Jeanne Ives: CEO, Breakthrough Ideas, Host of The Real Story, New Paradigms w/Sargis Sangari EP #125

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On Monday, 14 NOV 22, on the 125th EPISODE, of New Paradigms with Sargis Sangari, #JeanneIves: CEO of Breakthrough Ideas & Host of The Real Story w/Jeanne Ives, joins me to assess the 2022 Mid-Term general elections and discuss the future of #Republican Candidates against the #Democratic Machine.

During our discussion, Jeanne and I discussed how 81 #veterans of the 196 veterans running for #Congress this cycle won their respective races as of Friday, 11 NOV 22, #VeteransDay.

The number of Veterans elected to office during the mid-terms marks the largest group of individuals who have served in the #military and won office in a decade.

When added to the 12 #incumbent #senators who are veterans and were not up for reelection this year, at least 94 #lawmakers with prior military experience will be a part of the 118th Congress starting in January.

Jeanne pointed out that although they are Veterans, we should only assume that all Veterans will be willing and ready to work across the aisle to support what is better for the nation. To emphasize this, she read a derogatory #tweet from the outgoing #Illinois #Congressman, #AdamKinzinger, to a fellow serviceman who ran for office.

Jeanne and I spoke about how the Mid-Term 2022 results defied every headline before the election, including the liberal media. For example, the New York Times wrote, ‘Democrats, on Defense in the #BlueStates, Brace for a #RedWave in the House.”

Tuesday 8 NOV 22 result bucked historical mid-term elections, where the party in power typically loses seats and control of one of both chambers, especially when the #President’s approval rating is only 40 percent.

Even the mantra, “It’s the #Economy, Stupid,” didn’t hold up. Forty-year high #inflation, #40lks down double-digit percentages, and no end in sight, and still, the current results end up in a #dysfunctional #government.

Reflecting on why the voters delivered such a Congress, Jeanne stated that the #Voters are very #tribal these days. They are voting for their party and not their interests. Or they are insulated from bad policy. Or they believe #Abortion is a moral right and nothing else matters.

Whatever the reason for the 2022 election results, in the future, the policy must matter more than the tribe, #race, #sex, or personality of the politician. Add to this Republicans possibly underestimating #AbortionRights as a determinate issue for voters, and you get the results you have.

America has big problems. On military capability, Heritage assessed only the #MarineCorps as Strong. #Energy independence, #secureborders, #lowtaxes, and a robust military matter to our future security.

In closing, Jeannie pointed out that the #balkanization of America will accelerate. Internally, people will vote with their feet, and even Democrats will move to Red states for better policies.

Join us for this critical discussion.

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