Premium User@TunedToKey Yes, purple! I'd do rainbow if I could though!
TunedToKeyI will only be impressed if it is a water color brush
TunedToKeyRainbows have been hijacked
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+Bev, rainbow are in their 70s now
Guyinroom83did you guys hear about the steven van zandt tweet? about offing the gop or something
TunedToKeyI have not GIR83
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+no, they are all corrupt
Guyinroom83'we need to exterminate these cockroaches'
Guyinroom83looks like he deleted it
RonGreen1Anyone with a Ukraine flag should be sent to the combat zone.
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+leave our man boobs alone
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+That poor Gaston character guy. There are multiple videos of him being Gaston in-character, and getting hate for it.
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+always ask before grabbing a handful of titah
sIB8YPSycbVOFGn dimchat
RonGreen1Nowadays, a Disney princess is just another guy in an evening gown.
JQuickDrawIf the roles were reversed, they probably would have called the police on the guy for grabbing her.
Guyinroom83@jquick yep
JQuickDrawTell us you've never been to a strip club without telling us you've never been.
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+why pancake attack?
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+In my head, I'm calling himthe n word
TunedToKeyWhat a disingenuous turd
RonGreen1If Hillary Clinton had a son...,
Guyinroom83yes. he's finally able to 'live authentically'
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+three ringed circus
Guyinroom83aoc said being latino = being black anyway
Guyinroom83she's retarded too though, so maybe thats diverse
RonGreen1Jackass teeth
Guyinroom83her voice is maybe the worst part
Guyinroom83i totally agree. am a straight guy and she's not hot, she could pass for trans
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+AOC makes me feel sick, nope nope nope
Guyinroom83its a toddler girls voice. its weird af
TunedToKeyGG you two
TheDimSideAdminRumble Premium User
TheDimSideAdminRumble Premium User
TheDimSideAdminRumble Premium User
RonGreen1Gnite ladies and gents
JQuickDrawlator gators
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