Hidden Truth : a Tribute to Jordan Maxwell
10 videos
Updated 8 months ago
#Trbute 2 #JordanMaxwell
J O R D A N M A X W E L L aka Russell Pine (28 December 1940 - 23 March 2022 ) was a researcher and independent scholar in the fields of astro-theology, religion, secret societies, and the occult, with a focus on the foundations for modern-day religion and government. He began his work in 1959 and has produced numerous video lectures and documentaries on these subjects.
He served for three-and-a-half years as the Religion Editor of Truth Seeker Magazine, America’s oldest Freethought Journal (since 1873).
Read his extended bio
Tribute to
" The more you educate yourself the more you understand where things come from the more obvious things become and you begin to see lies everywhere. You have to know the truth and seek the truth and the truth will set you free"
AWAKEN NOW, LIVING HUMANS!! MUST WATCH, MUST COMPREHEND: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART X Dawn of a New Day, with Jordan Maxwell
RAVriesIn the "Eleventh Report Senate Investigating Committee on Education" published by the Senate of California in 1953, it says: . "So-called modern Communism is apparently the same hypocritical and deadly world conspiracy to destroy civilization, that was founded by the Secret Order of the Illuminati in Bavaria on May 1, 1776, and that raised its hoary head in our colonies here at the critical period before the adoption of our Federal Constitution. The world revolution conspiracy appears to have been so well organized as to be ever continuing, and ever on the alert to take advantage of every opportunity presenting itself, or that the conspirators could create. It is significant, in this connection, that as early as 1783, when unsettled conditions, and dissatisfaction in some quarters had arisen in the American Colonies, a subversive anonymous summons was circulated among the Colonial army, to incite dissatisfaction and rebellion. George Washington, who learned of the “Newburgh Conspiracy” through a printed camp circular, appeared at a March 15, 1783 meeting immediately called the army together, and in addressing the gathered group of officers, used this significant language: . “My God! What can this writer have in view, by recommending such measures! Can he be a friend to the army? Can he be a friend to this country? Rather is he not an insidious foe?” Towards the end of his address, Washington reached into his pocket to retrieve a pair of spectacles and in a theatrical gesture remarked that “…I have not only grown gray, but almost blind in service to my country.” This display of self-sacrifice from their longstanding leader deeply affected many of the officers who in turn abandoned their treasonous thoughts and returned the obvious affection of their leader." & "Since many intelligent persons, even in high official positions, do not appear to have acquainted themselves with the real nature and seriousness of Communism, it is, perhaps, appropriate, to give briefly, some really informative and authentic data concerning it. Communism, and Russia, are by no means synonymous. Russia merely occupies the unfortunate position of being Communism's first victim. Communism is synonymous with world revolution, and seeks the destruction of all nations, including abolition of patriotism, religion, marriage, the family, private property, and all political and civil liberties, and the establishment of a world-wide dictatorship of the so-called proletariat, which is an autocratic, self-constituted dictatorship, by a small group of self-perpetuating revolutionists. (See Report No 2290 House of Representatives 71st Congress Third Session). . Jordan Maxwell delves into the origin - and the meaning - of the phrase, “dawn of a new day,” exploring the occult significance of the sun and its rising. What he reveals may be the signs of an invisible empire rising up to guide the destiny of America. . Secret symbols have long been used to convey occult teachings and esoteric knowledge of the heavens, life on Earth and the meaning to our existence. For millennia, these secrets were kept by the criminal "elite", for their own benefit. By decoding ancient scriptures and symbols, we gain a new perspective of the clandestine forces which have guided human civilizations through the ages. . All around us are the secrets we seek to revealing our connection to the Universe and unlock the deepest truths of human destiny. In this ground-breaking series, Jordan Maxwell discloses what he has come to understand concerning the mysteries hidden in the secret life of symbols, that you were never intended to know. This knowledge frees us from the ties that have long bound us to a secret agenda controlling the course of human evolution. . Host: Jordan Maxwell 🔻👇🏼🔻 OTHER RELATED: 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART I The World Of The Occult, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29cy2k-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-the-world-of-the-occult-with-jordan-max.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART II Solar Worship, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29e2zw-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-ii-solar-worship-with-jordan-maxwe.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART III Mazzaroth: Ordinances of Heaven, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29hcoq-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-iii-mazzaroth-ordinances-of-heaven.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART IV Creating Man in Our Image, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29hmok-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-iv-creating-man-in-our-image-with-.