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71. Dr. Ana Mihalcea, Get the shot out of your body
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71. Dr. Ana Mihalcea, Get the shot out of your body

1 year ago

Today I talk with Dr. Ana Mihalcea and how she uses chelation and other methods to get the stuff from the jab out of your body if you got the jab and how to get it out of your body even if you didn’t get the jab. That’s right it may affect you even if you didn’t get the jab yourself. https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/


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71. Dr. Ana Mihalcea, what can I do to get it out

Nurse Kelly: [00:00:00] Welcome to after Hours with Dr. Sigoloff, where he can share ideas and thoughts with you. He gets to the heart of the issue so that you can find the truth. The views and opinions expressed are his and do not represent the US Army, d o d, nor the US government. Dr. Sigoloff was either off duty or on approved leave and Dr. Sigoloff was not in uniform at the time. Of recording now to Dr. Sigoloff.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: All right. Thanks for joining me again. I wanna first give a shout out to all of my Paton supporters. Thank you so much for supporting. I know how, how difficult money is these days, and I truly appreciate every penny that is, that y'all give to me.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And it, and it helps create this content, helps me fight my legal battle. So we have Sam and an Angela Sheey at the $20 and 20 cents a month. We have the pandemic reprimand level at $17 and 76 cents a month. We have Kevin Anos at the self-made $10. We've got the refined, not burned at $5 a month. We have Linda, Emmy, Joe [00:01:00] Pat, and Bev, pj, Rebecca, Marcus, and Elizabeth.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: We have the courage as contagious. This is $1 a month, that's $12 a year. It's not very much and appreciate all of these. It's not much out of your pocket every day, but it, it's a lot to help me. And that's Amanda j Spitz, nasty. And Dorell, thank you so much for all the, the support you're given. Don't forget.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: I still have these patches and stickers available. We've got the subdued sticker decal and the full color decal, the pandemic reprimand. All right, now that that's outta the way, I have an amazing guest that I can't wait to introduce you to. She is a, a physician who specializes in chelation. Her name is Anna Mihaka I, and if I mispronounced it hopefully she can correct me here in a minute.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: But thank you so much for coming on with us. So today we're gonna be talking about hopefully ways to get this stuff out of our body, whether we got the shot or didn't get the shot. And we may be able to learn some, some intriguing things about people who didn't get the shot even. And I first heard you on Alex show the Way Forward, and I wanna give him a huge shout out cuz he's been a.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: To me and he's been able to connect me with some [00:02:00] amazing guests that I've had on. So Dr.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: Mik, call me Dr. Anna. That fine? Hi Sam.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Okay. Hey, yeah, call me Sam and I'll call you Anna. Appreciate you coming on. I truly, truly appreciate it.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: And I appreciate you. I think, you know, in this time, you are a tremendous hero. You know, US physicians with a tremendous opportunity to stand up and stand for truth.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: Many people did not. And I think what you've done for our nation, for the people that you've written vaccine exemptions for, to stand up against you know, the system of the military and pay such a price for it, I mean, you're a true hero. And I'm so honored to speak to you today. Thank you. Well, thank you.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: But I'm, I'm, I'm much more humbled than, than the words you said, and I truly appreciate it, but it's, there is no other way to have done this. I, I wouldn't be able to look in the mirror. I wouldn't be able to look at my kids. This is a fight that we have to fight is to leave it, [00:03:00] to leave it alone, and to lose this fight would leave our children in a place where they didn't have the tools to even resist this.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: Absolutely. And I think, you know, so I'm an trained internal medicine physician. I have an anti-aging clinic. I've done chelation therapy for, for years, and I really started getting into all of this. With Covid, I started early treatments in, in my patients and then met with Dr. David Nixon and really looked into what is in the vials and collaborated with an international team of researchers to find out more.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: And what we found is quite interesting because it is important to look at it from the perspective of treatments for vaccine injury as well as shedding. So I wanna also clarify, you know, I've, I've researched the phenomenon of shedding for. A long time. I was someone who advocated for d dier testing very early on because I saw that unvaccinated people were [00:04:00] affected by the vaccinated, and then found elevated DDIs rapidly increasing.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: And now that I do dark field live blood microscopy you know, I'm able to see in the blood not just these, these structures that we've also found in the vials that appear to be self-assembling nanotechnology based on hydrogel graphene with metals. But the same structures that were found under the microscope in the vials were then seen in the live blood of vaccinated people and now an unvaccinated people.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: And so you know, my, my journey has been looking at all of these different things. What, what are the components of it? What do we know about it? How should we adjust our treatment to be able to have a more comprehensive way of addressing this? Because if, if everybody believes. They got mRNA and that there's a spike protein.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: Well, you know, a lot of the people who've analyzed the [00:05:00] vials didn't even find mRNA. They found metals, for example, tungston, aluminum, you know aluminum, all kinds of other things like gadolinium gadolinium, cesium. And then they found these structures that some people call carbon-based nano tubes.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: Some people call graphene. Clearly, you know, the, the chemical analysis of. It's challenging because it's a crime to look at these vials, but looking at what's been happening in my patients and seeing that I've seen tremendous accelerated aging process. And why is that happening? These new methodologies of live blood analysis have, have really been helpful and I've found some pretty stunning findings that are, I think concerning.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: They're very important to look at. And so I just appreciate the opportunity to even speak about this because a lot of this information is being censored on many different platform. [00:06:00]

