🔬#MESExperiments 21: Added Weight Can Make a Gyroscope Rise Faster

2 years ago

In #MESExperiments 21 I go over a discovery I made early last year which flipped my already flipped understanding of gyroscopes, and that is adding extra weight to a gyroscope can make it rise faster. In some cases, this experiment being one of them, the rate of rising can be significantly faster. This video compares the rising rate of a 100.63 gram toy gyroscope with and without an extra 29.67 g putty weight. Initially both gyros start off at about 48° and somehow the weight added gyro rises about 2.71 times faster; 14 seconds vs. 38 seconds. Gyros rising on their own are amazing enough, but the ability for some gyroscopes (not all as future experiments will show) to rise much faster with relatively heavy weight added quite literally flies in the face of the conventional view of gravity.

Shouldn't gravity make things go down not up?! ;)

The original unedited experiments are shown in the links below:

- No weight added test: https://youtu.be/GUFSjbiLFw4
- Weight added test: https://youtu.be/agBSVjmE-nM

The full experiment results are tabulated, graphed, and presented on Hive: https://peakd.com/mesexperiments/@mes/mesexperiments-21-added-weight-can-make-a-gyroscope-rise-faster-magic

Although the weight added gyro rose much faster, it also had a much shorter “sleep” period and also fell down much sooner too. Interestingly, the unweighted gyro took about 2.7 times the time to rise as well as 2.7 times the overall time before fall than that of the weighted gyro. This raises some possible relationship between rising rate and overall balancing time.

Note that the weighted gyro has significantly more “rotational inertia” from the non-spinning extra mass which effectively throws the gyro off the support resulting in a shorter sleep and overall shorter balancing period.

The full sequence of events and weight measurements are also presented on Hive.

Stay Tuned for #MESExperiments 22…

Related Videos:

🔬#MESExperiments 11: Increasing Gyroscope Spin Speed Doesn't Necessarily Increase Rising Rate: https://peakd.com/mesexperiments/@mes/mesexperiments-11-increasing-gyroscope-spin-speed-doesn-t-necessarily-increase-rising-rate

🔥#MESScience 1: How Does a Powerball Gyroscope Work? + Gyros Are Inverted Pendulums: https://peakd.com/messcience/@mes/messcience-1-how-does-a-powerball-gyroscope-work-gyros-are-inverted-pendulums

☝#AntiGravity Part 6: Objects in Rotation Defy ‘Mainstream’ Physics + MES Duality Concept: https://peakd.com/antigravity/@mes/antigravity-part-6-video-1-objects-in-rotation-defy-mainstream-physics-mes-duality-concept

#MESExperiments Video Series: https://peakd.com/mesexperiments/@mes/list
DRAFT #MESExperiments Video Series: https://mes.fm/experiments-draft
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