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Prophet Julie Green - Teaching - Knowing the Power of Words - Part 5 - Captions
Good morning, everybody. And welcome to today's show. Once again, today is part five of knowing the power of your words and how it can change your life. Now yesterday I gave you the example of the Shunammite woman and how forcible her words were when it came to what happened with her son. And she kept saying, all is well.
✝️ Another Awesome Teaching from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video may be watched here:
And he lived, even though he died, he rose again. Then I gave you the story of the woman with the issue of blood and Mark chapter five. And how she kept saying, if I could just touch the hem of his garment. I shall be made whole. And when she did, she received her complete healing because what she said, she also got the outcome that she so desired because she was saying, I know that Jesus could heal me.
She believed it and she received it. And that's why she received. And then Jairus. Jairus was his daughter, she was at the point of death, he said to, he said to Jesus, Jesus, my, my daughter is lying at the point of death, come and lay hands on her and she will live. Again, these are examples of the power of words, how forceful those words were in the time of a life and death situation.
And also with the woman with the issue of blood, how she was made a whole because she kept saying, and she had that firm foundation in her. I know he's healed other people and I know I'm going to get that healing. And so God's people need to know, we need to be saying, we know Jesus as our healer. Joe Verraffa is healer.
A lot of Christians today don't understand the power of words, let alone what God will do in situations. He is a healer. So he will heal. He is a deliverer. He will deliver. He is our victory. So he will bring us that victory. From any type of situation where it looks like we're getting defeat. He's our provider So if we knew these things and some people do are starting to know all the names of god He's elohim, which is creator.
He is El shaddai the god whom nothing is impossible because we've he's giving us these revelations. We've been speaking about this a lot But a lot of people in the body of christ did not know the power of words And all of these stories and illustrations in the word of god gives the power of words How forceful these words were i've given you several different scriptures.
I'm going to give you a couple more today Along with and there's many more along with More illustrations on examples of stories in the Bible of God's people. You may even not even thought about this as a story of the power of words and how forceful those words that God's people spoke in the midst of a life and death situation.
So I want to give these things to you. Okay, so let's go just over a couple really quick. We're going to go over some more scriptures. Let's go to I haven't given you this one. Proverbs 13 and verse three. Again, we're laying this foundation. We're diving deep into this. Proverbs It helped if I didn't keep passing it.
Proverbs 3 in verse 13. He who guards his mouth preserves his life, but he who opens wide his mouth or lips shall have destruction. I'm going to read that again. He who guards his mouth preserves his life, but he who opens wide his lips shall have So I was giving you scriptures that were similar to this in the book of Proverbs and Proverbs chapter 10 and Proverbs chapter 12 the other day, it was showing us we need to be sensible or we need to be practical or careful about what we're saying, how we say things.
And then, of course, he's also building up foundation. On how powerful words are the first words of any situation in circumstance, whether it be life or death Will be any situation what you say first words Matter I gave you an example in my own life With my own health and almost dying and along with my son.
I think that was wednesdays I think that was part three. So again what god is telling us to do Is we have to be aware of how powerful words are let's keep reading. Let's read another one because I have a lot of stories to get to today proverbs 15 and verse 1 Proverbs 15 and verse 1 a soft answer turns away wrath, but grievous words stir up anger Okay, so again, we're talking about how powerful words are.
A gentle, this is the N A S B translation, the N A S B translation. A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. Proverbs 15 and verse 2. The tongue of the wise utters knowledge rightfully. But the mouth of a self confident fool pours out folly. Let's read it out of the CEV. We're going to read out of the CEV.
Proverbs 15 in verse two,
words of wisdom come from the wise, but fools speak foolishly. So we have to speak wisely. What are wise words? God's words. Let's read a couple more in Proverbs. Then I'm going to go to the book of James. Cause I want to give you old and new Testament proverbs 15 and verse 28. The mind of the uncompromisingly righteous studies how to answer.