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART V Solomon’s Temple & The Ark, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29iiji-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-v-solomons-temple-and-the-ark-with.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART VI Secret Legacy of Moses, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29mdok-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-vi-secret-legacy-of-moses-with-jor.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART VII Saturn and Secret Societies, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29mjg6-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-vii-saturn-and-secret-societies-wi.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART VIII Secrets of the Dollar, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29nghw-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-viii-secrets-of-the-dollar-with-jo.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: EVERY U.S. CITIZEN MUST UNDERSTAND THIS!!!: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART IX Incorporating America, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29r5gg-every-u.s.-citizen-must-understand-this-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols.html5.97K views 1 comment -
EVERY - U.S. - CITIZEN MUST UNDERSTAND THIS!!!: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART IX Incorporating America, with Jordan Maxwell
RAVriesJordan Maxwell shares information he has collected which shows that the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA has been established as a federal corporation, and that we are all its assets, securities. . Secret symbols have long been used to convey occult teachings and esoteric knowledge of the heavens, life on Earth and the meaning to our existence. For millennia, these secrets were kept by the criminal "elite", for their own benefit. By decoding ancient scriptures and symbols, we gain a new perspective of the clandestine forces which have guided human civilizations through the ages. . All around us are the secrets we seek to revealing our connection to the Universe and unlock the deepest truths of human destiny. In this ground-breaking series, Jordan Maxwell discloses what he has come to understand concerning the mysteries hidden in the secret life of symbols, that you were never intended to know. This knowledge frees us from the ties that have long bound us to a secret agenda controlling the course of human evolution. . Host: Jordan Maxwell 🔻👇🏼🔻 OTHER RELATED: 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART I The World Of The Occult, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29cy2k-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-the-world-of-the-occult-with-jordan-max.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART II Solar Worship, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29e2zw-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-ii-solar-worship-with-jordan-maxwe.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART III Mazzaroth: Ordinances of Heaven, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29hcoq-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-iii-mazzaroth-ordinances-of-heaven.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART IV Creating Man in Our Image, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29hmok-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-iv-creating-man-in-our-image-with-.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART V Solomon’s Temple & The Ark, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29iiji-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-v-solomons-temple-and-the-ark-with.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART VI Secret Legacy of Moses, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29mdok-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-vi-secret-legacy-of-moses-with-jor.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART VII Saturn and Secret Societies, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29mjg6-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-vii-saturn-and-secret-societies-wi.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART VIII Secrets of the Dollar, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29nghw-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-viii-secrets-of-the-dollar-with-jo.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: AWAKEN NOW, LIVING HUMANS!! MUST WATCH, MUST COMPREHEND: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART X Dawn of a New Day, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29rej8-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-x-dawn-of-a-new-day-with-jordan-ma.html 🔻👇🏼🔻 BE SURE TO ALSO WATCH, & COMPREHEND, THE FOLLOWING VIDEOS!! 🔻 🎥 Watch: CROWN (aka Corp. of London) - Holy See - Global Slavery system based on a Vatican Papal Bull of 1302 https://rumble.com/v296b7e-crown-aka-corp.-of-london-holy-see-global-slavery-system-based-on-a-vatican.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=31 🔻 🎥 Watch: THE BIG PLANTATION - The UNITED STATES is a Corporation + 1933 Bankruptcy https://rumble.com/v294tew-the-big-plantation-the-united-states-is-a-corporation-1933-bankruptcy.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=29🔻 🎥 Watch: An Introduction to THE OCCULT ART OF LAW. ABSOLUTE MUST WATCH!! How the CORPORATE Take Over of the Planet is Being Fulfilled https://rumble.com/v28kau4-an-introduction-to-the-occult-art-of-law-how-the-corporate-take-over-of-the.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=31🔻 🎥 Watch: It's an Illusion - John Harris (Full Length). ABSOLUTE MUST WATCH!! Lawful Rebellion Conference British Constitution Group, Stoke-on-Trent, 24th January, 2009 https://rumble.com/v28mugc-its-an-illusion-john-harris-full-length.