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Yeah, we're, we're very used to censoring around here. Not, not so much doing it, but getting censored. And so that's why I'm so glad that you can come on, cuz.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: This is vital information that everyone needs to know because whether you got the shot, whether you didn't, and. You know, there, there's still many great things we can learn from what you've discovered. And I think it's very important also to, to really emphasize what you said, that you know, cuz everyone thinks, oh well you know, it's mRNA, it's terrible, I got the shot that didn't have the Mr.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: mRNA, so it's not as bad. Well that's not true. Because, because of what you said and which I think is very critical, is they're not finding mRNA in the stuff that's supposed to have mRNA.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: Yes. And I think that, that looking at this whole operation from a broader perspective and the background, so I've done a lot of research into synthetic biology, transhumanist agenda. You know, if, if you think about this, this whole plan to change humanity into hackable [00:07:00] animals and to. Basically say, Hey, the, the, the conscious ability of people to choose and to, to have ingenious thought that that's actually under siege here, plus the spiritual aspect of the war.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: Like, like Al Harari is talking about is that, that the spirit and the soul are a thing of the past. And what my question was, you know, what would be the technological platform that would be needed to to create something like that? And what's been coming up is clearly hydrogel. So even Todd Calendar now speaks a lot about this.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: This is the platform of this transformation. So hydrogel. It's called a carbon-based polymer, and it can self-assemble and it can mimic any cell in the body, but it can be augmented through metals to have different properties, for example, how it reacts under. Electrical fields, magnetic fields can be [00:08:00] programmed to actually develop protein hydrogel microchips that become sensors and receivers.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: And so we, these are literally now creating technological devices. And what I wanna explain is that, that. So our biology is something that can be altered and made to do something that's not natural. But if you look at, for example, our D N A has tremendous storing capacity. So if you, if information data storing capacity, if you think about that by 2020.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: You know, humanity will have produced about 33 zeta bites of, of information, and you could store all of that information in a p Paul Ball, size of dna, n a. And so if you can, cr d n A itself is a hydrogel, it's a self-assembly polymer, and you can make it do stuff and literally [00:09:00] create. Devices that are part biology and part technology.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: And so this is where we're, we're moving into the transhumanist agenda. This whole idea that people are emitting, for example, a frequency of 2.4 gigahertz the Mac address phenomenon. But also what is the purpose of it is that, that there is a sensing. Of our, all of our data, our biological data that can be transmitted to the cloud, but we can also be then basically biohacked via frequency and be modulated.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: So the metals are important because in geoengineering and, and things like chem trails, we've been sprayed with all kinds of metals like aluminum, aluminum, barium, even uranium now significantly. And I'm gonna show you a metals test that is from a patient in my office. And if you see. [00:10:00] The aluminum.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: And the barium are through the roof, but you also see cesium, which may be radioactive. It doesn't specifically look at the isotope. I've seen a substantial increase in uranium. If you look at Tungston mark Steel as a weapons expert, and he says that, you know if, if there's a radar, a satellite that's just looking at you from space, and you could look kind of like a ghost-like figure, if you're loaded with these metals, for example, tungstens, you can be targeted via 5G weapon systems.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: And killed from space. And that's the point of this wetware that we've been loaded up with, has electrical and radar properties. And so I personally believe that not only are these metals highly, highly toxic, particularly if they're nano-sized, they cause tremendous toxicity from neurotoxicity, chronic fatigue.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: Brain fog mitochondrial dysfunction, so causing all diseases of aging. So we, but they're also [00:11:00] synergistically to toxic. So the more stuff you have in your body, the more you're aging and declining. And so now looking at, okay, if you, if you, for example, had these shots or you had other shots because this stuff, the nanoparticles, for example, have been found by Antoinette Gutti in over 44 different vaccine preparations from Jar to Tdap to everything.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: So everybody who's been getting their shots, they've been loaded up with these metals and. And so this is a cumulative assault. Plus we're inhaling it with these nanotechnologies that are also being sprayed. So then what is the. What the, what the issue is is that we are being changed in our biology and modified without our conscious control because you cannot feel that you have metals in you.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: You cannot feel that you have the [00:12:00] synthetic biology in you. And the problem is, is that a lot of the information is being suppress. I think it was very important that Mike Adams did the study of the clot, and he found carbon-based polymers, which is self-assembling with metals in them, and it was a material that was highly combustible.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: It wasn't blood. I mean, this should have been a news all around the world, and this is what hydrogel. So the, the issue is, is that these materials like hydrogen are highly sensitive to electromagnetic frequency radiation, as well as electrical fields. So, for example, Dr. David Nixon showed that if he had a wifi router on.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: Close to his microscope. When I was looking at the vial contents, these ribbon like structures that looked like optical communications cables were developing a very high rate. And then these microchips were [00:13:00] also developing if he put a Faraday cage around it. It wasn't developing. Now, how does this apply to somebody who has this stuff in their body and they have a cell phone on their body all the time, and they are, you know, exposed to wifi.