Absolutely AWFUL 97.5 Kgs x 5 PAUSED Bench Press.

2 years ago

Still feeling a bit tired, and the weights were feeling heavier. The weather is humid as hell, so I am sweating buckets, and staying tight on the bench was difficult. However, I was pretty confident that I could have hit six reps, which would have been a PR with paused bench, and matching my Touch N' Go record. However, this set went completely tits up from the first rep, and was just totally botched. The bar collided with the massive J-Hooks from the first rep, which threw me off greatly, and took me out of my groove, and just KEPT HAPPENING with virtually every rep. I still managed to get to five, even despite the absolutely horrendous performance. I even contemplated trying for a sixth rep, as I felt like it may have been possible. However, the bar gor caught in the freaking lip of the J-Hooks before even starting the rep, so I just decided to end this embarrassment of a set, as I did not want to risk failure. I know with 110 percent certainty that I could have hit six, and quite possibly even seven reps, if everything just did not go so horribly.

Song: "World Painted Blood" - Slayer

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