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Prophet Julie Green - Teaching - Knowing the Power of Words - Part 2 - Captions
Good morning, everybody. And welcome to today's show again. And I thank you each and every one of you for joining me today. And today is part two, knowing the power of your words and how they can change your life. So on yesterday's broadcast, what you learn was the foundation of how God created the world.
✝️ Another Awesome Teaching from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video may be watched here:
He created the world with words. Then he created us in his limit image like him. And one of the things that I gave you was Genesis 1 26 through 28 in the CEV. And I'm only gonna be part of this because I'm building this foundation. On how how much power and authority you have, but all also, and how important these words are that we speak each and every day and how we need to line these words up with God, how people have been so deceived and thinking that words were just to communicate.
When words are creative and they should create life, they should create your circumstances to be the right thing, the right way and what God has designed for you. Not what the enemy has designed and what he wants in your life. So Genesis one 26 really quick. It says in the C E V translation, God said, now we will make humans and they will be like us.
We will let them have what them rule. The fish, the birds and over every leaf living creature, verse 27. So God created humans to be like himself. He made men and women. God gave them his blessing and said, I have a lot of children. Fill the earth with people. Bring it under your control. Rule over the fish of the ocean, the birds in the sky and every animal on the earth.
And the reason again, why I wanted to read that to you again, I'm going to read you isaiah 55 11 and then i'm going to go on to new scriptures But the reason why we're doing this is because of building a foundation God did not create us to be slaves. God did not create us to be under oppressors He did not create us to be under rogue governments and tyrannical governments We are supposed to rule and reign in this earth again I'm going to give you scriptures To back these, all these things up that I'm saying line upon line, precept upon precept, people need to know the power of your words.
God said in his word in John six 63, I give it to you yesterday. His words are spirit and they are life. So instead of just speaking any old words or any words that enemy wants us to speak, we need to get our words aligned with almighty God's word to change the things that in our own lives. Change what we're feeling in our bodies or how our minds are thinking What we can do is we have more power and authority than we realized over everything that we see And so god is telling us to get the revelation in your hearts deep down in there That God has created us like him and if he created a world with words, we are supposed to create our own world with words, our lives with words, not just any old words.
With his words. Do you know that there are so many words that are so destructive all over the place? I see certain things that was like my kids's age and what they say all the time and what all these people on YouTube say all the Time or all the news media says all the time or whatever people say was contrary to the Word of God I'm gonna give you an example.
My back is killing me Or my feet are killing me or my kids are driving me up a wall My kids are going to drive me to the grave all these stupid things that people think that don't mean anything And they do satan has gotten god's people Under deception that words don't matter. He's gotten people into deception that words are just for communication when words are actually designed to create to give life to give blessing You We are supposed to align ourselves with the word of God.
And when we're praying, when we have a life and death situation, you don't want to say the wrong thing. You don't want to say what your enemy wants you to say. You want to say what God needs you to say in that particular time. That's why words are so important. So I'm going to give you some scriptures today on the power of your words.
And why they are so important on the first scriptures i'm going to give to you today Also, I want to say this really quick words change your circumstances again. I'm building upon what was on yesterday Words change your circumstances Words can bring life Words can bring healing, words can bring peace, words can bring joy, words can bring faith, words can bring prosperity, and words can bring victory.
There's also all the things that are negative to that, okay? Words can bring negative circumstances in your life. Words can bring death. Words can bring sickness. Words can bring depression or fear. Words can bring, instead of strength, they bring weakness.
Words bring fear. I said that earlier with the other one, so I apologize. I'm going to, I'll read this again for you. And words can bring defeat. So I'm going to read this again. Words can bring Words can bring negative circumstances in your life. Words can bring death. Words can bring sickness. Words can bring let me use this.
Words can bring, instead of peace, they will bring uncertainty, confusion, and then for words bring the opposite of joy, which is strength. They're going to bring you weakness. Words bring fear. Words can bring defeat. So it's everything opposite. Now, I didn't write those, you know, those negative contrary ones.
That's why you're seeing me kind of like, Okay, Lord, what do you want me to say this? Because I didn't write those down. But he was telling me to say what was opposite of these words. Because either you have words that are going to bring, Your circumstances the right in the right course in the right direction life healing peace joy faith victory or you can have Situations with your words that are going to bring the wrong path and the wrong situations that you do not want in circumstances in your life They can bring death.
They can bring sickness They can bring confusion or being unsettled or depressed. They can bring weakness. They can bring lack. They can bring fear and they can bring defeat. Okay. Now, so saying the right words is important. Not only when you pray, but saying the right words. every other time of the day.
So saying right words is important when you pray, but it's also important every other part of the day. Because if you are speaking one way in prayer, which is the one way we should speak in prayer, is speaking the word of God. If you speak the word of God in prayer, you know that he's going to, he's faithful to hear it.