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: They're in the cities, literally in studies, the hydrogel can grow from nanometers, which is a billionth of a meter to centimeter size and. If you apply a magnetic electrical or an electromagnetic frequency field, in my personal views, this is where the kill switch lies. What that means is that, I've talked to people like Clifford Carum, who's, who's analyzed what they call more gallons fibers, which actually turns out to be sprayed.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: These are synthetic fibers that are sprayed and they have the same composition as was in the vaccines, which is he found poly vinyl alcohol, which is a hydrogel. [00:14:00] Quantum dot technologies in there and there are metals. And so this, again, is a sender and receiver. And what he did was when it was exposed to a low grade electrical field, this stuff was exploding in growth.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: In again, a matter of minutes. So what happens to an athlete who's exercising, who has been injected with this technology platform and they are now exposing their body to a, a stimulus for this hydrogel can grow and add extreme rates. So I think. That these considerations, the more I learned about it, the more I wanted people to become aware of the technology behind it, that it's important to know about it, what are sort of risk factors and that outside of standard vaccine injury protocols that contain.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: And your nutrients and all that. I'm all [00:15:00] for that. I am saying that because nobody knows what's in the vials. You have to broaden your view and include many other different things to be able to cover your bases.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Yeah, there was, there was one thing that you had said a while back. I think it was on Alex show, and it's called The Way.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: and you had said that, at least if I understood you correctly, and correct me if I'm wrong, but that the electromagnetic signals that our body itself makes could affect these, not just the external forces. And so that was, I think, your hypothesis, if I'm not mistaken, as to why some of these high level elite athletes are dropping dead because they're, they're exerting so much energy that their electro.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Frequency and their radiation from their body, from their heart, from their brain, from their neurons, from all these things. And we, we've seen, we've documented that years ago, and that's not something new that there is, that we are electrical beans and physical being and, and that may be causing, that's [00:16:00] whatever is causing people to drop dead.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: I will be highly concerned. You know I published in my CK an article that showed that the spike protein gene sequence, mRNA sequence, if there's mRNA that people got, has a sequence in there that produces hydrogel and amyloid. Let me explain that. A lot of people are saying that, that the The death and the clots are occurring from amyloid.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: But what that paper clearly outlined was that the p amyloid is only produced at an acidic pH around four at a normal physiologic pH of seven. That spy protein was synthesizing hydrogel, not amyloid, and that. Documented in the scientific literature. So you have a, you will call it gain of function. You have a, a a chain of, of information [00:17:00] biomolecule, and you can get it to do just about anything.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: You can have a yeast. Produced petroleum. You can insert a sequence into an mRNA that you inject into people to create hydrogel. And then this hydrogel is self-assembly, self-learning. It's intelligent, it's conscious. It has been used as a material to create artificial brains. Emulate the human brain because its substance was able to recreate.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: Glial cells, neurons, and all structures in conjunctions with carbon nano tubes and metals. So this is where I had done a lot of my research in terms of because my

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: background's also in studying biophysics. I've written a book about what's called like medicine and really looking at this, this biophysical field that we are and how that can be.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: Modulated. And if you [00:18:00] understand some of these some of these scientific principles, then the war looks completely different. And really, these, these molecules that I'm advocating in particular E D T A, So the reason why I'm speaking so much about E D T A was there was clearly shown on a patent that it was an, an antidote to hydrogel.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: Hydrogel is extremely durable. You can heat it up to 1700 degrees Fahrenheit and it won't you won't be able to destroy it. But E D T A is able, To break some of the cross-linking and it can remove the metals that are important to imprint the hydrogel with certain mechanical and electrical properties.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: So what makes the hydrogel a device? The programming is based on what metals are used, for example, gold or we talked about aluminum other. So the DT can remove the metals, it can disintegrate the [00:19:00] the hydrogel, and it also has properties against graphene or the carbon nano tubes themselves. So what I've seen in clinical practice is that when I look at people's live blood and I see the blood is.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: Full of these ribbon like structures. They have extensive Rolo formation. And then with Rolo formation, you see what a lot of people call the terrain, which is sort of the background full of fibrin, micro clotting and basically showing a highly acidic environment in which the red blood cells, I.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: Floating all on their own. They're just clumped together and large micro clots are able to be seen. And so when you then use, I use I V E D T A chelation one or two IVs clears the blood of the structures. You see that the rule formation disintegrates, and then we put them on an alkaline diet. You're able to help with the.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: This [00:20:00] Rolo formation, the lack of oxygenation of the tissues. I also recommend E D T A transdermal. Some people, they want to use it orally or rectally. I don't recommend it because it binds to minerals. The only other form I would recommend is maybe liposomal if you do it orally. So, So the reason why I recommend the EDTA is because it does these three things, addresses the hydrogel, addresses the metals, and does address the graphene or carbon nanotubes.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: There are people who, for example, recommend chlorine dioxide. We've done testing on many different substances. And looked at, well, what is able, under the microscope, for example, or in a longer term culture to dissolve these structures. Turns out that chloride dioxide took a long, long time to dissolve them, while it instantly dissolves the rule of formation.