Bank Crash | Regulators Seize Signature Bank (March 12th 2013) | "The Old Systems of Trust and of Ownership Will Have to Adapt Radically." - Yuval Noah Harari | "I Expect There Be Bank Runs Beginning Monday." - Bill Ackman (Billionaire
Eric Trump | “I Have A Two Year Old And A Four Year Old That I Would Explain This Geopolitical Situation In Substantially More Detail Than Kamala Harris Tried To Explained To The Entire World.” - Eric Trump
Liz Crokin | "The Way That Hillary Clinton Defended This Man Was Horrific. She Shamed The Child, She Shamed The Victim. She Accused The Victim Of Lusting After Old Men. The Child Was 12 Years Old."
The Great Reset | The Entire Great Reset Agenda Explained In Under 5 Minutes | Klaus Schwab, "The People Assume That We Are Going Back to the Good Old World, This Is Fiction. It Will Not Happen."