UTubekookdetector HUMILIATES wazscupfishes
I recently ran into another “I’m not voting for anybody” overweight person who can repeat bumper sticker slogans w/ the best of them, UTILIZE CAPS LOCK & bang out syntax that would make an 8-year-old cringe.
I challenged him to defend an actual candidate, anyone & he became unhinged. He puts up 90-second videos https://rumble.com/user/wazscupfishes https://archive.is/7X4xp on issues many folks have written books about, or extended, thought-provoking essays. This guy is a clown who has a hissy fit when anyone challenges him.
This clown spends a LOT of time online, telling everyone how proficient he is at doing things when he’s NOT online. I blocked him from my channel preemptively & he had an autistic fit over that. Write me an essay fat man, I’m not letting a mentally ill person bang out 40-word diatribes in CAPS LOCK on my channel all day while I’m at work & having to respond to 20 “rebuttals” when I get home. Do your own legwork on your own channel.
I did not watch any of his vids but checked to see if he had any sources in the description, there were none. Talk about insulting the intelligence of people who have an IQ above room temperature. He also accused me of “stalking him” when I challenged him again. Is he “Stalking” Donald Trump by appearing on his livestreams on Rumble, cutting & pasting the same argument a hundred times? Donald Trump doesn’t even know who he is.
https://rumble.com/v5jkqbh-imagination-vs-reality.html#comment-485884758 https://rumble.com/v5jkqbh-imagination-vs-reality.html#comment-485923338 https://rumble.com/v5jkqbh-imagination-vs-reality.html#comment-494947460 Here are some of his comments, followed by an archiving of those comments, just in case he deletes them later. If you see this uneducated idiot on any Trump videos, Hannity videos, Steve Inman videos or any videos, relay this challenge to him, thanks! https://archive.is/aShmz https://archive.is/f5Ap2 https://archive.is/kgesO https://archive.is/0SR7C https://archive.is/SeQXI https://archive.is/IyaM7 https://archive.is/IfrIL All those screenshots are also archived at https://archive.org/
If you disagree w/ him, he might accuse you of being a homosexual or go into a rage & accuse you of being black or Hispanic, as if that means something in a political debate. He doesn’t know much, that’s why his arguments are short. He also thinks violence among certain voting blocs in America proves Trump is a fraud, or something. He’s only slightly more lucid than Joe Biden. I was also accused of being a “Liberal douche” or something akin. Name-calling is fine, but get to an actual argument, which he won’t.
His magnum opus was so short it would fit on the back of a business card & was written in crayon.
And now, I’ll post a truncated transcript from a recent video (see the link for the full monty), https://rumble.com/v5qsii5-republicans-and-democrats-are-the-same-uniparty.html where I demolish those morons who say “Trump is the same as Kamala, there’s no difference” or “Republicans & Democrats are all the same, Uniparty” blah blah blah.
To say both parties are the same is silly. I see a lot of Donald Trump fans saying this & I understand their frustration. However, (I voted for Trump in 2020 & 2024, Gary Johnson in 2016 & 2012) I could point out Trump does not want to touch the Ponzi Scheme known as Social Security https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lliA3ZJZCAY nor Medicare & those programs have become a massive facet of federal spending. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Usc42LN3w4E https://rumble.com/vdk8bz-so-youre-nostalgic-for-the-1950s.html https://rumble.com/vdku39-so-youre-nostalgic-for-the-1950s-part-ii.html for more sobering data on federal spending.
Is Trump “uniparty” because he doesn’t want to reform Social Security or Medicare (and largely because people are not informed on these programs, talking about it is political suicide)? Is Donald Trump “Uniparty” because he hawked Operation Warp Speed & these garbage vaccines? He didn’t come out & said they were garbage either. Why not? I still voted for him, despite that. https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/search/?s=Operation+Warp+Speed https://archive.is/FIMCO https://archive.is/6FJD7 https://archive.is/r6ExB {X}]
Donald Trump signed legislation in the wake of COVID-19 that MASSIVELY increased federal spending (Ron DeSantis attacked him on this more than once), is he “uniparty” because of this? I’m just putting this up for some Trump supporters that screech “UNIPARTY” all the time but leave Trump out of it. There are some moving goalposts in this argument as you will see.
Any 10-year-old can conclude, “everyone sucks” & it’s a cop-out, we will get to that. WAAAH! They’re not doing everything I want right now; I’m going to take my ball & go home. Take your Risperdal when you get home too, dumbass.
I also like to ask folks (and have had witnessed some mental breakdowns over this on Rumble & Facebook) who say “Donald Trump is the same as [insert name of Democrat Communist here]” or “I’m not voting for anybody derp, cuz they all suck, derp” – I order them to waddle over to their computer, sit their fat butt down & write me an essay proving Chuck Schumer is the same as Chuck Grassley, who is the same as Ron Paul (or Rand Paul if you prefer). I order them to be very specific, cover lots of votes because the more generalized you are, the more holes I’m going to poke in it & the more homework I’m going to give you.
Let us focus on some SCOTUS nominees first & some important cases. We’ll start w/ the seminal decisions on the Second Amendment, two decisions that flummoxed the Communists in their quest to take away the right of (especially Rural) law-abiding gunowners. If everyone is a possible terrorist, then you can reconcile, at least in your own tiny brain pan, that prohibiting firearms is a good way to create Utopia. It won’t create Utopia though, it will create a society where people who never gave a damn about the law will have firearms so they can murder anyone they want. I surmise the Dems also want to disarm everyone because like Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot & the like – they know it’s harder to murder & imprison your political opponents if they’re armed.
The McDonald & Heller decisions https://tile.loc.gov/storage-services/service/ll/usrep/usrep561/usrep561742/usrep561742.pdf https://www.scotusblog.com/case-files/cases/mcdonald-v-city-of-chicago/ https://tile.loc.gov/storage-services/service/ll/usrep/usrep554/usrep554570/usrep554570.pdf https://www.law.cornell.edu/supct/html/07-290.ZO.html https://www.scotusblog.com/case-files/cases/dc-v-heller/ were very important cases determining that Joe-Six-Pack had the right to possess a firearm to defending himself from Chris Schwartz’s (Black Hawk County, Iowa Board of Supervisors) voters up in Waterloo who may attempt to carjack him or kick his door in while out on the lam after committing a violent felony.
In both cases the forces of evil suffered a 5-4 defeat. In McDonald v. Chicago it was Alito, Roberts, Scalia, Kennedy & Thomas in the majority. In Heller, the majority was comprised of Roberts, Scalia, Kennedy, Thomas & Alito – the same 5. The Minority in Chicago was Stevens, Breyer, Ginsburg & Sotomayor. The dissenting justices in Heller were Stevens, Souter, Ginsburg & Breyer. It was 5-4, very close.
If George W. Bush had lost the 2004 election & “The French Looking Candidate” John Kerry had made those nominations, what would’ve happened? If “Dingy” Hary Ried had been Majority Leader instead of Bill Frist, what would’ve happened? Probably not good for law-abiding gunowners who don’t get off thinking about “changing” their gender to female & hanging out in the same locker room as preteen girls. Right, Sam Seder? #samseder #majorityreport
The 5 Justices in the Majority on those cases were all nominated by Republican Presidents. Alito & Roberts by George W. Bush, Clarence Thomas by George H.W. Bush, Scalia & Kennedy by Ronald Reagan. {Y}
The 4 Justices in the Minority were nominated by Bill Clinton (Ginsburg & Breyer), George H.W. Bush (Souter) & Gerald Ford (John Paul Stevens).
Samuel Alito: The only one of this group to be subjected to a Cloture Vote (you will see, SCOTUS nominations are always contentious now, but usually weren’t. Ted Kennedy’s smears of Robert Bork started us on this trajectory) & 19 of 45 (42.22%) of Democrats voted “yea” & 25 of 45 (55.55%) voted “nay.” This will never happen again, where the opposing Party helps a SCOTUS nominee obtain Cloture. Essentially, a vote for Cloture is a vote for that person, since you are lowering the threshold to a bare majority. Since Harry Reid opened Pandora’s Box on that in 2013, you’ll never see a SCOTUS nominee (where that Party controls the Senate) subjected to a Cloture Vote again. Tom “Dung Heap” Harkin would’ve voted “nay”, but I am not counting him because he was too busy sulking about it & knew resistance was futile at that point.
53 of 55 (96.36%) of Republicans voted “yea” & none voted nay.