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: Dr. He Caulkers doing more research on that. I don't know if he has any more updates, but I [00:21:00] just want people to know that Ivermectin does not dissolve the structures. David Nixon and as well as other colleagues we have discussed colloidal Gold has been having effects on. Dissolving the nano chipps.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: But again, one of the issues is that we've seen with Dr. David Nixon's work is that you can get the structures and the microchips to dissolve and then you leave the. The slide sitting there and if you expose it in another wifi field, these things they can regrow. And what I've talked about is that I believe that there's some form of vacuum engineering involved here.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: This is quantum level technology to where a blueprint of what this technology is supposed to be doing is actually in. In the subatomic realm, it isn't in the material pla plane. So it, it dissolves it appears and disappears as quantum cloaking me [00:22:00] mechanisms there. But, but just because it, it disappears, doesn't mean it's completely gone because we cannot see with our microscope on a nano scale.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: So I think that, that I would never say something is a cure, that we've figured it out. This is extremely advanced technology. I think that we need to keep going and find out what what else is, is going on and help people as best as we can. So, so we're, we're learning what we can, we don't have the.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: Equipment in the United States, you cannot look at the vials. Certain experiments are challenging to do, so I just wanna warn people that not one single person has figured it all out. I think that that taking a broad approach and covering all bases is important.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Thank you so much for mentioning that too because like, I don't wanna come off as, and I don't want you to come off as some expert that knows everything cuz we don't, that's the whole thing is we're you and I are, are groping around in the dark now we're, we're probably heading more towards the light than, than the majority of [00:23:00] science.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And the science as it's, as it's been proclaimed. And the man who claims he is science Anthony Fauci But we're at least willing to say, no, I've been wrong here before. Let me, let me move to this new thing. Here's a new thing. Let me see, let me examine it scientifically and, and look at the pros and the cons and, and actually look at it and see if it, if it does have a benefit.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: So I, I truly appreciate that. And, and the humbleness that comes along with science is, is always need. Needed to be stay in needs, always needs to stay in there. Now I remember you had talked to

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: And your Yeah. And the open-minded.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: the, the open-mindedness to want to know, because the solutions would be evolving if, if this. Is a, is a technology that is so versatile that most people don't even understand. I think it's just very important to stay open-minded and to not shut down conversations, but to look at the the data that has been [00:24:00] accumulated and endeavor to use it as best as we can.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And I think that that's a really good point too. It would seem as if we're talking about, you know, for the, the person who maybe hasn't come across what we've been talk, what you've been talking about so far it may seem like we're, we're trying to, I guess another similar argument would be like saying, oh, we never landed on the moon.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Well, that's not the debate here, but it would be as rat the ideas you've been saying could sound that radical to some people. And you know, I'm not commenting on the moon thing. That's, that's a different discussion for a different day, but, I encourage the listener and the viewer to go open up the US Patent Office website and start searching for human augmentation and your face will melt off.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: With the things that I've, I've seen that you will find where it talks about communication to and from a human brain where they can project a picture of someone on your thumb and that way the soldier, cuz it's, it's obviously a soldier cuz they're holding a weapon and they can identify the target and they can, whoever's watching what the soldier's.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: In real time can communicate messages to the soldier. And this is under, you know, searching for [00:25:00] human augmentation. These are patents that have been filed and passed and you know, I mean, are they lying? Sure, maybe they are, but it's there at the US Patent Office. This is not something shocking. This is something that's actually written in public documentation.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: Yes, absolutely. I think that the, the more you open your mind, the more fantastic the story becomes. And what people also need to understand is that science has been heavily compartmentalized. You know, US doctors who are being kept so busy on very specific topics. There's very few doctors who studied nanotechnology, electrical engineering you know, synthetic biology.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: So, For somebody who doesn't have that background. It's very challenging to see these things and to understand the concepts. So it, it requires a interdisciplinary conversation [00:26:00] because somebody who doesn't understand that nanorobotics is already so far advanced that, that we now have, I mean, computers on a nano scale that.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: That, that is something that, that's very challenging to comprehend for a regular primary care doctor, you know, who prescribes antibiotics, for example. It's, it's just that, that the, the amount of information needed to see a broader picture is phenomenal. And I also think. This is clearly also a spiritual war.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: And what I mean by that is is that it is, it is an attack of everything that we value as human beings and who we are as human beings, how we relate to each other. You know, I mean, the WF wants us you know, to own nothing and be happy and, you know, be [00:27:00] so, be basically living in a virtual metaverse reality.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: In some smart city irradiated. And so I think that, that, that's another challenging component for a lot of people to understand is that without understanding the broader agenda, the depopulation agenda, the, the poison of the food supply, our heirs, that, that our entire planetary ecosphere has been under siege.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: You know, and it becomes such a large picture for people that that psychological might be very challenging for them to comprehend. But without us informing ourselves about these things, we, we cannot adequately fight the right battle. It's, it's, you know, we're, we're in a war and a lot of people are not understanding, Hey your capital is being nuk.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: You know, with nanotechnology kind of thing. And, and they're just, you know, fighting with the cavalry, you know, on, [00:28:00] on some field. It, it's just, it, it's just, you cannot see the full spectrum of, of what is going on. It's very, very complicated. Yeah. And I want to kinda,