So we should know how to answer a problem and it shouldn't be with negative destructive fearful death words. Okay. But the mouth of the wicked pours out evil. The mouth of wicked pours out evil. Was it evil word or report that's contrary to God's report? One that's a lie. There's, if you speak, okay, let's go to numbers.
Words were important in this one as well. Numbers chapter 13, Proverbs chapter 13. Now the reason why it's so important because we basically have two voices out in the world today. It's God's or enemies. It's a good report poor. Oh, I got balloons. It's a good report that brings truth Okay in freedom, but an evil report Will bring deception and destruction disrupt Destruction i'll get that word right god's truth will bring freedom and truth Okay in victory, but on the contrary you have an evil report that will bring deception and And it will bring destruction.
Here's two reports right here. And this is why right now there's voices all over the place saying doom and gloom. This, you know, this country is going to hell in a hand basket and there's nothing we can do about it. And this is going on and this going on and the wicked are ruling and there's, there's nothing we can, we can do.
And, and the world is going to grow darker and all hell is breaking loose. It's just going to keep getting worse and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And they just keep saying, and keep saying, and keep saying. Well, they were believing the report of the wicked. That's what the wicked want. They want you to believe that report.
Words matter. Numbers 30, And Caleb quieted the people before Moses and said, let us go up at once and possess it. We are well able to conquer it. Verse 31. So they are saying the good report. They're saying the truth. Hey, God is with us. He conquered the Egyptians and we know no matter how big these giants are, they're not bigger than God.
That's saying what Joshua and Caleb said. Verse 31, but his fellow scouts said we are not able to go up against the people of Canaan For they are stronger than we are what you just saw God Literally do everything in the book of Exodus. They thought all of the plagues They saw they got all restoration of the four hundred some years They all received their healing and restoration every part of their life.
They saw the Red Sea part. They had their mana They had their water then everything they needed and all of a sudden They are questioning God if God could get them into the land, the promised land, which he promised them, which he got them out of Egypt to do, to go to the promised land. Now all of a sudden they're questioning him.
Why? Because they're perceiving the wrong thing. And their words, Are important in this time and i'm going to show you this verse 32 So they brought the israelites an evil report of the land which they had scattered out It's in the land through which we went to spy it out in a land that devours its inhabitants And all the people that we saw and the men are great stature So they were giant so they were their perception was these people were too big for us.
They're going to kill us The evil report, the deception, and the lie that brought destruction. Verse 33, they saw the Nephilim, or the giants, the sons of Anak, and who came from the giants, and we were in our sight grasshoppers, and in our own sight as grasshoppers, so we are in their sight. So they saw themselves as lowly little grasshoppers, just so small and so insignificant that they couldn't do anything to fight these giants.
And they said, the giants are going to see us the same way.
God brought them out of the promised land, brought them to the promised land, brought them out of Egypt to go there, and they had two ports to believe. Right now, I've been giving you all these reports all this week the Lord's been giving prophecies for the last couple years. He's been giving us well prophecies last thousands of years because there's prophecies in the Bible that haven't come to pass yet that are going To and you have God's Word.
We have God's report. We have the evil report. Which one are we gonna believe? well, let's see what happens when they hear the evil report and then Speak that evil report and believe it more than they believe the purport of God. They use their words Look what they said. Numbers chapter 14 verse 1 and all the congregation cried out with a loud voice and they wept that night They were giving an affair.
The wrong report, there's wrong reports everywhere right now, and it's grieving people even in the body of Christ.
Verse 2, all the Israelites grumbled, they're opening their mouth, you can't grumble without opening your mouth, and deplored their situation, accusing Moses and Aaron, whom the whole congregation said, what, that we had died in Egypt or that we had died in the wilderness? So now they're proclaiming you sent us here to die.