Because his words do not return in void, Isaiah 5511. So let's read. Now I'm going to bring up Isaiah 5511
and I read it to you yesterday in the Amplified. Today I want to read it in the the contemporary English version or the CEV, Isaiah 5511. That's how it is with my words. They don't return to me without doing everything I send them to do. I'm gonna read that again. This is God speaking. Isaiah 55 11.
That's how it is with my words. They don't return to me without doing everything I send them to do. Why do you think it's so important that God is giving us this revelation right now when everything is going awry, everything is going the wrong direction, everything looks dark and impossible, and all these things are going wrong in life.
And that's because. Evil and deception have been ruling and reigning. The wicked have been ruling and reigning and getting people to speak what's contrary to the word of God. And some people even in the body of Christ don't even know how to pray. They're just saying just sporadic words, or they're just saying everything that's wrong, that's in their life.
And then asking God and pleading with God to help them and then they're not getting answers a prayer and they're wondering why and it's so Sad and also makes me like righteously angry that there's people in the church and the body of Christ that are not teaching this They're not teaching how to pray.
They're not teaching what we're supposed to say Every day they're not teaching that words are important at all. They're not teaching that god's people have authority They have power and diminishing this earth They're not teaching what god and these revelations that god has for us the teaching man made doctrine They're watering down the word of god and make it to make no effect in our life That's why god wants us to know the power of his word in john 6 63 again His words are spirit and they are life.
That's why we are supposed to speak what God says. All right. Now I'm gonna go over to some of these scriptures that God had given to me. Let's start with let's start with Job. All right, Job, Job's life. I'm gonna give you that him as an example at first. Okay, because a lot of people just think that the story of job is this a sorry story and that No good came out of it They only talk about the negative part of the story of job and it is good to know what happened with job But it's also good to know what happened that he also got a revelation Of the power of words and then he got this revelation and then he let it go.
So we have to know exactly what happened I'm going to start. Let's see here. Let's start with job one and verse nine. So we're learning not only the power of your words in a positive way, but we're also going to learn the power of your words in a negative way. All right. Job 1 chapter 1 and verse 9 then Satan answered the Lord does job reverently fear God for nothing verse 10 Have you not put a hedge about him and his house and all that he has ever on every side?
You have conferred prosperity and happiness upon him and the work of his hands and it possessed possessions Have they increased in his land verse 11? But put your forth your hand now and touch all that he has and he will curse you to your face And the Lord said to Satan, the adversary, the accuser, behold, all that he has is in your power, only upon the man himself I put not forth your hand.
So Satan went forth from the presence of the Lord. What does this mean? Does this have anything to do with words? So God, so Satan was accusing cause you know, Satan's the accuser of the brethren and he's accusing Job, you know, of he's going to curse you to your face. You gave him all this prosperity. If you take that prosperity away, he's going to turn from you.
Take down that hedge of protection and see what happens. Well, God wouldn't take that hedge of protection down But he also said to satan basically the hedge of protection isn't there anymore. He's in your power Well, why would I say that first of all god can't lie second of all satan couldn't take that hedge of protection down We have to know that this is a great illustration god wouldn't take that hedge of protection down the only person had the power to do with it was job and How did he get that hedge of protection taken down from him from the spirit of fear?
He was in fear. That's why God said, And the Lord said to Satan, the adversary and the accuser, Behold, all that he has is in your power. Because Job was in utter fear. And so when he was in fear, he was speaking all the wrong things. That's how Job's hedge of protection that God put around him was taken down because of the power of his words.
And he got into fear. He believed that fear. And he spoke the wrong things. Now let's see what Job says when he gets a revelation of this and Job chapter six. So this is already after the revelation of that. He, you know, he was in fear. He lost everything. He was losing so much. And then Job got this revelation.
Look at this in Job six in verse 23, deliver me from the enemy's hand or redeem me from the hand of the oppressors. Now, again, he was going through torment. Verse 24, teach me and I will hold my tongue, cause me to understand wherein I have erred. Verse 25, how forcible are right words. So when all these things that were going wrong in Job's life, he got a revelation, Job got the revelation.
Teach me. And I will hold my tongue, cause me to understand where I have erred. So Job was realizing it wasn't God's fault that got him there. He was realizing how forcible are right words. And he's asking God, God, help me, teach me to hold my tongue. And people nowadays will say, well, it doesn't matter what you say.
Say whatever you want. It's not going to change anything. It's not going to do anything. They're just words. But God is giving us examples in his word again I'm going to give you many examples of the power of wrongful words and the power of the right words So i'm going to give you the negative first in these stories in all these scriptures that will talk to you About the power and the authority of your words.