Alito’s confirmation vote saw 4 of 45 (8.88%) Democrats vote yea & 41 of 45 (91.11%) vote nay. 54 of 55 (98.18%) Republicans voted yea & 1 of 55 (1.81%) voted nay.
John Roberts: 23 of 45 (51.11%) Democrats voted yea & 22 of 45 (48.88%) voted nay. You’ll never see that again. 55 of 55 (100%) of Republicans voted to confirm Roberts. For people who do not like John Roberts at all, would you rather he be replaced w/ Merrick Garland? How do you think that sociopath would vote on the Second Amendment?
Clarence Thomas: 41 of 43 Republicans (95.34%) voted yea & 2 of 43 (4.65%) voted nay. 11 of 57 Democrats (the Senate site on Party Division indicates 56 Democrat Senators & 44 Republicans, but that’s not accurate entirely https://www.senate.gov/history/partydiv.htm) voted yea (19.29%) & 46 of 57 (80.7%) voted nay. Granted, Democrat votes were needed, but the GOP stood together & helped confirm Clarence Thomas. But they’re all the same, right? Thomas was subjected to a smear campaign akin to what Brett Kavanaugh was subject to & both failed.
Antonin Scalia was appointed w/ no resistance (that will never happen again), as was Anthony Kennedy. That concludes the analysis of the Majority in the Heller & McDonald decisions, now for the Minority.
John Paul Stevens received no opposition.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg: She was confirmed w/ basically no resistance, 41 of 44 (93.18%) Republicans voted to confirm, 3 of 44 voted (6.81%) not to confirm. 55 of 56 (98.21%) Democrats voted to confirm, none in opposition.
Stephen Breyer: 33 of 44 Republicans voted to confirm (75%), 9 of 44 (20.45%) voted nay. 54 of 56 (96.42%) Dummycrats voted yea, none in opposition.
David Souter: 46 of 55 Democrats (83.63%) voted to confirm, 9 of 55 (16.36%) voted NOT to confirm. 44 of 45 Republicans (97.77%) voted yea, none in opposition. One could argue that was not a good moment for the GOP in retrospect.
Sonia Sotomayor: 9 of 40 Republicans voted to confirm (22.5%), 31 of 40 (77.5%) voted nay. 59 of 60 (98.33%) Democrats voted yea, none in opposition. With a 60-member numerical majority at the time, if the Dems decided to wheel in the drunkard Ted Kennedy on a gurney, the GOP would not have been able to do anything about it.
Taking into account what happened in the Heller & DC gun cases, this demonstrates to a point that they’re not all the same. How about Dobbs? We’ll only cover new justices this time. https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/21pdf/597us1r58_gebh.pdf https://www.law.cornell.edu/supremecourt/text/19-1392
The 3 judges dissenting (Sotomayor, Kagan, Breyer) were all nominated by Democrats & the 6 judges (Roberts, Kavanaugh, Barrett, Thomas, Gorsuch, Alito) that put Roe in the dustbin were nominated by Republicans. Elections have consequences.
Let us look at the judges on that decision that were NOT present for Heller & DC. First, the only dissenter that was not present, the overweight Elena Kagan. {Z} 36 of 41 (87.8%) Republicans voted nay, 5 of 41 (12.19%) voted yea. 58 of 59 (98.3%) Democrats voted yea & 1 Democrat (1.69%) voted nay.
Brett Kavanaugh: Quite possibly, the most contentious, dirty smear campaign orchestrated against a GOP SCOTUS nominee or any nominee, ever. On the cloture motion, 50 of 51 (98.03%) Republicans voted yea & 1 of 51 (1.96%) voted nay. 1 of 49 Demoncrats voted yea (2.04%) & 48 of 49 (97.95%) voted nay.
The confirmation vote: 49 of 51 (96.07%) Republicans voted in favor of confirmation, 1 of 51 (1.96%) in opposition. *Counting Murkowski as a “NO” because she is a slimy reptilian. Daines had his daughter’s wedding, they made sure he could attend & Lisa switched from “NO” to “present.” Had Daines been there, she was a NO. 1 of 49 Dems (2.04%) voted yea & 48 of 49 (97.95%) voted nay.
But they’re all the same, UNIPARTY!! YARGHH! The GOP circled the wagons around Kavanaugh & got him through. You despise Mitch McConnell, do you? Me too, I hope he retires & Thomas Massie seeks his seat. If Chuck Schumer were voting for Mitch McConnell or was Senate Majority Leader instead of McConnell, would all those votes have gone the same way? No, they would not. This information (along w/ the mountain coming) is why I don’t take these “UNIPARTY” dumbasses seriously, but more seriously than the whiners who can find one thing wrong w/ a candidate, throw up their hands & say, “I don’t vote, they all suck.” You don’t think, either.
Neil Gorsuch: {Z} Lots of votes here. The vote to begin the process to consider Gorsuch, because the Democrats were going insane over Trump appointing someone to the SCOTUS featured 51 of 52 (98.07%) Republicans voting yea, none in opposition. 4 of 48 Dems (8.33%) voted to actually consider Gorsuch, 44 of 48 (91.66%) were in opposition.
https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/2118749/how-mitch-mcconnell-won-the-battle-to-confirm-gorsuch/ Read this & then we’ll fast forward to the foray where the rubber meets the road on Gorsuch’s nomination. It may change your opinion of Mitch McConnell. You also need to read this https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R44819 Now, back to the game.
Vote #106 is where the rubber meets the road. McConnell, yes McConnell sets the table for lowering the threshold from 3/5 to a bare majority. All 52 (100%) Republicans voted yea, 3 of 48 Dems (6.25%) voted yea & 45 of 48 (93.75%) voted nay.
Groomer Schumer then tried to postpone the vote twice & party-line refutations of that (52R-48D) followed.
On Vote #109, McConnell goes nuclear, the Decision of the Chair that a 60% majority is required for SCOTUS nominations gets pummeled & this demonstrates that ALL the Democrats (48 of 48) were together trying to defeat this & the Republicans (52 of 52) were together in defeating Democrats filibusters. If three Republicans had wavered on this, Gorsuch would’ve been defeated. Schumer was plotting to sacrifice this one so every Trump nominee afterwards would need 3/5, but he failed & this is why they went ballistic over Kavanaugh (other than the fact that they’re kiddie groomers who want to institute a Chinese-style Authoritarian Society).
Vote #110 sees 52 of 52 (100%) of Republicans vote yea, 3 of 48 Dems (6.25%) vote yea & 45 of 48 Dems (93.75%) vote nay. Again, if you think McConnell is “uniparty” (and he is a big-spender, but Trump signed COVID legislation spiking federal spending too) you might want to see what he did in stopping Merrick Garland & assisting Neil Gorsuch. He did NOT waver under the pressure, period.
Amy Coney Barrett: {Z} Lots of votes here too, these nominations do not sail through anymore. 51 of 53 (96.22%) Republicans voted to consider her nomination, 2 of 53 (3.77%) voted NO. 44 of 47 (93.61%) Dems voted to block consideration of her nomination, none in opposition.
The Pedocrats then tried to table the nomination of Barrett indefinitely – all 53 Republicans (100%) were in lock-step this time, preventing it, 44 of 47 Dems (93.61%) were trying to stop her, none in opposition.
Chuck Schumer & his allies then tried to recommit Barrett’s nomination to the Judiciary Committee – all 53 Republicans (100%) were in lock-step this time, preventing it, 44 of 47 Dems (93.61%) were trying to stop her, none in opposition.
Vote #220, the Republican goes nuclear, 53 of 53 (100%) Republicans are on board, 43 of 47 (91.48%) of Democrats opposed, none in opposition. Vote #222, 51 of 53 (96.22%) Republicans voted to cut off debate, 2 of 53 (3.77%) were opposed. 46 of 47 (97.87%) Dems opposed, none supported ending debate on the nominee.
Vote #223, the penultimate vote that gets us to bare majority for confirmation, 53 of 53 (100%) Republicans supported it, 46 of 47 (97.87%) Democrats opposed it, none in support. Vote # 224, 52 of 53 Republicans (98.11%) voted to put Barrett on the SCOTUS, 1 of 53 (1.88%) opposed it. 48 of 48 (100) Dummycrats opposed Barrett’s ascension to the SCOTUS.