-lawful-rebellion-conference-britis.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=31 🔻 🎥 Watch: David Icke: “Common Law Is the Real Law of the Land”. Understand & Disconnect Yourself From the Deceit of Statute Law https://rumble.com/v20lkhe-david-icke-common-law-is-the-real-law-of-the-land..html 🔻 🎥 Watch: Understand UCC Maritime Admiralty Law & Liberate Yourself From Commercial Globalist Enslavement https://rumble.com/v1qsgpy-understand-ucc-maritime-admiralty-law-and-liberate-yourself-from-commercial.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: Sacha Stone interviews Bibi Bacchus: HOW TO OWN “YOUR” STRAWMAN & LIBERATE YOURSELF FROM THIS CORPORATE GLOBALIST BANKERS SLAVERY SYSTEM https://rumble.com/v1qlr4v-how-to-own-your-strawman-and-liberate-yourself-from-this-corporate-globalis.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: THE LEGAL FICTION: The Nature of the Cage That We ALL Can & Must Walk Away From. END GLOBAL SLAVERY! https://rumble.com/v1qbv83-the-legal-fiction-the-nature-of-the-cage-that-we-all-can-and-must-walk-away.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: THE UNITED STATES & THE WORLD ARE A CORPORATE ROTHSCHILD (BRITISH “CROWN”) OWNED & RUN SLAVE COLONY https://rumble.com/v1qb1lz-the-united-states-and-the-world-are-a-corporate-rothschild-british-crown-ow.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: Pandemic is the New Eufemism for Financial Coup & the Radical Engineering of Global Governance https://rumble.com/v1riphc-pandemic-is-the-new-eufemism-for-financial-coup-and-the-radical-engineering.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: Central Banks: The use of sovereign immunities and secrecy to engineer a global coup - Deliverance from Deceit 2022 https://rumble.com/v1snrj2-central-banks-the-use-of-sovereign-immunities-and-secrecy-to-engineer-a-glo.html17.5K views 13 comments -
FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART VIII Secrets of the Dollar, with Jordan Maxwell
RAVriesMoney does indeed have value, but it may not be what you think. Jordon Maxell discusses the origin of our money and secrets of the dollar. These are not just the esoteric symbols we all see, but the underlying intent encoded within each bill. . Secret symbols have long been used to convey occult teachings and esoteric knowledge of the heavens, life on Earth and the meaning to our existence. For millennia, these secrets were kept by the criminal "elite", for their own benefit. By decoding ancient scriptures and symbols, we gain a new perspective of the clandestine forces which have guided human civilizations through the ages. . All around us are the secrets we seek to revealing our connection to the Universe and unlock the deepest truths of human destiny. In this ground-breaking series, Jordan Maxwell discloses what he has come to understand concerning the mysteries hidden in the secret life of symbols, that you were never intended to know. This knowledge frees us from the ties that have long bound us to a secret agenda controlling the course of human evolution. . Host: Jordan Maxwell 🔻👇🏼🔻 OTHER RELATED: 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART I The World Of The Occult, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29cy2k-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-the-world-of-the-occult-with-jordan-max.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART II Solar Worship, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29e2zw-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-ii-solar-worship-with-jordan-maxwe.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART III Mazzaroth: Ordinances of Heaven, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29hcoq-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-iii-mazzaroth-ordinances-of-heaven.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART IV Creating Man in Our Image, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29hmok-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-iv-creating-man-in-our-image-with-.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART V Solomon’s Temple & The Ark, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29iiji-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-v-solomons-temple-and-the-ark-with.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART VI Secret Legacy of Moses, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29mdok-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-vi-secret-legacy-of-moses-with-jor.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART VII Saturn and Secret Societies, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29mjg6-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-vii-saturn-and-secret-societies-wi.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: EVERY U.S. CITIZEN MUST UNDERSTAND THIS!!!: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART IX Incorporating America, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29r5gg-every-u.s.-citizen-must-understand-this-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: AWAKEN NOW, LIVING HUMANS!! MUST WATCH, MUST COMPREHEND: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART X Dawn of a New Day, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29rej8-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-x-dawn-of-a-new-day-with-jordan-ma.html6.63K views 1 comment -
FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART VII Saturn and Secret Societies, with Jordan Maxwell
