Bill Cooper talks about Alex Jones shortly before his death + Read the info below the video!

2 years ago

Bill Cooper talks about Alex Jones shortly before his death


He sold us out on Sandyhook and the regime will be looking for a precedent so no one can question official narratives on the internet again. His lawyers didn't go against him or accidentally release records. This was all purposely done and Alex is in on it. Some people don't realize he puts on a good act. A controlled opposition will only speak 95% Truth. He will always steer a conversation away from Zionists and this is a Fact! If needed I will upload a video that shows he covers up for the Zionists

1. – Alex Jones was married to a Jewish woman named Violet Nichols, with whom he has three children.

2. – Alex Jones is funded by at least thirty-four(34) Jewish sponsors and advertisers whom financially support his radio show and websites.

3. – Alex Jones’ flagship radio station, KLBJ AM, in Austin, Texas, is owned by Emmis Communications, a media conglomerate based in Indianapolis, Indiana. The founder, chairman, president, and CEO of Emmis Communications is the Zionist Jeffrey Smulyan.

4. – Alex Jones’ radio show is broadcast on Sirius XM Radio. The chairman of Sirius XM Radio is the Jew Eddy Hartenstein. The CEO of Sirius XM Radio is the Jew Mel Karmazin. The President of Sirius XM Radio is the Jew Scott Greenstein. Of the six executive officers of Sirius XM Radio, five are Jews.

5. – Alex Jones employs a Jewish attorney named Elizabeth Morgan who is also employed by Holly Lev Bronfman, the sister of Edgar Bronfman, Jr. Thus there are only two degrees of separation between Alex Jones and the Bronfman family, one of the wealthiest and most influential Jewish Zionist families in North America.

6. – Alex Jones’ employee Molly Maroney, the managing editor of Infowars Magazine, is a former intern for Stratfor, a private intelligence agency based in Austin, Texas, which has been linked to the C.I.A. and Mossad. The founder and CEO of Stratfor is a Zionist Jew named George Friedman. Thus there are only two degrees of separation between Alex Jones and Stratfor.

7. – Alex Jones’ parents David Jones and Carol Hamman have been employed by the C.I.A. in the past. Alex Jones’ deceased uncle Bill Hamman was employed by the C.I.A. and U.S. Army Special Forces. Alex Jones’ cousin Verna Grayce Chao is currently employed as a C.I.A. contractor by Dell (previously by IBM). Alex Jones’ other cousin Buckley Hamman was one of the original founders of Infowars in 1995. Thus there are only two degrees of separation between Alex Jones and the Central Intelligence Agency.

8. Alex Jones’ father testified in court on Monday, April 24th, saying in part that he has made “millions of dollars” over the past several years creating front companies that contract business with Infowars. Alex Jones’ mother testified in court on Friday, April 21st, saying in part that Infowars is a “family business” and that she and Alex Jones’ father are both heavily involved in all aspects of the Infowars operation. Since Alex Jones has already stated in the past that both of his parents were/are C.I.A. operatives, these recent admissions from Alex Jones’ parents constitute direct evidence that Infowars is a covert U.S. Govt. intelligence operation.

Controlled opposition. Learn who you’re following and when you realize they’re all leading you astray. Turn to the ONE who won’t....Jesus.

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