1 year ago🇧🇷 Tongue Twisters in Portuguese/Trava-linguas em português-A chave do chefe Chaves está no chaveiroBe a polyglot!
3 years agoVaccinated Pregnant Women in Their First or Second Trimester have an 81.8% Chance of MiscarriageBrian Brown - Journeyman Healer
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2 years ago🇺🇸Tongue Twisters-How much wood would a woodchuckchuck, if a woodchuck couldchuck wood?Be a polyglot!
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4 years agoPregnant with Hashimotos Thyroiditis | Pregnancy with Auto-Immune DiseaseRowesRisingVerified
2 years ago🇧🇷 Tongue Twisters/Trava-linguas-O tempo perguntou ao tempo quanto tempo o tempo tem...Be a polyglot!
2 years ago🇮🇹Tongue Twisters/Scioglilingua-Il cane che corre nella corte cade nellacunettaBe a polyglot!
2 years ago🇪🇸 Tongue Twisters/Trabalenguas-El perro de la perrera persigue a los perrosBe a polyglot!
1 year ago🇷🇺 Tongue Twisters in Russian /Скороговорки на русском -Черепаха, не скучая, чассидит за чашкой чая.Be a polyglot!
1 year ago🇸🇦Tongue Twisters/ أعاصير اللسان -الطباخ الذي يطبخ الطعام يطبخ الطعام الذي يطبخهBe a polyglot!
1 year ago🇷🇺 Tongue Twisters in Russian/Скороговорки на русском -Тише мыши, кот на крыше, а котята ещёВышеBe a polyglot!