Let’s switch gears a bit now & look at a very important SCOTUS case from what seems, an eternity ago – Crawford v. Marion County Election Board. https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/553/07-21/index.pdf https://www.scotusblog.com/case-files/cases/crawford-v-marion-county-election-bd/ https://www.law.cornell.edu/supremecourt/text/07-21This was a very-important decision for voter integrity & election security. As I’ve discussed before, Democrats do NOT want this & Photo ID Laws stand in the way of their mission to make election fraud easier. The SCOTUS slapped them down as the Democrats’ knee-jerk reaction to Photo ID laws for voting was to sue & screech, “Jim Crow, Racism!!!” This put an end to some of that.
It was a massive 6-3 decision, in the Minority were Souter (George H.W. Bush), Breyer & Ginsburg (Bill Clinton).
In the Majority were John Paul Stevens (Gerald Ford), Clarence Thomas (George H.W. Bush), John Roberts, Samuel Alito (George W. Bush), Antonin Scalia & Anthony Kennedy (Ronald Reagan). All the Justices (and yes, John Paul Stevens did a lot of damage, but was good in this instance) that christened Photo ID Laws were nominated by Republicans, 2 of 3 that tried to basically end them were nominated by Democrats.
I am not going to bog you down in legalese & SCOTUS decisions, but two recent cases took the Chevron Deference or Chevron Doctrine behind the woodshed. Previously, “Under that doctrine, if Congress has not directly addressed the question at the center of a dispute, a court was required to uphold the agency’s interpretation of the statute as long as it was reasonable. But in a 35-page ruling by Chief Justice John Roberts, the justices rejected that doctrine, calling it ‘fundamentally misguided.’ ” https://www.scotusblog.com/2024/06/supreme-court-strikes-down-chevron-curtailing-power-of-federal-agencies/ https://www.scotusblog.com/case-files/cases/relentless-inc-v-department-of-commerce/ https://www.scotusblog.com/case-files/cases/loper-bright-enterprises-v-raimondo/ https://www.law.cornell.edu/supremecourt/text/22-451 https://www.law.cornell.edu/supct/cert/22-1219 https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23pdf/22-451_7m58.pdf https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23pdf/22-451_7m58.pdf
The decisions were resounding defeats (6-2 & 6-3) for bureaucrats. 3 of the Justices in the Majority (Kavanaugh, Gorsuch, Barrett) were nominated to the Court by Donald J. Trump, two (Samuel Alito, John Roberts) were nominated by George W. Bush & one by his father, George H.W. Bush (Clarence Thomas). All six were nominated by Republicans.
Those dissenting were nominated by Barack Hussein Obama (Sotomayor & Kagan) & the man who showers w/ his daughter, Joe “Kid Sniffer” Biden (Ketanji Brown Jackson). {Z}
Jackson’s vote to be discharged from Committee: 50 of 50 Democrats (100%) voted yea, none in opposition. 47 of 50 Republicans (94%) voted nay, 3 of 50 (6%) supported discharge. The Cloture Motion was the exact same tally, as was the final vote to confirm her to the SCOTUS.
https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/5/text/eh https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2019217 The Equality Act or the Bathroom Bill mentions “gender identity” 71 times, mentions “transgender” 6 times (and “transgender” is not a real thing {ZZ} sorry!) & “(with respect to gender identity) an individual shall not be denied access to a shared facility, including a restroom, a locker room, and a dressing room, that is in accordance with the individual's gender identity.”
Basically, mentally ill biological men can “transition” to female & hang out in the same locker room w/ preteen girls. Would you want some 19-year-old lunatic in his Senior year, decide to “become” a woman & dress for High School Soccer practice in the same room as your 14-year-old daughter?
Sam Seder supports this, but Sam Seder also had a fantasy about his own kid & Roman Polanski. Sam Seder is mentally ill & demented. 228 of 235 (97.02%) Democrats supported this, none opposed. 173 of 197 (87.81%) Republicans opposed this, only 8 of 197 (4.06%) supported it.
A biological male could be taking estrogen & in the process (or just declaring they’re a female) of “transitioning” & they want to allow them to harass, intimidate & scare your little girl in the same locker room. They’re literally in favor of this.
They aren’t ok w/ people “transitioning” & minding their own business, they demand that we get on-board w/ their delusion & believe that William Thomas or Dylan Mulvaney are literally women now. They’re in favor of that & they must be stopped. This vote above puts another crack in the armor of those who claim, “They’re all the same, Republicans & Democrats.” They’re not, get your head out of your colon.
Here's another one to consider, “The Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act of 2023.”
https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/734/text https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2023192 https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2023190
It was short & sweet, “sex shall be recognized based solely on a person’s reproductive biology and genetics at birth.” There is no such thing as “transgender”, period. {ZZ} I would wager Thomas Massie’s no vote (I will try to find out) had something to do w/ believing the Federal Dept. of Education is unconstitutional (which it is) & thus, he refuses to vote on anything that perpetuates federal involvement in education. I see his point but believe his no vote is a big mistake. He did vote NAY https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2019217 on the Equality Act, so I’m guessing that’s his reason. Thomas would also say, “You would vote PRESENT on all legislation addressing abortion.” That’s true, I would.
Just in case this really pisses you off about Thomas, if we had 435 guys like him in the House, the Federal Department of Education would’ve been shut down a long time ago.
On Nancy Mace’s Amendment, 216 of 219 (98.63%) Republicans voted yea, 3 of 219 (1.36%) voted nay. 100% of Democrats (202 of 202) voted nay. On final passage, the vote tallies were exactly the same.
Let’s look at 3 votes related to COVID-19 vaccine mandates: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1171/vote_117_1_00395.htm https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1171/vote_117_1_00476.htm https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1171/vote_117_1_00489.htm
Some carnival barkers will say, “Look at Jon Tester & Joe Manchin, they voted against the COVID-19 mandates.” However, when Republicans attempted to attach that to other legislation (extending government funding & for emergency assistance), Manchin & Tester voted nay.
When it was in standalone fashion, they were forced in a way to vote on that & nothing but that & finally came to their senses, but it would’ve been much more effective if it were attached to an emergency funding bill & appeared on the desk of the clown who showered w/ his daughter.
The first vote saw a party-line vote, 50 of 50 Republicans voting yea & 50 of 50 Demoncrats voting nay. The second vote was 48 of 48 Republicans voting yea (none opposed) & 50 of 50 Democrats (none opposed) voting nay.
The final vote (which was important, but didn’t force Pedo Joe to sign or veto anything) saw 50 of 50 Republicans in support, 2 of 50 Democrats in support (4%) & 48 of 50 (96%) Democrats opposed.
While Donald J. Trump {X}is largely responsible for the COVID-19 vaccines, the GOP was not going to fire you for not taking this experimental cocktail. Democrats want abortion because “the decision is between you & your doctor”, but when it comes to COVID-19 “vaccines”, that decision is between you & the government – the government tried to say, “take it or test regularly or you’re fired.”
Let’s look at who the big-spenders were for the first half of Kid Sniffer Joe Biden’s fake, accidental presidency. https://spendingtracker.org/rankings?chamber=senate&year=10&baseline=with_baseline&spending_type%5B0%5D=7&spending_type%5B1%5D=14&spending_type%5B2%5D=19&spending_type%5B3%5D=18&spending_type%5B4%5D=5&spending_type%5B5%5D=3&spending_type%5B6%5D=9&spending_type%5B7%5D=13&spending_type%5B8%5D=11&spending_type%5B9%5D=2&spending_type%5B10%5D=4&spending_type%5B11%5D=12&spending_type%5B12%5D=10&spending_type%5B13%5D=8&spending_type%5B14%5D=15&spending_type%5B15%5D=16&spending_type%5B16%5D=17&spending_type%5B17%5D=6&spending_type%5B18%5D=1&congress=117&status=all&ajaxed=true&page=all https://archive.is/WrRSf
[NOTE: Read “How This Works” https://spendingtracker.org/ I also included “ALL BILLS” as that gives us their intentions, because a lot of bad legislation is stopped that a majority of Senators voted for. Thank you Rand Paul & Mike Lee]
Only 3 Senators voted to add <$100 billion in spending in the 117th Congress, all Republicans (Paul, Lee, Lummis). Big-spender & GOP Squish (but I would take her over Sara Gideon, you have to be pragmatic, not retarded) Susan Collins was the lowest Republican, but there was still a $1.3 TRILLION gap between her & Senator Pat “Leaky” Leahy. YIKES!
The Top 10 penny-pinchers (ALL Republicans) voted to add $1,787,670,070,000 in new spending, the bottom 10 (all Dumocrats) voted to add $34,166,608,800,000 in new spending. That’s a YUUGE difference. I’m not saying the GOP is perfect, but that is a tell-tale sign of how insane the Pedocrats are.