RAVriesJordan Maxwell details many of the secrets of Saturn that have not been made known to the public. Saturn has been one of the most dominant figures in occult history, major religions, and political powers since the earliest days of human civilization. . He discloses what he has come to understand concerning the mysteries hidden in the secret life of symbols, that you were never intended to know. This knowledge frees us from the ties that have long bound us to a secret agenda controlling the course of human evolution. . Secret symbols have long been used to convey occult teachings and esoteric knowledge of the heavens, life on Earth and the meaning to our existence. For millennia, these secrets were kept by the criminal "elite", for their own benefit. By decoding ancient scriptures and symbols, we gain a new perspective of the clandestine forces which have guided human civilizations through the ages. . All around us are the secrets we seek to revealing our connection to the Universe and unlock the deepest truths of human destiny. In this ground-breaking series, Jordan Maxwell discloses what he has come to understand concerning the mysteries hidden in the secret life of symbols, that you were never intended to know. This knowledge frees us from the ties that have long bound us to a secret agenda controlling the course of human evolution. . Host: Jordan Maxwell 🔻👇🏼🔻 OTHER RELATED: 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART I The World Of The Occult, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29cy2k-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-the-world-of-the-occult-with-jordan-max.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART II Solar Worship, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29e2zw-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-ii-solar-worship-with-jordan-maxwe.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART III Mazzaroth: Ordinances of Heaven, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29hcoq-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-iii-mazzaroth-ordinances-of-heaven.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART IV Creating Man in Our Image, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29hmok-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-iv-creating-man-in-our-image-with-.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART V Solomon’s Temple & The Ark, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29iiji-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-v-solomons-temple-and-the-ark-with.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART VI Secret Legacy of Moses, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29mdok-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-vi-secret-legacy-of-moses-with-jor.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART VIII Secrets of the Dollar, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29nghw-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-viii-secrets-of-the-dollar-with-jo.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: EVERY U.S. CITIZEN MUST UNDERSTAND THIS!!!: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART IX Incorporating America, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29r5gg-every-u.s.-citizen-must-understand-this-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: AWAKEN NOW, LIVING HUMANS!! MUST WATCH, MUST COMPREHEND: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART X Dawn of a New Day, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29rej8-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-x-dawn-of-a-new-day-with-jordan-ma.html6.78K views 6 comments -
FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART VI Secret Legacy of Moses, with Jordan Maxwell
RAVriesJordan Maxwell traces the history of Moses from the early days of moon worship, through the ages of the zodiac, and how this figure of the law giver plays into modern society. . He discloses what he has come to understand concerning the mysteries hidden in the secret life of symbols, that you were never intended to know. This knowledge frees us from the ties that have long bound us to a secret agenda controlling the course of human evolution. . Secret symbols have long been used to convey occult teachings and esoteric knowledge of the heavens, life on Earth and the meaning to our existence. For millennia, these secrets were kept by the criminal "elite", for their own benefit. By decoding ancient scriptures and symbols, we gain a new perspective of the clandestine forces which have guided human civilizations through the ages. . All around us are the secrets we seek to revealing our connection to the Universe and unlock the deepest truths of human destiny. In this ground-breaking series, Jordan Maxwell discloses what he has come to understand concerning the mysteries hidden in the secret life of symbols, that you were never intended to know. This knowledge frees us from the ties that have long bound us to a secret agenda controlling the course of human evolution. . Host: Jordan Maxwell 🔻👇🏼🔻 OTHER RELATED: 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART I The World Of The Occult, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29cy2k-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-the-world-of-the-occult-with-jordan-max.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART II Solar Worship, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29e2zw-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-ii-solar-worship-with-jordan-maxwe.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART III Mazzaroth: Ordinances of Heaven, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29hcoq-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-iii-mazzaroth-ordinances-of-heaven.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART IV Creating Man in Our Image, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29hmok-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-iv-creating-man-in-our-image-with-.