They're going to bring life or death blessing or cursing But job again had this revelation on how powerful Words were they teach me to hold my tongue God's people right now need to ask God, teach me to hold my tongue Lord. Show me how forcible are right words. Get me in alignment with your words. If we go back, there was times where there were certain situations in my own life, and there's a lot of things going wrong.
I mean, before I've been preaching for 14 years, I mean, not online. It was only been three years online, but I've been preaching for 14 years. I was associate pastor at my dad's church for 13 years. And so I mean, I, I went through hell. A lot of, you know, my testimony where. I was in fear. I was anxiety. I was in panic attacks.
It ruled my life. I was a hermit in my own home I had so much problems in my body with through so much sickness and disease It was constant. I had constant pain. I was depressed and I was suicidal.
You know, I was a child of god I knew these truths. I knew these things but under dire circumstances. I was saying all the wrong things And so now I was praying out to God and I was pleading with God, God, what is going on? I'm praying. I'm standing on your word. Why are all these things going in my wrong in my life?
Why am I going through this hell? And he showed me it was your words.
The curse doesn't come causeless. And then he was showing me these things and he was showing me what I had said out of The abundance of my heart, the mouth speaketh. Remember the abundance of your heart, the mouth speaks. There was at one point in time where I was in an ambulance on my way to Iowa city hospitals, which is a major hospital in this area.
And I was on my, oh, I got a thumbs up. I was on my way to that hospital and I was dying and they could not figure out what was wrong with me. And I was asking the Lord and I knew I had opened a door somewhere. I couldn't figure out what it was, but I knew I was dying. There was nothing that the doctors were giving me for the week prior to that.
They were giving me medicine after medicine and nothing was working. My lymph nodes were swollen all over my body. They weren't going down, but they were getting bigger and they were getting worse. And they were sending me to the infectious disease ward and I was city was that that's what they thought they were going to send me because they didn't know why, what infection it was, how I was getting it, what was causing this infection and how to stop it because they were giving me all these things.
I wouldn't stop it. Well, a week prior to that, I was sitting in the, the emergency room and I was telling my dad, I said, I know I opened the door somewhere. I just don't know where I opened it. And he's like, God will show you. Well, he did a week prior. I said, I don't want to be here anymore. I can't take this anymore.
I don't want, I don't want to live how forcible are right words within one week. I was dying and there was nothing medically they were doing that was saving my life. Why? Because I'm forcible to write those right words. I spoke out of the abundance of my heart and I said, I don't want to be here anymore.
And I meant it and that caused death and that caused sickness and that caused a destruction. And now I was in the ambulance on my way in the middle of the night, like 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning on a middle of night on my way to Iowa City. And I said to the Lord, Lord, I spoke those words. That I wanted to die.
I'm asking you to forgive me. I'm repenting of those words. I want to live and not die. I said it. I got to Iowa city. I was in the emergency room brown was like 12 hours. I don't know how many doctors I saw. They came in two by two, like Noah, the Ark, and animals. And they came two by two from all these different parts and departments of the, of the hospital because they couldn't figure out what was wrong with me.
I had. IVs in both my hands, but nothing hooked up to them. I was big, huge IVs hooked up in both my hands, but nothing was, there was no medicine going through me because they wanted to see what my body was going to do.
Well, my body was reacting not to medication, not to anything the doctors did because they didn't do anything at that particular point. They were just doing all these different tests, but there wasn't any medicine, but my lymph nodes were shrinking.
It wasn't the doctors that saved my life. It was God. It was the power of my words. This was in 2014. This was 10 years ago, but I'll never forget it. It was a life lesson and that life lesson and what happened to me in that particular point. There's different examples. That is one showing you how forcible right words within one week of me saying, I don't want to live anymore.
I want to die. I was dying and they couldn't stop it.
And the Lord showed me where I had erred. He showed me that those words that came out of my mouth that I forgot about
how powerful our words are, but how powerful are the opponent of the heart? The mouth speaks. Our will is more powerful than people realize. And there's proof of this.
I'm telling you, I was showing them all these things because at the time, by the time I got to Iowa city, my, I, my, I was swollen shut because I had cellulitis in the face. I had strep throat, the strep throat got so bad and it was causing all these other issues. But my, I was starting to go down the town.
They saw me. I wasn't like how I was in in, in Dewitt hospitals where I started, that was only a 40 minute trip.
It, it was shrinking before their eyes, not only the swelling in my eye, but also all my lymph nodes everywhere. And they couldn't figure out what was going on. What I did, it was the power of my words. Because again, just like what Job said, show me where I've erred, how forcible are right words teach me to hold my tongue.