Now, some who sit out elections & screech while their flabby jowls bounce up & down, uploading 90 second videos covering “in detail” items people have written books about will say, “Uh duh, those Republicans only voted against the spending because a Democrat is in office.”
Believe it or not, there is some truth to that, I can reference one, Chuck Grassley. He spent like a drunken sailor when George W. Bush was in office, but as soon as Barack Obama got in, he became a fiscal conservative.
Only 34 Senators (all GOP) voted to add <$1 TRILLION in new spending in the 117th (over the next 10 fiscal years).
Let’s look at the 116th Congress under Donald J. Trump. https://spendingtracker.org/rankings?chamber=senate&year=10&baseline=with_baseline&spending_type%5B0%5D=7&spending_type%5B1%5D=14&spending_type%5B2%5D=19&spending_type%5B3%5D=18&spending_type%5B4%5D=5&spending_type%5B5%5D=3&spending_type%5B6%5D=9&spending_type%5B7%5D=13&spending_type%5B8%5D=11&spending_type%5B9%5D=2&spending_type%5B10%5D=4&spending_type%5B11%5D=12&spending_type%5B12%5D=10&spending_type%5B13%5D=8&spending_type%5B14%5D=15&spending_type%5B15%5D=16&spending_type%5B16%5D=17&spending_type%5B17%5D=6&spending_type%5B18%5D=1&congress=116&status=all&ajaxed=true&page=all https://archive.ph/eMdET
Once again, Rand Paul stands out & he wasn’t on his game either. Only two Senators (Paul & Democrat Mark Kelly) voted to add <$1 TRILLION in new spending. YIKES! Only 19 Senators voted to add <$2 TRILLION in new spending. What a train wreck that was. Nine of the top ten penny-pinchers (for lack of a better term) were Republicans.
The Top 10 penny-pinchers voted to add 19,805,820,220,000 in new spending, the bottom 10 voted to add 38,475,339,500,000 (!!!) in new spending. Remember, this is over the next TEN Fisal Years. The bottom 10 were all Republicans unfortunately. Considering 81 Senators were in the $3 Trillion+ category, most everyone did bad.
How about the 115th Congress under Donald J. Trump? https://spendingtracker.org/rankings?chamber=senate&year=10&baseline=with_baseline&spending_type%5B0%5D=7&spending_type%5B1%5D=14&spending_type%5B2%5D=19&spending_type%5B3%5D=18&spending_type%5B4%5D=5&spending_type%5B5%5D=3&spending_type%5B6%5D=9&spending_type%5B7%5D=13&spending_type%5B8%5D=11&spending_type%5B9%5D=2&spending_type%5B10%5D=4&spending_type%5B11%5D=12&spending_type%5B12%5D=10&spending_type%5B13%5D=8&spending_type%5B14%5D=15&spending_type%5B15%5D=16&spending_type%5B16%5D=17&spending_type%5B17%5D=6&spending_type%5B18%5D=1&congress=115&status=all&ajaxed=true&page=all https://archive.is/KwGMV
All 15 Senators that actually voted to CUT SPENDING were Republicans. Even Chuck Grassley was in that category, that doesn’t happen often. Those 15 voted collectively to CUT $3,139,468,380,000 in spending. The bottom 10 (all Democrats) voted to add $7,257,060,700,000 in new spending.
How about the 114th Congress? https://spendingtracker.org/rankings?chamber=senate&year=10&baseline=with_baseline&spending_type%5B0%5D=7&spending_type%5B1%5D=14&spending_type%5B2%5D=19&spending_type%5B3%5D=18&spending_type%5B4%5D=5&spending_type%5B5%5D=3&spending_type%5B6%5D=9&spending_type%5B7%5D=13&spending_type%5B8%5D=11&spending_type%5B9%5D=2&spending_type%5B10%5D=4&spending_type%5B11%5D=12&spending_type%5B12%5D=10&spending_type%5B13%5D=8&spending_type%5B14%5D=15&spending_type%5B15%5D=16&spending_type%5B16%5D=17&spending_type%5B17%5D=6&spending_type%5B18%5D=1&congress=114&status=all&ajaxed=true&page=all https://archive.is/DJNJ0
52 of 54 GOP Senators (let’s hope we can do this in FY 2026) voted to cut spending & all Democrats (some were much better than others) voted to add. The bottom 10 (All Dums) voted to add $7,717,222,200,000 in new spending.
113th Congress, come on down! https://spendingtracker.org/rankings?chamber=senate&year=10&baseline=with_baseline&spending_type%5B0%5D=7&spending_type%5B1%5D=14&spending_type%5B2%5D=19&spending_type%5B3%5D=18&spending_type%5B4%5D=5&spending_type%5B5%5D=3&spending_type%5B6%5D=9&spending_type%5B7%5D=13&spending_type%5B8%5D=11&spending_type%5B9%5D=2&spending_type%5B10%5D=4&spending_type%5B11%5D=12&spending_type%5B12%5D=10&spending_type%5B13%5D=8&spending_type%5B14%5D=15&spending_type%5B15%5D=16&spending_type%5B16%5D=17&spending_type%5B17%5D=6&spending_type%5B18%5D=1&congress=113&status=all&ajaxed=true&page=all https://archive.ph/EZTpL
This is one of the few times you will not see Rand Paul in the top 10. The Top 15 penny-pinchers voted to add $1,518,833,110,000 in new spending, the Bottom 10 (All Dumocrats) voted to add $13,201,352,920,000 in new spending.
112th Congress: https://spendingtracker.org/rankings?chamber=senate&year=10&baseline=with_baseline&spending_type%5B0%5D=7&spending_type%5B1%5D=14&spending_type%5B2%5D=19&spending_type%5B3%5D=18&spending_type%5B4%5D=5&spending_type%5B5%5D=3&spending_type%5B6%5D=9&spending_type%5B7%5D=13&spending_type%5B8%5D=11&spending_type%5B9%5D=2&spending_type%5B10%5D=4&spending_type%5B11%5D=12&spending_type%5B12%5D=10&spending_type%5B13%5D=8&spending_type%5B14%5D=15&spending_type%5B15%5D=16&spending_type%5B16%5D=17&spending_type%5B17%5D=6&spending_type%5B18%5D=1&congress=112&status=all&ajaxed=true&page=all https://archive.ph/1Q9fJ
The Top 10 penny-pinchers (all GOP) voted to add only $212,824,220,000 in new spending. Remember, that’s over 10 Fiscal Years & is only $21,282,422,000 per year. 3 Senators (Marco Rubio, Rand Paul & Chuck Grassley of all people) voted to cut spending, if they had their way. This was Rand Paul’s grand entrance into the Senate & where I’ll stop for now.
The Bottom 10 (all Dummycrats) voted to add $7,975,661,770,000 in new spending.
If they’re all the same, how come Rand Paul & Mike Lee stack up so much better when compared to two prominent Democrats, Chuck Schumer & “Parkay Teeth” Bernie Sanders? https://spendingtracker.org/compare/,222,277,478,172 https://archive.is/wip/miAwR I wish they let us compare multiple sessions of Congress to get a better picture. Now compare Rand Paul & Mike Lee to two more “moderate” Democrats, Joe Manchin & Jon Tester. https://spendingtracker.org/compare/,222,277,476,452
Speaking of better pictures, here’s one. Avoid people like Ted “The Swimmer” Kennedy or Luther Strange, who were not in the Senate long during the period examined. https://spendingtracker.org/rankings?sort=&name=&chamber=senate&year=10&baseline=with_baseline&spending_type%5B%5D=7&spending_type%5B%5D=14&spending_type%5B%5D=19&spending_type%5B%5D=18&spending_type%5B%5D=5&spending_type%5B%5D=3&spending_type%5B%5D=9&spending_type%5B%5D=13&spending_type%5B%5D=11&spending_type%5B%5D=2&spending_type%5B%5D=4&spending_type%5B%5D=12&spending_type%5B%5D=10&spending_type%5B%5D=8&spending_type%5B%5D=15&spending_type%5B%5D=16&spending_type%5B%5D=17&spending_type%5B%5D=6&spending_type%5B%5D=1&congress=&status=all&state=&zip=&page=1 https://archive.ph/Mm7Oc Rand Paul & Mike Lee stand out, there are a lot of big-spenders in both parties, but Democrats take the cake & eat it too. To say the parties are the same on spending, well I don’t think so. Many of them are bad, but to say they’re all the same reveals a lack of an education & an inability to process information. It also reveals that one cannot debate & they try to end it by saying, “they’re all the same.” Now I have to defend nothing. Anyone saying that is an idiot, don’t listen to them.
