Children in the System, Fully Trained for their Position by the Age of 10 + Orders for Children, Masonic, Jesuit and Mormon Connections + Possible to Get to Very High Levels with No Knowledge of Having Been Involved Since Childhood & Being Abused
3 Levels of Underground Tunnel Systems and The Horrific Reality of What's Done to Children in the Luciferian Brotherhood; Sexual Slavery, Ritual Killings, Incinerated and Turned into Diamonds, Ashes/Powdered Remains Sold to Food Companies
Child Trafficking in Africa, Breeding Programs, Witchcraft + Why Do So Many Children Go Missing? What is Happening to Them? + Oprah and Other Celebrities
Justin Bieber Video, Yummy Decode, Yummy is a Pedophile Word, Asian + Pink, Child Abduction Codes, Food Like Body Parts, Glasses-Mirrors, Sandwich Face
Katy Perry, Probably Started Early, High Level, Christian Cover Life, Sisters Of Light Nunnery + Wide Awake, Witchcraft, Caterpillar, Alice in Wonderland + Labyrinth, Triggers, Alters, Inner Child, No Reflection, Vampirism, Butterfly, Flash, Looking Glass
Red Shoes Made From Children's Skin, Ritual Killings, Jesuits and Kabbalah Branches, Diamond Rings, Trophies + Demonic Generals Demand Blood, Very Few at Higher Levels Avoid Sacrifices By Using Their Own Blood, Major Seizures
Jessie's Cell Group, 'Encyclopedia' + Satanic Hunting Parties, Children Hunted, Raped and Killed + Brotherhood Members Too Old to Hunt, Jacob Rothschild, Can Still Rape, Engage in Sex Magick + Quintet
Compassion for the Captives, Innocent Children Once + Hearing & Seeing in Spirit World, Jessie Could See True Enemy is Satan & Bloodlusty Demons + Only Way to Get Back at Satan is Steal All His Top People, Bring Them to The Lord & Get Them Out