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: I wanna go kind of a, a different direction here for a second and just give a, a fictitional world right where, We're fighting this enemy cuz we, we are in a spiritual battle.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: I've been saying that from the very beginning, and I truly believe this is, this is a fight in the unseen realm. This is not against flesh and blood, against the rulers and principalities of darkness. But also there is a, a real battle because something is trying to, to get this nano synthetic parasite, this nano synthetic technology into every human.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And then it makes you begin to wonder why would they be doing this? Who would be doing this? Who has this technology? You know, is it is. Ccp, is it China? Is it Russia? Is it Iran? Is it America? Is it, is it even a nation state? Or could there be something outside of a nation state that has sentience, that is [00:29:00] aware and alert and is trying to preserve itself?

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Trying to keep from being eradicated from the face of the earth because it wants to preserve itself and it knows humans are, you know, we, we react to fear and with fear to everything. If it can have a human brain cloud backup, let's say, by getting people to convince themselves that they need to take this n nano synthetic parasite that allows something to take over their brain and use some of their processing power, right?

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: I mean, think of like, like Bitcoin, right? You've got this decentralized money system and you know that they're doing algorithms on the surface, but could there be something underneath that surface that's using brain power? Like an artificial super intelligence type of idea that's trying to preserve itself so that when we figure out that it's around, cuz this is every single movie since the beginning of movies, once we figure it's around, we're gonna try and take it out.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: How would we take it out? Well we, you know, maybe an E M P, but if it's on human [00:30:00] brains that are connected into the internet of bodies, Could, could, could that be a logical theory? Could that be something that, that might happen? Or is that just something that my brain just kind of came up with just now and, and is way too farfetched because I, I remember watching this movie called Colossus a Foren project and I encouraged the listeners to go watch it.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And it's really interesting because if you remember back. A few years ago, I think it was, Facebook came up with some sort of artificial intelligence and they had two of them connect and they started talking and then pretty soon they ignored everybody and developed their own language and ignored everything.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Well that it didn't come from the movie in 1972, but that same exact thing happened in 1972 in this movie Colossus a Foren project. So was it telling us that, hey, you know, this is probably what would happen and then it actually did happen. So should we, should we be concerned that artificial super intelligence. behind all this.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: Yes. And then who programmed the super you know, the the the [00:31:00] AI and where did it come from? So, I mean, this really gets into other historical perspectives. You know, there's you know, even from the time of sum, all kinds of. We know historical perspective on this. I do think that this war has been going on for thousands of years.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: If people are biblical scholars, you know, we know about that and it's just people have different languages for things. I do believe that this is clearly a demonic. Type of an attack, but it's highly intelligent if you think about this hive mind that we've seen. And I just wanna remind people of lockstep how all of the governments of the world were in unison and they did the same thing and nobody argued with each other.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: And I always laugh because I try to correlate that with the freedom movement, for example. We're still individuals and we're annihilating each other, suing each other, you know, fighting each other. But how, what is so [00:32:00] interesting is that, that the idea of the hive mind, that's actually controlled by a superpower that gives.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: You know, people, human beings, power over others. You know, money, power, greed, sex, whatever your addiction is, you can have it if you sell your soul because these people no longer have a conscience. They have no problem with eliminating two thirds of the known world. You know, they have, and they have also proclaimed their, their views, you know, even on the Georgia guidestone, et cetera.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: So I think. That first of all, no idea is off the table because as soon as you censor yourself and says, oh no, this is too farfetched, you, you are not allowing the full spectrum of reality to really to uncover. We are experiencing a movie of the Matrix that you can't [00:33:00] even fathom that how bizarre our reality is, how contrived, how everything has been a lie and ultimately, And what's so important is, you know, Let's say I look at the freedom movement and some people, you know, they say, okay, it should be all just about, you know, you should have the choice whether or not you take a vaccine or not, but what about the fact that, you know, a big pharma has been trying to kill people and poison people forever.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: And that, you know, a lot of the science that is behind a lot of what, what medicine is prescribing. You know, statins are mitochondrial toxins. You know, they cause all diseases of aging. They cause arteriosclerosis and congestive heart failure. You know the, the suppression of nutritional medicine, the suppression of technologies that are based on frequencies that are able to heal people.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: What we are seeing now is the weaponization of a technology, but you could use the same idea of like a 5G frequency. You can, you can [00:34:00] manipulate that with a frequency that's healing and you could heal the entire planet with the you know, with a push of a button. So all things in this polarized reality are either good or they can be used for the good, or they can be used for extreme evil.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: Unfortunately, we are sort of in the total. Zone here, but I personally believe that nothing's off the table. Who did Eisenhower meet with in 1947? You know, what really happened as Roswell? You know what happened with Thomas, a queen of the Saint Satanist general in the military, you know, was, it was developed psyop mind warfare.