[NOTE: If I expand it to ALL, it only gives me the 116th Congress, so you’ll have to hit next]
Let’s look at the Cato Institute’s Report Cards on Governors covering fiscal policy, shall we?
https://www.cato.org/white-paper/fiscal-policy-report-card-americas-governors-2024 https://www.cato.org/sites/cato.org/files/2024-10/Fiscal-Policy-Report-Card-Americas-Governors-2024.pdf Only 6 Governors scored an “A”, all Republicans & only 6 Governors received an “F”, all Pedocrats. If any of those Governors do NOT favor allowing male predators in the women’s locker room, I will retract that & refer to them as a Dummycrat.
“In Table 1, the Republicans had an average score of 56 and the Democrats an average score of 42. On reports going back to 2008, Republican and Democratic governors had average scores of 56 and 43, respectively. When the economy is growing and revenues are rising, Democrats tend to increase spending, whereas Republicans tend to both increase spending and cut taxes. Recently, state budget surpluses have been so large that both Republicans and Democrats have cut taxes, although the Democratic cuts have often been one-time rebates, which are scored lower on this report than the permanent cuts favored by Republicans.”
But they’re all the same, right? Uh, no.
“During the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, news stories portrayed state governments as facing disaster from falling tax revenues and slashed public services. That narrative provided support for federal policymakers to pass $1 trillion in aid for the states in a series of bills in 2020 and 2021. However, that doom‐and‐gloom outlook was unwarranted. Large aid packages were not needed because state and local tax revenues grew during that time. Tax revenues were flat in 2020 but then soared in 2021 and 2022 before leveling off again. Estimated state and local tax
revenues of $2.47 trillion in 2024 are up 28 percent from the 2019 level of $1.93 trillion. Meanwhile, federal aid to the states jumped by 52 percent, from $684 billion in 2019 to an estimated $1.04 trillion in 2024. The jumps in aid and tax revenues have generated large
state budget surpluses, which have been used to expand spending, cut taxes, and fill rainy day funds. Across the 50 states, general fund spending soared by 46 percent between 2020 and 2024, as shown in Figure 1.”
I don’t think one facet of these reports is entirely fair. Ron DeSantis received a “C” & Florida is already a low-tax state. If a state has no individual income tax, you can’t cut that any further. If Florida was like Iowa (prior to Kim Reynolds) & DeSantis flattened the state personal income tax, he would score higher.
However, they do penalize you if you use temporary tax breaks & rebates, instead of permanent measures. On the spending side in that report, DeSantis received a “57” after an overall grade of “52.” “Tampon” Tim Walz aka Elmer Fudd received an “F” in the overall report.
15 Governors received a “B” (score of 55 or better), only 4 were Pedocrats.
How about the 2022 report? https://www.cato.org/white-paper/fiscal-policy-report-card-americas-governors-2022 https://www.cato.org/sites/cato.org/files/2022-10/governors-report-card-2022.pdf Five Governors received an “A”, all of those were Republicans & 15 received a “B” or better, only two were Democrats. Elmer Fudd, aka “Tampon” Tim Walz received an “F” again, I’m glad America rejected that creep. His economic policies are a disaster.
[NOTE: I do urge everyone to look at these reports, you will see some Governors (such as Roy Cooper & that nutcase Michelle Lujan Grisham) receive a “B” in 2022, followed up by a “D” in 2024]
Ron DeSantis received a “C” & Kim Reynolds was top of the heap again.
How about 2020? https://www.cato.org/white-paper/fiscal-policy-report-card-americas-governors-2020 https://www.cato.org/sites/cato.org/files/2021-01/2020-governors-fiscal-report-card-update.pdf Four Governors received an “A”, all Republicans & 13 of the 14 Governors receiving a “B” or better were also Republicans.
“Tampon” Tim Waz received a “D”, Ron DeSantis received a “B” & Kim Reynolds received an “A”. Seven Governors received an “F”, all Democrats.
How about 2018? https://www.cato.org/white-paper/fiscal-policy-report-card-americas-governors-2018 https://www.cato.org/sites/cato.org/files/pubs/pdf/2018-fiscal-policy-report-card-on-americas-governor.pdf Five Governors received A’s, all Republicans & 16 Governors received a “B” or better, all Republicans.
Eight Governors received an “F”, six were Democrats. Jim Justice (WV’s newest Senator) did not start out well, but he finished good. He received 4 grades of: F, C, B & A.
I’ll wrap this section up with 2016: https://www.cato.org/white-paper/fiscal-policy-report-card-americas-governors-2016 https://www.cato.org/sites/cato.org/files/pubs/pdf/edwards_report_card_on_govs_20161004.pdf Five Governors received an “A”, all Republicans & 19 Governors scored “B” or better, 17 were Republicans. Ten Governors scored an “F”, seven were Demoncrats.
The retard who says, “They’re all the same” might point out some Republican Governors who were a train wreck & that’s true. Some Republican Governors (like Terry Branstad) did not do very well, but typically, the ones that do very poorly on fiscal policy are Democrats & if you have a Governor that is cutting taxes, keeping a lid on spending & not letting your state turn into a war zone, they’re likely a Republican.
Again, those screeching “they’re the same” will utilize moving goalposts to validate their self-fulfilling prophecies. They also say that (to belabor this point) because they don’t really know much. A 10-year-old could be trained to recite, “they all suck.” Give me an argument that an adult who has brain stem activity can come up with.
They might say, “I’m not talking about Governors.” Watch out for those moving goalposts!
Now, let’s look at some more COVID-19 data, which will further demonstrate those who say, “Republicans & Democrats are like pro wrestlers, they’re pretending to be against each other, while being on the same team.” Shut up dumbass!
I will draw upon some data I posted years ago, despite the caterwauling of mentally ill lunatics like creepy old divorcee Sam Seder & vanilla midget Brian Tyler Cohen – not only did COVID-19 lockdowns save virtually zero lives, but of the places that did lock down, some had sky-high death rates. States that were freer were GOP trifectas (Republican Governor, Republican legislature) & had no discernible age-adjusted death rates from places that wrecked businesses, wrecked the lives of the labor force & in the process… saved zero lives.
https://archive.ph/H8l7p I will now quote my own essay & see the previous link if you want to read the original [BEGIN QUOTE]
Let’s run the numbers from WalletHub https://archive.is/QWTPG (and if you see other articles I have at the hub I have posted screencaps of Apple Mobility Data on various jurisdictions & if you want a lot of that data for IA, IL, NM, CA & a few other states see this) listed above & compare the scores from the NON-LOCKDOWNS & LOCKDOWNS, shall we?
As of 10/6/20 the aggregate score for IA, ND, SD, NE, UT, WY & AR was 505.19 & that gives us an average = 72.17
As of 10/6/20 the aggregate score for NY, NJ, CT, MA, DC & RI was 198.13 & that gives us an average = 33.021
United States average = 49.598 & the Population Standard Deviation is 17.3398. That should tell you all you need to know about who is open & who is not.
Easy to see, the NON-LOCKDOWNS (>1SD above the average) were much more open in early October than the LOCKDOWNS (within 1 SD of the average).
As of 1/26/21 the aggregate score for IA, ND, SD, NE, UT, WY & AR was 504.58 & that gives us an average = 72.082. It changed very little from the tubulation in October, but was >1SD above the U.S. avg.
As of 1/26/21 the aggregate score for NY, NJ, CT, MA, DC & RI was 183.97 & that gives us an average = 30.661. A definite drop, those states became more restrictive. They were barely within 1SD of the U.S. avg.
United States average = 49.443 & the Population Standard Deviation is 18.9439. That should tell you all you need to know about who is open & who is not.
As of 3/2/21 the combined score for IA, ND, SD, NE, UT, WY & AR was 463.76 & that gives us an average = 66.251. Within 1SD of the U.S. avg.
As of 3/2/21 the combined score for NY, NJ, CT, MA, DC & RI was 154.59 & that gives us an average = 25.765. They are >1SD below the U.S. avg.
United States average = 51.166 & the Population Standard Deviation is 20.6881.
As of 4/6/21 the combined score for IA, ND, SD, NE, UT, WY & AR [ALL GOP TRIFECTAS] was 597.84 & that gives us an average = 85.405. >1SD above the U.S. average, they are very open. Their death rates must be sky-high, right?