I want to read something else to you in Proverbs, go to Proverbs. And at
the end of today. I'm going to pray over you and over any words that you've spoken that were contrary to the word of God. We're going to ask God for a crout failure on those words so they do not produce a harvest anymore for you. And so, and you speak the right words that God's speaking to change the course of your life.
Proverbs six and verse two, you are snared by the words of your mouth. You are taken by the words of your mouth. So I'm gonna read that again. You are stared by the words of your mouth. You are taken by the words of your mouth. Now I'm going to read this out of the CEV translation here.
Proverbs six, verse two, you are trapped by your own words. You again, Proverbs six, verse two, trapped. You, then you are trapped by your own words. Proverbs six two in the contemporary or the ECEV translation. So what is snared mean? So I first read it to you out of the new King James and that says you are snared by the words of your mouth in the CEV translation says you're trapped.
So let's look up the word snared again. We're doing an in depth teaching is why I'm, I'm going through all of this week. I don't want to rush through this because people need to know the importance of this. So what does snare mean? To catch or to trap someone? To capture, to trap, to snare, to entrap. So it means to possess or control by or as if, by seizing.
I'm gonna read that again. To come to possess or control by, or ask or as if it's by seizing you are snared or trapped. You become. Possess you, you come to possess or control by as if you are seizing. So what can the adversary do to you? He can seize you. He can trap you. He can control you. You are snared.
You are his captor. By your words. Again. People don't realize how important these words are. They don't believe it. Let's read one more scripture for today Let's go to
Proverbs 18 Proverbs 18.
Let's see here Let's read verse 20 and 21 Proverbs 18 20 and 21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue and they who indulge in it Shall eat the fruit of it for death or life verse 20 22. Oh, sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. I was supposed to start with verse 20. I apologize. Let me start over. I made a mistake.
Verse 20 Proverbs 18 verse 20 a man's moral self shall be filled with the fruit of his mouth and with the consequence of his words he must be satisfied whether good or evil. So God is showing us either we're going to have good things come in our life because what we're saying by our words or we're going to have bad things that come into our life because what we're saying by our words.
Verse 21 again death and life and the power of the tongue and they who indulge in it shall eat the fruit of it For life or death. So if you speak death all the time sickness all the time What are you going to get death and sickness if you're speaking life and you're speaking blessing you're speaking healing That's what you're going to get.
That's what god is giving to us. I'm going to give you several more scriptures tomorrow But let's work. Let's look this up really quick under The cev translation
and then i'm going to pray for you make your words good You will be glad you did verse 21 words can bring death or life Talk too much and you'll eat everything you say that's Proverbs 18 20 through 21 in the CEV Translation again, I'm gonna read that again. Make your words good You will be glad you did.
Words can bring death or life. Talk too much and you will eat everything you say. Again, what is God saying? Life and death and the power of the tongue. You're snared or entrapped or imprisoned by the words of your mouth. And that's why even Job said, How forceful are the right words? Teach me to hold my tongue.
He taught me that. And there are sometimes I have to revisit that revelation and speak right words over everything in my own life. So we will pick this up tomorrow. I'll give you more scriptures on power of your words. And then I'm going to give you again, more in depth. And they're later on this week of Good things not i'm not gonna just give you bad things.
I'm gonna give you also good things, too Okay, but heavenly father right now in jesus name I lift up every person the sound of my voice and father god We thank you for revelation knowledge on the power of our words and heavenly father right now They have spoken words that were contrary to your words If they spoke death, if they spoke lack, if they spoke cursing, whatever it was that gave the enemy a door, we shut that door, we repent of those words, we ask for a crowd failure, and I thank you, Father God, you are teaching us today, right now, how forcible are right words.
Teach us all father. God to hold our tongue. We thank you father. God. You're showing us where we have erred and that we will not make those mistakes. And if we do, we will repent. We thank you father. God, that your words are spoken out of your mouth. We choose life. We choose blessing. And thank you father.
God, that our life is changing today. We choose that life and we choose blessing and we thank you We are no longer in that prisonment of all those words that we were chained to We thank you for forgiveness and we thank you that those words will not produce a harvest And we are on the path of your goodness and your faithfulness and your Blessing because we are in agreement with you and we thank you for it in jesus name Amen Amen.
Amen. Well, hopefully that encouraged you today. Please like, subscribe and share and give this to everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word. Who needs to hear the truth because the truth will set you free. God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day.
Scriptures for today's teaching:
Courtesy of @MelissaStarChild
Gen. 1:26-28
Isaiah 55:1
John 6:63
Job 1:9-11
Job 6:23-25
Matthew 12:34-35
Proverbs 6:2
Proverbs 18:20-21
Thank you Julie and team, great teaching.
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COPYRIGHT 2024 Julie Green Ministries International
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