So they're complaining that Moses You brought us out of Egypt just for us to die and they're saying it remember God gives that revelation if you complain in a situation You will remain In that situation. So, excuse me. So God was saying to them, Hey, get out of Egypt, go to the promised land. And the promise that I've given you where there's no lack.
That was what God said. And that's what he planned for them. Well, they hear this evil report and they hear about these giants in the land. They freak out and they say, Moses, you said it's their die. They complained. They stopped believing the good report or the one that brought them freedom. The one that brought them their victory and they spoke their defeat.
They spoke it verse three. Why does the Lord bring us to this land to fall by the sword? Now they're talking against God. Our wives and little ones will be a prey. Is it not better for us to return to Egypt? Now they want to go back to the people who enslaved them.
Verse 4. When they said to one another, let us choose a captain and return to Egypt. They were speaking their defeat. And as you know, the story, there was that generation who complained, who mocked and murmured against God died in the wilderness, they said it. And that's what they got in the book of Psalms said they limited the Holy one of Israel by their murmuring, groaning, and complaining.
murmuring, We limit God by what we say. If we're praying in our prayer classes, we're praying one way. We're praying, I thank you Father God that knew I've been formed against me so prosper. I thank you by the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and that his stripes on his back in first Peter 2 24. I am healed.
And I am made whole or you're sitting there you have a problem with for finances and it says in your word father god You're praying in your prayer closet father god It says in your word that in philippians 4 19 that you will liberally supply my every need according to his riches and glory Bind through christ jesus And it also says in your word no matter what my circumstances say father god It says in your word in second corinthians 2 and 14 that you always cause it to triumph So I receive my victory again.
God's word does not return to him void. So you're speaking the word of god I'm giving you these Things that speak in prayer. Okay, and God's right out automatically He's performing in that word and I'm going to show you that
but you know and void your prayer But you're standing on the word and you're giving God his word back You're believing the Word of God and then you get out of your prayer closet And the enemy will put you under pressure like i've shown you all week Ample opportunities every single day to get under pressure and say the wrong thing again power of your words What report good report or evil report?
What are you going to agree with? Are you going to agree by speaking it out and declaring it out? Remember, it says in job, if you decree a thing, it shall be established. So if you're decreeing the word of God and you're decreeing all these things, you're gonna get it. But if you go out of your prayer closet and you say, I'm sick, I'm sick, I'm sick, I'm sick, I'm sick.
I'm so sick, I'm tired. And you know, I have all these problems and I have all, you know, I, I'm just, I'm living paycheck to paycheck and I can't pay my bills. I can't afford this. I can't afford that. What do you believe? Do you believe what you just prayed the word of God and you're staying on the word of God Then you come out and you're telling somebody because you got you got hit with another circumstance you got hit with another bad report and then Satan wants you to get with somebody and Speak the evil report speak what's contrary to the word of God We were just praying in your prayer closet and speak what he wants you to say in order to keep you Captive and then you won't receive the answer prayer That's where a lot of people are not getting prayers answered.
So another teaching I'm going to do at some point, and maybe it will be this time while I'm gone, is to have confidence in praying, knowing how to pray, and then getting those results. I thought I was going to get a part of it in, in this teaching, but there's so much in depth teaching on the power of our words.
That I couldn't even get to that part of it yet. Not fully. I've touched on some of it, but there's more to go along with this. So you're either going to agree with God so that God keeps working and then manifests his word because he's faithful to perform his word, not your words. But his words that's why it's important for our words to be in alignment with his and non alignment with enemy Because if our words if we're speaking contrary to the word and if we're saying all these negative things that okay We're sick or you know, we have all these problems with them paid up a paycheck.
We can't afford our groceries We can't afford this and we can't do this and we can't do that and we can't pay our medical bills and we can't Pay our mortgage or whatever it is. You are keeping yourself In that prison you are giving satan authority without even realizing it Remember what joe said we talked about the beginning of this week show me where i've erred Teach me to hold my tongue how forcible or right words Well, it's important for every situation that we're in to we have we'll always have a good report, which is god's word But we'll always have an evil report because Satan's going to try to stop the word of God.