As of 4/6/21 the combined score for NY, NJ, CT, MA, DC & RI was 187.56 & that gives us an average = 31.26. >1SD below the U.S. average, they are very restricted. Their death rates must be very low, right?
United States average = 58.863 & the Population Standard Deviation is 23.6006. [END QUOTE]
I also posted data (see previous link) courtesy of Apple (yeah, that Apple) tracking movement of their devices & those GOP Trifectas aka the NON-LOCKDOWNS (IA, ND, SD, NE, UT, WY & AR) had a lot more movement from its citizens in the wake of the COVID-19 Plandemic Hysteria than the NON-LOCKDOWNS (most were Democrat Trifectas – NY, NJ, CT, MA, DC & RI). The NON-LOCKDOWN were obedient East German subjects, but from their death rates, you wouldn’t know that.
Now, to tie all this together https://rumble.com/v2rgw38-covid-19-lockdowns-get-nuked.html & thanks to the incomparable Thomas E. Woods for inspiring this rant [BEGIN QUOTE]
Let’s bury these #BranchCovidians some more, shall we? Tom Woods recently https://mailchi.mp/tomwoods/scorecard?e=be42d9646c https://archive.ph/Xt04A https://mcusercontent.com/77713d21ff56f1c126607d2c5/images/695ed1ff-2c93-6bc9-1150-373ed8c8047a.png featured a post reciting CDC data on *age-adjusted* death rates (Florida is expected to be higher in deaths per capita as they have a high % of residents in the 65+ age group, California should be much lower as their population features a high % of folks under 65) for COVID-19 & if I gave you the data & covered up the states, you could not tell me (especially if you are a Dumbasscrat) which states had California, New York & New Mexico style lockdowns & hysteria & which ones “did not care who died or lived.”
I dubbed those states the NON-LOCKDOWNS (Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Utah, Arkansas & Nebraska) & the LOCKDOWNS (these states were clustered in the Northeast & went bonkers over a respiratory virus) were New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, District of Columbia & Rhode Island. The LOCKDOWNS PLUS TWO were those aforementioned states plus Maryland & Delaware.
[NOTE: I could NOT find the exact chart Tom Woods was illustrating (I wish he had linked to it directly), but the following are close & they give us some good data on death rates by race & ethnicity.
https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/covid19_mortality_final/COVID19.htm https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/72/wr/mm7218a4.htm ]
Some of the states in the Top 20 are more rural (like New Mexico & understand that Iowa for example is a “rural” state but has a handful of counties that have are much more dense than the U.S. average) such as New Mexico, Nevada & Kansas – some are densely populated like NY, NJ & Georgia.
There are some rural states that did decidedly better than the national average (Iowa, Idaho, Utah) & some densely populated areas like Illinois & MA. The former has a lot of rural counties however inside a state w/ a few large population centers. In the latter, they are packed-in like sardines.
https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/NE,UT,WY,SD,ND,IA/PST045222 https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/RI,DC,MA,CT,NJ,NY/PST045222 https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/DE,MD,IL,NM,AR,US/PST045222
Of the states that never had a shelter-in-place or stay-at-home order – IA, ND & especially NE & UT were below the national average. Democrats often autistically repeat, “they be spread out, that why those states did so well!”
So, what happened in NV, KS, Louisiana & NM? All of those are below the national average for population density & LA is not much above it. There are a number of states that are more densely populated than LA that did much better than the national average.
Here are the biggest stories according to the incomparable Thomas E. Woods:
[Woods quote] The CDC has released its numbers for age-adjusted Covid mortality… New Mexico is the fourth highest. You may not remember, because you're not the fanatic I am, but the media once trumpeted New Mexico as a success story. [NOTE: See https://rumble.com/v111dfj-latifah-faisal-story-county-iowa-supervisor-vs.-kim-reynolds-covid-19-new-m.html & https://rumble.com/vsf0b9-story-county-iowa-supervisor-latifah-faisal-got-duped-by-covid-19-scientocr.html ] It was one of their drearily predictable "Here's how [insert name of state] beat the coronavirus" stories. And of course it was the usual thing: they followed the useless "public health" protocols, etc. And yet there it is at number four.
(I would also adjust this chart for obesity levels, because I think we'd get a clearer picture still.)
Iowa, the "state that doesn't care if you live or die," in the words of The Atlantic, is all the way down at 27. And of course the major story is Florida, at 36!
California, the land of bizarre, irrational, and endless restrictions, is at 39 -- a trivial difference from Florida, and in any case Florida's all-cause mortality figures turned out better than California's.
Remember when people were screaming at Florida for defying all the recommendations? If you had asked them where they expected Florida to wind up when all was said and done, precisely zero of them would have said #36. It would have been at least top five, if not number one.
In other words, the crazies were wrong, period, and we win. All the destruction and disruption was for nothing. [Woods quote end]
I could also add, look where NY, MI & NJ are (all Democrat Governors), would the #BranchCovidians have believed they would be above the national average when it is said & done? How come MA (GOP Governor at the time, for what it is worth) did much better yet they are packed-in like sardines? That said, let us tabulate ALL the age-adjusted death rates & a population standard deviation:
422.9, 422.3, 366.9, 356.5, 355.9, 353.1, 345.2, 342.1, 335, 331.6, 329.5, 327.5, 325.1, 324.1, 321.7, 313.3, 311.5, 301.8, 300, 298, 296.5, 293.9, 293, 287.8, 281.2, 279.5, 267.7, 267.3, 266.7, 266.1, 260.9, 259.1, 255.8, 250.4, 245.5, 245, 244.6, 244.4, 242.7, 232.9, 232.5, 229.8, 222.7, 222, 195.5, 176.5, 173.4, 170.3, 161.3, 112.4, 93.8
The average I get from those numbers (tossing out the U.S. average of course) is 275.592 & I presume the discrepancy is because of states that have much higher % of older folks (regardless of density & en masse population) & thus a lot more older folks than other states. E.G. California could have a murder rate of 10 per 100,000 & Iowa could have a murder rate of 30 per 100,000, but the calculated average of those two states together would NOT equal 20 per 100,000 because California has so many more residents. I will use the figure provided in Tom Woods’ post, which was 282.7 per 100,000. The Population Standard Deviation = 67.652
Hawaii, like New Zealand did great because… it is an island. Some Democrats were retarded enough to think the Kiwi nation solved the COVID-19 crisis, but I’m not sure if they’ve ever looked at a map of Oceania. They probably can’t even find Ohio on a U.S. map.
The states that are *more than* one standard deviation *above* the average (282.7+67.652 = 350.352) are: MS, OK, KY, NM, AL & TX.
The states that are *more than* one standard deviation *below* the average (282.7-67.652 = 215.048) are: UT, NH, OR, WA, ME, VT & HI.
Notice all the states that did “really well” (save HI, due to being an island) were in more northern climes & all the states that did “really bad” could be considered states w/ more tolerable winters. If you think they are not tolerable, spend a winter in northern MN or the Dakotas & get back to me.
A slew of states, in fact most states fall within 1SD of the average, some of them rural (and like most rural states, they have some population centers) & some of them densely populated. Some of them are Democrat trifectas & some of them are GOP trifectas.
And again, the big story according to Mr. Woods (and he’s right) is NM’s total failure, as well as FL & CA being almost neck-and-neck. Who would’ve thunk it?...
I will finally close w/ this. Those states that never had shelter-in-place or stay-at-home orders (IA, ND, SD, UT, WY, NE, AR) had a collective age-adjusted death rate of 274.614 per 100,000, which is within one standard deviation of the national average. In my essays, I dubbed them the NON-LOCKDOWNS.
The states that went crazy, a cluster up in the Northeast (NY, NJ, CT, MA, DC & RI) had a collective age-adjusted death rate of 273.4 per 100,000. *VIRTUALLY IDENTICAL* to the states that “did not care if people lived or died” according to mentally ill carnival barkers in the Regressive Democrat camp. Who would’ve thunk it?
If I tossed in New Mexico amongst that group (because those are the states that went above-and-beyond in COVID-19 insanity) that would push it up a bit more, but the point is if I covered the names of all those states up & let Democrats guess, they would be wrong…
I mentioned the Univ. of Maryland “Social Distancing Index” https://data.covid.umd.edu/ in my essay debunking YouTube drug addict Old Fart Rants but let us supplement that data for everyone.
https://archive.ph/Tv6i2 https://archive.ph/Tv6i2/47f66e96a8db68cf4525bfe136dfacf3ed2ae605.jpg https://archive.ph/Ars2c Here are the state-by-state numbers on their “Social Distancing Index” from 2/1/20 to 4/20/21, when they ceased updating it. I took a screenshot just so you can see the data for yourself, I am telling you the truth.
