AWAKEN NOW, LIVING HUMANS!! MUST WATCH, MUST COMPREHEND: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART X Dawn of a New Day, with Jordan Maxwell
EVERY - U.S. - CITIZEN MUST UNDERSTAND THIS!!!: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART IX Incorporating America, with Jordan Maxwell
FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART VIII Secrets of the Dollar, with Jordan Maxwell
FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART VII Saturn and Secret Societies, with Jordan Maxwell
FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART VI Secret Legacy of Moses, with Jordan Maxwell
FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART V Solomon’s Temple & The Ark, with Jordan Maxwell
FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART IV Creating Man in Our Image, with Jordan Maxwell
FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART III Mazzaroth: Ordinances of Heaven, with Jordan Maxwell
FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART II Solar Worship, with Jordan Maxwell
FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART I The World Of The Occult, with Jordan Maxwell

AWAKEN NOW, LIVING HUMANS!! MUST WATCH, MUST COMPREHEND: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART X Dawn of a New Day, with Jordan Maxwell

1 year ago

In the "Eleventh Report Senate Investigating Committee on Education" published by the Senate of California in 1953, it says:
"So-called modern Communism is apparently the same hypocritical and deadly world conspiracy to destroy civilization, that was founded by the Secret Order of the Illuminati in Bavaria on May 1, 1776, and that raised its hoary head in our colonies here at the critical period before the adoption of our Federal Constitution. The world revolution conspiracy appears to have been so well organized as to be ever continuing, and ever on the alert to take advantage of every opportunity presenting itself, or that the conspirators could create. It is significant, in this connection, that as early as 1783, when unsettled conditions, and dissatisfaction in some quarters had arisen in the American Colonies, a subversive anonymous summons was circulated among the Colonial army, to incite dissatisfaction and rebellion. George Washington, who learned of the “Newburgh Conspiracy” through a printed camp circular, appeared at a March 15, 1783 meeting immediately called the army together, and in addressing the gathered group of officers, used this significant language:
“My God! What can this writer have in view, by recommending such measures! Can he be a friend to the army? Can he be a friend to this country? Rather is he not an insidious foe?” Towards the end of his address, Washington reached into his pocket to retrieve a pair of spectacles and in a theatrical gesture remarked that “…I have not only grown gray, but almost blind in service to my country.” This display of self-sacrifice from their longstanding leader deeply affected many of the officers who in turn abandoned their treasonous thoughts and returned the obvious affection of their leader."
"Since many intelligent persons, even in high official positions, do not appear to have acquainted themselves with the real nature and seriousness of Communism, it is, perhaps, appropriate, to give briefly, some really informative and authentic data concerning it. Communism, and Russia, are by no means synonymous. Russia merely occupies the unfortunate position of being Communism's first victim. Communism is synonymous with world revolution, and seeks the destruction of all nations, including abolition of patriotism, religion, marriage, the family, private property, and all political and civil liberties, and the establishment of a world-wide dictatorship of the so-called proletariat, which is an autocratic, self-constituted dictatorship, by a small group of self-perpetuating revolutionists. (See Report No 2290 House of Representatives 71st Congress Third Session).
Jordan Maxwell delves into the origin - and the meaning - of the phrase, “dawn of a new day,” exploring the occult significance of the sun and its rising. What he reveals may be the signs of an invisible empire rising up to guide the destiny of America.
Secret symbols have long been used to convey occult teachings and esoteric knowledge of the heavens, life on Earth and the meaning to our existence. For millennia, these secrets were kept by the criminal "elite", for their own benefit. By decoding ancient scriptures and symbols, we gain a new perspective of the clandestine forces which have guided human civilizations through the ages.
All around us are the secrets we seek to revealing our connection to the Universe and unlock the deepest truths of human destiny. In this ground-breaking series, Jordan Maxwell discloses what he has come to understand concerning the mysteries hidden in the secret life of symbols, that you were never intended to know. This knowledge frees us from the ties that have long bound us to a secret agenda controlling the course of human evolution.
Host: Jordan Maxwell
🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART I The World Of The Occult, with Jordan Maxwell
🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART II Solar Worship, with Jordan Maxwell
🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART III Mazzaroth: Ordinances of Heaven, with Jordan Maxwell
🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART IV Creating Man in Our Image, with Jordan Maxwell
🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART V Solomon’s Temple & The Ark, with Jordan Maxwell
🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART VI Secret Legacy of Moses, with Jordan Maxwell
🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART VII Saturn and Secret Societies, with Jordan Maxwell
🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART VIII Secrets of the Dollar, with Jordan Maxwell
🎥 Watch: EVERY U.S. CITIZEN MUST UNDERSTAND THIS!!!: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART IX Incorporating America, with Jordan Maxwell

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