He's going to try to stop you from believing that word of God. He's going to try to steal your faith by bringing in fear. And if he brings in fear, then it destroys your faith. And it destroys your faith. Then you don't have any, you won't have any trust in God. You don't have any trust in God. You won't have any joy.
And if you don't have a joy, you don't have any strength. And it's like, it just goes down a winding spiral spiral. And then you don't receive what God has intended for you to receive. Let's look at the book of Daniel.
God hears our prayers. We have to know that it's important what we pray how we pray It's important what we say when we get out of that purr closet
So this is daniel daniel had prayed and he fasted for 21 days and it didn't look like anything was changing then Verse 12 daniel chapter 12 or 10 in verse 12 daniel 10 in verse 12 Then he said to me this is the angel gabriel was saying to daniel from the first day That you set your heart to understand and to humble yourself before god your Words were heard and I have come because of your words.
God sent the angel Gabriel to Daniel because of Daniel's words
and God sent him from the very first day that Daniel said those words, but was unbeknownst to Daniel. What Daniel did not see is when the Gabriel, the archangel had come, he ran into the Prince of Persia, which is principality of the air. It's still there today. The Prince of Persia, the principality of the heir is over nowadays Iran in the Middle East.
Okay. Because before Iran was Persia in that area. So there's called the Prince of Persia. He said he withheld me, but then God sent Michael, the archangel to come to help me. And Michael fought off the Prince of Persia. So Gabriel was able. To come down and talk to Daniel it was 21 days. So in 21 days You have your adversary giving you an evil report over and over again with your mind.
Nothing's changing. Nothing's changing I prayed and nothing's happening and nothing's going on and nothing's you know Nothing's nothing's going to change and and the situations are going to stay the same and and this is just pointless and this is just I'm, you know, i'm speaking the word of god, but you know, I It's just getting worse.
And I don't see God doing anything. It's that pressure. And when that pressure builds, Satan builds that pressure for you to say the wrong thing. Your words mean something. Your words are important. Turn to James, James chapter three.
This is not just an old covenant thing, an old Testament thing. This is new.
James chapter one, James chapter three. 3 verse 1, I meant to say James 3 verse 1. My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment. Verse two for we all stumble in many ways if anyone does not stumble in word So people make mistakes with their words. He is a perfect man, but able And able also to bridle his whole body so If you bridle your words if you hold your words and you're protective of what your words say it controls your body Let's read on verse three james 3 3 and d we put bits and horses mouths That they may obey us and we turn their whole body You Verse four look also at ships Also, do they so large and are driven by fierce winds they turn by a small rudder wherever the pilot desires verse five even so the tongue Talking about words is talking about this thing right here.
And the tongue is a a little member and boasts Great things see how great a forest a little fire kindles So our tongue this thing right here can get us It can change our bodies and he said it's like a rudder of a massive ship. You think about like a massive cruise ship. They hold thousands of people on it.
What steers that cruise ship in the direction that they're going to go is by this rudder, this little small steering wheel. They have the rudder and it will steer this massive huge ship or kind of like a city in one direction or another. He's saying our tongue is like that verse six and the tongue is a fire A world of iniquity the tongue is so set among other Members that it defiles the whole body and it sets it on fire the course of nature and it sets on fire by hell So what, fire, destruction.
If you are speaking the wrong words, those words are like a fire and like a forest fire. So if like you live in California, live in places where there's forest fires, you set ablaze. It could be a small match. It could be, it could have been a cigarette. It could have been a strike of lightning or whatever it is.
