'Sandy Hook - New High Resolution Photo with Irrefutable Cut and Paste!!!' - 2013

1 year ago

Published on Jan 18, 2013

Complete playlist of Sandy Hook Conspiracy:


I can find no other explanation for this.

Link to HI RES photo:

Link to LOW RES video screenshot at 1:40 minutes:

Please, download the picture, blow it up and follow along.

All negative comments that do not address the specific findings and focus on stirring up emotion and hatred will be removed.

7 months ago

I have satellite imagery taken early morning on Dec.14th 2012 directly over sandy hook. This image proves beyond any doubt the US govt planned, funded and implemented the sandy hook hoax. Search "SandyHookChemtrails". i made an 11 sec vid of this image. If you cant beleive your own eyes, whos eyes do your beliefs come from?
jack myoff
7 months ago

Spread the word. WE may just have a NEW and UNLIKELY ALLIE... Michael Moore is asking for the CRIME SCENE photos.. and of course is getting DENIED, cause the don't exist..and they are not attacking him for even asking So. let's see what happens.. But remember the Med Examiner freak said "we have VERY good photographers", well, let's see em .... This COULD get interesting.
7 months ago

these "interviews" were staged and sanctioned by the Govt. Shortly after these were scripted accounts were filmed there was a FEDERAL GAG ORDER imposed on ALL parents, survivors, responders, police (local/state), all reporters at the scene, anyone involved in SandyHook is under federal penalty if they talk. 3 months and not 1 interview, personal account, recollection...this was such a sloppy Black Op that they are forcing it to dissapear, blocking FB posts, Youtube vids, and media black outs.
Bill Fred
8 months ago

To the people who want to know more about the photoshopped Parker family photos, I think nodisinfo has the best and most honest analysis of the photos. Find their article titled "It's Madeline with the President, Not Emilie" and draw your own conclustions. The jury is still out.
8 months ago
in reply to Enterthe5t4rz

Where are all the people from Sandy Hook coming forward to validate the claim that this did not occur? Surely, they can't all be in on this conspiracy? How much money would that take? How difficult would that be? People talk, especially when they have a secret. Why not take your investigation to Sandy Hook and see if you can find any squealers?
8 months ago

Why is Emilie's graphically placed picture shown to be so far behind the rest of the family (a mistake), not paying any attention to her in the pic - the dad could have put his left hand around her and held the real daughter in his right to include her in the family - look at this and think logically
8 months ago
in reply to ambulancebutter

Killing children is not something that is beneath these murderous satanic monsters who did this, they did the same thing in the infamous Waco Texas massacre.
9 months ago

Pull up the high res pic linked above and then especially notice the pixel breaks in the straw growing just below her dad's knee and her hand. The resolution is murky and bits of the plant are missing. It appears that there was an attempt to re- paint the entire plant back in after Emilie's body was photoshopped into the picture. What else would explain this?
saint benedict
9 months ago

Rachel Schiavone the alleged best friend of the "hero" Victoria Soto is a pretty famous reptilian celebrity named Sarah Silverman. I think this needs some exposure to proove acting was involved. Also Sarah Silverman was in the "Demand a Plan" anti gun video asking the ptb to come up with a plan on gun violence. Someone expose this!
9 months ago

- Did you know that Anderson Cooper,s mother was Gloria Vanderbilt ??? A N.W.O. PLANT on M.S.M.
9 months ago

I'm a professional graphic designer and before even listening to what you have to say, I looked at the high res photo through the link you provided... all I can say is that it's clear as day the little girl looks Photoshopped into the family picture. Keep up the good work. We know the mainstream media are just parrots for the government and won't keep them honest so it's up to the PEOPLE to do the REAL investigative journalist work. Stay vigilant. Knowledge is power. Truth is freedom.
Jack Wade
9 months ago

I accidentally cut a 240v cable in the garage next to my Laptop, But the page instantly changed I was older and my daughter as tall as I am!!!! AWESOME!!!!! I thought this was disabled years ago, but it's still there!!!! DATA stored in the HALL EFFECT of electric lines jumps time Energy Equals Life dot com
9 months ago

Things are progressing! Check this out! /watch?v=SX8bAmzJa80"

If you appreciate the things I find then might I consider purchasing a few dollars of Sandy Hook Hoax token on the Algorand blockchain https://vestige.fi/asset/1156612691
Things live forever and permanently on the blockchain and if the token gets enough support we can ensure that all of the hard work everyone has done and continues to do doesn't one day get all traces of it eliminated. Keep saving, archiving, seeding, downloading and sharing everything. If you don't you allow them to erase and rewrite history how they see fit. Remember that you pay them to tell you what you can talk about. :)

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