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART V Solomon’s Temple & The Ark, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29iiji-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-v-solomons-temple-and-the-ark-with.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART VII Saturn and Secret Societies, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29mjg6-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-vii-saturn-and-secret-societies-wi.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART VIII Secrets of the Dollar, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29nghw-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-viii-secrets-of-the-dollar-with-jo.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: EVERY U.S. CITIZEN MUST UNDERSTAND THIS!!!: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART IX Incorporating America, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29r5gg-every-u.s.-citizen-must-understand-this-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: AWAKEN NOW, LIVING HUMANS!! MUST WATCH, MUST COMPREHEND: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART X Dawn of a New Day, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29rej8-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-x-dawn-of-a-new-day-with-jordan-ma.html5.72K views -
FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART V Solomon’s Temple & The Ark, with Jordan Maxwell
RAVriesThe Ark of the Covenant and King Solomon’s Temple leaves many baffled when searching for proof of their existence. Jordan Maxwell brings forward revelations from his years of research into what happened to them. . Learn how the world of today, is the world of yesterday, shaped by occult symbols that represent forces that are thousands of years old. Learn how nothing we were ever taught, and believed in, was truth, and how truth always was, and still is, what we were never taught, nor believed in. . Jordan Maxwell discloses what he has come to understand concerning the mysteries hidden in the secret life of symbols, that you were never intended to know. This knowledge frees us from the ties that have long bound us to a secret agenda controlling the course of human evolution. . Secret symbols have long been used to convey occult teachings and esoteric knowledge of the heavens, life on Earth and the meaning to our existence. For millennia, these secrets were kept by the criminal "elite", for their own benefit. By decoding ancient scriptures and symbols, we gain a new perspective of the clandestine forces which have guided human civilizations through the ages. . All around us are the secrets we seek to revealing our connection to the Universe and unlock the deepest truths of human destiny. In this ground-breaking series, Jordan Maxwell discloses what he has come to understand concerning the mysteries hidden in the secret life of symbols, that you were never intended to know. This knowledge frees us from the ties that have long bound us to a secret agenda controlling the course of human evolution. . Host: Jordan Maxwell 🔻👇🏼🔻 OTHER RELATED: 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART I The World Of The Occult, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29cy2k-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-the-world-of-the-occult-with-jordan-max.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART II Solar Worship, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29e2zw-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-ii-solar-worship-with-jordan-maxwe.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART III Mazzaroth: Ordinances of Heaven, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29hcoq-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-iii-mazzaroth-ordinances-of-heaven.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART IV Creating Man in Our Image, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29hmok-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-iv-creating-man-in-our-image-with-.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART VI Secret Legacy of Moses, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29mdok-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-vi-secret-legacy-of-moses-with-jor.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART VII Saturn and Secret Societies, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29mjg6-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-vii-saturn-and-secret-societies-wi.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART VIII Secrets of the Dollar, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29nghw-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-viii-secrets-of-the-dollar-with-jo.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: EVERY U.S. CITIZEN MUST UNDERSTAND THIS!!!: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART IX Incorporating America, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29r5gg-every-u.s.-citizen-must-understand-this-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: AWAKEN NOW, LIVING HUMANS!! MUST WATCH, MUST COMPREHEND: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART X Dawn of a New Day, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29rej8-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-x-dawn-of-a-new-day-with-jordan-ma.html7.47K views -
FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART IV Creating Man in Our Image, with Jordan Maxwell