I covered the “Social Distancing Index” data briefly in my essays, but never went from 2/1/20 to 4/20/21 – let us do that shall we?
The “Social Distancing Index” data for all 50 states (plus DC) are: 26, 29, 31, 25, 38, 31, 34, 33, 57, 33, 29, 41, 26, 32, 27, 26, 28, 27, 30, 26, 38, 36, 32, 30, 25, 27, 26, 27, 34, 28, 39, 31, 44, 28, 26, 29, 25, 33, 33, 32, 27, 24, 26, 30, 29, 30, 34, 34, 28, 27, 24 ***The HIGHER your score, the more locking-down you did, the LOWER your score, you wanted people to die according to the antique media #BranchCovidians *** https://data.covid.umd.edu/about/index.html
The cumulative avg. of those numbers = 30.686 & the Population Standard Deviation = 5.798
States that were *more than one standard deviation BELOW the average* & were thus naughty are (30.686-5.798 = 24.888): Arkansas, Mississippi, Oklahoma, South Dakota & Wyoming.
[NOTE: Since the Social Distancing Index score is rounded, any state scoring a 25 or lower is included in the list above]
Age-adjusted COVID-19 death rate per 100,000 for AR, MS, OK, SD & WY = 355.7
That is *MORE THAN one standard deviation above* the national age-adjusted death rate average. #BranchCovidians are smiling
[NOTE: Iowa, Alabama, Maine, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota & Tennessee all scored a “26” & were thus, close – but those are the rules]
States that were *more than one standard deviation ABOVE the average* & were thus did what their East German masters told them (30.686+5.798 = 36.484) are: California, District of Columbia, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey & New York.
[NOTE: Again, due to lack of rounding & the average landing in the middle, any state scoring a 36 or above is included in the above list. Not including Hawaii… because island]
Age-adjusted COVID-19 death rate per 100,000 for CA, DC, MD, MA, NJ & NY = 268.683
That is within 1SD of the national average, nothing to cheer about, nothing to boo about. If the lockdown sociopaths were right, they should have age-adjusted death rates below everyone else or close to that, but it’s not the case.
Iowa, Florida, Idaho, Montana & Utah all had lower death rates, just in case they think the above is a big deal, it is not.
The NON-LOCKDOWNS (IA, ND, SD, UT, WY, NE, AR, all GOP Trifectas) had a collective “Social Distancing Index” score of 25.857 & an age-adjusted COVID-19 death rate of 274.614 per 100,000. AGAIN, VIRTUALLY IDENTICAL to the LOCKDOWNS!
THE LOCKDOWNS (NY, NJ, CT, MA, DC, RI) had a collective “Social Distancing Index” score of 40.333 an age-adjusted COVID-19 death rate of 273.4 per 100,000. Below the national average, but within 1SD of it, so nothing that would be considered an outlier, but that is what the sociopaths on lockdown land expected because they were good little Soviets, sheltering place on their fat duffs, wasting their lives watching Netflix.
The previous two paragraphs should not be true, it should not happen. I repeat myself because this will hammer it into peoples’ heads, perhaps some of you who are aware of what these #BranchCovidians want to do will help wake someone up to the Fascism creeping into American society, courtesy of people who think we can control a respiratory virus.
In conclusion, there’s no truth to the “lockdowns save lives” rubbish & there never was. I do wish the Univ. of MD “Social Distancing Index” went through 2022, but it is what it is. [END QUOTE]
Conclusion: IF you lived in a state where Republicans were in charge, you were far less likely to have been subjected to (and that doesn’t mean every GOP Governor did great) the soul-crushing lockdowns & restrictions that plagued the states I dubbed as the lockdowns (toss in NM) that were typically ruled by Democrats. So yeah, there is a difference between Republicans & Democrats as I have ably demonstrated above.
I’ll also be careful to avoid the moving goalposts they’ll employ. I do this so you don’t have to. Mr. Chairman, I Yield Back!!
{X} COVID-19 garbage vaccines https://rumble.com/v359ld8-fact-checking-usa-todays-disingenuous-defense-of-anthony-fauci-covid-19-vac.html https://rumble.com/vrsxs7-new-york-state-covid-19-vaccine-fail.html https://rumble.com/vra04h-the-covid-19-vaccines-will-save-us-maybe-not-really.html https://rumble.com/vrfmo3-facebook-suppressing-luke-yamaguchis-vaers-posts-on-covid-19-vaccines.html https://rumble.com/vuf6u0-the-covid-19-vaccines-are-going-to-save-us-maybe-not-really-part-ii.html https://rumble.com/v2s125y-the-covid-19-vaccines-are-going-to-save-us-maybe-not-really-part-v.html https://rumble.com/vwvczy-the-covid-19-vaccines-are-going-to-save-us-maybe-not-really-part-iii.html https://rumble.com/vrsyez-rachel-maddow-is-fake-news-covid-19-vaccine-fail.html https://rumble.com/v1g5lw5-the-covid-19-vaccines-are-going-to-save-us-maybe-not-really-part-iv.html https://rumble.com/vr360z-stephen-colbert-is-fake-news-covid-19-vaccination-rates-and-cases-per-week.html https://rumble.com/vp8g4f-stephen-colbert-is-dumber-than-sam-seder-covid-19-case-rates-and-vaccinatio.html https://rumble.com/v2rgw38-covid-19-lockdowns-get-nuked.html PS I do NOT fault anyone who was in the 60+ range and/or in poor health for gambling on the vaccine & taking it. A double-amputee from Iraq w/ respiratory problems should not be faulted for gambling on an experimental cocktail.
{Y} Roll Call Votes on these SCOTUS Justices, the ones in the Majority: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1091/vote_109_1_00245.htm https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1092/vote_109_2_00002.htm https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1092/vote_109_2_00001.htm https://www.congress.gov/nomination/100th-congress/722 https://www.congress.gov/nomination/99th-congress/1193 https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1021/vote_102_1_00220.htm Now, the Minority: https://voteview.com/rollcall/RS0940603 https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1012/vote_101_2_00259.htm https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1031/vote_103_1_00232.htm https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1032/vote_103_2_00242.htm
{Z} https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1112/vote_111_2_00229.htm Kagan
https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1152/vote_115_2_00222.htm https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1152/vote_115_2_00223.htm Kavanaugh
Gorsuch https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1151/vote_115_1_00104.htm https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1151/vote_115_1_00105.htm https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R44819 (read this as to why Mitch McConnell voted “nay” on the previous Cloture Vote) https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1151/vote_115_1_00106.htm https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1151/vote_115_1_00107.htm https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1151/vote_115_1_00108.htm https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1151/vote_115_1_00109.htm https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1151/vote_115_1_00110.htm
Amy Coney Barrett https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1162/vote_116_2_00217.htm https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1162/vote_116_2_00218.htm https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1162/vote_116_2_00219.htm https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1162/vote_116_2_00220.htm https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1162/vote_116_2_00221.htm https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1162/vote_116_2_00222.htm https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1162/vote_116_2_00223.htm https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1162/vote_116_2_00224.htm
Some more interesting reading on SCOTUS nominations https://www.senate.gov/legislative/nominations/SupremeCourtNominations1789present.htm https://news.ballotpedia.org/2022/02/10/confirmation-votes-for-scotus-justices-appointed-since-1967/ https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2022/02/07/up-until-the-postwar-era-u-s-supreme-court-confirmations-usually-were-routine-business/ https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/RL/RL33225
Ketanji Brown Jackson https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1172/vote_117_2_00126.htm https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1172/vote_117_2_00133.htm https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1172/vote_117_2_00134.htm
{ZZ} “Transgender” is NOT a real thing. You have the right (as an adult, we don’t let 12-year-olds drive cars or smoke cigarettes, we don’t let 17-year-olds consume alcohol, not legally anyways) to mutilate your genitals if you want, get some fake breasts put on & a goofy wig & a dress – the whole nine yards. However, you cannot “transition” from XY Chromosome Homo Sapien to XX Chromosome Homo Sapien. https://rumble.com/v43k1nq-sam-seder-latifah-faisal-mark-d.-langdon-and-keith-olbermann-humbled-by-ril.html https://rumble.com/v4hqc2x-debunking-aoc-and-her-genital-check-nonsense.html https://rumble.com/v36edqs-creep-sam-seder-and-mark-d.-lang-flunked-biology-anatomy-and-physiology.html https://rumble.com/v3w8icm-creepy-mark-d.-langdon-and-biopolaroid-sam-seder-flunked-science.html https://rumble.com/v3u6uai-creepy-sam-seder-and-mark-d.-langdon-find-out-biology-is-real-science.html https://rumble.com/v2lwmh8-creepy-sam-seder-and-dylan-mulvaney-embarrassed-by-james-okeefe.html
Chris Hayes Urges Dems to Double Down on Transitioning Children
HAYES: “I think that — I don’t think there’s anyone who hasn’t had a moment across the political spectrum of some form of progressive communication that’s either left them bewildered or a little like, ‘Eh, I don’t know about that,’ but I also think, at the same time, there is a message of what I would, like, call commonsense patriotic pluralism that is a majority message, which is like, if some father and mother have health care for their kid lined up, who is trans, just stay the f**k out of their business. Like, and let them make that decision. That’s their decision to make. You don’t have to make that for your family. I’m not going to tell you what to do with your family.”
