FORECLOSURE DENIED: Montgomery vs Daly, and the Credit River Decision - Defeating the Globalist Crime Syndicate on Their Own Turf Can Be A Perilous Undertaking
FREE ALL HUMANS FROM BIRTH CERTIFICATE BOND(AGE) -- Santos Bonacci outside court, Melbourne, Australia April 1st. 2014 -- Learn more about this through watching the videos linked underneath this video
WAKE THE FU@4 UP PEOPLE!! YOU CANNOT WIN IN A GLOBALIST UCC COURT! Whistleblower McBride Sentenced to 5 Yrs., 8 Mos - BREAKING A vindictive judge in Canberra has thrown the book at a man who revealed war crimes by the Australian military in Afghanistan
INSIDE JOB - How the 2008 Global Financial Crisis (GFC) Came About, and Happened. Watch & understand, and then SEE that everything is being replayed, now again, leading to the MOTHER of ALL COLLAPSES