And it can set something that was small, so small at first, and it can set thousands and thousands of acres ablaze. And total destruction and that's what god is saying right here Our tongue can do the same thing the christians don't know that our tongue can set a course a fire A wildfire in our life to bring destruction after destruction after destruction
But let's keep reading verse 7 for every kind of beast and bird of reptile and creature of the sea Is tamed and has been tamed by mankind verse 8 But no man can tame a tongue for is an unruly evil full of deadly poison Well, then some Christians will be like, well, see, our tongue is this unruly member and it sets our course, our life, and it sets wildfires in our life and there's total destruction.
There's nothing we can do about it because it says right here in eight, no one, no man can tame a tongue. But God's not done talking.
Verse nine, with it, we bless our God and father. And we, if we curse men who have made man and the similitude of God and verse 10 out of the same mouth proceeds, blessing and cursing my brother. And these things shall not so be. So we should not be speaking blessing and cursing. We should only be speaking the blessing.
You can say, well, Julie, how does our tongue, if God says right here in his word, we can't tame our tongue, not naturally, but what a day David show us. What did Job show us? It was God and his power and his might and his authority that can help us guard our mouth. Teach us how to shut our mouth and learn that vocabulary of silence.
Or then when we do speak, we speak the right words. So it puts on course the right direction. I'm going to leave this. I'm gonna leave you today with an example. Go to the book of Samuel, 1st Samuel 17, 1st Samuel 17 in verse
37. David said, the Lord who delivered me out of the paw of the lion and out of the paw of the bear, and he delivered me out of the hand of this Philistine. And Saul said to David, go and the Lord will be with you. So David was saying, in a situation where everybody was running away from Goliath, and they, he chose, no one wanted to fight Goliath.
Okay, they just didn't. They saw it wrong. Just like the children of Israel did. That's the reason why they didn't see the wilderness. They walked wandering around the wilderness for 40 years and some of them died and didn't see the promised land. They believed what they saw more than they believed the report of God.
But David said, again, words, it set the course of Goliath's destruction. David said, nothing's too big for God. He helped me defeat a lion. He helped me defeat a bear. He'll help me defeat this giant. It's the same. It was david's word He believed in god's covenant. He believed that god was a covenant keeping god
So of course, you know saul tries putting his armor on him and david's like no, it's I can't even wear this. It's too big He didn't need natural weapons, you know, he grabbed five smooth stones Well stones were not going to kill goliath on their own. He needed god's power But look what he said that helped keep that course So you had David that said, okay, the lion and the bear, God's going to save me, he gets up to Goliath, he grabs his, you know, five stones, goes up to Goliath, and Goliath is intimidating him, bringing pressure on him.
How many times has God showed us the enemy will always bring pressure in an impossible looking situation for us to say the wrong thing? So David had another opportunity to say the wrong thing. Look what happens. I love God's, I just love his word and I love how he's giving these revelations. And like I said, some of these things that I'm just learning right now, because they're coming out of my spirit, the way he's saying it.
Verse 45. So again, David was, you know, Goliath wasn't trying to intimidate David. But in verse 45, look what David did. David said, there's those words again. He said, to the Philistine, you come to me with a sword and a spear and a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts and the God of the ranks of Israel, who you have defiled.
So he's reminding the enemy, hey, You come to me with natural strength I'm coming to you with the spiritual strength of almighty god and my god's on my side I have a covenant with him and he's the most high god. He's going to defeat you now Look what look what david said 46. He continues to say this day The lord will deliver you into my hand now if you if you heard david say, okay goliath this time tomorrow God's gonna deliver you into my hand what would have happened that wouldn't have happened until the next day But he said this day god will deliver you into my hands David had ample opportunities, several, to give up, to quit, to run away and cower in high like everybody else.
They chose the right words. He chose to believe that God was on his side. He chose to believe that God was bigger than anything that he was seeing. He chose to say what God needed him to say. And because he said what God needed him to say, sent him on that course on that right direction. And that is how the power of almighty God helped David defeat Goliath.