RAVries""...., No! The correct way to understand it, is that, the Gods said, "Come, let us make man, in OUR image. After OUR likeness. Not make man, but let's make him in OUR image, after OUR likeness." -- Well that of course implies, that we have been tampered with, with our DNA. This is maybe a long time ago, but nonetheless, we've been tampered with, and we still are today!" & "It begins to open up a whole new understanding about, why we appear on Earth as we do. It begins to look like that we are looking today, like our creator, the creators who created us!, or.., messed with our DNA..!, and caused us to begin more and more, to look like them! So that opens up a whole new can of worms also!, to show that there’s more than one God! And so we look like, the Gods that created us! The reason I’m showing so many scriptures.., I want you to understand!, all bibles are saying basically the same thing." ~ Jordan Maxwell . Jordan Maxwell brings forward translations of biblical texts which suggests something far different about Gods and about human, than what many people believe today. . The destiny of humanity is best understood by knowing the ordinances of Heaven. These are laws that govern the Heavens and Earth. Jordan Maxwell brings forward several biblical passages referring to the zodiac as signs of the ages to come. . Learn how the world of today, is the world of yesterday, shaped by occult symbols that represent forces that are thousands of years old. Learn how nothing we were ever taught, and believed in, was truth, and how truth always was, and still is, what we were never taught, nor believed in. . Jordan Maxwell discloses what he has come to understand concerning the mysteries hidden in the secret life of symbols, that you were never intended to know. This knowledge frees us from the ties that have long bound us to a secret agenda controlling the course of human evolution. . Secret symbols have long been used to convey occult teachings and esoteric knowledge of the heavens, life on Earth and the meaning to our existence. For millennia, these secrets were kept by the criminal "elite", for their own benefit. By decoding ancient scriptures and symbols, we gain a new perspective of the clandestine forces which have guided human civilizations through the ages. . All around us are the secrets we seek to revealing our connection to the Universe and unlock the deepest truths of human destiny. In this ground-breaking series, Jordan Maxwell discloses what he has come to understand concerning the mysteries hidden in the secret life of symbols, that you were never intended to know. This knowledge frees us from the ties that have long bound us to a secret agenda controlling the course of human evolution. . Host: Jordan Maxwell 🔻👇🏼🔻 OTHER RELATED: 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART I The World Of The Occult, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29cy2k-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-the-world-of-the-occult-with-jordan-max.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART II Solar Worship, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29e2zw-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-ii-solar-worship-with-jordan-maxwe.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART III Mazzaroth: Ordinances of Heaven, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29hcoq-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-iii-mazzaroth-ordinances-of-heaven.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART V Solomon’s Temple & The Ark, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29iiji-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-v-solomons-temple-and-the-ark-with.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART VI Secret Legacy of Moses, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29mdok-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-vi-secret-legacy-of-moses-with-jor.html🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART VII Saturn and Secret Societies, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29mjg6-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-vii-saturn-and-secret-societies-wi.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART VIII Secrets of the Dollar, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29nghw-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-viii-secrets-of-the-dollar-with-jo.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: EVERY U.S. CITIZEN MUST UNDERSTAND THIS!!!: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART IX Incorporating America, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29r5gg-every-u.s.-citizen-must-understand-this-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: AWAKEN NOW, LIVING HUMANS!! MUST WATCH, MUST COMPREHEND: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART X Dawn of a New Day, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29rej8-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-x-dawn-of-a-new-day-with-jordan-ma.html10.6K views 7 comments -
FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART III Mazzaroth: Ordinances of Heaven, with Jordan Maxwell