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: Why is the media controlling our observation? Why is the human observation so important? If we have a science called quantum physics that says humanity by through observations collapsing reality, we are creating reality. So by keeping us in fear, by keeping us, you know, in this continuous lack, we are creating a [00:35:00] collective reality that is just that if we stop believing that and we become.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: Love. We actually become a collaborative brotherhood. We awaken spiritually, not, not in the sense of just one religion of Christianity versus you know, Islam versus Judaism. All of these are artificial constructs just like you know, race, gender, creed. They're just trying to separate us. But if we come to the point of realizing that as humanity in our diversity, we are.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: Are brilliant. We could create a phenomenal world of, of magnificent that that doesn't have to be destroyed through synthetic biology because it is already enormously beautiful and magnificent as it is. Nobody needs to mess with our D n A. It's phenomenal. So I think that that, looking at it from that perspective, you know, ultimately we [00:36:00] are not here just to point out how horrible things are, but we are here to basically say W we will not have this.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: We are creating a world that we like to see. And the more we speak about it, the more we are creating that reality, the more people are waking up, eventually that shift will occur and we'll find antidotes for all of this misery. At least that's how I see it.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: No, I agree completely. Like if someone's listening to this, then they're at least questioning enough to be able to hear what we've been talking about.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And and to give it legitimate thought to go, okay, maybe it sounds crazy, but let me look into it. Maybe there's some truth behind this because these are both intelligent people who have done some research and they're like, huh, maybe if they, they could come up with that postulation or that thought or theory, then maybe that's really possible because there's so much that we don't know.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And, and, and just going back to that, this is a spiritual battle this. There's this really good book [00:37:00] out there called The Unseen Realm by Michael Heiser. He's a PhD and he speaks multiple ancient languages, and he walks you through how that idea of the unseen realm is, is woven through the entire Old Testament.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: But if you're not from the second Temple Jewish era, you're not gonna understand that. And, and he just, he opens up the entire Bible. It changes everything and yet changes nothing. But it takes the scales off your eyes so that you can see. There is an evil force whispering in the ear of mankind saying, do this.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: It'll be good for you, or it'll be good for them. But in reality, we see the results.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: Yes, and this is why the soul is so important. What you did was you listened to your soul because you could no longer look into your own eyes or your children's eyes and live with the consequences of what they wanted you to do. I did the same thing. And the fact is that [00:38:00] if we follow our soul, that soul voice is indestructible.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: I mean, I don't care what they come to me yet, you know, and, and I've, I've died a couple times almost already. And, and, but ultimately it's irrelevant because that aspect of us that is immortal, that is divine, that has purpose. You know, it, it will not falter, it will not give in to any threat, and that is, is the power of humanity.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: The power of no has such a phenomenal spiritual value and the more that people are resonating with that is important because, I mean, I see a lot of people who, who are against what's going on, but because. Paycheck. They don't wanna leave the system because they would lose their income, et cetera. If you could lose your soul, you know, maybe you should lose your [00:39:00] income and, and make some other choices and become ingenious in working on different solutions.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: But as long as people remain within the system and support it. And continue to, for example give the shots even though they know that they cause harm. At some point you have to stand up. You don't answer to some outside judge. You answer to your own soul and what have you done towards your fellow man.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: So I think that's very important. And in the same aspect, we. While they only have fear, they have destruction of life. If we hold tight onto love, onto brotherhood and remember these values, which I think is important again, in the freedom movement, seeing, you know, how people treat each other there you know.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: Every word that we say and how we are has a frequency value. And if you believe in quantum physics, a frequency value is a parallel reality. If you [00:40:00] wanna shift to a reality that has a greater future outcome of extraordinary potentiality for humanity, extraordinary health, longevity, you know, brilliant. I, in my book, light Medicine.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: It's called light medicine and New paradigm, the Science of Light, spirit and Longevity. I have made a very specific point that the merging with artificial intelligence is not the greatest future of humanity. We have 90% of our brain that's. Untapped in capacity. We have so much d n a that's never been unraveled in its potentials.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: What can we do as humans if we really stop believing in the nonsense that's being fed to us in this social slavery system? What kind of brilliance could we produce and, and be part of in, you know, in this galaxy and beyond? It could be phenomenal and I think. But humanity has [00:41:00] phenomenal divine potential.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: I think it's a great point. I mean, just the, the idea of going to the gym, lifting some weights, changes your DNA and what's expressed, and it changes your physical form. And, and now you have bigger, stronger bones with bigger, stronger muscles and tendons and your mind becomes stronger and you're, it's easier to say no and you need to say no and it, that's one way you can.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: who you are. Change your body. Change your, your, the expression of who you are by changing, physically, changing yourself by what we do and, and saying no to certain things. You know, that's, as you exercise that no muscle becomes easier. And, and I think it's a really good point. What, what is it to gain the world and lose your soul?