We have many opportunities in our life every day. We have pressure and we can say the wrong thing. We have many giants. We have a lot of circumstances. That the enemy puts in our face. So we say the wrong thing in the course of this last week I hope this showed you and there is so much more to this If god wants me to do more while i'm gone with this specific subject I will i'm going to do it how the lord wants me to do it for you But it's important right now for you to know the power of your words in this moment in time And now we have a choice between life and death god said in deuteronomy 30 in verse 19 I said before you life and death, blessing and cursing, you choose.
He wants you to choose and say the right thing. He wants you to choose blessing. You can choose cursing all day long. He doesn't want you to, but you can. He wants you to choose life. He wants you to choose the course of the direction of your life that he wants for you to have. And that is by speaking right words.
What a great God we serve and what great of the written word of God, the will of God that he's given to us that gives us all these revelations of all that we can have. They're not automatic, but we can choose which report we believe. And then we go farther than that. And we say, What God needs us to say, let's stop talking defeat and talking sickness and talking, you know, doom and gloom.
Let's speak what God needs us to speak in every situation in our life. Well, I want to pray over each and every one of you before I go. Father God, I thank you right now for every person that's out of my voice. Father God, for every precious person that has been a part of this ministry or who will, who will become a part of this ministry.
Father God, I thank you that you are giving us these great revelations from heaven. You're giving us every tool and everything we need to fight this good fight of faith. And we thank you because it's a good fight. It's one we win, but I thank you that you're putting a guard over our mouths. You're teaching us to hold our tongue.
You're teaching us to say right words only and getting a revelation down on the inside of us. Your words are life, your words bring freedom, your words bring health, your words bring us strength or joy, your words bring us peace, your words bring us faith. And so we thank you father God that you are our faithful God and you're faithful to perform your word.
We're choosing life this day, this day, we choose victory this day. We choose father God blessing this day. We choose peace this day. We choose joy. We choose everything that you have for us. And we thank you for all the prophetic words you're giving to us, for all the revelation knowledge you're giving to us, for all the marching orders you're giving to us, for all of these foundations that you've been building upon us in the last several years, Lord, that you were giving to us, that we have to have for this moment in time, and we thank you that a thousand may fall at one side and 10, 000 at another, but it will not come near us no matter what kind of darkness happens in this world.
We have your light that shines brighter than that darkness and destroys it and we choose that this nation Will rise again and this nation will be one nation under god now And this nation will be that light in the beacon in the world that you created And the body of christ is united not divided and this body of christ is fully awakened and not asleep We choose to believe and call all of our family members home and that they are set free You We proclaim health and healing to our bodies, and restoration, soundness, strength.
We proclaim and decree it, that everything that's been stolen from us has to be given back. And we thank you that we are no longer imprisoned by wrong words. We thank you for teaching us to hold our tongue. We thank you for it in Jesus name. Amen And amen. Well, I was encouraging today Please like subscribe and share and give this to everyone You know who needs your encouraging word needs the other truth because the truth will set you free.
God loves you I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day!
Scriptures for today Friday 3/08/2024 "Knowing the Power of Words" -Part 5:
Courtesy of @Kenbarrett77
2Kings 4:17-35
Mark 5: 22-42
Psalm 103:2-3
Exodus 15:26
Deuteronomy 2:7
Proverbs 13:3
Proverbs 15:1-2 NASB, CEV
Proverbs 15:28
Numbers 13:30-33
Numbers 14:1-4
Isaiah 54:17
1Peter 2:24
Philippians 4:19
2Corinthians 2:14
Job 22:28
Job 6:24
Daniel 10:12
James 3:1-10
1Samuel 17:37,45-46
Deuteronomy 30:19
Hebrews 10:23
Psalm 91:7
Have a blessed day my Brothers and Sisters!!! 🛡🛡🛡🙏🕊🙏🕊✝️ OUR GOD ALWAYS WINS!!!
COPYRIGHT 2024 Julie Green Ministries International
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