Dedicated to Loved Ones of All Kinds Who Help Restore Faith. Nothing Really Matters Til You Make it. Even When I’m Let Down—Life is for Learning! | The Pro-Complete-Your-Journey/Anti-Suicide Song “The Way of the World” by Cathy Dennis with D-Mob.
Despite MASSIVE Drop in Viewership at Fox and the Fact That it Doesn’t Matter Because Fox Has Unlimited Rothschild Illuminati Funds.. Here’s What’s Next in the Thickening 4D Timeline as it Proceeds to Split off From the 3D and into the 5D!
What a SOLD SOUL for a Police Officer Looks Like.. — Jean Noland, “Inspired”. | WE in 5D: MAGA-Tards with Their Outdated Blue Lives Matter Crap, Go FkKk Yourselves. If the Time Should Come 90% of Cops WILL "JU$卐 BE DOING THEIR JOB"!
YOU’RE NOT GETTING IT 💉 SO DOESN’T MATTER, BUT HERE’S WHAT’S REALLY HAPPENING: You are Jumping to Higher Timelines, and What That Looks Like to You is #BackfillPeople and Real [But Ill-Prepared] Souls Being Removed.