🔬#MESExperiments 24: Gyroscope Rises Even With 70% Added Weight #Amazing

2 years ago

In #MESExperiments 24 I further embark on the amazing property of gyroscopes rising on their own even with added weight and this time show that even with 70% added weight a gyroscope can still rise upwards. This is a similar experiment and gyroscope as that in Experiments 21 and 22 but this time I included several metal nuts into the putty weight to further increase the weight. Interestingly the gyroscope rises gradually until the putty makes contact with the gyroscope rotor and which somehow causes the gyroscope to rise completely, instantly, and chaotically! In fact the gyroscope even oscillates from its risen position to a tilted angle back and forth several times in a chaotic second or two. This experiment raises even more questions as to the magical world of gyroscopes, and which I will continue exploring.

The original unedited experiment can be viewed here: https://youtu.be/r0hf_g3aY4c

The gyroscope weighs 100.28 g and the added putty + metal nuts weighed 70.51 g; which is 70.51 / 100.28 = 70.31% of the gyroscope’s weight.

The full experiment results, weight measurements, screenshots of the experiment progression, and comparison with Experiments 21 and 22 are presented on Hive: https://peakd.com/mesexperiments/@mes/mesexperiments-24-gyroscope-rises-even-with-70-added-weight-antigravity

Stay Tuned for #MESExperiments 25…

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