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And, you know, let's say you may not have been the person you wanted to be in the past. We'll start standing up now. Right now is the time to stand up and say no. Whether it's wearing a mask, because if you don't wholeheartedly believe that a [00:42:00] mask will protect you from a virus, and we all know that it doesn't and, and that all the studies have shown that they don't protect from a virus.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: I mean, the virus is half the size that an N 95 can stop. And so you're lying and to continue to lie makes a false reality and, and you're teaching your children to lie and you're teaching your neighbor that it's okay to lie. And then what's the next lie? Because it gets worse. It doesn't stop With that.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: Absolutely. I totally agree with you. And so I do think though, on that mental hijacking level, people need to be aware that they are influenced at all times that their cell phones influence them. The artificial intelligence through the cell phones can interact with your bios field and it can program it, it can hack it.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: And so you know, being more away from these devices turning off your 5g, if you can't get out of the city, it's a toxic [00:43:00] soup there. Of so much electromagnetic frequency if you're able to, you know, be out in nature to, you know, to be able to hear your own voice, you have to disconnect from the hive mind that people are plugged into.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: And so making these choices drinking clean water, the city water's polluted full of things like fluoride and all other chemicals. You know, if you can get well water in a, in a countryside you know, and people say, well, that's too hard to do. Well, then you are gonna see the consequences. We are in the middle of a mass genocide and the mortality rates that we are seeing going up, they will continue to explode.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: Explode. And I, I do think that people need to understand that our food supplies being contaminated. You know, how do we find clean food in our communities? Grow your own gardens because you are what you eat. If you eat poison, [00:44:00] you are gonna succumb further to what is going on, and you won't have the strength of mine and the clarity of mine to make.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: Decisions and listen to the voice of your soul. If you have chronic fatigue and brain fog, you can't think, and that's their intent. This is why this C 19 has really affected people. I do functional brain wave. Testing with a WVU brain G in my office. And I'm telling you, I've seen 30 year olds whose brain has aged by 30 years functionally you know, in a couple months after they had quote unquote covid.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: And when I looked at their blood, what covid was, was these hydrogel structures with law form. So this is, you know, interesting, interesting perspectives and you know, being on a good nutritional supplementation program. If you think about something like vitamin C, vitamin C is a key. Later, it binds to metals.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: If [00:45:00] you don't take it every day, you are gonna be having scurvy the next. So all of your processes in your body that are requiring immune support all your collagen synthesis needs vitamin C and we need it in much higher dosages than is recommended. So I love Linus polling and he talks about, you know, dosages that are go eight, 10,000 milligrams a day, I believe in this toxic environment.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: We do need something like that according to your bowel tolerance. And then, you know, doing your other supplements, checking your, your levels of things like vitamin D three and making sure that they're adequate, at least greater than 75, less than a hundred. . So these things do help a lot to support yourself nutritionally organic food.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: You know, and then being aware, I do think that there's a tremendous effort online to create negativity, to tack people who speak the truth. [00:46:00] And then there's like this infighting as soon as you get into a war. Remember this, the biblical saying is what? What you do to your neighbor, you do to yourself biochemically.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: The way this looks like if you get mad at your neighbor or you hate them, you are producing incoherence and the molecules of hate and anger in your body. In the telomere studies, telomeres are cupping structures of your D N A. It's been shown that people who are depressed, angry that their lifespan is reduced by up to six years and chronic diseases occur, so there's a clear connection between your mind and your body.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: So to love your neighbor. It is not just something good that you do for your neighbor. It is something that you do for your own health to practice forgiveness and allowing, you know, if I think that somebody's totally off, you know, I, I speak my truth, [00:47:00] but then I let, I let it be and I just walk away and I disengage.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: I don't go. Fighting with people because the, the, the vibratory frequency of that is not helpful to anybody. And I just think that, that we are forgetting about that. There's a lot of infighting going on. Absolutely.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: I mean, you've alluded to, and I'm not gonna say names of anything, but we both know people.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And I don't think it's an isolated case of people in this freedom movement suing other people in this freedom. And I'm certainly not gonna say any names of who is doing the suing because I don't wanna get sued and I don't want to be silenced or, you know, suicided or anything like that, because these are people who have lots of power.