RAVries"And so we need to realize that, all the different religions, are basically telling us, certain things, about the ordinances of Heaven. I think it would help the world, in where we're going, if we all start looking at symbols and emblems, and educating ourselves to what these things mean.." ~Jordan Maxwell . The destiny of humanity is best understood by knowing the ordinances of Heaven. These are laws that govern the Heavens and Earth. Jordan Maxwell brings forward several biblical passages referring to the zodiac as signs of the ages to come. . Learn how the world of today, is the world of yesterday, shaped by occult symbols that represent forces that are thousands of years old. Learn how nothing we were ever taught, and believed in, was truth, and how truth always was, and still is, what we were never taught, nor believed in. . Jordan Maxwell discloses what he has come to understand concerning the mysteries hidden in the secret life of symbols, that you were never intended to know. This knowledge frees us from the ties that have long bound us to a secret agenda controlling the course of human evolution. . Secret symbols have long been used to convey occult teachings and esoteric knowledge of the heavens, life on Earth and the meaning to our existence. For millennia, these secrets were kept by the criminal "elite", for their own benefit. By decoding ancient scriptures and symbols, we gain a new perspective of the clandestine forces which have guided human civilizations through the ages. . All around us are the secrets we seek to revealing our connection to the Universe and unlock the deepest truths of human destiny. In this ground-breaking series, Jordan Maxwell discloses what he has come to understand concerning the mysteries hidden in the secret life of symbols, that you were never intended to know. This knowledge frees us from the ties that have long bound us to a secret agenda controlling the course of human evolution. . Host: Jordan Maxwell 🔻👇🏼🔻 OTHER RELATED: 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART I The World Of The Occult, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29cy2k-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-the-world-of-the-occult-with-jordan-max.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART II Solar Worship, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29e2zw-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-ii-solar-worship-with-jordan-maxwe.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART IV Creating Man in Our Image, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29hmok-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-iv-creating-man-in-our-image-with-.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART V Solomon’s Temple & The Ark, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29iiji-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-v-solomons-temple-and-the-ark-with.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART VI Secret Legacy of Moses, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29mdok-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-vi-secret-legacy-of-moses-with-jor.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART VII Saturn and Secret Societies, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29mjg6-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-vii-saturn-and-secret-societies-wi.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART VIII Secrets of the Dollar, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29nghw-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-viii-secrets-of-the-dollar-with-jo.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: EVERY U.S. CITIZEN MUST UNDERSTAND THIS!!!: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART IX Incorporating America, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29r5gg-every-u.s.-citizen-must-understand-this-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: AWAKEN NOW, LIVING HUMANS!! MUST WATCH, MUST COMPREHEND: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART X Dawn of a New Day, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29rej8-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-x-dawn-of-a-new-day-with-jordan-ma.html9.19K views -
FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART II Solar Worship, with Jordan Maxwell
RAVriesThe sun has always held a prominent role in religion since the beginning of humanity. Because of the many cultures that worshiped the sun, and applied it to their own gods and religious practice, solar worship may be the greatest story ever told. . Learn how the world of today, is the world of yesterday, shaped by occult symbols that represent forces that are thousands of years old. Learn how nothing we were ever taught, and believed in, was truth, and how truth always was, and still is, what we were never taught, nor believed in. . Jordan Maxwell discloses what he has come to understand concerning the mysteries hidden in the secret life of symbols, that you were never intended to know. This knowledge frees us from the ties that have long bound us to a secret agenda controlling the course of human evolution. . Secret symbols have long been used to convey occult teachings and esoteric knowledge of the heavens, life on Earth and the meaning to our existence. For millennia, these secrets were kept by the criminal "elite", for their own benefit. By decoding ancient scriptures and symbols, we gain a new perspective of the clandestine forces which have guided human civilizations through the ages. . All around us are the secrets we seek to revealing our connection to the Universe and unlock the deepest truths of human destiny. In this ground-breaking series, Jordan Maxwell discloses what he has come to understand concerning the mysteries hidden in the secret life of symbols, that you were never intended to know. This knowledge frees us from the ties that have long bound us to a secret agenda controlling the course of human evolution. . Host: Jordan Maxwell 🔻👇🏼🔻 OTHER RELATED: 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART I The World Of The Occult, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29cy2k-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-the-world-of-the-occult-with-jordan-max.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART III Mazzaroth: Ordinances of Heaven, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29hcoq-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-iii-mazzaroth-ordinances-of-heaven.