MAHER: “Well, I mean, but the argument is whether the child should make the decision.”
HAYES: “But the child is never making the decision. The parents are always making the decision. Parents consent to medical care.”
MAHER: “Well, here in California, you’re allowed to hide it from the parents, if the kid — “
HAYES: “Yes, but — “
MAHER: “Thank you, one person who knows that. Somebody knows that is the case.”
HAYES: “I think in the vast majority, we’ve been hearing from parents right now whose kid’s medical care has been interrupted. I think there’s a way to talk about — “
MAHER: “Well, of course, they would say it’s not medical care.”
HAYES: “Sure, that is what they are saying.”
MAHER: “They would say it’s disfiguring a child.
HAYES: “I think they should mind their own business, I really do. I think they should mind their own business. And I think that’s true about a lot of things. I think there is this sense in which there was this, sort of, backlash politics, some of which I understood, some of which people I knew felt that way. I don’t think what the people wanted was for the women CIA agents at the CIA to be told that they couldn’t get together once a month to, like, celebrate former women’s spies. I think, like, fundamental parts of what we call in this country the traditions of pluralism, which is what this country is, and pluralism is another word for diversity — if we’re not going to use that one, let’s use pluralism — that fundamentally, there is a majority that understands that, like, we all come from different places, and part of what makes this country work is we acknowledge and we negotiate those differences, and that’s a thing that I think Democrats can win back a majority of messaging.”
Carville: It’s Like There’s a Plant in Progressive America to See How Many ‘Jackass, Stupid Things’ Democrats Can Embrace
CARVILLE: “I got, for my outrage, these are partly, like, dramatic things. There are just two things that Democrats have done that are so unmoored to what anyone in the country thinks or feels like. It’s almost impossible. The first one is, some Democrats and progressives in New York are advocating for bereavement pet leave. Okay? So, in other words, if your cat dies, you get three days of paid leave. Does anyone even know, like, in rural America, like, where I grew up, how many dead animals in the entire history of the United States? Let me tell you something, a sound that has never, ever, ever been uttered: ‘Well, Martha, Fido died so I can’t bale the hay today.’ I mean, come on! I mean, please, just think of how — fortunately, no one’s going to overly publicize this, although the right is using it in some places — just how clueless you sound to people who are agrarian. It’s like, you know, you’re living on a different thing. Life and death on a farm is something that happens every six hours. I mean, my God. Then we had the famous DNC chair race of — okay, I don’t really really care. Let me read to you something. ‘Speaking to the Democratic National Committee, which met to select the new leadership this weekend, outgoing chair Jamie Harrison attempted to explain the point about rules concerning gender balance for his vice chair race. ‘The rules specify we have a gender non-binary candidate to office and a non-binary individual is counted if neither male or female and the remaining six office must be gender-balanced,’ Harrison said.’ Did I just — did I just read this? Of course I did. And do you believe this? Of course you do. Because that’s the level of jackassery that — now, does any Democratic candidate — no, I don’t even know if Ken Martin himself has, but they do it. And it’s like there’s a a plant somewhere in ‘progressive’ America that just sees how many jackass, stupid things that they can embrace. It is stunningly stupid, both of them.”
Sam Seder DESTROYED On Police Budget LIES In 60 Seconds
![Actual Justice Warrior](https://1a-1791.com/video/z8/D/P/U/h/DPUha.baa.1-ActualJusticeWarrior-rkh49y.png)
Actual Justice Warrior
In this video I explain the impact of Defunding the Police & the Floyd effect
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#Debate #SamSeder #IamSean90
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Sam Seder FAILS At Math #crime #SamSeder
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Original Steam Low Audio: https://www.youtube.com/live/FUOlpjj14Kc?feature=share
#Debate #SamSeder #IamSean90
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Brian Tyler Cohen Is LYING About This
![Michael Knowles](https://1a-1791.com/video/z8/L/0/u/c/L0uca.baa.5-MichaelKnowles-rzv7cr.png)
Michael Knowles
Influencer Brian Tyler Cohen posted a photo to X of Donald Trump holding his son's hand as he walked off a stage at a rally in Florida. His post was a complete lie, which is ironic because his show is called "No Lies." If you watch the full video, Donald Trump's son wanted to shake his father's hand, so it only lasted about two seconds.
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Cari Champion on Trump Voters: It’s Not About Eggs, It’s About Making Sure There Is White Supremacy in this Country
FARAH GRIFFIN: “So whether it‘s democracy, whether it‘s, to some degree, reproductive rights, that just was not the defining issue of this election, rather than, oh, it‘s pocketbook issues, it‘s the cost of living, it‘s border security.”
CHAMPION: “It‘s not pocketbook issues. I don‘t want to interrupt you. I thought it was about eggs. We‘re not talking about it. It‘s not about eggs. It was never about eggs. It was about race. And if we‘re honest, if I see something, say something. We‘ve been told that since we were kids. If you see something, say something. It‘s not about eggs. It‘s not about — it‘s about making sure that there is white supremacy in this country. And if we‘re honest, we will say that. It is about making sure — “
FARAH GRIFFIN: “With due respect — “
CHAMPION: “We will make sure that people who — DEI is is really all these code words. You used to use ‘woke,’ I asked you to define what woke meant, you couldn‘t really define it.”
JENNINGS: “Oh, I did.”
CHAMPION: “Tell me what it means again.”
JENNINGS: “Woke ideology is taking extreme views of American culture and trying to tear down America from the inside out and go outside of our cultural norms and invade every corporation, university and other institutions.”
CHAMPION: “What is DEI?”
Allison: “That’s incorrect.”
CHAMPION: “That’s incorrect. But what is DEI? Tell me again.”
JENNINGS: “DEI? Diversity, equity and inclusion. Trying to guarantee outcomes instead of guarantee opportunity?”
CHAMPION: “It looks every single person in Trump’s cabinet looks like DEI. I want take us off the rope. You continue.”
FARAH GRIFFIN: “If I could just finish — “
PHILLIP: “I do want us to not get off the rails because — “
JENNINGS: “Well, she just said we‘re all white supremacists. We’ve got to — we’ve got to address this, don’t we?”
PHILLIP: “We have actually, believe it or not, a whole conversation on DEI coming up in the show.”
JENNINGS: “Oh, good.”
PHILLIP: “But to your point about what the Trump Administration has been focused on, literally everything that they have done has actually been about tearing down DEI. Elon Musk is literally searching for the code words, the key words in the government, spreadsheets, and deleting those items.”
FARAH GRIFFIN: “Can I just say one thing though? Demonizing a whole swath of voters and saying they voted because they‘re racist or misogynist, not — “
CHAMPION: “I didn‘t say — those aren’t my words, it’s yours. But go ahead.”
JENNINGS: “You said it was about white supremacy.”
CHAMPION: “I said it was about white supremacy. I didn’t say that all the voters were white supremacists. But it‘s not about eggs. She said it was about pocketbook issues. It‘s not about pocketbook issues.”
FARAH GRIFFIN: “You don‘t think people were at all motivated by the state of the economy?”
CHAMPION: “Of course they were, absolutely. But yes, and... You‘re smart enough to know yes, and... They were upset about pocketbook issues and they‘re also upset about what people were saying.”