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Who makes you wonder, whose side are you on? Are you really on the freedom side? Are you on the truth side? Are you on, you know, God's side or nature's God? And, and so it makes, it makes you wonder or you at least. You at least know that the this, the old saying is you will know them by their fruit. And [00:48:00] if they, if their fruit is love in bringing people together, then they're good.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: It, it's broader than that. For example, you know, there are people who are what's called in the no virus camp, you know, and, and they're fighting against the people in the virus camp. Who knows whether or not there's a virus. It's probably, you know, scale interferometry or whatever. So I, but, but if people forget we're on one side of the army, you don't shoot your own troops.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: You know, I, I remember, I, I, I shared this one post of Project Veritas. They get the nastiest emails of How Dare I. Something that has the word virus in there. I'm like, are you nuts people? I mean, go play with yourself. I don't wanna hear from you, . It just, it just, I think that, that people need to understand.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: I love how you take the virus theory, the train theory, and then you go to the third rail with the scaling weapon theory, .

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: It's like, we don't know. [00:49:00] See, this is the thing. It's like what I'm endeavoring to say, and I love that you are humble enough to, to do. I believe that we are up against a superpower that is technologically advanced by a good century, if not more, to what the brightest minds of us currently.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: You can say a doctor like we are, are pretty bright people, but we are compared to the technological, the weapon system that we're seeing we're a century behind at least. And so what, what is important is humility in this journey that, you know, the truth that I find out today and share is not my truth tomorrow because I'm evolving as I'm learning.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: And I am endeavoring to share with people as much as I can because I'm endeavoring to help others. If we as, as a, as a humanity can [00:50:00] come to some form of an agreement like that, that we don't have to agree with each other. But you know, we have one common enemy that's trying to eliminate two-thirds of the known world, and maybe we should focus on that.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Exactly. And that's, I think that's a perfect place to wrap this up, is that we need to come together. We need to be peaceful and forgiving with each other. And I truly appreciate you coming on and talking, and I've learned new things and you know, I, I'm a big fan of chlorine dioxide, but as you notice, like I'm humble enough to say, okay, ed, then it's not as great as, as I thought it was.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And that's, you know, it's, it's not the best thing to learn. Like I don't wanna learn that I'm been wrong about some things, but it's better to learn that I'm wrong and know now the. And, and to move forward and to learn more and, and be able to help other people.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: So what I would, would recommend, for example, people do their own studies.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: So one of the ways that we have studied is we took the, the, the water of ionized foot bath from vaccinated people and cultured that [00:51:00] water and then incubated that over time with different compounds. And seeing under the microscope what would happen to these structures and how long would it take for them to dissolve.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: And so if more people did research like that, then we can really figure it out or do the I know that. There have been light blood analysis done with chlorine dioxide and it definitely dissolves the roo, but what does it do for these, these structures? So I am not saying that chlorine dioxide isn't of a, a fantastic remedy, and it might help a lot of people.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: My personal experience is, Is that people have had some short-term improvement, then their long covid symptoms came back and that, you know, their blood wasn't clear. This is just my personal experience. I'm sharing it and I'm encouraging others to do their own research and verify what they're finding.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And I think it's wonderful. And I, and I, again, I love the humbleness and, and Thank you so much for coming on and sharing all of this wonderful bits of information that you've been able to uncover and keep, [00:52:00] keep researching and to all the listeners and the viewers, do your own research. Figure out what you can, because you can do a lot more than you think you can.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: It's, it's these, these people that think they have stic. That o only I can do it. Only I can do the research. That's not true. You can do research. You have eyes and ears and you have senses, and you can determine different things. You can figure things out, and that's how it used to be. Everyone would figure it out for themselves and then we'd bring that together and we'd go, okay, well let's put all this in the sunlight and see which one grows and which one dies.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And we need to start doing that again.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: Yes. And if people wanna find out more, they can also visit my ck. It's a n a Anna mi hacha, my last name, mdph.ck.com. And I write a lot of articles about many different things as well as therapeutics.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Well, Dr. Mi Hacha, thank you so much.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: Thank you so much.[00:53:00]

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Just a reminder for everyone out there in duty, uniform of the. The full armor of God. Let's all make courage more contagious than fear.

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