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART IV Creating Man in Our Image, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29hmok-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-iv-creating-man-in-our-image-with-.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART V Solomon’s Temple & The Ark, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29iiji-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-v-solomons-temple-and-the-ark-with.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART VI Secret Legacy of Moses, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29mdok-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-vi-secret-legacy-of-moses-with-jor.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART VII Saturn and Secret Societies, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29mjg6-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-vii-saturn-and-secret-societies-wi.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART VIII Secrets of the Dollar, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29nghw-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-viii-secrets-of-the-dollar-with-jo.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: EVERY U.S. CITIZEN MUST UNDERSTAND THIS!!!: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART IX Incorporating America, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29r5gg-every-u.s.-citizen-must-understand-this-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: AWAKEN NOW, LIVING HUMANS!! MUST WATCH, MUST COMPREHEND: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART X Dawn of a New Day, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29rej8-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-x-dawn-of-a-new-day-with-jordan-ma.html9.49K views 12 comments -
FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART I The World Of The Occult, with Jordan Maxwell
RAVriesLearn how the world of today, is the world of yesterday, shaped by occult symbols that represent forces that are thousands of years old. Learn how nothing we were ever taught, and believed in, was truth, and how truth always was, and still is, what we were never taught, nor believed in. . We live in a world filled with occult symbols and the signs are all around us. Jordan Maxwell takes us on a journey through time and the human mind to reveal his understanding of the secrets behind many of the symbols we see in our world. . Jordan Maxwell discloses what he has come to understand concerning the mysteries hidden in the secret life of symbols, that you were never intended to know. This knowledge frees us from the ties that have long bound us to a secret agenda controlling the course of human evolution. . Secret symbols have long been used to convey occult teachings and esoteric knowledge of the heavens, life on Earth and the meaning to our existence. For millennia, these secrets were kept by the criminal "elite", for their own benefit. By decoding ancient scriptures and symbols, we gain a new perspective of the clandestine forces which have guided human civilizations through the ages. . All around us are the secrets we seek to revealing our connection to the Universe and unlock the deepest truths of human destiny. In this ground-breaking series, Jordan Maxwell discloses what he has come to understand concerning the mysteries hidden in the secret life of symbols, that you were never intended to know. This knowledge frees us from the ties that have long bound us to a secret agenda controlling the course of human evolution. . Host: Jordan Maxwell 🔻👇🏼🔻 OTHER RELATED: 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART II Solar Worship, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29e2zw-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-ii-solar-worship-with-jordan-maxwe.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART III Mazzaroth: Ordinances of Heaven, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29hcoq-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-iii-mazzaroth-ordinances-of-heaven.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART IV Creating Man in Our Image, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29hmok-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-iv-creating-man-in-our-image-with-.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART V Solomon’s Temple & The Ark, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29iiji-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-v-solomons-temple-and-the-ark-with.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART VI Secret Legacy of Moses, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29mdok-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-vi-secret-legacy-of-moses-with-jor.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART VII Saturn and Secret Societies, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29mjg6-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-vii-saturn-and-secret-societies-wi.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART VIII Secrets of the Dollar, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29nghw-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-viii-secrets-of-the-dollar-with-jo.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: EVERY U.S. CITIZEN MUST UNDERSTAND THIS!!!: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART IX Incorporating America, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29r5gg-every-u.s.-citizen-must-understand-this-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: AWAKEN NOW, LIVING HUMANS!! MUST WATCH, MUST COMPREHEND: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART X Dawn of a New Day, with Jordan Maxwell https://rumble.com/v29rej8-full-episode-secret-life-of-symbols-part-x-dawn-of-a-new-day-with-jordan-ma.html21.6K views 14 comments